Access: DELETE query with WHERE <> clause: "At most one record can be returned by this subquery" - sql

I want to run this DELETE query:
DELETE * FROM Table1 WHERE Table1.ID <> (SELECT Table1.ID FROM Table1 WHERE ....)
The query in brackets returns all the IDs I want to keep in Table1 (This query works on it's own, I tested it). But as soon as I add the DELETE part I get the following error: "At most one record can be returned by this subquery". I tried the Code
But now my database hangs and doesn't do anything anymore...
Thank you for your help!

Actually * is not necessary for delete statements because it deletes the entire row that matches the where condition.
Generally <> (Not equal to) is used to provide a single static value. (like below)
DELETE FROM Table1 WHERE Table1.ID <> 1
But the subquery returns rows/records (with the selected columns). Hence you got the error: At most one record can be returned by this subquery
Coming to the NOT IN clause that you are using, it is the right way to do it, but NOT IN can become pretty complex if more number of rows are involved in the subquery as NOT IN does a join behind the hood.
The best way in your case is to use NOT(condition) as you already know the condition for which you need the required table IDs. (like below)
DELETE FROM Table1 WHERE NOT(condition)
This does your job pretty fast as there are no joins involved like in the earlier case.


Select In with invalid field [duplicate]

As always, there will be a reasonable explanation for my surprise, but till then....
I have this query
delete from Photo where hs_id in (select hs_id from HotelSupplier where id = 142)
which executes just fine (later i found out that the entire photo table was empty)
but the strange thing: there is no field hs_id in HotelSupplier, it is called hs_key!
So when i execute the last part
select hs_id from HotelSupplier where id = 142
separately (select that part of the query with the mouse and hit F5), i get an error, but when i use it in the in clause, it doesn't!
I wonder if this is normal behaviour?
It is taking the value of hs_id from the outer query.
It is perfectly valid to have a query that doesn't project any columns from the selected table in its select list.
For example
select 10 from HotelSupplier where id = 142
would return a result set with as many rows as matched the where clause and the value 10 for all rows.
Unqualified column references are resolved from the closest scope outwards so this just gets treated as a correlated sub query.
The result of this query will be to delete all rows from Photo where hs_id is not null as long as HotelSupplier has at least one row where id = 142 (and so the subquery returns at least one row)
It might be a bit clearer if you consider what the effect of this is
delete from Photo where Photo.hs_id in (select Photo.hs_id)
This is of course equivalent to
delete from Photo where Photo.hs_id = Photo.hs_id
By the way this is far and away the most common "bug" that I personally have seen erroneously reported on Microsoft Connect. Erland Sommarskog includes it in his wishlist for SET STRICT_CHECKS ON
It's a strong argument for keeping column names consistent between tables. As #Martin says, the SQL syntax allows column names to be resolved from the outer query, when there's no match in the inner query. This is a boon when writing correlated subqueries, but can trip you up sometimes (as here)

MSSQL - Question about how insert queries run

We have two tables we want to merge. Say, table1 and table2.
They have the exact same columns, and the exact same purpose. The difference being table2 having newer data.
We used a query that uses LEFT JOIN to find the the rows that are common between them, and skip those rows while merging. The problem is this. both tables have 500M rows.
When we ran the query, it kept going on and on. For an hour it just kept running. We were certain this was because of the large number of rows.
But when we wanted to see how many rows were already inserted to table2, we ran the code select count(*) from table2, it gave us the exact same row count of table2 as when we started.
Our questions is, is that how it's supposed to be? Do the rows get inserted all at the same time after all the matches have been found?
If you would like to read uncommited data, than the count should me modified, like this:
select count(*) from table2 WITH (NOLOCK)
NOLOCK is over-used, but in this specific scenario, it might be handy.
No data are inserted or updated one by one.
I have no idea how it is related with "Select count(*) from table2 WITH (NOLOCK) "
Join condition is taking too long to produce Resultset which will be use by insert operator .So actually there is no insert because no resultset is being produce.
Join query is taking too long because Left Join condition produces very very high cardinality estimate.
so one has to fix Join condition first.
for that need other info like Table schema ,Data type and length and existing index,requirement.

not getting the right results when I update table from another table

I am trying to use update / where in a sql query to match ID's and then pull the data associated into my table.
I am running into a problem.
First, when I run
UPDATE table1
SET table1.column = table2.column
FROM table2
WHERE table1.columnB = table2.columnB
it works on some and not others. its like 50/50 success. Some of the results are completely wrong and I don't know why.
Thanks for the help.
The only reason that I can think of is that the join is not one-to-one. That is, there are mutliple rows in table2 that match each row in table1. In this case, the results come from an arbitrary row.

Using correlated subquery in SQL Server update statement gives unexpected result

I'm introducing a primary key column to a table that doesn't have one yet. After I have added a normal field Id (int) with a default value of 0 I tried using the following update statement to create unique values for each record:
update t1
set = (select count(*) from mytable t2 where <>
from mytable t1
I would expect the subquery to be executed for each row because I'm referencing t1. Each time the subquery would be executed the count should be one less but it doesn't work.
The result is that Id is still 0 in every record. I have used this before on other DBMS with success. I'm using SQL Server 2008 here.
How do I generate unique values for each record and update the Id field?
Trying to explain why it doesn't work as you expect:
I would expect the subquery to be executed for each row because I'm referencing t1.
It is executed and it can affect all rows. But an UPDATE stetement is one statement and it is executed as one statement that affects a whole table (or a part of it if you have a WHERE clause).
Each time the subquery would be executed the count should be one less but it doesn't work.
You are expecting the UPDATE to be executed with one evaluation of the subquery per row. But it is one statement that is first evaluated - for all affected rows - and then the rows are changed (updated). (A DBMS may do it otherwise but the result should be nonetheless as if it was doing it this way).
The result is that Id is still 0 in every record.
That's the correct and expected behaviour of this statement when all rows have the same 0 value before execution. The COUNT(*) is 0.
I have used this before on other DBMS with success.
My "wild" guess is that you have used it in MySQL. (Correction/Update: my guess was wrong, this syntax for Update is not valid for MySQL, apparently the query was working "correctly" in Firebird). The UPDATE does not work in the standard way in that DBMS. It works - as you have learned - row by row, not with the full table.
I'm using SQL Server 2008 here.
This DBMS works correctly with UPDATE. You can write a different Update statement that would have the wanted results or, even better, use an autogenerated IDENTITY column, as others have advised.
The SQL is updating every row with the number of records where the ID doesn't equal 0. As all the rows ID equal 0 then there are no rows that are not equal to 0, and hence nothing gets updated.
Try looking at this answer here:
Adding an identity to an existing column

How can I use "FOR UPDATE" with a JOIN on Oracle?

The answer to another SO question was to use this SQL query:
SELECT o.Id, o.attrib1, o.attrib2
FROM table1 o
FROM table1, table2, table3
WHERE ...) T1 ON = T1.Id
Now I wonder how I can use this statement together with the keyword FOR UPDATE. If I simply append it to the query, Oracle will tell me:
ORA-02014: cannot select FOR UPDATE from view
Do I have to modify the query or is there a trick to do this with Oracle?
With MySql the statement works fine.
select .....
from <choose your table>
where id in (<your join query here>) for UPDATE;
EDIT: that might seem a bit counter-intuitive bearing in mind the question you linked to (which asked how to dispense with an IN), but may still provide benefit if your join returns a restricted set. However, there is no workaround: the oracle exception is pretty self-explanatory; oracle doesn't know which rows to lock becasue of the DISTINCT. You could either leave out the DISTINCT or define everything in a view and then update that, if you wanted to, without the explicit lock:
It may depend what you want to update. You can do
... FOR UPDATE OF o.attrib1
to tell it you're only interested in updating data from the main table, which seems likely to be the case; this means it will only try to lock that table and not worry about the implicit view in the join. (And you can still update multiple columns within that table, naming one still locks the whole row - though it will be clearer if you specify all the columns you want to update in the FOR UPDATE OF clause).
Don't know if that will work with MySQL though, which brings us back to Mark Byers point.