Range address, where do I find the sheet? - vba

I work on a UDF and the user inputs a range, say "sheet1!A1:C8".
In the VBA I write the following:
Function RelativeSearch(Search, rng As Range, Row, Column)
MsgBox rng.Address
Here the msgbox only gives me A1:C8. How can I get the "Sheet1"?
I have tried to make rng as string but that does not work as I have to use rng.find later in the code.
Anyone know of a way to get the sheet from the range?

The Range object has a Worksheet property, so:
rng.Worksheet.Name will do what you want.
In addition the Address property has an External argument, so:
rng.Address(External:=True) yields the entire range address, e.g., [Book1]Sheet1!$D$28.

To get a reference to the Sheet, use rng.Parent.
In your specific case, you are looking for rng.Parent.Name.
So you could do
MsgBox rng.Parent.Name & "!" & rng.Address

This is not an answer to the question you asked, but I suspect it might help you avoid having to ask the question.
If you are trying to find, within rng, the value passed as Search, and then return a value derived by some offset by Row and Column, there is no need to know what worksheet rng is on:
Excel formula (perhaps in cell Sheet4!D6):
Code which will search the range A1:A6 in Sheet1 for the value "b" and then return the value from the cell that is 3 rows below and 2 columns to the right:
Function RelativeSearch(Search, rng As Range, Row, Column)
Dim r As Range
Set r = rng.Find(What:=Search, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If r Is Nothing Then
RelativeSearch = CVErr(xlErrNA)
RelativeSearch = r.Offset(Row, Column).Value
End If
End Function
(If you want it to be consistent with VLOOKUP's syntax, you will need to use r.Offset(Row - 1, Column - 1) rather than r.Offset(Row, Column).)


Create Range excluding column in middle

I have the problem of needing to exclude a column in the middle of my excel worksheet. Is there a way of creating a range that excludes a column not on the edges of the data. The range is dynamic ranging from A1:AA#. The column "F" needs to be excluded from this range. This range needs to be stored for use in a pivotTable.
This is how the excel macro recorder creates a range with a gap, but I cannot find a way to modify this so the last cell is dynamic.
Just as you should avoid using the .Select Method, you should also avoid using the .UsedRange when possible (See here).
You can try something like this. It is not as clean, but may prove to be less bug prone.
Dim LRow As Long
LRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
Dim MyRange1 As Range, MyRange2 As Range, BigRange As Range
Set MyRange1 = Range("A1:E" & LRow)
Set MyRange2 = Range("G1:J" & LRow)
Set BigRange = Application.Union(MyRange1, MyRange2)
You can then refer to your BigRange directly moving forward.
If you have only one set of data in your sheet, you could try something like that :
Intersect(ActiveSheet.UsedRange, Range("A:E,G:AA")).Select
This will select everything that contains data up to column AA on the sheet except for column F.
Whenever possible , you should avoid using .select .activate but you only provide one line of your code so I can't help you much on that part except redirect you to this.
you could use
Dim rng As Range
Set rng = Intersect(Range("A:E,G:AA"), Rows(1).Resize(Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row))
where the column index in Cells(Rows.Count, 1) lets you choose what column size your range after

Excel Database data issue

I have a farily large database of around 2000 people, sheet1 has all of their names and relevant details. Sheet 2 has data pulled on from a site. I would like the data from sheet 2 to auto populate the cells in Sheet 1. Also if the person does not exist in sheet1 to highlight the data it couldnt do. I am so stuck on this.
Sub dup()
Dim cell As Range, cella As Range, rng As Range, srng As Range
Set rng2 = Sheets(2).Range("A2:E2000")
Set rng3 = Sheets(3).Range("A2:E29000")
For Each cell In rng2
For Each cella In rng3
If cella = cell Then
cella.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
' cella.AddComment.Text Text:="duplicate value"
End If
Next cella
Next cell
Set rng2 = Sheets(2).Range("T2:Y2000")
Set rng4 = Sheets(4).Range("A1:F2000")
For Each cell In rng2
For Each cella In rng4
If cella = cell Then
cella.Interior.ColorIndex = 6
' cella.AddComment.Text Text:="duplicate value"
End If
Next cella
Next cell
End Sub
Its hard for me to show as it has a lot of columns not sure how on earth i can show you what im trying to do? :(
Try https://filetea.me/t1sfGPWECvdQqmgVDGtXL4oRQ
Maybe, if you want to do it without vba, you could use the LOOKUP function in the sheet 1's auto populate column. It works like that:
=LOOKUP(sheet1!A2, sheet2!table[a], sheet2!table[b])
This will find the value in the column "b" of the table in sheet2 based on the values of column "a". This will chose the value in the same row were column "a" matches the value in sheet1's A column. Let me know if I wasn't clear enough here.
Then you can use Conditional Formatting rules for the highlight you said. I suggest the COUNTIF function, that will return 0 if no matching value is found in the specified range.
This, for example, cont values in A2:A5 that matches the values in A4.
Also, you will find the conditional formatting tools in the home tab, if you are using excel 2016.
See the link for more information:
Information you may need

Finding average of selection and then assigning it to a cell

I am attempting to create some dynamic code that, at this point, will select a bunch of cells, move the selection over two columns, then find the average of that selection and send that value to a cell. This is what I have so far, I am getting stuck at averaging the selection I've made:
Sub StatMakersub(Rng1 As Range)
Dim MyRange As Range
Dim Cell As Object
Dim InQuestion As Range
Dim SelAvg As Object
'Check every cell in the range for matching criteria.
For Each Cell In Rng1
If Cell.Value = 2000 Then
If MyRange Is Nothing Then
Set MyRange = Range(Cell.Address)
Set MyRange = Union(MyRange, Range(Cell.Address))
End If
End If
'Select the new range of only matching criteria
Selection.Offset(0, 2).Select
Set InQuestion = Selection
Range("P2").Formula = "=Average(Selection)"
Range("Q2").Formula = "=STDDEVA(Selection)"
End Sub
I can't find much on the web about how to average range variables.
You can calculate the average of a selection in this way:
Application.WorksheetFunction.Average("Here you put your range")
The result is a value and not an object, so you should use a variable. Taking names from your case you should use it like this:
SelAvgResult = Application.WorksheetFunction.Average(InQuestion)
I put another name for the variable, but you may still use SelAvg if you like. Just remind to define it as a variable (you may choose your desired format depending on the data size) instead of object if you do not need it anymore.
You may use then this variable for setting the value of your desired cell.
I have a last note: your code seems to replicate the already existing formula AVERAGEIF. If your criteria column is for instance column A and value you should use for calculating the average are in column C, You could directly set the value of the cell where you want the average like this:
=AVERAGEIF(A:A, "2000", C:C)
In this case you would avoid VBA.
Have you tried using the Sum worksheet function for calculating the sum of the range?
Xsum = WorksheetFunction.Sum(arrayX)
and dividing the Xsum value with the length of the array?
One thing I should metion is that you do not need to select the range to work with it. You can use it directly and doing so will also improve how fast your code runs.
To insert your worksheet functions, use the Range.Address function to generate a cell reference to put into the formulas.

How to build non-consecutive ranges of rows based on cell contents?

I'm just getting started with VBA for Excel. I used VB and Java in college nearly ten years ago and was competent with it then, but am essentially starting over. (Um, not like riding a bike.)
I am trying to understand the methods to build a range that isn't just declared as A1:J34 or whatever. My Googling is challenged in that when searching for 'range' and terms that indicate what I seek, I get an avalanche of hits far more advanced than what I need, mostly hits that don't even address the basic summary info I need.
So, here's the basics of it:
Excel 2011 on Mac.
The sheet has data from A to M, down to 1309.
It's a repeating pattern of heading rows followed by data rows. Ugh. Seems like the person creating the sheet was more thinking about printing from the sheet than the organisation of the data. I need to clean it and 3 more like it up to use in a pivot table, and it's useless in this silly repeating layout.
Heading rows are as follows:
Last Name, First Name, then 10 date cells.
Data rows under the headings are the names, of course, and then a 1 or 0 for attendance.
Anywhere from 20 to 30 names under each heading. Then it repeats. And the dates change every few sets, picking up where the last set left off.
What I need to do right now:
I'm trying to assemble a range into a range variable by adding all the rows beginning with a specific value (in column A). In my case that value is the string "Last Name", so I can have the range variable holding all the cells in all rows that begin with "Last Name". This will then capture all the cells that need to be in date format. (I'm doing it so I can then make sure the date headings are all actually IN date format - because they are NOT all in date format now, many are just 'General' cells.)
My questions:
When telling a range object what it's range IS, how do you feed it cells/rows/columns that are not just a block defined by start and end cells entered by the person writing the code but based on row criteria? Eg: Create a Range that has rows 1, 34, 70, 93, and 128 from columns A to I based on presence of "First Name" in A.
What are the most common methods to do this?
Which of these is best suited to my need and why?
Here's a working example that demonstrates finding the "Last Name" rows, contructing a range object that includes all those rows, and then iterating through that object to search for non-date values. The code could be speeded up greatly by reading the data range into an array of variants and then searching the array for both the last name rows and the "bad dates" within those rows. This is especially true if you have a very large number of rows to check.
Sub DisjointRng()
Dim checkCol As String, checkPattern As String
Dim dateCols()
Dim lastCell As Range, usedRng As Range, checkRng As Range
Dim cell As Variant
Dim usedRow As Range, resultRng As Range, rngArea As Range
Dim i As Long, j As Long
checkCol = "A" 'column to check for "Last Name"
checkPattern = "Last*"
dateCols = Array(3, 5) 'columns to check for date formatting
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
'find the bottom right corner of data range; we determine the used range
'ourselves since the built-in UsedRange is sometimes out-of-synch
Set lastCell = .Cells(.Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlFormulas).Row, _
.Cells.Find(What:="*", SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, LookIn:=xlFormulas).Column)
Set usedRng = .Range("A1:" & lastCell.Address)
'the column of values in which to look for "Last Name"
Set checkRng = .Range(checkCol & "1:" & checkCol & usedRng.Rows.Count)
End With
'step down the column of values to check for last name & add
'add found rows to range object
For Each cell In checkRng
If cell.Value Like checkPattern Then
'create a range object for the row
Set usedRow = Intersect(cell.EntireRow, usedRng)
If resultRng Is Nothing Then
'set the first row with "Last Name"
Set resultRng = usedRow
'add each additional found row to the result range object
Set resultRng = Union(resultRng, usedRow)
End If
End If
Next cell
For Each rngArea In resultRng.Areas
'if found rows are continguous, Excel consolidates them
'into single area, so need to loop through each of the rows in area
For i = 1 To rngArea.Rows.Count
For j = LBound(dateCols) To UBound(dateCols)
If Not IsDate(rngArea.Cells(i, dateCols(j))) Then
'do something
End If
Next j
Next i
Next rngArea
End Sub
You can use the Union operator, like this
Dim r As Range
Set r = Range("A1, A3, A10:A12")
or this
Set r = Union(Range("A1"), Range("A3"), Range("A10:A12"))
You can the iterate this range like this
Dim cl as Range
For Each cl in r.Cells
' code cell cl
or this
Dim ar as Range
For each ar in r.Areas
' code using contiguous range ar
For each cl in ar.Cells
' code using cell cl

Copy/Paste cells next to cells that have certain string

I am trying to look up cells in a certain column that have a string (e.g. Names), copy the corresponding cells in the column to its right (i.e. offset(0,1) ), then paste it to a column in a different sheet. I have the following code to find the range variable that I want. However, I can't select it from a different sheet!
When I use Sheets(1).MyRange.Copy, it doesn't accept it. Am I referring to the range in a wrong way? What am I doing wrong?
Here's code that I use to get MyRange:
Option Explicit
Sub SelectByValue(Rng1 As Range, Value As Double)
Dim MyRange As Range
Dim Cell As Object
'Check every cell in the range for matching criteria.
For Each Cell In Rng1
If Cell.Value = Value Then
If MyRange Is Nothing Then
Set MyRange = Range(Cell.Address)
Set MyRange = Union(MyRange, Range(Cell.Address))
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub CallSelectByValue()
'Call the macro and pass all the required variables to it.
'In the line below, change the Range, Minimum Value, and Maximum Value as needed
Call SelectByValue(Sheets(1).Range("A1:A20"), "Tom")
End Sub
One More Question: Rather than specifying the exact range to look at (e.g. "A1:A20"), I would LOVE to look at all of column A. But I don't want to use ("A:A") so it wouldn't look at all rows of A. Isn't there a method to look only in cells that have entries in column A?
Thank you VERY much.
You only need MyRange.Copy.
To restrict only to cells in column A which might have values, you could use
With Sheet1
Set rngToSearch = Application.Intersect(.Columns(1), .UsedRange)
End With
...or maybe look at .SpecialsCells()