Any good SQL Anywhere database schema comparison tools? - sql

Are there any good database schema comparison tools out there that support Sybase SQL Anywhere version 10? I've seen a litany of them for SQL Server, a few for MySQL and Oracle, but nothing that supports SQL Anywhere correctly.
I tried using DB Solo, but it turned all my non-unique indexes into unique ones, and I didn't see any options to change that.

If you are willing to download SQL Anywhere Version 11, and Compare It!, check out the comparison technique shown here:
You don't have to upgrade your SQL Anywhere Version 10 database.

The new kid on the block is Qwerybuilder. It supports SQL Server, Sybase ASE, Sybase SQL Anywhere and Oracle. I've used it successfully with SQL Anywhere to track schema changes.

Two I've come across that support SQL Anywhere:
Upscene Database Workbench -
Aquafold -
Each one appears has a schema comparison tool, however I have not used either to compare schemas.

SQLDelta is awesome. It is for SQL Server. I've used it with SQL 2000 and 2005. It will compare stored procedures, tables, views, permissions, indexes, etc. It can also compare data between tables I believe. You can sync the changes or generate SQL Scripts for later use. I use it often to script out db changes in development to production.
Ah...missed the Sybase remark. Not sure if SQLDelta can talk to it..but I'd probably give it a shot since Sybase is similar.

Try erwin (CA AllFusion ERwin Data Modeler). It supports quite a lot of different DBs, including SQL Anywhere, and is quite good in reverse/forward engineering and schema comparison. However, you may find it a bit too complex to use for the comparison...

I use SQL Data Compare from Red Gate along with SQL Compare the data compare allows you to Compare the contents of two databases and Automatically synchronize your data.
SQL compare allows you to do the same but with the database tables. Nice GUI on each and very easy setup. they also work on a remote database.
There not cheap but each has a 30 trail so you can get a feel if you like it or not.

Sybase PowerDesigner can also Compare or Merge your Database Schema.
It can also Load the Schema from various Databases by ODBC if you have Schema generation Scripts you can also load them into a Model.
Its an expensive tool but great to document and develop you schema changes IMHO.

Breck Carter's idea is a good one. For quick scans, I have an old product that is called DBDelta. I have it installed on an old Windows 2000 machine because the install I have will not work on an XP machine. It's a very small app that compares two SQL Anywhere databases across an ODBC connection.
I've done some searches to try and find a later copy, but have not been able to. The developer was Charles Butcher. I think he supported it for a while and then stopped back in 2002 or so.
I'll continue to look for a link. If I find something I will post it here.

QweryBuilder 5.5.0 will allow you to compare all procedures, functions, views, tables and triggers in one shot. This release is scheduled for mid May, 2010.
It hasn't been finalized yet but we are also looking at adding an option to turn the diff results into a script that can be executed on a target database.


integrate data between oracle and sql server

I have an oracle database that is very large in size.
I also have a sql server database. I want to integrate data from the oracle database to the sql server database and also the opposite way. This does not need to be real time but can work in the background possibly on defined intervals during the day.
What is the process for setting this up and how may it be achieved?
You should look into Microsoft SSIS:
One possibility is to use Oracle Golden Gate software. It does cost money but it supports real time data movement between many different database architectures, including the ones you specifically care about.
Creating DB links is the best option for this. With DB links the databases can talk to each other directly. No need for additional software or programming, this is standard functionality in Oracle and SQL Server and is very reliable.

replication between SQL Server and MySQL server

I want to setup replication between SQL Server and MySQL, in which SQL Server is the primary database server and MySQL is the slave server (on linux).
Is there a way to setup such scenario? Help me .
My answer might be coming too late, but still for future reference ...
You can use one of the heterogeneous replication solutions like SymmetricDS: It can replicate data between any SQL database to any SQL database, altough the overhead is higher than using a native replication solution.
of course you can replicate MSSQL database to MYSQL
By using Linked Server in MSSQL.
for that you need to download ODBC drivers. and you can further search regarding how to create Linked server on SQL SERVER.
This option is very easy and Totally free. You can use OPEN QUERY FOR THIS.
By using SSIS Packages.
for that you need the Business Intelligence service of SQL SERVER. you can create SSIS Packages on Visual Studio and run them for replication.
No. At least not without doing a lot of dirty, bad things. MSSQL and MySQL speak different replication protocols, so you won't be able to set it up natively (which is the way you'd want to handle it). At best, you could hack together some sort of proxy that forwards insert/update/delete/create/alter, etc. queries from one to the other. This is a terrible idea as they don't speak the same SQL except in the most common case. Even database dumps which wouldn't really be replication are generally incompatible between vendors.
Don't do it. If you must use different OSes on your servers, standardize the database to something that runs on both.
These two databases are from two different vendors. While I cannot say for sure, it is unlikely Microsoft has any interest in allowing replication to a different vendor's database server.
I work with Informix and MySQL. Both those databases have commands that dump the entire database to an ascii file format. You would need to see how that is done on MS SQL Server; ftp the dump to the server hosting the MySQL server; and then convert the dump into something MySQL can import.

MS Access 2007 and SQL Server 2000

I've recently been upgraded to Office 2007. I have several Access databases (that I've kept in the Access 2000 format for several reasons) that are linked to SQL Server 2000 databases. I have dozens of queries in these databases that I use often. I create new queries daily, sorting, summarizing and generally analyzing the data.
Since the upgrade, some queries take an extremely long time to complete (minutes rather than seconds), and one new one I've tried to run doesn't complete at all, I have to end task on Access. It's a rather simple query, it joins 3 tables, and sorts on one of the fields. I do this ALL THE TIME, and now it appears I can't.
I've searched for discussions of similar problems, but haven't seen specific recommendations.
Any ideas?
I would suggest deleting all your ODBC linked tables and recreating them from scratch as a starting point.
If your queries do not need to make any changes to the data you may find converting them to SQL Pass through queries will speed them up considerable. Note these queries are not parsed through the Jet DB Engine but sent directly to the server and bypass any linked tables.
You will have to use MS SQL syntax and lose the QBE grid though and the result will be read only.
If you need to update data then maybe stored procedures are the way to go.
When I converted to SQL Server backend, I used SQL Server Migration Assistant. I recommend it highly. It's very good at what it does.
Having said that, I assume you're using linked tables in your FE. I convert slow-moving queries by copying the SQL from Access, then pasting it into a "new query" window on SQL Server Management Studio. Then, working through all the syntax changes one at a time, I convert the query to T-SQL and save it as a view with the same name as the query in Access.
I have a little routine that then renames the Access query to "Local_" and then creates a linked table entry to the view on SQL Server. You'll find that a query that used to run for minutes will run for seconds this way. You can, of course, do this manually.
SQL Server Migration Assistant, by the way, will convert many queries (it doesn't try to convert action queries, only select queries...) with little or no intervention.
I would use Access Data Projects with SQL Server 2000. It works great when your SQL backend is that old.

How to Convert SQL server to Oracle?

I have a SQL server database (Tables, Views, SP...). I need to convert this database to Oracle 10g. How can I do it?
Transferring the data will be easy; SQL Server integration services can do that, or Oracle's SQL Developer.
However, views and stored procedures are different between Oracle and SQL Server. SQL Server uses T-SQL, Oracle uses PL/SQL. These are not very compatible and I don't know a tool can automatically convert between the two. If your database relies on specific T-SQL features, you will need a developer to do the conversion.
Get the jTDS jdbc driver from sourceforge.
Add it to Oracle SQL Developer.
Tools > Migration > Migrate
Create a migration repository in your new Oracle database.
Create a new migration project.
Point it to your SQL Server database.
Convert it - mind the data types.
Migrate the data:
online row-by-row inserts over JDBC. Fine for SMALL/test boxes.
offline - use micrsosoft's unload utility to pull the sql server down to flat files. SQL Developer will create SQL*Loader scripts to put them over into Oracle.
If you have GoldenGate licensed, use that to move the data over and to synch changes from one system to the other in case you need to keep both up and going.
Start looking at the migrated T-SQL procs and functions. SQL Developer will leave comments for code blocks it wasn't able to translate...but you will need to TEST and VERIFY every single translation. Customers can see upwards to 80-90% translation rates for their T-SQL, but it could be as low as just depends on the nature of your code.
The entire process is described here.
I wrote a white paper, with Sybase ASE as the example source platform, here. The process is identical for SQL Server. It has step-by-step guidance with screenshots.
If you have an Oracle account manager, reach out for help. We have specialists that deal exclusively with migrations such as yours. They have lots of practical advice and can recommend 3rd party partners if you lack the expertise.
sql developer can help. You can download it here , it is free.
There is step by step documentation including videos on how to migrate SQL Server to Oracle DB. You find it here:
Migrating from Microsoft SQL Server to Oracle
Or you can use a tool to do the job for you like Ispirer - Migrate Microsoft SQL Server to Oracle
You basicaly setup an Oracle Server, once its ready you migrate your tables using a software made for that. I guess this script can do the job:

How can I synchronize views and stored procedures between SQL Server databases?

I have a 'reference' SQL Server 2005 database that is used as our global standard. We're all set up for keeping general table schema and data properly synchronized, but don't yet have a good solution for other objects like views, stored procedures, and user-defined functions.
I'm aware of products like Redgate's SQL Compare, but we don't really want to rely on (any further) 3rd-party tools right now.
Is there a way to ensure that a given stored procedure or view on the reference database, for example, is up to date on the target databases? Can this be scripted?
Edit for clarification: when I say 'scripted', I mean running a script that pushes out any changes to the target servers. Not running the same CREATE/ALTER script multiple times on multiple servers.
Any advice/experience on how to approach this would be much appreciated.
1) Keep all your views, triggers, functions, stored procedures, table schemas etc in Source Control and use that as the master.
2) Failing that, use your reference DB as the master and script out views and stored procedures etc: Right click DB, Tasks->Generate Scripts and choose your objects.
3) You could even use transactional replication between Reference and Target DBs.
I strongly believe the best way is to have everything scripted and placed in Source Control.
You can use the system tables to do this.
For example,
select * from sys.syscomments
The "text" column will give you all of the code for the store procedures (plus other data).
It is well worth looking at all the system tables and procedures. In fact, I suspect this is what RedGate's software and other tools do under the hood.
I have just myself begun experimenting with this, so I can't really be specific about all the gotcha's and what other system tables you need to query, but this should get you started.
Also see:
Query to list SQL Server stored procedures along with lines of code for each procedure
which is slightly different question than yours, but related.
I use (and love) the RedGate tools, but when Microsoft announced Visual Studio 2010, they decided to allow MSDN subscribers who get Visual Studio 2008 Team System to also get Visual Studio 2008 Database Edition (which has a schema compare tool).
So if you or your organization has an MSDN subscription, you might want to consider downloading and installing the Database Edition over your Team System to get all the features now.
More details at
Take a look at ScriptDB on Codeplex (
It is a console C# app that creates scripts of the SQL Database objects using SMO. You can use that to compare scripts generated on two servers. Since its open source, adjust it if you need it.