How to prevent character unescaping with WebClient or HttpWebRequest or any .NET client? -

I am making a request to to get an audio recording. When I use System.Net.WebClient, System.Net.Http.HttpClient or WebRequest.Create, the request is sent asño&tl=es-ES instead. This second url works, but produces a incorrect result.
How can I send a request with %C3%B1 instead of ñ in the path?
Note that you cannot download these urls with a referral header (like, by clicking them) so if you click them they will fail and the result may be cached so that copy'n'pasting the url fails too. If you want to test the urls, copy them to the clipboard, then add to the q parameter to avoid cached results.
Adding repro where I tried using PUrify (same results as without):
var parameters = this.Bind<SpeechRequest>();
parameters.q = "daño"; = "es-MX";
var url = String.Format("{0}&tl={1}",
WebUtility.UrlEncode(parameters.q), WebUtility.UrlEncode(;
var uri = new Uri(url);
System.Console.WriteLine("Uri constructed from string: " + url);
System.Console.WriteLine("Before Purify: ");
System.Console.WriteLine("After Purify:");
var request = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(uri) as HttpWebRequest;
Uri constructed from string:
Before Purify:
uri.ToString() -ño&tl=es-MX
uri.AbsoluteUri -
uri.Host -
uri.Query - ?q=da%C3%B1o&tl=es-MX
uri.PathAndQuery - /translate_tts?q=da%C3%B1o&tl=es-MX
uri.AbsolutePath - /translate_tts
uri.Fragment -
After Purify:
uri.ToString() -ño&tl=es-MX
uri.AbsoluteUri -
uri.Host -
uri.Query - ?q=da%C3%B1o&tl=es-MX
uri.PathAndQuery - /translate_tts?q=da%C3%B1o&tl=es-MX
uri.AbsolutePath - /translate_tts
uri.Fragment -


Postman - use response array as url for next get

from first request i get a list of url :
(30) ["", "", "", "", "", …]
i have to access to each url and find a value in the respone .
I saved the first response a var = url, the pre-requiste of the second request is : var url2 = pm.collectionVariables.get("url") , but, of course, it's using all urls..
can you help me?

Karate refactor - Make retries more efficient by matching in the whole response rather than one static location

I would like to find a string by iterating all elements in the response and not only any
particular position as example below , I would like to remove that indexing on the retry and like to improve the logic to retry in whole response and find the string
**When path getFormattedActivitiesForDeal + BR
And header Authorization = 'Bearer '+ PC_User_accessToken
And header Content-Type = 'application/json'
And retry until response[0].dealActivities[4].action == "Checked: Driver’s Licence"
When method get
Then status 200
And json getResponse = response
And assert response[0].dealActivities[4].result == "Validated"**

How to get the response body from network tab using Selenium 4 (devTools)

I am using devTools in selenium 4 to retrieve the responses from the network tab.
While I am getting the url, response code, headers etc,
I could not find a way to retrieve the actual response body. (My intention is to validate the key value pairs in the response.)
Any help is much appreciated.
Below is a snippet from my code.
response -> {
Response res= response.getResponse();
System.out.println("URL - " + res.getUrl());
System.out.println("Status - " + res.getStatus());
System.out.println("Headers - " + res.getHeaders());
System.out.println("Header text - " + res.getHeadersText());
devTools = ((ChromeDriver) driver).getDevTools();
final RequestId[] requestIds = new RequestId[1];
devTools.send(Network.enable(Optional.empty(), Optional.empty(), Optional.of(100000000)));
devTools.addListener(Network.responseReceived(), responseReceived -> {
requestIds[0] = responseReceived.getRequestId();
String url = responseReceived.getResponse().getUrl();
int status = responseReceived.getResponse().getStatus();
String type = responseReceived.getType().toJson();
String headers = responseReceived.getResponse().getHeaders().toString();
String responseBody = devTools.send(Network.getResponseBody(requestIds[0])).getBody();

PUT blob with Blob Service API in Postman - Authorization header

I need help constructing the Authorization header to PUT a block blob.
PUT\n\n\n11\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nx-ms-blob-type:BlockBlob\nx-ms-date:Sat, 25 Feb 2017 22:20:13 GMT\nx-ms-version:2015-02-21\n/myaccountname/mycontainername/blob.txt\n
I take this, UTF 8 encode it. Then I take my access key in my Azure account and HMAC sha256 this UTF 8 encoded string with the key. Then I output that in base64. Let's call this output string.
My authorization header looks like this: SharedKey myaccountname:output string
It is not working.
The header in Postman also has x-ms-blob-type, x-ms-date, x-ms-version, Content-Length, and Authorization. The body for now says hello world.
Can anyone help me make this successful request in Postman?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Message>Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.
<AuthenticationErrorDetail>The MAC signature found in the HTTP request 'jiJtirohvi1syXulqkPKESnmQEJI4GpDU5JBn7BM/xY=' is not the same as any computed signature. Server used following string to sign: 'PUT
x-ms-date:Sat, 25 Feb 2017 22:20:13 GMT
First, I want to thank you and everyone who responded. I truly truly appreciate it. I have one last question and then I think I'll be set!! I'm not using that code - I'm doing this all by hand. If I have my key: X2iiy6v47j1jZZH5555555555zzQRrIAdxxVs55555555555av8uBUNGcBMotmS7tDqas14gU5O/w== changed slightly for anonymity - do I decode it: using an online base64decoder. Then, when I have my string which now looks like this: PUT\n\n\n11\n\ntext/plain;charset=UTF-8\n\n\n\n\n\n\nx-ms-blob-type:BlockBlob\nx-ms-date:Mon, 27 Feb 2017 21:53:13 GMT\nx-ms-version:2015-02-21\n/myaccount/mycontainer/blob.txt\n so I run this in and then use this in HMAC with my decoded key: - using sha256 and base64 at the end.
Is that how I get the correct string to put here?: SharedKey myaccount:<string here>
I believe there's an issue with how you're specifying StringToSign here:
25 Feb 2017 22:20:13
If you notice the error message returned from the server, string to sign by server is different than yours and the difference is that the server is using Content-Type (text/plain;charset=UTF-8) in signature calculation while you're not. Please include this content type in your code and things should work just fine.
Here's the sample code (partial only) I used:
var requestMethod = "PUT";
var urlPath = "test" + "/" + "myblob.txt";
var storageServiceVersion = "2015-12-11";
var date = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("R", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
var blobType = "BlockBlob";
var contentBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello World");
var canonicalizedResource = "/" + accountName + "/" + urlPath;
var canonicalizedHeaders = "x-ms-blob-type:" + blobType + "\nx-ms-date:" + date + "\nx-ms-version:" + storageServiceVersion + "\n";
var stringToSign = requestMethod + "\n" +
"\n" + //Content Encoding
"\n" + //Content Language
"11\n" + //Content Length
"\n" + //Content MD5
"text/plain;charset=UTF-8" + "\n" + //Content Type
"\n" + //Date
"\n" + //If - Modified - Since
"\n" + //If - Match
"\n" + //If - None - Match
"\n" + //If - Unmodified - Since
"\n" + //Range +
canonicalizedHeaders +
string authorizationHeader = GenerateSharedKey(stringToSign, accountKey, accountName);
private static string GenerateSharedKey(string stringToSign, string key, string account)
string signature;
var unicodeKey = Convert.FromBase64String(key);
using (var hmacSha256 = new HMACSHA256(unicodeKey))
var dataToHmac = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringToSign);
signature = Convert.ToBase64String(hmacSha256.ComputeHash(dataToHmac));
return string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} {1}:{2}", "SharedKey", account, signature);
According to your error message, it indicates that authorization signature is incorrect.
If the Content-Type "text/plain; charset=UTF-8" is not included in the header, please add it in the stringTosign and postman.
When we try to get the signature, we need to make sure the length of the blob.txt matches the Content length in the stringTosign. That means request body length should match the content length in the stringTosign.
I test it with Postman, it works correctly. We can get the signature with the code in another SO Thread. The following is my detail steps
Add the following header
Add the request body (example: Hello World)
Send the put blob request.
Update :
Please have a try to use the online tool to generate signature for test.

IE crossdomain filter on flex application

I have an application that uses a flex form to capture user input. When the user has entered the form data (which includes a drawing area) the application creates a jpg image of the form and sends back to the server. Since the data is sensitive, it has to use https. Also, the client requires both jpg and pdf versions of the form to be stored on the server.
The application sends data back in three steps
1 - send the jpg snapshot with ordernumber
2 - send the form data fields as post data so it is not visible in the address bar
3 - send the pdf data
I am sending the jpg data first using urlloader and waiting for the server to respond before performing opperation 2 and 3 to ensure that the server has created the record associated with the new orderNumber.
This code works fine in IE over http. But If I try to use the application over https, IE blocks the page response from store jpg step and the complete event of the urlloader never fires. The application works fine in FireFox over http or https.
Here is the crossdomain.xml (I have replaced the domain with ""):
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "">
<allow-access-from domain="*.<mydomain>.com" to-ports="*" secure="false"/>
<allow-http-request-headers-from domain="*.<mydomain>.com" headers="*">
Here is the code that is executed when the user presses the submit button:
private function loaderCompleteHandler(event:Event):void {
private function submitOrder(pEvt:MouseEvent):void
//disable submit form so the order can't be submitted twice
formIsValid = false;
waitVisible = true;
//submit the jpg image first with the order number, userID, provID
//and order type. The receiveing asp will create the new order record
//and save the jpg file. jpg MUST be sent first.
orderNum = userID + "." + provID + "." + Date().toString() + "." + orderType;
var jpgURL:String = "" + userID + "&provID=" + provID + "&oNum=" + orderNum + "&oType=" + orderType;
var jpgSource:BitmapData = new BitmapData (vbxPrint.width, vbxPrint.height);
var jpgEncoder:JPEGEncoder = new JPEGEncoder(100);
var jpgStream:ByteArray = jpgEncoder.encode(jpgSource);
var header:URLRequestHeader = new URLRequestHeader ("content-type", "application/octet-stream");
//Make sure to use the correct path to jpg_encoder_download.php
var jpgURLRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest (jpgURL);
jpgURLRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST; = jpgStream;
//navigateToURL(jpgURLRequest, "_blank");
var jpgURLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
catch (error:ArgumentError)
trace("An ArgumentError has occurred.");
catch (error:SecurityError)
trace("A SecurityError has occurred.");
jpgURLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loaderCompleteHandler);
private function sendPatientData ():void
var dataURL:String = "" + orderNum + "&oType=" + orderType;
//Make sure to use the correct path to jpg_encoder_download.php
var dataURLRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest (dataURL);
dataURLRequest.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
var dataUrlVariables:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
dataUrlVariables.userID = userID
dataUrlVariables.provID = provID = txtPatientName.text
dataUrlVariables.dob = txtDOB.text = txtPatientContact.text
dataUrlVariables.ind=txtIndications.text = dataUrlVariables
navigateToURL(dataURLRequest, "_self");
private function sendPDF():void
var url:String = ""
var fileName:String = "orderPDF.pdf&sub=pdf&oNum=" + orderNum + "&oType=" + orderType + "&f=2&t=1" + "&mid=" + ModuleID.toString()
var jpgSource:BitmapData = new BitmapData (vbxPrint.width, vbxPrint.height);
var jpgEncoder:JPEGEncoder = new JPEGEncoder(100);
var jpgStream:ByteArray = jpgEncoder.encode(jpgSource);
myPDF = new PDF( Orientation.LANDSCAPE,Unit.INCHES,Size.LETTER);
myPDF.addImageStream(jpgStream,0,0, 0, 0, 1,ResizeMode.FIT_TO_PAGE );,url,Download.ATTACHMENT,fileName);
The target asp page is not sending back any data, except the basic site page template.
Can anyone help me figure out how to get around this IE crossdomain issue? I have turned off the XSS filter in IE tools security settings, but that still didn't solve the problem.
Do everything over https. Load the swf from an https url. Send the initial form post via https. Send the images via https.