What the best resource to learn ANSI SQL? [closed] - sql

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Closed 9 years ago.
I don't mean "Basic SQL", but strongly the specs and the difference between the specs and the implementations between great databases (like SQL Server, Oracle, etc).

(source: amazon.com)
SQL In a Nutshell by O'Reilly and Associates. It covers all 5 major SQL Dialects, the differences between them, and does that for each function/feature listed. (ANSI SQL99, Oracle, MySql, Postgres, and SQL Server).

The number one way of learning the differences is to work in the various databases.
SQL Server, Oracle, and MySql all offer free (express) editions. Also, if you want to step up a bit you can get the developer version of SQL Server for about $50.
SQL Server
Simple things to do:
create a database
create a table
do simple insert/update/delete (CRUD) operations
do inner / outer joins.

PostgreSQL the world's more advanced opensource and more ANSI SQL-compliant database
Various RDBMS ANSI SQL-conformance: http://troels.arvin.dk/db/rdbms/


Oracle SQL vs Oracle PL/SQL [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I have to learn Oracle SQL for work and am very tempted by the O'Reilly book 'Oracle PL/SQL Programming' as it has been so highly reviewed. However, I am unclear as to whether or not PL/SQL is a different language to SQL or if it is just a superset or if it something else. Can someone please help me here? Thanks.
SQL is a data query and manipulation langauge. PL/SQL is a procedural programming language.
PL/SQL is Turing complete language, with syntax for building complicated programmes. It also has a large number of libraries which give it a great range of capabilties. However, undoubtedly its main use is building stored procedures which embed SQL statements for retrieving and working with data. So to that extent PL/SQL is a superset of SQL.
Although in earlier versions of the database the PL/SQL SQL engine lagged behind the database engine so some SQL functionality was not available in PL/SQL. Since 9i Oracle has mad a concerted effort to keep the two in step, and its pretty hard to find anything we can do in pure SQL which we cannot also do in PL/SQL.
it is a superset.
all of SQL plus some PROCEDURAL extensions - so you can have variables, loops, conditional logic etc.

common language for any RDBMS technology [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
We are looking for a common language for any RDBMS technology. I mean if I write a query in SQL Server that query will also have to work on any RDBMS like oracle, mysql etc.
Can anyone help get me started?
There is an ANSI standard for SQL that's (mostly) supported by most database servers. As long as you stick to that subset of the SQL language functionality offered by your database server your queries will be portable.
However, many of the more sophisticated features of your dbms won't be usable as they are not part of the ANSI standard, and thus implemented in a proprietary way by each dbms vendor - crosstabs are an example of this problem.
Two things, You could use ANSI standard but not all the RDBMS support all the ANSI standard. Also, ANSI standard are only for SQL and not fo,r say their programming language like Tsql for sql server and pl/sql for oracle etc.
2nd and most important point why would you want to use the same code in different RDBMS. Database systems are totally differnet.Some RDBMS are good in doing some things and not good in other things. Thus if you implement one code then it might not be the best optimized code for some of RDBMS's. Thus I would suggest that write the code based on the strengths and weakness of a RDBMS.If it is going to be different then so be it.
Most important thing, are you trying to do some benchmark before deciding the RDBMS. Also, what purpose it will solve to have same data and code on different RDMBS. You will be wasting lots of moeny on license. server etc as code will do the same work on all the RDBMS.

Features not available in T-SQL [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
What are the features that are not available in T-SQL however, they are part of SQL standard. Also, If someone can list nice features that are available in PL/SQL (ORACLE) not currently available in T-SQL (e.g. LAG and LEAD etc.) I know Denali will introduce some of those (like lag and lead) but not sure?
I know there are features (some of those are indeed nice e.g. TOP) available in T-SQL but not part of SQL Standard. I just want to find other side of story.
There really isn't a SQL "standard". However you can get O'Reilly SQL Pocket Guide, it has most of the primary differences between the SQL dialects and is well worth the 15 dollars to get. There are many small differences in between TSQL and Oracle. Too many to list here.

Books about sql security [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Can anybody advice me some goods books for sql protection from hackers? Where it will clearly explain how hackers work and how to secure SQL.
For SQL server security this would be good.
the main security issue with SQL is SQL injection
Also look at these resources -
Google Code University - Web Security. - The second video is specific to cross-site scripting and SQL injection attacks
Foundations Security Every Programmer Experts Should Know
W3 School on web security
You can find useful stuff here:
Database Hacker's Handbook
SQL Injection Attack and Defense
SQL Server Security
Implementing Database Security and Auditing
The Rational Guide To SQL Server 2005 Security
SQL Server Security Distilled
Writing Secure Code
And of course the SQL databases benchmarks here, MySQL, SQLServer, Oracle, DB2 and even Sybase.

Recommended SQL Practice and Books [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
Please recommend me some books and practices for me.
I am quite weak in SQL though not that bad in C# and VB.NET.
Itzik Ben-Gan has written three excellent books on SQL Server 2008 and T-SQL. The best place to start is with 'SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Fundamentals', and then from there to move onto 'Inside SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Querying' and then finally 'Inside SQL Server 2008: T-SQL Programming'.
If I could get all of the developers here to read these three books then I wouldn't need to spend half as much time as I do addressing quality concerns in our databases.
Kalen Delaney's SQL Server 2008 Internals will change the way you use SQL Server, by giving you such a thorough understanding of it all.
SQL: The Complete Reference has been with me since day 1. While the content in this book is excellent (easy-to-read, understand, great examples), I think its greatest strength is the strong appendix -- there isn't a language concept/keyword that isn't listed; its never let me down.
Oh, and its a few years old, so its dirt cheap now, too. :)
Check out this book.It is great for the whole DBMS concepts including SQL
Database Management Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and
Management (Fourth Edition)
by Thomas Connolly and Carolyn Begg
Addison-Wesley, 2005