finding apache build options - apache

I need to rebuild an apache server, but the original source is no longer available. Is there any way ( command line switch to httpd? ) to get the build options which were originally used?

Try -V which "Print the version and build parameters of httpd, and then exit."
httpd -V
Also, you can see the options for httpd via:
httpd -h

I found previous configure options in the build directory of apache root.
I'm a Centos 5/6 user.
Apache ver. is 2.2.27.
#! /bin/sh
# Created by configure
"./configure" \
"--prefix=/usr/local/apache2" \
"--enable-so" \
"--enable-mods-shared=most" \
"--enable-ssl" \
"--with-mpm=worker" \
"--enable-cgi" \

I re-compiled apache 2.4.3 recently and change the MPM from worker to prefork, what you have to do if you still keep your original compiled directory without ran "make distclean" (if you ran "make clean" it still OK). You can use the SAME configure option to re-configure by exec ./config.status or you can find and copy './configure' from ./config.status (yes, all the original options that you used to run configure still there).
Here is part of my config.status...
if $ac_cs_silent; then
exec 6>/dev/null
ac_configure_extra_args="$ac_configure_extra_args --silent"
if $ac_cs_recheck; then
set X /bin/sh **'./configure' '--enable-file-cache' '--enable-cache' '--enable-disk-cache' '--enable-mem-cache' '--enable-deflate' '--enable-expires' '--enable-headers' '--enable-usertrack' '--enable-cgi' '--enable-vhost-alias' '--enable-rewrite' '--enable-so' '--with-apr=/usr/local/apache/' '--with-apr-util=/usr/local/apache/' '--prefix=/usr/local/apache' '--with-mpm=worker' '--with-mysql=/var/lib/mysql' '--with-mysql-sock=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' '--enable-mods-shared=most' '--enable-ssl' 'CFLAGS=-Wall -O3 -ffast-math -frename-registers -mtune=corei7-avx' '--enable-modules=all' '--enable-proxy' '--enable-proxy-fcgi'** $ac_configure_extra_args --no-create --no-recursion
$as_echo "running CONFIG_SHELL=/bin/sh $*" >&6
exec "$#"


Building Apache Impala fails

I was trying to build Apache Impala from source(newest version on github).
I followed following instructions to build Impala:
(1) clone Impala
> git clone
> cd Impala
(2) configure environmental variables
> export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-oracle-amd64
> export IMPALA_HOME=<path to Impala>
> export BOOST_LIBRARYDIR=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
> export LC_ALL="en_US.UTF-8"
${IMPALA_HOME}/ -noclean -skiptests -build_shared_libs -format
(4) errors are shown below:
Heap is needed to find the cause. Looks like the compiler does not support the GLIBCXX_3.4.21. But the GCC is automatically downloaded by the building script.
Appreciate your help!!!
Starting from this commit , Impala has been shipped with a development bootstrap script.
I tried the master branch in a fresh ubuntu 16.04 docker image and it works fine. Here is what I did.
checkout the latest impala code base and do
docker run --rm -it --privileged -v /home/amos/git/impala/:/root/Impala ubuntu:16.04
inside docker, do
apt-get update
apt-get install sudo
cd /root/Impala
comment this out in bin/ if you don't need test data
# if ! [[ -d ~/Impala-lzo ]]
# then
# git clone ~/Impala-lzo
# fi
# if ! [[ -d ~/hadoop-lzo ]]
# then
# git clone ~/hadoop-lzo
# fi
# cd ~/hadoop-lzo/
# time -p ant package
also add this line before ssh localhost whoami
echo "source ${IMPALA_HOME}/bin/" >> ~/.bashrc
change the build command to whatever you like in bin/
${IMPALA_HOME}/ -noclean -skiptests -build_shared_libs -format
then run bin/
You'll be prompted for some input. Just fill in default value and it'll work.

How can I develop in docker container with intellij?

I know intellij has a docker container plugin, however it doesn't seem to allow me to develop inside the container itself. The idea is simple, I don't want to configure my host to have the correct environment tools. I'd rather just a docker container setup and then use intellij to find libs, functionality and such with in the container itself.
This would be incredibly helpful for c++, java, and scala dev. Also it would be useful debugging as well.
So is it possible to develop within a docker container with intellij?
So you just want to work within a container just as you would within a full-blown VM, right? Then you should just run a container, attach a display (to run IDEA) and start configuring your development environment.
For the display part I'd test some answers given in Can you run GUI apps in a docker container?. There are some very cool answers in this topic showing various approaches to running GUI apps within a container.
Shouldn't the approach be rather:
Have local repository and local IDE. In the repository have docker file and eventually docker-compose.yml, which spins up environment required to run project.
Mount your local drive with sources into docker (volumes), so changes done in your local folder are reflected in docker, similar in other direction.
Please look at this example for Intellij IDEA CI and JDK8 based on Alpine Linux (taken here
# Alpine 3.8 C++/Java Developer Image
# For IntelliJ and GUI (X11), run the image with:
# $ XSOCK=/tmp/.X11-unix && sudo docker run -i -v $XSOCK:$XSOCK -e DISPLAY -u developer -t [image-name]
# Then run IntelliJ with:
# /idea-IC-191.6707.61/bin/
FROM alpine:3.8
RUN set -ex && \
apk add --no-cache --update \
# basic packages
bash bash-completion coreutils file grep openssl openssh nano sudo tar xz \
# debug tools
gdb musl-dbg strace \
# docs and man
bash-doc man man-pages less less-doc \
# GUI fonts
font-noto \
# user utils
RUN set -ex && \
apk add --no-cache --update \
# C++ build tools
cmake g++ git linux-headers libpthread-stubs make
RUN set -ex && \
apk add --no-cache --update \
# Java tools
gradle openjdk8 openjdk8-dbg
# Install IntelliJ Community
RUN set -ex && \
wget && \
tar -xf ideaIC-2019.1.1-no-jbr.tar.gz && \
rm ideaIC-2019.1.1-no-jbr.tar.gz
# Create a new user with no password
ENV USERNAME developer
RUN set -ex && \
useradd --create-home --key MAIL_DIR=/dev/null --shell /bin/bash $USERNAME && \
passwd -d $USERNAME
# Set additional environment variables
ENV JAVA_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8-openjdk
ENV JDK_HOME /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8-openjdk
ENV JAVA_EXE /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8-openjdk/bin/java
There is a better way to do this now with Jetbrains Gateway. Just make sure you have OpenSSH server installed (latest Ubuntu containers have this already installed) in the container that you initially ran with exposed ports, i.e. -p 220:22 (I like 220) and the SSH service running, i.e. service ssh start, after modifying the /etc/ssh/sshd_config to enable root login and password authentication then service ssh restart. Make sure you set a password for the root user, i.e. passwd root, (or go through other steps to setup a new user). Then all you need to do is open Jetbrains Gateway, and SSH to the container with the fields set thus: user=root, host=localhost, and port=220 (or whatever you chose); note, you will also need to specify a project location, which in my use case is a Java application repository root directory -- this means you will need to have Java and Maven or whatever other tools installed in the container at some point, but doesn't affect ability to connect. Assuming you connect with no issues you will see activity whereby Gateway installs an IDE backend inside the container (takes about 10 minutes) and then starts up a IDE client which is a light version of IntelliJ (or whatever other IDE version you selected) that is honestly a bit buggy at time of writing. But it works and has unblocked some of my colleagues stuck with Windows machines and not many options to upgrade to Macs in the current chip shortage environment. Note that any time you restart the container you also need to restart the SSH service unless you script it to automatically start up when the container does.

Find httpd.conf file location after it's been changed by -f flag

Httpd processes use a non-default configuration file if they are run with the -f flag.
For example
/home/myuser/apache/httpd-2.4.8/bin/httpd -f /confFiles/apache/2.4.8/apache.conf -k start
will use this configuration file: /confFiles/apache/2.4.8/apache.conf
I need to get this location and would rather not have to check for possible -f flags used to start httpd.
The answer here says to run /path/to/httpd -V and concatenate
-D SERVER_CONFIG_FILE="conf/httpd.conf"
-D HTTPD_ROOT="/etc/httpd"
to get the final path to the config file.
However, this path will not be the correct one if the -f flag is used to start the httpd process.
Is there a command that can get the config file that is actually being used by the process?
The answer you refer to mentions the paths httpd was compiled with, but as you say those can be manually changed with parameters.
The simple way to check is the command line, if process is called "httpd" (standard name), a simple ps will reveal the config file being used:
ps auxw | grep httpd
Or querying the server if server has mod_info loaded, in command line or with your favourite browser:
curl "" | grep -i "config file"
Note: mod_info should not be publicaly available for everyone to see.

Can't start apache with supervisord from a Docker container

I'm running a Docker container with CoreOS which uses Debian latest as a base and has various packages installed including supervisor and apache2. I can start and successfully run apache using the following command:
# /usr/bin/pidproxy /var/run/ /bin/bash -c "source /etc/apache2/envvars && /usr/sbin/apache2 -DFOREGROUND -k start"
However, when I stick this command in a supervisor config file:
command=/usr/bin/pidproxy /var/run/ /bin/bash -c "source /etc/apache2/envvars && /usr/sbin/apache2 -DFOREGROUND -k start"
and do this:
# supervisorctl start apache2
I get back this response:
apache2: ERROR (abnormal termination)
Looking at the supervisor process log file I see the help output from the apache2 command, as if it had been called like so apache2 -h. I have no idea why a command which runs when executed on the command line as root (ssh into the container) would not work when verbatim executed by supervisorctl (run as root).
Any point in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
Not really sure why, but adding quotes to my option values seems to have done the trick, and allowed me to use apachectl. Must be something with the context in which the command is interpreted, whatever supervisor is doing vs input from a bash prompt. Here's my working config file:
command=apachectl -D "FOREGROUND" -k start
You really want to use this. If you don't use pidproxy, a supervisorctl stop apache will not kill all it's children.
This will also make sure that the container will quit when it gets a SIGTERM instead of waiting for a SIGKILL.
command=/usr/bin/pidproxy /var/run/apache2/ /bin/bash -c "/usr/sbin/apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND"
This is what works for me (using an ubuntu base image, but that should not matter):
# Pull Ubuntu as base image
FROM dockerfile/ubuntu
# Install supervisor to allow starting mutliple processes
RUN apt-get -y install supervisor && \
mkdir -p /var/log/supervisor && \
mkdir -p /etc/supervisor/conf.d
RUN mkdir /var/log/supervisord
# Add supervisor configuration
ADD etc/supervisor/supervisor.conf /etc/supervisor.conf
# Install Apache and enable CGI
RUN apt-get install -y apache2
ADD etc/apache/000-default.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf
RUN a2enmod cgi
; supervisord log file
; info, debug, warn, trace
; pidfile location
; run supervisord as a daemon
; number of startup file descriptors
; number of process descriptors
; default user
; where child log files will live
file=/var/run/supervisor.sock ; (the path to the socket file)
; the below section must remain in the config file for RPC
; (supervisorctl/web interface) to work, additional interfaces may be
; added by defining them in separate rpcinterface: sections
supervisor.rpcinterface_factory = supervisor.rpcinterface:make_main_rpcinterface
serverurl=unix:///var/run/supervisor.sock ; use a unix:// URL for a unix socket
; Apache server
command=/usr/sbin/apache2ctl -D FOREGROUND
In CentOS apache is Called httpd not apache2
Your supervisor conf file will need to be updated for CentOS
/usr/sbin/httpd is the program location.
command=/usr/bin/pidproxy /var/run/ /bin/bash -c "/usr/sbin/httpd -DFOREGROUND -k start"

How to check mod_headers and mod_expires modules enabled in apache

I want to check whether mod_headers and mod_expires modules enabled or not in my server
Is there a way available to list apache enabled/disabled modules using some php function just like we list php information with phpinfo(); function?
All the above answers are wrong. Use instead:
apachectl -t -D DUMP_MODULES
apachectl -M
On Debian:
user#machine:~$ /usr/sbin/apache2 -l
Most GNU/Linux distros:
user#machine:~$ /usr/sbin/httpd -l
user#machine:~$ ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled
On Mac OSX:
user#mymac:~$ httpd -l
On Win 7 (64-bit):
C:\Users\myuser>"\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Apache2.2\bin\httpd.exe" -l
Try these commands from a terminal window in all but Windows, which will use CMD instead.
On Ubuntu you can see the list of enabled modules here,
Some versions of PHP/Apache show all loaded modules in phpinfo() under "Loaded Modules".
Speeve's answer shows compiled in modules (x6 on my system):
echo system('/usr/sbin/apache2 -l');
You'll also need to see your enabled modules (x36 for me):
echo system('ls /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/');
To get the list of disabled modules, run this command then cross off all the enabled modules:
echo system('ls /etc/apache2/mods-available/');