Is there a list of the common show routines in Vxworks? - vxworks

In the vxWorks shell, there are a number of routines you can use to display information about the system.
These routines are usually referred to as show routines because they tend to have the form of "xxxShow".
Is there a list of these routines available?

I work with VxWorks 5.5 and use the symbol lookup function "lkup" to find functions and/or variables that I may be interested in.
Execute the following command where ">" is the VxWorks shell prompt.
> lkup "Show"
This will output a list of symbols that include the "Show" in their name, including all of the "Show" functions. The lkup command is interactive and will prompt you if there is more than one console screen worth of symbols before continuing.

There is no comprehensive list of all the show routines available. This will depend on your kernel configuration and what components are included.
Here are a few show routines that I have found useful in the past.
adrSpaceShow(details 0, 1) - Show details of the Address Space, including physical address, User Region address and kernel virtual mapping.
envShow(taskId) - Show environment for a given task
iosDevShow - Show loaded I/O Devices
iosDrvShow - Show I/O Device Driver Function Table
iosFdShow - show open File Descriptors
memShow - show memory usage statistics
moduleShow - show downloaded modules
objShowAll - show the list of all the objects in the system (semaphores, tasks, msgQs, etc...)
objShow (objectId) - show detailed information about an object


Configure .eds file to map channels of a CANopen Client PLC

In Order use a PLC as a Client (formerly “Slave”), one has to configure the PDO channels, since the default values of the manufacturer are often not suitable. In my case, I need the PDOs so send INT valued instead of the default UNSIGNED8 (see. Picture).
Therefore my question: What kind of workflow would you recommend, to map the CANopen Client PDO channels?
I found the following workflow suitable, however I appreciate any improvements and recommendations from your side!
Start by locating the .eds file from the manufacturer. The image show this in the B&R Automation Studio Programming Environment
Open the file in a eds. Editor. I found the free Vector CANEds Editor very useful. Delete all RxPODs and RxPDO mappings that you don’t need.
Assign the needed Data Type (e.g. INTEGER16) and Channel Name (“1 Byte In (1)”).
Add the necessary PDOs and PDO mapping from the database. (This might actually be a bug, but if you just edit the PDOs without deleting and recreating them, I always receive error messages)
Map the Date to the Channels
Don't forget to write the number of channels in the first entry (in this image: 1601sub0)
Check the eds file for Errors (press F5) and copy&paste the eds file to the original location point 1.)
Add the PLC Client device in Automation Studio and you should see the correct mappings.
(PS: I couldn't make the images smaller ... any recommendations about formating this question are welcome!)

omnet++ Inet - Simulating dynamic access point behaviour

I have to create a particular simulation for a college project. The simulation should feature several mobile nodes cyclically switch between 802.11 access point and station modes. While in station mode, nodes should read the SSIDs of access points around them, and then they should change their SSID in AP mode accordingly. There is no need for connections or data exchange between the nodes beside the SSID reading.
Now, I've been through Omnet/Inet tutorials/documentation (all two of them), and I feel pretty much stuck.
What I could use right now is someone confirming my understanding of the framework giving me some directions on how exactly I should proceed.
From what I understand is Inet does not implement any direct/easy way to do what I'm trying to do. Most examples have fixed connections declared in NED files and hosts with a fixed status (AP or STA) defined in the .ini file.
So my question is basically how do I do that: do I need to extend a module (say, wirelessHost), modifying its runtime behaviour, or should I implement a new application (like UDPApp) to have my node read other SSIDs and change his accordingly? And what is the best way to access an host's SSID?
You may utilize two radios for each mobile node e.g. **.mobilenode[*].numRadios = 2 (see also example in /inet/examples/wireless/multiradio/).
The first radio operates as AP **.mobilenode[*].wlan[0].mgmtType = "Ieee80211MgmtAPSimplified" which has to adapt its SSID.
The second radio serves as STA **.mobilenode[*].wlan[1].mgmtType = "Ieee80211MgmtSTA". Now, you have to sub-class Ieee80211AgentSTA which handles the SSID scanning procedure and has to change the first radio's SSID upon new SSID detection. Then you utilize the adopted sub-class within the simulation. Finally, active scanning has to be activated **.mobilenode[*].wlan[1].agent.activeScan = true.

is ??\c:\windows path legitimate

I am going to check loading and memory path of process to find malicious processes. for example if csrss.exe is executed from other path than Windows\System32 would be considered malicious. But the result of Volatility for common process such as csrss.exe is as follows:
loading path : \??\C:\WINDOWS\system32\csrss.exe
mapped path : \WINDOWS\system32\csrss.exe
or for smss.exe I have
loading path : \SystemRoot\System32\smss.exe
mapped path : \WINDOWS\system32\smss.exe
So are these two paths equal in these two examples or not ? I.e. is \??\C:\WINDOWS == \WINDOWS
or \SystemRoot\System32 == \WINDOWS\system32
No, a ??\C:\... without the leading \ is not valid, to the best of my knowledge. Perhaps some libraries will accept this as input, however, and convert it appropriately. Or perhaps you missed some bits from the paths you copied and pasted?
Either way we'll stick to the (NT flavored) Windows behavior.
However, \??\C:\... definitely is. You can find a comprehensive discussion here and the official documentation here. Some of the aspects we need to know are also explained here.
Some implementation details
Quoting from the Google Project Zero page above:
There are 7 types of path that the Win32 API distinguishes between,
and potentially does different things with. NTDLL has a function,
RtlDetermineDosPathNameType_U, which, given a Unicode string will
return you the path type. We’ll go through each one of these types in
the next section. The following prototype can be used to call this
RTL_PATH_TYPE NTAPI RtlDetermineDosPathNameType_U(_In_ PCWSTR Path);
To follow along, download WinObj from Sysinternals/Microsoft and start it elevated (right-click + "Run as Administrator").
Potentially valid paths you may see
You have a number of path representations (as discussed in-depth in the linked articles). Let's consider the path C:\Windows\System32\csrss.exe you gave:
Win32 path: C:\Windows\System32\csrss.exe (\Windows\System32\csrss.exe would be a variation that depends on the current directory at the time the path is processed, if it is somewhere on C: they should be identical)
NT native path:
Local device path: \\.\C:\Windows\System32\csrss.exe
Root local device path: \\?\C:\Windows\System32\csrss.exe
DOS paths: this is relevant for all paths whose individual path segments are longer than the classic 8.3 DOS path name segments. If configured, a 8.3 DOS name will be generated (usually something in the form of C:\LongPathName -> C:\LONGPA~1) ... this may be important for forensic purposes (you quote volatility), but is mostly legacy behavior.
UNC paths also exist and in fact a local device path (\\.\...) looks like a UNC path with server name . which could even be a thing, considering . is the current directory further down in paths, so why not the current machine up top? Either way, go read the articles if you want to know about those in more detail.
Starting at the top, drilling down
C:\Windows\System32\csrss.exe when passed to an API like CreateFile will be converted to \??\C:\Windows\System32\csrss.exe which the object manager then takes in for processing.
If a relative path was given, there will be additionally processing to convert to a full path, basically.
\\.\C:\Windows\System32\csrss.exe when passed to an API like CreateFile will be "converted" to \??\C:\Windows\System32\csrss.exe after some processing. Just like without the \\.\ prefix some additional processing happens before this path is passed down to the object manager.
\\?\C:\Windows\System32\csrss.exe when passed to an API like CreateFile will be "converted" to \??\C:\Windows\System32\csrss.exe. No further processing happens at the Win32 level. This is basically an escape route straight to the object manager (and in the Fun facts section I'll share a related fun fact).
The object manager view
Receiving a path like \??\C:\Windows\System32\csrss.exe the object manager attempts to find \?? first.
\?? used to be an actual item, these days it is a "view" of \GLOBAL?? overlaid with your session-specific DosDevices.
An example of session-specific DosDevices would be mapped network shares.
For a drive letter F: mapped to \\fileserver\Share
Under the hood you will have a session-specific DosDevices object directory like \Sessions\0\DosDevices\00000000-00261e8a which would contain a symbolic link named F:, pointing to \Device\LanmanRedirector\;F:0000000000261e8a\fileserver\Share ... or similar.
So in essence when looking up names in \?? the object manager will look in your session specific DosDevices, followed by \GLOBAL?? (or was it the other way around? 🤔)
Another example would be VeraCrypt mounted volumes. For example your drive letter T: may map to \Device\VeraCryptVolumeT
Having figured out that C: is \GLOBAL??\C: in our case, the object manager checks what C: is. On my Windows 10 it figures out that this is a symbolic link pointing to \Device\HarddiskVolume3.
Having found the device (and implicitly the driver associated with it) the object manager now will pass the remainder of the path (\Windows\System32\csrss.exe) to the device \Device\HarddiskVolume3, whose driver will hopefully do the right thing, create a file object and so on ...
And now that you know this you can follow along on your system for arbitrary paths.
What about \SystemRoot?
Well, on modern Windows versions the behavior differs a little from how it used to be, but \SystemRoot is a symbolic link resolving to the Windows directory on all NT-based Windows versions I am aware of. The Win32 subsystem parrots this in the %SystemRoot% environment variable (albeit in Win32 path notation).
On my Windows 10 \SystemRoot is a symbolic link to \Device\BootDevice\windows and so the path to a driver (which is the typical use case in the registry) can be expressed much more easily for early boot drivers (less processing needed by the object manager).
As a side note: on my system - as you'd expect - \Device\BootDevice maps to \Device\HarddiskVolume3.
Fun facts
The DosDevices object directory cited in the Google Project Zero article is no longer a thing. These days it's a symbolic link to \?? (not \GLOBAL??).
The subst command line utility allows you to create symbolic links inside your session-specific DosDevices object directory to map some directory path to a drive letter (under the hood uses DefineDosDevice()).
Files are unnamed objects, that is they have no name that could be directly processed by the NT object manager. Instead the remainder of a file name - after reparsing etc - will be passed to the driver responsible for the device object representing the file system volume (i.e. partition). That driver then takes care of making sense of the name.
\REGISTRY\MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem (while this doesn't name a file, it is a perfectly valid native path to what you would see as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\FileSystem
That escape routes named \??\ and \\?\
I mentioned before that the prefix \??\ is an escape route. Consider a file/folder path with a trailing dot, something you will not be able to create or access ordinarily from the Win32 subsystem. Similarly the reserved DOS device names (e.g. NUL, COM1 etc.) cannot be created or manipulated ordinarily.
Little experiment ...
start cmd.exe (Win+R)
go to your desktop folder: cd /d "%USERPROFILE%\Desktop"
Now create a new file test.txt. (note the trailing dot): echo . > \??\%CD%\test.txt. (the %CD% refers to the current directory)
Use Windows Explorer to navigate to your desktop folder. Try to open the file test.txt. by double-clicking. Pick Notepad when it asks you what program to use to open it.
You should see:
... please note the path (without trailing dot).
Now try to delete the file from Windows Explorer. It won't work.
NB: Some alternative file managers like Far or Speed Commander won't have trouble with this!
Now switch back to the command line window and use del /f \\?\%CD%\test.txt.
Did you notice something? I sneakily changed from \??\ to \\?\ because apparently the implementation of del doesn't like the former.
Depending on the implementation of your specific program it can vary whether \??\ or \\?\ is successful.
Another experiment would be to create reserved names like NUL or COM1 or tinker with WSL2's per-directory case-sensitivity.
Win32 may sound outdated, but the Win32 subsystem and the respective "Windows personality" implemented through csrss.exe and its subsystem DLLs (kernel32.dll and friends) was called just that. Besides, if you're picky it may bother you particularly to find out that all the native 64-bit binaries on a modern x64 Windows reside in %SystemRoot%\System32 (<- yes, that's a 32 right there 😁). Enjoy!
Further reading
In addition to the articles from the top, I can recommend these books:
Obviously the Windows Internals book series.
Windows System Programming by Pavel Yosifovich also has some details

Memory Address Range - F7FFF000 converted to what command line option?

First, appreciate you giving this a look. I have an ancient piece of software that writes old Linear PCMCIA cards. In my case, I want to use it in a specialized piece of gear called a Tech2. The software in question is called Memory Card Explorer. Now, I know for a fact it works in Windows XP with Native PCMCIA slots. However, I have a slot that is built on a Dual Systems adapter (basically an Expresscard to PCMCIA adapter).
The issue arises when following the instructions on installation issues, the program refuses to locate the Dual Adapter. Here's the example given in the manual:
"Use a similar address to the PCMCIA adapter. That address can be found using msinfo32.exe.
Eg: if the PCMCIA socket has a memory resource of F8000000 then use a MCE window command of F80D0000 using command line option of WF80D0."
So I get my adapter address which is F7FFF000 but have no idea where to add the "d" to the resource address then change it to a command. I've tried WF7FD0. Am I missing something simple in how these addresses are truncated for command line? Is there a calculator that does the conversion for you somewhere?
It looks like the pattern is to add 0x000D0000 to the address, take the five high nibbles of the address (which makes sense, since these sorts of addresses are typically page-aligned the bottom 3 nibbles will always be 0 on a system with 4KiB pages), and prepend 'W'. Try WF80CF.

Mac OS X: Getting detailed process information (specifically its launch arguments) for arbitrary running applications using its PID

I am trying to detect when particular applications are launched.
Currently I am using NSWorkspace, registering for the "did launch application" notification. I also use the runningApplications method to get apps that are currently running when my app starts.
For most apps, the name of the app bundle is enough. I have a plist of "known apps" that I cross check with the name of that passed in the notification.
This works fine until you come across an app that acts as a proxy for launching another application using command line arguments.
Example: The newly released Portal on the Mac doesn't have a dedicated app bundle. Steam can create a shortcut, which serves as nothing more than to launch the hl2_osx app with the -game argument and portal as it's parameter.
Since more Source based games are heading to the Mac, I imagine they'll use the same method to launch, effectively running the hl2_osx app with the -game argument.
Is there a nice way to get a list of the arguments (and their parameters) using a Cocoa API?
NSProcessInfo comes close, offering an `-arguments' method, but only provides information for its own process...
NSRunningApplication offers the ability to get information about arbitrary apps using a PID, but no command line args...
Is there anything that fills the gap between the two?
I'm trying not to go down the route of spawning an NSTask to run ps -p [pid] and parsing the output... I'd prefer something more high level.
You could use whatever ps uses, though it isn't cocoa based. According to Singh, ps is based on kvm and sysctl calls. Pouring over the source, the pertinant calls seem to be kvm_openfiles, kvm_getprocs and kvm_getargv. To get the command line arguments, first call kvm_openfiles to get access to the kernel memory space, then use kvm_getprocs to get kernel process info, then kvm_getargv.
The use of sysctl in ps seems less relevant to your goal; it's used to get other information, such as the group ID and parent proces ID. The particular sysctl name used is {CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_which, flags}, where which specifies a process filter (e.g. ALL, PID) and flags are arguments for the filter (the details are in the sysctl man page).
OS X doesn't have support procfs, but Singh developed a FUSE based version, released under GPLv2. If you bundle it with your application, you'll have to release it under GPLv2 as well. Most of MacFUSE is released under a BSD-style license, so it can be distributed with your app without making it open source (fusefs/fuse_nodehash.c is released under Apple's open source license, but it also allows linking to closed source apps).
The question "Get other process' argv in OS X using C" should be of use, as it has sample code using kvm and sysctl. TN 2050 "Observing Process Lifetimes Without Polling" may also be of use to you.
Nope - running ps is your best bet. Standard process info interfaces aren't supported on OS X (noop versions were provided in OS X 10.4, but removed thereafter) and the private interfaces are likely to change between OS X revisions.
If you're willing to lock yourself into a single OS X version, all the source is available, for example for ps or libproc; you'll also need to run as root.