Is there a way to remove the site nav from a single page in BigCommerce? - bigcommerce

I am creating a landing page where I do not want any navigation and it is injecting the site header HTML. Is there a way to make a landing page without any navigation in BigCommerce? I am using the Corner Stone them.

Your best bet is to duplicate the templates/layout/base.html file, remove the header from there, then create a new custom template in templates/custom/page/ which then references the new layout that doesn't include the header.
You can then assign your page to that new template.


Creating custom product page on BigCommerce

I'm trying to create a modified product page in my BigCommerce Cornerstone theme and I'm following the video on the following link:
The video claims that I need to use a live URL when I create a new HTML under /template/pages/custom/product and map it in the .stencil file.
The way I created a new live URL is that I created a completely empty web page. The first difference I notice though, compared to the video is that when I navigate to the page it's not completely empty as shown in the video but shows the header and footer of the website.
When the video asks to copy the contents of the original product.html into my newly created HTML under /template/pages/custom/product, the HTML markup doesn't get picked up i.e. the page will not show components of a product page.
I got stuck at this point and cannot continue with modifying the template.
If you are creating a custom product template, you would need to map it to the live URL for a product in your store. Mapping a custom product template to a web content page won't work.
It's important to note the difference between page types. If you are creating a custom category template, you would map it to an existing category page in your store, etc.
After you map the product page URL in your .stencil file, be sure to restart Stencil CLI. You'll need to restart to see the changes reflected on localhost in your browser (i.e. a blank page at the product page url if you mapped an empty html file to it).

Prestashop how to customize theme

I have bought leo_chopin theme (because client asked for it). My question is how to customize a theme from html/php/css editor and not from admin panel (it's too constricting). I wouldn't hardcode, but use hooks. This is the first time I'm using Prestashop and that style of programing... For example, where to call my own header.tpl, footer.tpl, content.tpl?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Go to your_site_folder/themes/leo_chopin/ and you will find header.tpl, footer.tpl.
You can modify these templates there or make a copy of a theme into another folder and modify it.
All content between header and footer depends on a page controller. All controllers for the front are in a folder your_site_folder/controllers/front/. ProductController.php is for product pages, CategoryController.php is for category pages, IndexController.php is for the home page etc.
You can find more in Prestashop documentation:'s+Foundations.

Dynamic header and footer liferay

I am searching the way to use a jsp file in the web content, because i do a dynamic load of dates to show on a navigation bar. Also, I want set this web content as header and footer.
Actually my page is this,
I want to replace the Liferay's header by portlet's page shown in below
Thank for your help.
for adding web content in header and footer u need to call web content in theme.
you can refer

How to change the url of my entire page when a new tab is selected? (Dojo-Tabcontainer)

I have used Dojo-Tabcontainer to create tabs. I want to have a separate template for every tab. So, when a tab is clicked I want a new page to be loaded and the url to be changed.
Can you please suggest a way to do this using Markup instead of programmatic way?
I'm thinking of using Template Inheritance while creating html page for each tab to avoid redundancy.
I can get some clue from this:
How to change Dojo TabContainer behaviour to simply open an external link instead of showing a ContentPane?
But I'm not sure how to do it via Markup instead of programming.

How to change global navigation of a web page but not the site in SharePoint 2010?

I created a web page with a custom page layout, the site the page is within has global navigation set to "Display the same navigation items as the parent site" and it was all good. I have now got the requirement to change the items in the global navigation for the page but keep the old setting for the site, how can I achieve this?
For a site I can go to site settings -> navigation and change the links as I like but the page is dependent on the site it is within. I don't have to start over and create a new site do I (instead of a simple page)?
Thanks in advance.
Unless you do some kind of trickery (like Javascript embedded in the page) to do otherwise, the navigation settings are shared for all pages within the site.
If you wanted to get rid of global navigation for a particular page, you could customize your master page to put a special CSS class on the element wrapping it, and use some CSS inline on that page (ie. in a content editor webpart) to hide it.