KeystoneJS Markdown Type Passing Validation when empty - keystonejs

I have a field of type Markdown. When I try unit testing it, the value initializes to what's seen below -- which passes validation.
"html": [undefined]
"md": [undefined]
"toJSON": [Function]
"toObject": [Function]
The model is as follows:
var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;
* Test Model
* ==========
var Test = new keystone.List('Test');
name: {type: Types.Name, required: true, initial: true, index: true},
otherField: {type: Types.Markdown, initial: true, required: true},
* Registration
Test.defaultColumns = 'name, otherField';
module.exports = Test;
and the test:
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var keystone = require('keystone');
describe('Test', function() {
keystone.init({name: 'Test Example'});
var Test;
it('should should fail validation when otherField is empty',function(done) {
Test = keystone.list('Test');
var test = new Test.model(); = 'Jane Doe'; {
When running as is, the save passes with no error, so it doesn't hit done and times out. Switching the type to flat field types such as Text, Html, Boolean, Color, Date, Datetime, or Key will work as expected(ValidationError). I get the same issue if I switch the type to be another embedded type such as Name or Location.
Is this the expected behavior?
If so, how can I modify my testing approach?

That is most certainly not expected behaviour. But we may not have tested this edgecase. Please do open an issue on the project.


How to add pre-hook in keystonejs?

I want to add multiple select options field. But the docs state that doesn't allow for multiple select. But recommends pre-hook for that case.
Stores a String or Number in the model. Displayed as a select field in
the Admin UI. Does not allow for multiple items to be selected. If you
want to provide multiple values, you can use TextArray or NumberArray,
although neither will have the same constrained input. You can limit
the options using a pre-save hook.
I search for pre-hook but it seems came from mongoose. And in my case, I create the model using Keystone so that I can use it in admin page
var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;
var MyModel = new keystone.List('MyModel');
aField: { type: Types.TextArray, required: false, initial: true },
so how do I create the pre-hook? for example, I want to limit the TextArray to be set of ('a','b','c')?
I have set up pre-save hooks like this (or something similar to this. Did not test this code).
var keystone = require('keystone');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;
* Musician Model
* ==========
var Musician = new keystone.List('Musician', {
map: { name: 'title' },
autokey: { path: 'slug', from: 'title', unique: true },
title: { type: String, required: true },
published: { type: Types.Boolean, default: false },
musicianId: { type: String, note: noteUpdateId },
Musician.schema.pre('save', function (next) {
if (this.isNew) {
// generates a random ID when the item is created
this.musicianId = Math.random().toString(36).slice(-8);
Musician.defaultColumns = 'title, published, musicianId';

Virtual "name" field?

I need to have the name field of a model be virtual, created by concatenating two real fields together. This name is just for display only. I've tried the virtual examples in the doc, no luck. Keystone 4 beta5.
var keystone = require('keystone')
_ = require('underscore');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;
* Foo Model
* ==================
var Foo = new keystone.List('Foo', {
map: {name: 'fooname'},
track: true
bar: { type: Types.Relationship, required: true, initial: true, label: 'Barref', ref: 'Bar', many: false },
order: { type: Types.Select, required: true, initial: true, label: 'Order', options: _.range(1,100) },
price: { type: Types.Money, format: '$0,0.00', label: 'Price', required: true, initial: true },
Foo.schema.virtual('fooname').get(function() {
return ' ' + this.order;
Foo.defaultColumns = 'fooname, bar, order, price';
When I use this model definition, I don't see the virtual name in the defaultcolumns list. I want to make a virtual name so lookups are easier when this model is used as a relationship.
You don't need a virtual to do this. Keystone allows you to track and recalculate a field every time the document is saved. You can enable those options in order to create a function which concatenates these two values for you (either synchronously or asynchronously, your choice.)
One other thing I noticed is that bar is a Relationship, which means you will need to populate that relationship prior to getting any useful information out of it. That also means your value function will have to be asynchronous, which is as simple as passing a callback function as an argument to that function. Keystone does the rest. If you don't need any information from this bar, and you only need the _id (which the model always has), you can do without the keystone.list('Bar') function that I included.
The map object also refers to an option on your model, so you'll need a fooname attribute on your model in any scenario, though it gets calculated dynamically.
var keystone = require('keystone'),
_ = require('underscore');
var Types = keystone.Field.Types;
* Foo Model
* ==================
var Foo = new keystone.List('Foo', {
map: {name: 'fooname'},
track: true
fooname: { type: Types.Text, watch: true, value: function (cb) {
// Use this if the "bar" that this document refers to has some information that is relevant to the naming of this document.
keystone.list('Bar').model.findOne({_id:}).exec(function (err, result) {
if (!err && result) {
// Result now has all the information of the current "bar"
// If you just need the _id of the "bar", and don't need any information from it, uncomment the code underneath the closure of the "keystone.list('Bar')" function.
return cb( + " " + this.order);
// Use this if you don't need anything out of the "bar" that this document refers to, just its _id.
// return cb( + " " + this.order);
} },
bar: { type: Types.Relationship, required: true, initial: true, label: 'Barref', ref: 'Bar', many: false },
order: { type: Types.Select, required: true, initial: true, label: 'Order', options: _.range(1,100) },
price: { type: Types.Money, format: '$0,0.00', label: 'Price', required: true, initial: true },
Foo.defaultColumns = 'fooname, bar, order, price';
try this:
Foo.schema.pre('save', function (next) { = ' '+ this.order;
Could you provide more information? What is currently working? How should it work?
Sample Code?
After creating the model Foo, you can access the Mongoose schema using the attribute Foo.schema. (Keystone Concepts)
This schema provides a pre-hook for all methods, which registered hooks. (Mongoose API Schema#pre)
One of those methods is save, which can be used like this:
Foo.schema.pre('save', function(next){

How do I operate the m.withAttr tutorials code?

A contrived example of bi-directional data binding
var user = {
model: function(name) { = m.prop(name);
controller: function() {
return {user: new user.model("John Doe")};
view: function(controller) {
m.render("body", [
m("input", {onchange: m.withAttr("value",, value:})
I tried the above code does not work nothing.
It was the first to try to append the following.
m.mount(document.body, user);
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token n
Then I tried to append the following.
var users = m.prop([]);
var error = m.prop("");
m.request({method: "GET", url: "/users/index.php"})
.then(users, error);
echo '[{name: "John"}, {name: "Mary"}]';
Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token n
How do I operate the m.withAttr tutorials code?
Try returning m('body', [...]) from your controller.
view: function (ctrl) {
return m("body", [
render should not be used inside of Mithril components (render is only used to mount Mithril components on existing DOM nodes).
The example is difficult to operate because it's contrived, it's not meant to be working out-of-the-box. Here's a slightly modified, working version:
var user = {
model: function(name) { = m.prop(name);
controller: function() {
return {user: new user.model("John Doe")};
view: function(controller) {
return [
m("input", {
oninput: m.withAttr("value",,
m.mount(document.body, user);
Changes made:
m.mount injects html inside the element specified as first parameter, so rendering a body element in view will make a body inside a body.
Changed the input field event to oninput for instant feedback, and added a h1 to display the model, so you can see it changing when the input field changes.
Using m.request
Another example how to make an ajax request that displays the retrieved data, as per your modifications:
var userList = {
controller: function() {
var users = m.prop([]);
var error = m.prop("");
method: "GET",
url: "",
}).then(users, error);
return { users: users, error: error };
view: function(controller) {
return [
controller.users().map(function(u) {
return m("div",
controller.error() ? m(".error", {style: "color:red"}, "Error: " + controller.error()) : null
m.mount(document.body, userList);
The Unexpected token n error can happen if the requested url doesn't return valid JSON, so you need to fix the JSON data in /users/index.php to make it work with your own code. There are no quotes around the name field.

Mongoose relation not working both ways

I can't get a relationship running between my Rides and Comments controller in my app (built using the yeoman angular-fullstack generator).
Comment model:
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var CommentSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
comment: String,
active: Boolean,
ride: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Ride' }
module.exports = mongoose.model('Comment', CommentSchema);
Ride model:
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var RideSchema = new Schema({
name: String,
distance: String,
climb: String,
rating: String,
active: Boolean,
comments: [{ type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Comment' }]
module.exports = mongoose.model('Ride', RideSchema);
Accessing /api/comments/ gives me a correct result, containing a related Ride:
Accessing /api/rides/ gives me the following result, without the corresponding Comments:
[{"_id":"54ce69647a78532057aa98e0","name":"Ride test ingevuld","distance":"4000","climb":"1200","rating":"1","__v":0,"comments":[]}]
Can anyone tell me what i am doing wrong?
Example from one of my projects:
exports.insertRoom = function(req, res) {
var id =;
var r =;
var room = new Room({name:});
{_id : id},
$push: { rooms: room}
function(floor, err)
As far as I'am concerned it doesn't work like that. Your comments got it's ride, and your ride got it's comments. I think, you should remove
ride: { type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Ride' }
and keep comments inside ride collection.
comments: ['Comment']
It is more objective solution as it supposed to be in MONGO DB which was designed for objective(hierarchial) data.

Mongoose Post with Mixed/Geospatial Schemas

Hello i'm using Mongoose and Express to submit geospatial data for a map (GEOJSON).
I have a form which gets the longitude and latitude for a point and the user can then submit to save this point.
My form works if I hard code the values in the 'coordinates' part of my post route, but if I try to do req.body.longitude and req.body.latitude it doesnt post to the array and gets me a 'req not defined' error.
I picked up the basics of mongoose geojson here:
How can I make this form save from req.body values in a mixed schema? Thanks.
My Schema
var schema = new Schema({
type: {type: String},
properties: {
popupContent: {type: String}
geometry: {
type: { type: String }
, coordinates: {}
schema.index({ geometry: '2dsphere' });
var A = mongoose.model('A', schema);
My Post Route'/api/map', function( request, response ) {
console.log("Posting a Marker");
var sticker = new A({
type: 'Feature',
properties: {
popupContent: 'compa'
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [req.body.longitude, req.body.latitude]
return response.send( sticker );
My Clientside Form
form(method='post', action='/api/map')
input#popup(type="text", value="click a button", name="popup")
input#lng(type="text", value="click a button", name="longtude")
input#lat(type="text", value="click a button", name="latitude")
Your function signature states that there is no req parameter.'/api/map', function( request, response )
You should either rename your parameters in your signature or in the body.'/api/map', function(request, response) {
console.log("Posting a Marker");
var sticker = new A({
type: 'Feature',
properties: {
popupContent: 'compa'
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [request.body.longitude, request.body.latitude]
return response.send(sticker);
Uh, just seen this thread is dusty. Well…