Setting a font color in VBA - vba

I want to set the font color of a cell to a specific RGB value.
If I use
ActiveCell.Color = RGB(255,255,0)
I do get yellow, but if I use a more exotic RGB value like:
ActiveCell.Color = RGB(178, 150, 109)
I just get a grey color back.
How come can't I just use any RGB value? And do you know any workarounds?

Excel only uses the colors in the color palette. When you set a cell using the RGB value, it chooses the one in the palette that is the closest match. You can update the palette with your colors and then choose your color and that will work.
This will let you see what is currently in the palette:
Public Sub checkPalette()
Dim i As Integer, iRed As Integer, iGreen As Integer, iBlue As Integer
Dim lcolor As Long
For i = 1 To 56
lcolor = ActiveWorkbook.Colors(i)
iRed = lcolor Mod &H100 'get red component
lcolor = lcolor \ &H100 'divide
iGreen = lcolor Mod &H100 'get green component
lcolor = lcolor \ &H100 'divide
iBlue = lcolor Mod &H100 'get blue component
Debug.Print "Palette " & i & ": R=" & iRed & " B=" & iBlue & " G=" & iGreen
Next i
End Sub
This will let you set the palette
Public Sub setPalette(palIdx As Integer, r As Integer, g As Integer, b As Integer)
ActiveWorkbook.Colors(palIdx) = RGB(r, g, b)
End Sub

A quick tip: the Excel Palette has two rows of colours which are rarely used and can usually be set to custom values without visible changes to other peoples' sheets.
Here's the code to create a reasonable set of 'soft-tone' colours which are far less offensive than the defaults:
Public Sub SetPalePalette(Optional wbk As Excel.Workbook)
' This subroutine creates a custom palette of pale tones which you can use for controls, headings and dialogues
' Nigel Heffernan
' The Excel color palette has two hidden rows which are rarely used:
' Row 1: colors 17 to 24
' Row 2: colors 25 to 32 - USED BY SetGrayPalette in this workbook
' Code to capture existing Screen Updating settting and, if necessary,
' temporarily suspend updating while this procedure generates irritating
' flickers onscreen... and restore screen updating on exit if required.
Dim bScreenUpdating As Boolean
bScreenUpdating = Application.ScreenUpdating
If bScreenUpdating = True Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
End If
'If Application.ScreenUpdating <> bScreenUpdating Then
' Application.ScreenUpdating = bScreenUpdating
'End If
If wbk Is Nothing Then
Set wbk = ThisWorkbook
End If
With wbk
.Colors(17) = &HFFFFD0 ' pale cyan
.Colors(18) = &HD8FFD8 ' pale green.
.Colors(19) = &HD0FFFF ' pale yellow
.Colors(20) = &HC8E8FF ' pale orange
.Colors(21) = &HDBDBFF ' pale pink
.Colors(22) = &HFFE0FF ' pale magenta
.Colors(23) = &HFFE8E8 ' lavender
.Colors(24) = &HFFF0F0 ' paler lavender
End With
If Application.ScreenUpdating <> bScreenUpdating Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = bScreenUpdating
End If
End Sub
Public Sub SetGreyPalette()
' This subroutine creates a custom palette of greyshades which you can use for controls, headings and dialogues
' Nigel Heffernan
' The Excel color palette has two hidden rows which are rarely used:
' Row 1: colors 17 to 24 ' - USED BY SetPalePalette in this workbook
' Row 2: colors 25 to 32
' Code to capture existing Screen Updating settting and, if necessary,
' temporarily suspend updating while this procedure generates irritating
' flickers onscreen... remember to restore screen updating on exit!
Dim bScreenUpdating As Boolean
bScreenUpdating = Application.ScreenUpdating
If bScreenUpdating = True Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
End If
'If Application.ScreenUpdating <> bScreenUpdating Then
' Application.ScreenUpdating = bScreenUpdating
'End If
With ThisWorkbook
.Colors(25) = &HF0F0F0
.Colors(26) = &HE8E8E8
.Colors(27) = &HE0E0E0
.Colors(28) = &HD8D8D8
.Colors(29) = &HD0D0D0
.Colors(30) = &HC8C8C8
' &HC0C0C0 ' Skipped &HC0C0C0 - this is the regular 25% grey in the main palette
.Colors(31) = &HB8B8B8 ' Note that the gaps are getting wider: the human eye is more sensitive
.Colors(32) = &HA8A8A8 ' to changes in light greys, so this will be perceived as a linear scale
End With
'The right-hand column of the Excel default palette specifies the following greys:
' Colors(56) = &H333333
' Colors(16) = &H808080
' Colors(48) = &H969696
' Colors(15) = &HC0C0C0 ' the default '25% grey'
' This should be modified to improve the color 'gap' and make the colours easily-distinguishable:
With ThisWorkbook
.Colors(56) = &H505050
.Colors(16) = &H707070
.Colors(48) = &H989898
' .Colors(15) = &HC0C0C0
End With
If Application.ScreenUpdating <> bScreenUpdating Then
Application.ScreenUpdating = bScreenUpdating
End If
End Sub
You may choose to write a 'CaptureColors' and 'ReinstateColors' function for each workbook's Open() and BeforeClose() events... Or even for each worksheet's activate and deactivate event.
I have code lying around somewhere that creates a 'thermal' colour gradient for 3-D charts, giving you a progression from 'Cold' blue to 'Hot' reds in thirty-two steps. This is harder than you might think: a gradient of colors that will be perceived as 'equal intervals' by the human visual system (which runs on a logarithmic scale of intensity and has nonlinear weightings for red, green and blue as 'strong' colours) takes time to construct - and you have to use VBA to coerce MS Chart into using the colours you specify, in the order you specified.

Sub color()
bj = CStr(Hex(ActiveCell.Interior.Color))
If Len(bj) < 6 Then
Do Until Len(bj) = 6
bj = "0" & bj
End If
R = CLng("&H" & Right(bj, 2))
bj = Left(bj, Len(bj) - 2)
G = CLng("&H" & Right(bj, 2))
bj = Left(bj, Len(bj) - 2)
B = CLng("&H" & bj)
End Sub

Thank you for the answers and the comments as well.
It really gave me great trouble because my client had other plugins installed into Excel which also tampered with the color palette.
I ended up replacing a few colors in the palette an then asigning my elements the specific ColorIndex, but boy, it's not pretty.


How do I select format an active selection of words in a textbox

I'm trying to explore how do I apply some formatting to only few selected words in a textbox but so far unable to accomplish this myself.
Somehow with the code I created below, I can only use it to select all the words in the textbox instead of just a few words I want.
It would be great if anyone can provide me a simpler/ existing codes that can help me solve this please ?
Thanks in advance
Sub ActiveTextRange()
Dim sld As slide
Dim sh As Shape
Dim wordcount As Long, j As Long, x As Long, y As Long, z As Long
wordcount = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1).textFrame.TextRange.Words.Count
With ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)
.textFrame.TextRange.Words(Start:=1, Length:=wordcount).Font.Color.RGB = RGB(230, 0, 0)
End With
End Sub
The following might help. Key to this is being able to track the location of the specific text you want to change in amongst larger chunks of text; my suggestion is to format each bit of text as you add it to the shape. Cheers.
Option Explicit
Sub ActiveTextRange()
Dim vPresentation As presentation
Dim vSlide As Slide
Dim vShape As Shape
Dim vAddThisText As String
' Create a new presentation, add a slide and a rectangle shape
Set vPresentation = Application.Presentations.Add
Set vSlide = vPresentation.Slides.Add(vPresentation.Slides.Count + 1, ppLayoutBlank)
Set vShape = vSlide.Shapes.AddShape(msoShapeRectangle, 10, 10, 600, 300)
' Make the shape white with a 3pt dark red border
vShape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = rgbWhite
With vShape.Line
.ForeColor.RGB = rgbDarkRed
.Weight = 3
End With
' Setup the shape to be left aligned, font color, top anchored, etc
With vShape.TextFrame
.TextRange.Paragraphs.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = ppAlignCenter
.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = rgbBlack
.VerticalAnchor = msoAnchorMiddle
.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.SpaceAfter = 6
.TextRange.ParagraphFormat.WordWrap = msoCTrue
End With
' And now format the word red, which is the 7th character and is 3 long
vAddThisText = "Hello Red World"
vShape.TextFrame.TextRange.InsertAfter vAddThisText
With vShape.TextFrame.TextRange.Characters(7, 3)
.Font.Color.RGB = rgbRed
' and change other attributes if needed etc
End With
End Sub
And the output is ...
This colors the second and third words red in a Title placeholder. After Words, the first number is the starting position and the second number is the length:
Sub ColorWords()
Dim objSlide As Slide
Dim objShape As Shape
For Each objSlide In ActivePresentation.Slides
For Each objShape In objSlide.Shapes
If objShape.Type = msoPlaceholder Then
If objShape.PlaceholderFormat.Type = ppPlaceholderTitle Or objShape.PlaceholderFormat.Type = ppPlaceholderCenterTitle Then
With objShape.TextFrame2.TextRange.Words(2, 2).Font.Fill
.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
End With
End If
End If
Next objShape
Next objSlide
End Sub
To color a word selection, use:
ActiveWindow.Selection.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(Red:=255, Green:=0, Blue:=0)
OK. I think I better understand the ask ... but I'm assuming in this response you're selecting text ... rather than just a shape itself. So you're editing the powerpoint, select some text in a shape, and want to run a macro to format(?) It should be as simple as creating the following in a code module (and then I created a custom access toolbar link to run the macro at the top of PowerPoint to make it quick):
Option Explicit
Sub ActiveTextRange()
ActiveWindow.Selection.TextRange.Font.Color.RGB = rgbRed
End Sub
Select the text "Red" and run macro:
Btw ... if you want to select just the shape and have some logic choose the text, the concept is a mix of this and my first answer.

Excel VBA - color data labels ("value from cells") according to the font of the source

I have to run many bar charts in excel 2016, each one showing the company performance over the seasons, for a certain country. On top of each bar I'd like to see the %Change in this format [Color10]0%"▲";[Red] -0%"▼". Reason why I added the data labels, and I used the function "value from cells" to show the %Change instead of the amount sold. Now everything is in place, and my percentages are nicely placed on top of the bars, but no way I can color them automatically (positive green and negative red). I tried formatting the labels directly from the format window placed under "numbers", but I discovered it doesn't work at all when the label content is derived using "value from cells".
So I started looking into VBA, but since I'm pretty ignorant about programming, I didn't succeed. I'm looking for a code that changes the data labels of my chart so that they maintain the font of the source (in the source my %Change values are already in the desired format ([Color10]0%"▲";[Red] -0%"▼"). Googling I found different solutions but none worked. I'll post the ones I that look better to me.
Sub legend_color()
Dim SRS As Series
With ActiveChart
For Each SRS In .SeriesCollection
SRS.ApplyDataLabels AutoText:=True, LegendKey:= _False,
ShowValue:=True, _ ShowPercentage:=False,
SRS.DataLabels.Font.ColorIndex = SRS.Border.ColorIndex
Next SRS
End With
End Sub
This one was the only one that actually run, and colored my labels all white. With the following I run into errors.
Sub color_labels()
Dim chartIterator As Integer,
pointIterator As Integer, _seriesArray() As Variant
For chartIterator = 1 To ActiveSheet.ChartObjects.Count
seriesArray=ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects(chartIterator). _Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Values For pointIterator = 1 To UBound(seriesArray)
If seriesArray(pointIterator) >= 0 Then
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects(chartIterator). _
Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(pointIterator).Interior.Color = _RGB(146, 208, 80)
ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Sheet1").ChartObjects(chartIterator). _Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Points(pointIterator).Interior.Color = _RGB(255, 0, 0)
End If
Next pointIterator
Next chartIterator
End Sub
Sub ArrowColour()
Dim ncars As Integer
ncars = Range("A1").Value
With ActiveSheet.Shapes.Range(Array("Down Arrow 1")).Fill
If ncars > 0 Then
.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(0, 176, 80)
.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 0)
End If
End With
End Sub
Option Explicit
Sub ApplyCustomLabels()
Dim rLabels As Range
Dim rCell As Range
Dim oSeries As Series
Dim Cnt As Integer
Set rLabels = Range("C2:C" & Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row)
Set oSeries = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart.SeriesCollection(1)
oSeries.HasDataLabels = True
Cnt = 1
For Each rCell In rLabels
With oSeries.Points(Cnt).DataLabel.Text = rCell.Value.Font.Color =rCell.Font.Color
End With
Cnt = Cnt + 1
Next rCell
End Sub
Thank you very much in advance for all of your help,
If you're just missing the colors then you can format each label using something like:
Sub Tester()
Dim s As Series, dl As DataLabels, d As DataLabel
Dim i As Long, rngLabels
Set s = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1).Chart.SeriesCollection(1)
Set dl = s.DataLabels
'Option 1: set label color based on label value
For i = 1 To dl.Count
With dl(i)
.Font.Color = IIf(Val(.Text) < 0, vbRed, vbGreen)
End With
Next i
'Option 2: set label color based on label source cell
' Note use of DisplayFormat to pick up custom
' formatting colors
Set rngLabels = Range("C7:C13")'<< source range for data labels
For i = 1 To dl.Count
dl(i).Font.Color = rngLabels(i).DisplayFormat.Font.Color
Next i
End Sub

Excel: How to retrieve the frozen range of the Worksheet programmatically?

I'm using VSTO to build an Excel add-in.
I want to build two functions. The first one, stores the frozen range at my Excel.Range variable called RNG and then unfreeze panes, using the following command.
Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = False
The second function selects the range and freezes it again. With the following
Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
What i don't know is how to store the frozen range before unfreeze the window.
Does someone can help me with doing this, or knows some other workaround?
With #Byron 's help, I solved my problem. Here is my code!
'Flag that indicates if there is a "frozen" scenario stored in the other variables
Private frozen_scenario As Boolean
'Range that marks the first cell of the frozen header
Private range_freeze_begin As Excel.Range
'Range that marks the the first cell not contained by the frozen header
Private range_freeze_end As Excel.Range
'Range that marks the the first visible cell (in the not fixed pane)
Private first_visible_cell_not_fixed As Excel.Range
'Unfreezes the panes, saving the current scenario
Private Sub unfreezeLines()
With Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveWindow
If .FreezePanes Then
Dim frozen_pane_limit_line As Integer
Dim frozen_pane_limit_column As Integer
frozen_pane_limit_line = .Panes(1).VisibleRange.Rows.Count + 1
frozen_pane_limit_column = .Panes(1).VisibleRange.Columns.Count + 1
If .Panes.Count = 2 Then
If .Panes(1).VisibleRange(1, 1).Row = .Panes(2).VisibleRange(1, 1).Row Then
frozen_pane_limit_line = 1
frozen_pane_limit_column = 1
End If
Me.first_visible_cell_not_fixed = .Panes(2).VisibleRange(1, 1)
Else '4 panes
Me.first_visible_cell_not_fixed = .Panes(4).VisibleRange(1, 1)
End If
Me.range_freeze_begin = .Panes(1).VisibleRange(1, 1)
Me.range_freeze_end = Me.sheet.Cells(frozen_pane_limit_line, frozen_pane_limit_column)
Me.frozen_scenario = True
.FreezePanes = False
End If
End With
End Sub
'Recovers the frozen state, exactly like it was when the first function was called
Private Sub recuperaLinhasCongeladas()
If Me.frozen_scenario Then
'Creating the frozen header again
Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Goto(Me.range_freeze_begin, True)
Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True
'Showing the same cell at the top
Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.Goto(Me.first_visible_cell_not_fixed, True)
Me.frozen_scenario = False
End If
End Sub

Determining if AutoShapes overlap/occlude in Excel and moving vertically to resolve

I am using some VBA code to create an autoshape and a text box, group them, and move to a vertical and horizontal position based on cell positions.
The code will look at user input to create and group the shape & textbox, and will usually create over 100 shapes, many of which will overlap. Currently, the groups are placed with reference to the top of a row; I want to separate them so that they don't overlap.
I would like to be able to determine if a group overlaps another group, and if so, to move it down 25pts. Given that this check would need to then determine if the new position also overlaps, it's becoming a bit too complicated for my skill level (self-taught beginner.)
I have researched this extensively, and I've come across the following VBA code:
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Dim sh As Worksheet
Set sh = wb.ActiveSheet
Dim s1 As Shape
Dim s2 As Shape Dim CheckOverlap As Boolean
For i = 1 To 10 'sh.Shapes.Count
If i <= sh.Shapes.Count Then
Set s1 = sh.Shapes(i)
CheckOverlap = False
For Each s2 In Worksheets("Plan").Shapes
If s2.Left < (s1.Left + s1.Width) And s2.Top < (s1.Top + s1.Height) Then
CheckOverlap = True
Exit For
End If
If CheckOverlap = True Then
s2.Top = s2.Top + 30
End If
End If
End Sub
I found the basis of the code here:
Hit-Testing and Resolving Occlusion of AutoShapes in Excel
However, I haven't been able to figure it out how to make it check whether overlap occurs vertically as well as horizontally, as well as the multiple-overlap problem. Currently, if I execute that code, it just moves every shape down even irrespective of whether it overlaps.
If someone could help me out I would really appreciate it! This is the hardest part of my project and I'd love to find a solution.
Many thanks for your help
Try the below code. This should align all the charts on the active sheet vertically 25 points apart
Sub MoveShapes()
Dim IncrementTop, TopPosition, LeftPosition, i as Long
IncrementTop = 0
LeftPosition = 'place the desired starting left position here
TopPosition = 'place the desired starting top position here
For i = 1 To ActiveSheet.Shapes.Count
ActiveSheet.Shapes(i).Left = LeftPosition
ActiveSheet.Shapes(i).Top = TopPosition + IncrementTop
IncrementTop = IncrementTop + 25
Next i
End Sub
Found an answer:
Sub MoveShapes1()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
Dim sh As Worksheet
Set sh = wb.ActiveSheet
Dim s1 As Shape
Dim s2 As Shape
Dim CheckOverlap As Boolean
For i = 1 To sh.Shapes.Count
If i <= sh.Shapes.Count Then
Set s1 = sh.Shapes(i)
CheckOverlap = False
For Each s2 In Worksheets("Plan").Shapes
If s2.ID = s1.ID Then GoTo Suit
If s2.Left <= (s1.Left + s1.Width) And s2.Left >= s1.Left _
And s2.Top <= (s1.Top + s1.Height) And s2.Top >= s1.Top Then
s1.Top = s1.Top + 32
CheckOverlap = True
Exit For
End If
If CheckOverlap = True Then GoTo Search
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Excel 2010: how to use autocomplete in validation list

I'm using a large validation list on which a couple of vlookup() functions depend. This list is getting larger and larger. Is there a way to type the first letters of the list item I'm looking for, instead of manually scrolling down the list searching for the item?
I've done some Googling but this suggests that this is indeed possible in earlier versions of Excel, but not in Excel 2010. Hope you guys can help.
Here is a very good way to handle this (found on ozgrid):
Let's say your list is on Sheet2 and you wish to use the Validation List with AutoComplete on Sheet1.
On Sheet1 A1 Enter =Sheet2!A1 and copy down including as many spare rows as needed (say 300 rows total). Hide these rows and use this formula in the Refers to: for a dynamic named range called MyList:
Now in the cell immediately below the last hidden row use Data Validation and for the List Source use =MyList
[EDIT] Adapted version for Excel 2007+ (couldn't test on 2010 though but AFAIK, there is nothing really specific to a version).
Let's say your data source is on Sheet2!A1:A300 and let's assume your validation list (aka autocomplete) is on cell Sheet1!A1.
Create a dynamic named range MyList that will depend on the value of the cell where you put the validation
Add the validation list on cell Sheet1!A1 that will refert to the list =MyList
This is not a real autocomplete as you have to type first and then click on the validation arrow : the list will then begin at the first matching element of your list
The list will go till the end of your data. If you want to be more precise (keep in the list only the matching elements), you can change the COUNTA with a SUMLPRODUCT that will calculate the number of matching elements
Your source list must be sorted
Here's another option. It works by putting an ActiveX ComboBox on top of the cell with validation enabled, and then providing autocomplete in the ComboBox instead.
Option Explicit
' Autocomplete - replacing validation lists with ActiveX ComboBox
' Usage:
' 1. Copy this code into a module named m_autocomplete
' 2. Go to Tools / References and make sure "Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library" is checked
' 3. Copy and paste the following code to the worksheet where you want autocomplete
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' - autocomplete
' Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
' m_autocomplete.SelectionChangeHandler Target
' End Sub
' Private Sub AutoComplete_Combo_KeyDown(ByVal KeyCode As msforms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
' m_autocomplete.KeyDownHandler KeyCode, Shift
' End Sub
' Private Sub AutoComplete_Combo_Click()
' m_autocomplete.AutoComplete_Combo_Click
' End Sub
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' When the combobox is clicked, it should dropdown (expand)
Public Sub AutoComplete_Combo_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet
Dim cbo As OLEObject: Set cbo = GetComboBoxObject(ws)
Dim cb As ComboBox: Set cb = cbo.Object
If cbo.Visible Then cb.DropDown
End Sub
' Make it easier to navigate between cells
Public Sub KeyDownHandler(ByVal KeyCode As MSForms.ReturnInteger, ByVal Shift As Integer)
Const UP As Integer = -1
Const DOWN As Integer = 1
Const K_TAB_______ As Integer = 9
Const K_ENTER_____ As Integer = 13
Const K_ARROW_UP__ As Integer = 38
Const K_ARROW_DOWN As Integer = 40
Dim direction As Integer: direction = 0
If Shift = 0 And KeyCode = K_TAB_______ Then direction = DOWN
If Shift = 0 And KeyCode = K_ENTER_____ Then direction = DOWN
If Shift = 1 And KeyCode = K_TAB_______ Then direction = UP
If Shift = 1 And KeyCode = K_ENTER_____ Then direction = UP
If Shift = 1 And KeyCode = K_ARROW_UP__ Then direction = UP
If Shift = 1 And KeyCode = K_ARROW_DOWN Then direction = DOWN
If direction <> 0 Then ActiveCell.Offset(direction, 0).Activate
End Sub
Public Sub SelectionChangeHandler(ByVal Target As Range)
On Error GoTo errHandler
Dim ws As Worksheet: Set ws = ActiveSheet
Dim cbo As OLEObject: Set cbo = GetComboBoxObject(ws)
Dim cb As ComboBox: Set cb = cbo.Object
' Try to hide the ComboBox. This might be buggy...
If cbo.Visible Then
cbo.Left = 10
cbo.Top = 10
cbo.ListFillRange = ""
cbo.LinkedCell = ""
cbo.Visible = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.WindowState = Application.WindowState
End If
If Not HasValidationList(Target) Then GoTo ex
Application.EnableEvents = False
' TODO: the code below is a little fragile
Dim lfr As String
lfr = Mid(Target.Validation.Formula1, 2)
lfr = Replace(lfr, "INDIREKTE", "") ' norwegian
lfr = Replace(lfr, "INDIRECT", "") ' english
lfr = Replace(lfr, """", "")
lfr = Application.Range(lfr).Address(External:=True)
cbo.ListFillRange = lfr
cbo.Visible = True
cbo.Left = Target.Left
cbo.Top = Target.Top
cbo.Height = Target.Height + 5
cbo.Width = Target.Width + 15
cbo.LinkedCell = Target.Address(External:=True)
cb.SelStart = 0
cb.SelLength = cb.TextLength
GoTo ex
Debug.Print "Error"
Debug.Print Err.Number
Debug.Print Err.Description
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
' Does the cell have a validation list?
Function HasValidationList(Cell As Range) As Boolean
HasValidationList = False
On Error GoTo ex
If Cell.Validation.Type = xlValidateList Then HasValidationList = True
End Function
' Retrieve or create the ComboBox
Function GetComboBoxObject(ws As Worksheet) As OLEObject
Dim cbo As OLEObject
On Error Resume Next
Set cbo = ws.OLEObjects("AutoComplete_Combo")
On Error GoTo 0
If cbo Is Nothing Then
'Dim EnableSelection As Integer: EnableSelection = ws.EnableSelection
Dim ProtectContents As Boolean: ProtectContents = ws.ProtectContents
Debug.Print "Lager AutoComplete_Combo"
If ProtectContents Then ws.Unprotect
Set cbo = ws.OLEObjects.Add(ClassType:="Forms.ComboBox.1", Link:=False, DisplayAsIcon:=False, _
Left:=50, Top:=18.75, Width:=129, Height:=18.75) = "AutoComplete_Combo"
cbo.Object.MatchRequired = True
cbo.Object.ListRows = 12
If ProtectContents Then ws.Protect
End If
Set GetComboBoxObject = cbo
End Function
Building on the answer of JMax, use this formula for the dynamic named range to make the solution work for multiple rows:
Excel automatically does this whenever you have a vertical column of items. If you select the blank cell below (or above) the column and start typing, it does autocomplete based on everything in the column.
As other people suggested, you need to use a combobox. However, most tutorials show you how to set up just one combobox and the process is quite tedious.
As I faced this problem before when entering a large amount of data from a list, I can suggest you use this autocomplete add-in . It helps you create the combobox on any cells you select and you can define a list to appear in the dropdown.
Create sheet name as Namelist. In column A fill list of data.
Create another sheet name as FillData for making data validation list as you want.
Type first alphabet and select, drop down menu will appear depend on you type.