Get Started with Oracle Express Edition? - sql

I'm novice in oracle.I'm using oracle express 10.2.0 but i don't know how to create my own database and where my database is created.(The path of my new database).

Not to be confused : in Oracle terminology, a database instance (called XE) is automatically created during installation (limitation : there can be only one database instance running at a time in Oracle Express).
What other vendors usually call a database (like in Sql Server) is a Schema in Oracle. To create one, use the CREATE USER command (and not the CREATE SCHEMA command : welcome to the marvelous world of Oracle !), using SQL*Plus or APEX.

I think it's possible to create a database schema through the web administration interface. Check the Getting Started Guide from the Oracle Database 10g Express Edition.
For the path to the files, this article may help: Creating an Oracle (XE) database manually on XP.

Creating a new database is easiest with the web frontend. Look inside the start menu for oracle.

Oracle 10g XE comes with the integrated browser interface. You can access it from http://machine-name:port/xe
It is almost similar to Oracle Enterprise manager. You can also try using Oracle Application Express on it, and develop web applications.


How come I have no option to Create Partition?

I have no option to Create Partition on my table.
I thought maybe I had to create a filegroup first, but I have no option for that either under the database properties.
What am I missing?
*This is an Azure database.
We can create partition on table with T-sql like comments mentioned.
As you know, SSMS UI: Create Partition works well with local SQL Server, no option for Azure SQL Database.
Actually, not only the Create Partition option, there many options not support for Azure SQL database. Most documents only say the feature is supported in Azure SQL database with no details.
You could reference this blog:No UI dialogs in MS Azure / SQL Server Management Studio.
The reason is that SSMS do not have the full SSMS Support for Azure SQL database.
A lot of people complained about this in the SQL database feedback:
How can we improve Azure SQL Database?Full Management Studio Support
Such as:
"Graham Plowman commented ยท January 23, 2019 17:01
The regular version of SSMS has a UI around all the security and user
management options (and many others), making them a breeze to use.
When SSMS is connected to a SQL Azure database, all this UI
functionality is gone, replaced by bombing out to screens where one
has to type in SQL commands!!
Whatever next ? This was how we used to manage SQL server way back in
the 1990's with version 4.3 before SSMS became a serious tool!!
Kindly add the UI so it is the same as regular SQL installations.
Bombing out to SQL is a highly backward step."
There is still no solution for now.
Hope this helps.

How can i generate a databasediagram in Oracle Application Express?

I need to generate a database diagram automatically from a database script I have.
I have run the sql script and it worked. Right now I need to generate a database diagram using the script I ran.
I am working with Oracle Application Express web based and I googled it but I couldn't find anywhere how to do it. Does anyone know how I can generate automatically a database diagram with the SQL script I have in Oracle Application Express.
Below is my dashboard where do I need to click to generate my database diagram automatically?
APEX does not create a database diagram as you describe. Instead, you should use Oracle SQL Developer, which is a free tool for creating and editing SQL And PL/SQL and Oracle database structures. Included with SQL Developer is a Data Modeler that can reverse engineer a database connection to generate diagrams.

How to connect to SQL developer using my own database

I'm currently using SQL Developer and want to take some time to learn language, run queries etc etc. I'm using a database that Oracle provides called "HR Schema" that is free for download. Now I know that I need to create a "connection" in order run queries onto this database. I begin running into trouble when I want to create my own connection. Can anybody walk me through the steps of creating a new connection? What I do is click the "+" button and click "new connection".
The major problem you have here is that you need to have an Oracle database instance installed before you can have something to connect to.
You have a couple of options here...
Download and use the free version of Oracle: Oracle Express Edition
You mentioned that you are a student. Check with your professor to see if they offer a more robust edition of Oracle for student use, such as:
a. Oracle Personal Edition
b. Oracle Standard Edition
c. Oracle Enterprise Edition
If you have the available funds, and you intend on persuing a future in database work, you could purchase a license of one of the above mentioned editions.
You can read more about the various editions of Oracle here.
One thing to keep in mind here is that you are wanting to use the sample schemas that Oracle provides, in particular the "HR" schema. Taking a look at the installation documentation over at the Oracle site, I do not see mention of the Express edition of Oracle server on the availability table, but that may not mean that it wont work.
To address the connection portion of your question, once you get your database set up and running, you should be able to connect to it by providing the hostname (localhost for connecting to your local machine), port, and various other information such as username and password. In all, your connection string would likely look like the following:
Host=localhost; SID=MyOracleServer; port=1677; Min Pool Size=1;
Connection Lifetime=600; User ID=EhBabay; Password=secretpassword123;
Or within SQL Developer you should be able to connect to your local instance of the Oracle database fairly easily, without having to create a connection string. The connection string would still be used though, within any applications you write that you want to connect to the database with.
The main thing here, however is that you need to have an instance of an Oracle database installed and running somewhere that you have access to.

Is it possible to create a database link between an Oracle Express 11g database to a SQL Server or do I need full 11g?

Is it possible to create a database link between an Oracle Express 11g database to a SQL Server Database? I've succeeded in getting the connection to work the other way around but I wasn't sure if this is possible with the express edition or whether I'd need the full blown 11g installation.
According to the license agreement it appears that you cannot do so (see the section on integration features which are not included in particular)

SQL Azure schema upgrade strategy

i'm currently working on a asp.mvc application with entity framework as db backend which will be running on ms azure platform.
on my development machine i'm running a sqlexpress instance which hosts my development database (like i said may app connects via entity framework to it).
deploying the database schema from my local sqlexpress to sql azure is pretty easy via the entity framework database generation wizard (for whatever reasons the wizard always wants to create some clustered indexes which i correct manually in the generated sql file).
but i can't figure out a way to keep my data! the auto generated sql script always dumps all my tables and creates new ones...thats ok for initial setup, but not to upgrade a existing database.
there must be a nice way to perform a schema update without dataloss...please help! i have already tried sql management studio (r2) and SQLAzureMW (available on codeplex)...but they don't do the job :(
please don't tell me i have to code my own tool to do that!
looking for your help
Edit: here's how i do it now
I use the SQL scripts created by the EF migration wizard for my local SQL Express and modify them myself to be compatible with SQL Azure. Is less work that one might think and works perfect :)
Have you tried to use BCP to export and then import your data? I believe you should be able to use BCP to export data from your SQL Express instance into a file, and then import data from the file into SQL Azure. The SQL Azure team has a blog posting that describes using BCP with SQL Azure - Link.
Additionally, in the future, the upcoming release of SQL Azure Data Sync CTP2 might be able to help you out.
Out of curiosity, what problems where you having with SQLAzureMW?
RedGate is famous for SQL server synchronization and data synchronization for deployment purposes.
They have a v9 beta out of their DataCompare and SchemaCompare products that are compatible with SQL Azure. I've been using both successfully and like them alot.
They are pricey when purchased, if you are a small business.
This sounds vary similar to this question, the only answer to which is "wait for the next version of entity framework". I'll admit that I don't use EF, but I make my changes to tables the old school way with SQL Server Management Studio and scripts. ALTER TABLE FTW.
EDIT: If you don't have access to SQL Server Management studio, the new version of the SQL Azure portal includes a Silverlight based application that allows you to run queries and scripts