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Closed 7 years ago.
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I'm (manually) testing a RESTful API that makes full use of GET/POST/PUT/DELETE methods. Rather than using cURL on the command line to quickly test different input options, it would be handy if there were a windows GUI application to make this easier. Does anything like that exist?
Use Poster with Firefox.
I know this post is a bit old, but Dev HTTP Client for Chrome is by far the best plugin I've found.
Along with providing a nice UI that pretty formats responses (like JSON and XML), it allows you to save any requests. IMHO, the best feature is the ability to set different "contexts" and set variables. For instance, you can have a "production" and "dev" context, each with a "host" variable. Then your request string could be http://${host}/foo.
Insomnia is a beautiful desktop application for Windows, Mac and Linux for debugging restful APIs (my personal favourite)
Postman is a Chrome extension for API testing and doing custom http requests. You can save requests for later use, setup different environments (staging, deployment) and collaborate and share requests with others on your team.
HttpRequester for Firefox is similar to Postman.
I like RESTclient. It doesn't format HTML, though (I assume Poster does), so if you get a 500 error you get to dredge through the return text yourself.
Found a useful (free) web tool for this that now exists!
Also XHR POSTER with Chrome
I would say has a better UI then Poster.
XHR has been giving me problems. DHC by Restlet for Chrome is pretty nice also.
Fiddler is a very good tool. You can see history of requests, supports all HTTP verbs, completes the request with necessary headers (like Content-Length). The feature you are looking for is called "Request Builder".
In the interest of trying to keep this list up to date, here is an even better, newer Chrome extension: Advanced REST Client
Try gURL:
This is a simple HTTP-request generator, based on curl
Out of all the Firefox extensions I tried, HttpRequester is the best tool for me. It is very clear and doesn't lack a feature.
For Chrome, I would recommend Advanced REST client or Postman.
Paw for OS X is pretty nice. $29.99 as of this writing.
I think Hurl is a great candidate for that?
The Google One-Tap Sign-Up documentation web page displays the following message:
This API is currently in closed beta. We are improving the API's cross-browser functionality and will provide updates here in the coming months.
Is One-Tap Sign-Up safe for production use currently?
Also while testing the functionality I was not able to test this on non-Chrome browsers successfully. Is this available for browsers other than Chrome?
was also looking for a clear answer to this
from troubleshooting page:
...If you see the warning The client origin is not permitted to use this API, your service has not yet been accepted to the beta. New sign-ups to this beta are currently closed.
They also have a supported browser \ os table on there
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Closed 4 years ago.
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How do I can create an API with laravel 5, That will be used for login /register for mobile app? Is there any useful tutorial for this type of API.
Like when someone sends a request from a mobile application, I need to authenticate and then send the proper response against that request.
I've made a very simple version in jQuery format as for example and hosted on GitHub.
Here are all the changes from a fresh Laravel: See all changed files
Feel free to adapt to your code.
You can check the step in each commit.
Create the project (Don't forget to run php artisan make:auth)
Make login support AJAX request (instead of auto redirect) 1a47de4
Login with AJAX (submit login data via AJAX, Please CSRF token header) 80be34d
Make register support AJAX (same as step 2) 89f6dd7
Register via AJAX (Same as step 3) ab8d2d7
Use redirect path from Laravel (Bonus) 27b9a1c4
By the way, for the mobile app, you may need to use access token instead. My example is for web app session. Laravel already have the particular method already just twist a bit.
If you need to create a login register with laravel you can simply use the Heto Multi auth.. All the required details are there..
Heto Multi Auth
Hope This will be helpful
There is a popular tool named - Dingo API which is specially created for Laravel / Lumen Frameworks and is meant to provide you, a set of tools to help you easily and quickly build your own APIs.
The package provide you with these set of features:
Content Negotaition
API Versioning
Formated / Transformed Responses
API Blueprint Documentation
and much more.
You can find the full documentation of Dingo API here >>
Creating a REST Api on Laravel isn’t very difficult. All we need to keep in mind is that where to start and how to prepare RestFull resources. As usual, you can follow this link: Build Rest Resources With Laravel
And if you want that your API works with Mobile Applications you should use tymon/jwt-auth package.
you can find the tutorial to work with laravel and tymon/jwt-auth in this link: Create an API Server for Mobile Apps using Laravel
The tymon/jwt-auth contains:
Installation of the package.
Creating Tokens
And the link for tymon/jwt-auth package is:
tymon/jwt-auth package
Here is a solution that shows how to set up register/login/logout endpoints but he changes it slighlty so we don't get the nice effects of too many login attempts etc.
I am still looking for a tutorial on how to do this, will share when I find.
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We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations.
Closed last year.
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I'm currently using the Joomla 3.3.6 and need to find a REST API to access the content information, user information and etc. I already tried to use the following REST API, which is developed by TechJoomla, but unable to find a proper documentation about the sample requests, authentication process and so on.
And also i considered the jbackend REST API which is developed as an extension for joomla which seems to be a paid extension.
After lot of googling i'm still struggling to find a REST API to access the Joomla content. Please help me with this issue.
Thank you in advance.
I ran into the same issue as well which is why I ended up developing a RESTful API for Joomla 3.4.x, powered by the Slim PHP micro-framework. Please note that this is a commercial Joomla package.
The package includes the following:
Services Control Panel component
Joomla "services" add-on library which includes a version of Slim v2.6.2 (along with several other libraries) obtain via composer and normally found in the vendor folder. More on this later...
Services Joomla Plugin
Services REST Plugin
Services Slim Configuration Plugin
Slim JSON API View plugin
Slim JSON API Middleware plugin
You might ask, "What is the point of all these plugins?"
The answer is that it allows for compartmentalization of functionality of the core components and opens the door for an easily extensible services routes architecture. Note that new plugins could easily be added with Joomla ACL restricting access to those new routes, for example.
The Services Control Panel allows for creation of tokens on a per-user basis (or even multiple tokens per Joomla user). It also allows the end user to configure the Slim micro-framework parameters and even include a threshold for the API rate-limiting functionality (currently based on requests-per-minute). Actually, that part is totally awesome as it provides live feedback on the state of the API rate threshold within the response header.
The cAPI Core package ("cAPI", short for "Constant API" because everything needs a product name...) is just that - a core package. There is a host of add-ons currently in development, the first one being a secure LDAP JSON API (which connects to Microsoft Active Directory), with lots more cool add-ons to come.
The whole point of all this is to say that, basically, your request has been answered and now a commercially supported solution has finally arrived. Plus, instead of reinventing the wheel, I based the extension on a popular, existing micro-framework (Slim), making it easier for developers to work with or develop on the core, pluggable, framework.
So, you get the best of Joomla (robust ACL, advanced plugin architecture, wealth of extensions) and Sim (proven, standards-compliant, mature RESTful PHP micro-framework), all in one easy to install package.
Exposing a website via an easily queryable API should not be taken lightly. I would hope anyone choosing to do this would implement 100% HTTPS access and security-harden their server(s).
You can find more information here:
Hope this gets you going in the right direction.
One more thing:
I read over your question again and read that part about your need to access users and content. These were actually the first service endpoints I worked on:
- Can be used to log a user in and out and returns the activated Joomla session in the response
- This also provides for multimodal authentication (both via token in header or username & password in URL string). Basically, it works with your needs.
- You force a user logout like this:
Basically, this is tailor-made for driving remote services or, say iOS or Android apps.
(GET,POST,PUT,DELETE) /api/v1/content/...
- Provides ability to create, retrieve, update and delete content
(GET,POST,PUT,DELETE) /api/v1/category/...
- Provides ability to create, retrieve, update and delete categories
and more...
Additional information on available methods can be found here:
It should go without saying that all cAPI Core package improves are included in the annual subscription fee. Add-ons are (will be) billed and supported separately. Now listed in the Joomla Extensions Directory (JED)
Update 2016-03-28
As of cAPI v1.2.1 new methods have been added to allow CRUD for Joomla user and group management. In addition, I am working on a sandbox cluster at to allow potential customers to fully test out the APIs capabilities before subscribing.
Update 2016-09-18
As of cAPI v1.2.5 new methods have been added to allow CRUD actions on API tokens. The API has also been updated with doc-blocks which can auto-generate a Swagger.json. cAPI includes both a back-end and front-end view for accessing the complete API docs generated by Swagger UI.
Finally, along with and are now live and allow visitors to test the API docs. Soon, they will be configured to auto-reset so that accounts can be distributed to customers so they may fully test the API on their own.
I would recommend jBackend for this.
Further details are discussed at
You might find this helpful Create Your First RESTful Web Service For Joomla! 3 With Lumen - Introduction
I've tried to evaluate my website with PageSpeed and I saw most warnings (Leverage browser caching, combine external javascript...) come from Google Maps API integration.
So my question is, is there a way to use it as PageSpeed would like?
Probably not, the external js files can change. If you combine them or host them locally with expires headers you may encounter bugs when they change.
I suggest to read this article in Google Blog:
Asynchronously loading JavaScript on your pages can give you huge performance wins. We have just updated all of our JavaScript Maps API samples and you can make these changes to your site, too. Read on to find out what we did and how it works, or skip straight to Unblocking scripts to see what you can start to update on your site today.
I was asked to build a control-system for a Ebay-like Finnish auction-site
The system would reopen closed auctions by a specific rules. It would be completely external from the main site, running at an external website.
The site is however unwilling to release its API and Schema. I know no way to build such a system without knowing its API.
How do you build an internet site without its API and Schema?
You could try some form of automatic browsing: mechanize
Examples here.
I think you're asking about building a site that interacts with another site without using a well-defined API. Is that right?
You can interact with an external site without using an official API - in order to do so, you need to imitate a normal site visitor and send your requests to the site frontend (in much the same way as a web crawler does). Tools like hpricot, mechanize and curl can help you parse the content of pages and send requests, but in doing so your system may be quite brittle. Any change to the target site might mean you have to rewrite portions of your system.
It might be possible to get the data you need by screen scraping the site. You could perform the operations you want to do by POSTing data into their forms or using a WebClient type API to make your program act like a web browser but that's likely to be an extremely brittle solution.
Honestly though, without an API, there really is no good solution.
you either need access to the database or an API, otherwise no point in even trying.