How do I fill a region to its bounds with a color on a graphics object? -

I'm playing around and try to make a Coloring book for my children and I have a lots of black and white line drawings that I use as backgrounds so they they can paint on them.
Now, I want to add a FILL-function so they can point and click somewhere where its white in the drawing and then let the function fill the whole region within its bounds with a color.
It would be nice to have a function that by sending in X, Y and a color defined for the boundary and get a region out of it. Then its just about to do e.Graphics.FillRegion (brush,region) to fill it with the color.
But I can't find any function that allowes me doing that, and I think its too much job to trace the boundarys myself.
Have I missed some function in the system.drawing class that does this or do you have any other ideas?
Any other ideas for the coloring book-program are also interesting. (Im making the program safe so you can leave the kid in front of the computer without being afraid of the kid accessing any other things on the computer and have different funny sounds when selecting colors and so on)

If the "boundary" is defined by differently-colored pixels and not a mathematical formula or a Path data structure, you will have to test and fill individual pixels. There is an article on how to flood fill in .Net at Code Project.

Look into flood fill methods. Wikipedia has plenty of information on the subject here.


How to make a PhysicsBody based on Alpha Values

Suppose there there is a scene as follows:
There is a scene with the same size as the frame of the device. The scene has a red ball, which is able to move throughout the 'world'. This world is defined by black and white areas, where the ball is ONLY able to move in the area that is white. Here is a picture to help explain:
Parts of the black area can be erased, as if the user is drawing with white color over the scene. This would mean that the area in which the ball can be moved is constantly changing. Now, how would one go about implementing a physicsBody for the an edge between the white and black areas?
I tried redefining the physicsBody every time it is changed, but once the shape becomes complex enough, this isn't a viable solution at all. I tried creating a two-dimensional array of 'boxes' that are invisible and specify whether most of the area within each box is white or black, and if the ball touched a box that was black, it would be pushed back. However, this required heavy rendering and iterating over the array too much. Since my original array contained boxes a little bigger than a pixel, I tried making these boxes bigger to smooth the motion a little, but this eventually caused part of the ball to be stopped by white areas and appear to be inside the black area. This was undesired, since the user could feel invisible barriers that they seemed to be hitting.
I tried searching for other methods to implement this 'destructible terrain' type scene, but the solutions that I found and tried were using other game engines. To further clarify, I am using Objective-C and Apple's SpriteKit framework; and I am not looking for a detailed class full of code, but rather some pseudo-code or implementation ideas that would lead me to a solution.
Thank you.
If your deployment target is iOS 8, this may be what you're looking for...
+ bodyWithTexture:alphaThreshold:size:
Here's a description from Apple's documentation
Creates a physics body from the contents of a texture. Only texels
that exceed a certain transparency value are included in the physics
where a texel is a texture element. You will need to convert an image to the texture before creating the SKPhysicsBody.
I'm not sure if it will allow for a hole in the middle like your drawing. If not, I suspect you can connect two physics bodies, a left half and a right half, to form the hole.

What is the use of System.Drawing.Graphics.Clear(Color pColor) method?

Well, I'm resizing an image in VB.NET. I have predefined algorithm that converts the image into particular size.
I just found a bug in the algorithm which causes white linings on right side of the image. After debugging the code i found that,
Dim grReturn As Drawing.Graphics = Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bmpReturn)
causes the issue. I tried googling the issue and found just a single MSDN link which says it clears the entire drawing surface and fills it with the specified background color.
And i am not able to understand what it says!
I am able to remove white linings from my output image by commenting this Clear function. As i don't know what this function actually does, i can not remove it.
So if anyone could help me understanding the method? Will it cause any other issue if i remove this method?
Clear method simply draws the background of the graphics to the provided color code.
As per Varocarbas comment above question,
"The explanation you are posting sounds pretty descriptive: it sets
the background of the graphic (future image) to the given color. From
what you are saying, your problem is not provoked because this code
"draws lines", but because it makes the whole background white and the
size of bmpReturn does not occupy all this background (and thus the
white lines you see are not more than parts of the background). If you
don't want this effect, just don't use this line of code; and, in
general, you shouldn't use code whose exact functionality is not clear
to you"

Is there a way to take an image file and make its background transparent via VB .NET?

We have a system where people are being taken a face shot via a DSLR camera. We need the people's images with transparent background. What we're currently doing is taking the image and editing and cropping it in Photoshop, removing the background image with the Magic Eraser tool.
What I am looking for is a way to parse the image and automatically erase the semi-white background we have, along with the resizing and cropping. Is there some kind of library or code sample that does this without requiring manual intervention?
This is a real complex problem. Like the answer below suggested you'll need to do a fuzzy match on each pixel and set it to be transparent but you also need to detected other nearby pixels to make sure they are not close in color. A white tag on the shirt, white eyelids, hair, pale skin reflecting the flash. All are candidates to be removed by any greedy fuzzy logic.
Think about the Magic Wand tool in Photoshop. How good is it at detecting the edges of the person in the picture? Yeah, and that's the top standard of image editing software with thousands of engineering hours behind it.
This is not a feasible request for a Q&A format, and this is one of those things that humans just do better than machine. BUT, that doesn't mean it's not possible, and who knows, you might be the one to do it. Just don't do it in VB.NET please :)
Some pseudo-code to get an idea of what you need to do:
Bitmap faceShot = Bitmap.FromFile(filepath)
foreach pixel in faceShot
//the following line is where the magic happens, you can do any fuzzy match on the color that suits you
//figure out your color range and do a fuzzy match percentage wise
if (pixel between RGB(255,255,255) and RGB(250,235,215)) //white and antique white
end foreach
You could start with this as a starting point for processing a single image,
Basically, if you have a constant background color (like the TV green-screen), it's just a matter of selecting pixels close to the color you are erasing and setting their Alpha level to 0 (transparent). Treating the RGB values like XYZ coordinates, you can do a 3d distance from your background color, and make everything within a certain threshold transparent.
As an improvement, you could also make everything within another threshold semi-transparent so the edges right around hair and stuff like that look softer and less harsh.
Alternatively, you could probably do the same exact thing with good results in Photoshop, as it should support batch processing.
Edit, thinking about it some more, you may want to use a green screen type background as well instead of an off-white one like you stated, as you may make people's eyes transparent. I would definitely try to batch it in Photoshop/Gimp/etc.

Translate Colors to Image?

Im not sure how else I should approach it, but if I was to (in my mac application) have a grid of NSViews, which the user can change the colour of each, is it possible to then translate this, so now I have been given a colour for each pixel by the user, make this into an exportable image?
I honestly can't think of how else to do this. I don't want to go ahead an realise I have taken a rather foolish path.
The idea is I will have a grid of squares which the user can paint, a colour in each square, a square representing a pixel in the final image. So they paint with like a paint bucket filling each one, then export it into an actual image file.
Any help much appreciated, thanks.
A grid of NSViews sounds really heavy for what you're doing. Why not write one single custom view that checks the mouse position and modifies the data appropriately? Then you'd write a custom drawing method to fill the custom view, and you could use the same exact draw method to write to an NSImage which you could export.
You'll need to do a bit o' math. For each "pixel", call -set on the appropriate NSColor, then use NSBezierPath's -fillRect method. It may help you to get out a pencil & paper to figure out the math for the rect origins & sizes.
Check for help if you've never done custom drawing before. It's really not that bad, just takes a little reading. :)

Using System.Drawing to make a selection tool, and cropping an image in

If i wanted to crop an image in, how would I go about doing it? I am trying to let the user drag out the box they want (system.drawing.rectangle), and it will automatically remove the edges surrounding the box.
My first problem is primarily the fact that I cannot make the system.drawing.rectangle visible. It is not displaying at all, I am setting its location and height programmatically, but nothing is showing up. I know there is probably something fairly obvious I am missing...but I cannot seem to find it.
My larger issue, however, lies with the cropping itself. I cannot find any crop methods, at all. Is there a hidden one I am missing? Or must I code it myself? How would I go about doing this? It ought to be able to output to a bitmap image object.
Thanks for the help, I am surprised this hasn't been asked on here before....
Regarding your first problem: a Rectangle isn't by itself visible. You have to draw it on your canvas using the Graphics object's DrawRectangle(...) method. For drawing a selection tool, you'll want to set your Pen object's DashCap and DashPattern properties.
To "crop" an image, you basically want to take the portion of a larger image delineated by a smaller Rectangle, and turn it into a new Bitmap. This can be done using one of the 30 overloads of the Graphics object's DrawImage(...) method. You can either keep the cropped portion in its original dimensions (resulting in a smaller Bitmap than your original), or you can "blow it up" to something like the original image's size. If you do the latter approach, it is usually a good idea to set your Graphics object's InterpolationMode property to HighQualityBicubic (I think that's the one, anyway), since the default InterpolationMode is pretty crappy.
There are a number of different ways of rendering images in .Net - it might help if you posted some of your code, along with an explanation of the exact problems you're running into.
Here is another answer with a link to a sample app (and source code in C#, sorry) that may help you get started.
There are a number of articles on these topics on CodeProject:
Pick your favorite flavor (though I encourage you to check out the C# projects - it shouldn't be too hard to convert).
Image Cropping with Image Resizing Using
Cropping Images
An Easy to Use Image Resizing and Cropping Control
Image Processing using C# (see the Cropping section - I was able to use this code in one of my projects)
WPF Interactive Image Cropping Control
A Photoshop-like Cropping Adorner for WPF