How to add a checkbox to each meeting in Outlook calendar view to enable/disable a reminder? - vba

I'd like to be able to click a check box on each of my Outlook Calendar Meeting Invites that would disable the "Reminder" if unchecked (a.k.a. set the Reminder value = None).
Example of Photoshop mock up:
Any suggestions?

It looks like you need to customize the current view of the Explorer/Folder objects. The Currentview property of the Folder or Explorer class returns a View object representing the current view. To obtain a View object for the view of the current Explorer, use Explorer.CurrentView instead of the CurrentView property of the current Folder object returned by Explorer.CurrentFolder.
The View object allows you to create customizable views that allow you to better sort, group and ultimately view data of all different types. There are a variety of different view types that provide the flexibility needed to create and maintain your important data.
The table view type (olTableView) allows you to view data in a simple field-based table.
The Calendar view type (olCalendarView) allows you to view data in a calendar format.
The card view type (olCardView) allows you to view data in a series of cards. Each card displays the information contained by the item and can be sorted.
The icon view type (olIconView) allows you to view data as icons, similar to a Windows folder or explorer.
The timeline view type (olTimelineView) allows you to view data as it is received in a customizable linear time line.
Views are defined and customized using the View object's XML property. The XML property allows you to create and set a customized XML schema that defines the various features of a view.
The XML definition describes the view type by using a series of tags and keywords corresponding to various properties of the view itself. When the view is created, the XML definition is parsed to render the settings for the new view.
To determine how the XML should be structured when creating views, you can create a view by using the Outlook user interface and then you can retrieve the XML property for that view.
To programmatically add a custom field to a view, use the Add method of the ViewFields object. This is the recommended way to dynamically change the view over setting the XML property of the View object.
Note, if you are adding a custom property to the ViewFields collection, the property must exist in the UserDefinedProperties collection for the View’s parent folder.


How do I set a custom name for predicate items in a resource pack?

I have made a custom item in a resource pack based off an emerald. The original emerald file has a predicate set to it, which allows me to have my custom item. However, even though I have my custom item texture I cannot set it's in game name. Is there anyway to give this predicate a custom name without changing the base emerald's name?

Odoo retrieve if create is called directly from selection list

Is there any way to know if create method is called directly from selection list field?
I have to extend create method (The context not contains this information).

ASP.NET MVC Set texts in the View or in the Controller

What is the best practice in MVC (for testing, SOC and scaffolding) for setting texts (for exemple page title, h1,h2..)
Is it better to do it in the controlle, fill a viewmodel and send it to the view
or directly typing texts in the view?
Also I will propably use ressouces files for global texts (like button text, menu texts) and local ressouces for view specific texts.
The view is merely to present the output to the user. Depending on your requirement you can either:
1) Type the text in the view directly <h2>Hello World</h2> (for static content that will not change)
The latter two options are for ideal for dynamic content, where the content could be received from a database or some additional input.
2) Use the ViewBag to pass information to the view (in which case you would set it in the controller ie. ViewBag.HelloWorld = "Hello World" : <h2>#ViewBag.HelloWorld</h2>
3) Use a model to pass the information to your view. This should be your preferred option where possible. In your specific case you could use the controller to retrieve the content from your global resources, bind it to the model and pass it to the view.
The logic on where to get the data should come from the controller and the View's function should be to merely display it.
I recommend binding properties on the viewModel to the UI.
This is not only more testable, but it's also more flexible. It makes it easier to implement features like mult language support etc.
I recommend avoiding hard coding text in the markup if you can

Add dynamic tabs in tabbed property view of eclipse

I am trying to create a tabbed property view as per given article : The Eclipse Tabbed Properties View
As per article, extension point can be used to add new tabs.
<extension point="">
<propertyTabs contributorId="mview.views.SampleView">
However in my case the tabs of property view vary depending on the item selected in view. So I have to add the tabs dynamically into extension depening on the item selected.
Please suggest how to do so.
One of the way to do so (I am not sure if its adviced) is using IExtensionRegistry.addContribution() method. Here I provided an inputstream object containing desired extension details. This added tabs to property view at run time. However with change in selection of item in list viewer, the property view is not updated. Please suggest if this is the right approach to do so.
Ok, I got the solution Its a two step process. Using this one can dyanamically add tabs (and their sections):
Step 1: Associate a tab descriptor provider with the view.
Add an extension point - to the view (if not already added). In the propertyContributor section, add a class for tabDescriptorProvider item. This class will implement ITabDescriptorProvider interface.
Step 2: Provide Tabs and Sections:
TabDescriptor provider will return array of TabDescriptors when its getTabDescriptor() method is called. Each TabDescriptor return a list of SectionDecriptors and each SectionDescriptor is linked to a Section. Finally it is the Section class that contains widgets to be displayed on screen. Each widget in Section class has a modify listner which updates the properties of selected items.
While the answer from Viral may not match the specific needs of the OP, the provided answer is likely acceptable to many.
If a tab does not have any sections to display, the default TabbedPropertySheetPage will not show that tab. Thus, if the problem domain is specified in terms of IFilter implementing classes, "dynamic" tabs may be achieved.
Tabs will be added or be removed as the selection changes depending upon whether any sections are present. A visible tab may have one or more sections present on it, and the number of sections on a visible tab may change from selection to selection.
As I came across this page with the same basic issue, I was a bit disappointed that I would need to intervene in the way the OP suggested. After some experimentation, I was able to achieve what I needed purely through the IFilter approach as suggested by Viral.
A tutorial is provided at
You need to define a new YourPropertySection derived fromAbstract PropertySection . Also define a filter derived from IFilter and override the select method to return true only for the desired type of selection. Then in plugin.xml write an extension point which would map your PropertySection to the required PropertyTab and will also associate your filter. So this section & tab will only show when your filter returns true.

How to query the data from content type without using content query webpart in SharePoint2010.How can i?

I want to query the data from content type without using content query webpart. How could I do this?
My scenario is, I have a page layout, from the page layout I have created a page that contains some site columns values. After clicking on the save button I need to update the field in the page library column. How can I query the data in item updating event of the Site Pages Library.
Any help would be appreciated.
The ItemUpdating event method is passed an SPItemEventProperties parameter named property. This object contains information about the item responsible for firing the event handler. You can access this by calling properties.ListItem[Fieldname] or properties.AfterProperties[fieldname].
Something to note. The value of the SPItemEventProperties.BeforeProperties and SPItemEventProperties.AfterProperties as well as the properties of the SPItemEventProperties.ListItem, varies depending on the Event you are overriding and the type of SP List (List or Document Library). This chart shows these relationships.