Is there any performance reason to use powers of two for field sizes in my database? - sql

A long time ago when I was a young lat I used to do a lot of assembler and optimization programming. Today I mainly find myself building web apps (it's alright too...). However, whenever I create fields for database tables I find myself using values like 16, 32 & 128 for text fields and I try to combine boolean values into SET data fields.
Is giving a text field a length of 9 going to make my database slower in the long run and do I actually help it by specifying a field length that is more easy memory aligned?

Database optimization is quite unlike machine code optimization. With databases, most of the time you want to reduce disk I/O, and wastefully trying to align fields will only make less records fit in a disk block/page. Also, if any alignment is beneficial, the database engine will do it for you automatically.
What will matter most is indexes and how well you use them. Trying tricks to pack more information in less space can easily end up making it harder to have good indexes. (Do not overdo it, however; not only do indexes slow down INSERTs and UPDATEs to indexed columns, they also mean more work for the planner, which has to consider all the possibilities.)
Most databases have an EXPLAIN command; try using it on your selects (in particular, the ones with more than one table) to get a feel for how the database engine will do its work.

The size of the field itself may be important, but usually for text if you use nvarchar or varchar it is not a big deal. Since the DB will take what you use. the follwoing will have a greater impact on your SQL speed:
don't have more columns then you need. bigger table in terms of columns means the database will be less likely to find the results for your queries on the same disk page. Notice that this is true even if you only ask for 2 out of 10 columns in your select... (there is one way to battle this, with clustered indexes but that can only address one limited scenario).
you should give more details on the type of design issues/alternatives you are considering to get additional tips.

Something that is implied above, but which can stand being made explicit. You don't have any way of knowing what the computer is actually doing. It's not like the old days when you could look at the assembler and know pretty well what steps the program is going to take. A value that "looks" like it's in a CPU register may actually have to be fetched from a cache on the chip or even from the disk. If you are not writing assembler but using an optimizing compiler, or even more surely, bytecode on a runtime engine (Java, C#), abandon hope. Or abandon worry, which is the better idea.
It's probably going to take thousands, maybe tens of thousands of machine cycles to write or retrieve that DB value. Don't worry about the 10 additional cycles due to full word alignments.


Improving our algorithm with SQLite vs storing everything in memory

The problem...I’m trying to figure out a way to make our algorithm faster.
Our written in C and runs on an embedded Linux system with little memory and a lackluster CPU. The entire algorithm makes heavy use of 2d arrays and stores them all in memory. At a high level, the algorithm’s input data, which is a single array of 250 doubles (0.01234, 0.02532….0.1286), is compared to a larger 2d array, which is 20k+ rows x 250 doubles. The input data is compared against the 20k+ rows using a for loop. For each iteration, the algorithm performs computations and stores those results in memory.
I’m not an embedded software developer, I am a cloud developer that uses databases (Postgres, mainly). Our embedded software doesn’t make use of any databases and, since that is what I know, I thought I’d look into SQLite.
My approach...applying what I know about databases, I'd go about it this way: I would have a single table with 6 columns: id, array, computation_1, computation_2, computation_3, and computation_4. I’d store all 20k+ rows in this table with the computation_* columns initially defaulted to null. Then I’d have the algorithm loop through each entry and update the values for each computation_* column accordingly. For graphical purposes, the table would look like this:
Storing arrays in a database doesn't seem like a good fit so I don't immediately understand if there is a benefit to doing this. But, it seems like it would replace the extensive use of malloc()/calloc() we have baked into the algorithm.
My question is...can SQLite help speed up our algorithm if I use it in the way I've described? Since I don’t know how much benefit this would provide, if any, I thought I’d ask the experts here on SO before going down this path. If it will (or won't) provide an improvement, I'd like to know why from a technical standpoint so that I can learn.
Thanks in advance.
As you have described it so far, SQLite won't help you.
A relational database stores data into tables with various indexes and so on. When it receives SQL, it compiles it into a bytecode program, and then it runs that bytecode program in an interpreter against those tables. You can learn more about SQLite's bytecode from
This has a lot of overhead compared to native data structures in a low-level language. In my experience the difference is up to several orders of magnitude.
Why, then, would anyone use a database? It is because you'd have to write a lot of potentially buggy code to match it. Doubly so if you've got multiple users at the same time. Furthermore the database query optimizer is able to find efficient plans for computing complex joins that are orders of magnitude more efficient than what most programmers produce on their own.
So a database is not a recipe for doing arbitrary calculations more efficiently. But if you can describe what you are doing in SQL (particularly if it involves joins), the database may be able to find a much more efficient calculation than the one you're currently performing.
Even in that case, squeezing performance out of a low-end embedded system is a case where it may be worth figuring out what a database would do, and then writing code to do that directly.

Storing JSON in database column - NVARCHAR(MAX), FileStream?

I have a table with a few standard fields plus a JSON document in one of the columns. We use SQL Server 2017 to store everything and data is consumed by a C# application using Entity Framework 6. The table itself will possibly have tens of thousands of entries, and these entries (or rather, the JSON column on them) will have to be updated daily. I'm trying to figure out what data type to use for the best performance.
I've read this:
SQL Server 2008 FILESTREAM performance
And currently, JSON documents came as files ranging from 30-200 KB. There is a possibility of going above the 256 KB barrier, but the probability of going above 1 MB is currently very low. That would point to NVARCHAR. Also, here:
What's best SQL datatype for storing JSON string?
People suggest that storing JSON as NVARCHAR(MAX) is the way to go.
However, two things worry me:
First, is fragmentation over time, with so many writers (that's one of the areas Filestream seems to have an advantage no matter the column size). I'm not sure how will that affect the performance...
Second, I'm not sure whether storing so much text data in the database won't slow it down due to the size alone? As far as I understand it, another advantage of FileStream is that database size cost is pretty constant, no matter the file size on the disk, and that helps to maintain performance over time. Or am I wrong?
What would you choose, given my use case?
It is not just a matter of performance, but also a matter of development time, knowledge and maintenance. If everything is already in c# using the entity framework, why would you use something more complex? My approach would be to use the solution the developers are most comfortable with until a performance bottleneck occurs and then to benchmark.
Comparison between two solutions with realistic table sizes will give you a real insight on if any adaptations are worthwhile.

Is a Data-filled SQL table queryable while setting up a new index?

Given a live table in SQL with some non-trivial number of columns/entries, with one or more applications actively querying it, what would be the effect of introducing a new index on some column of this table? What takes priority? Serving the query, or constructing the index? Put another way, would setting up the index be experienced by the querying applications as a delay in getting their responses?
It is possible to use the database while indexing is taking place, but it's effects on performance is nearly impossible for us to say. A great deal about the optimizer is magic to anyone who hasn't worked on it themselves, and the answer could change greatly depending on which RDMS you're using. On top of that, your own hardware will play a huge part in the answer.
That being said, if you're primarily reading from the table, there's a good chance you won't see a major performance hit, if your system has the IO/CPU capabilities of handling both tasks at the same time. Inserting however, will be slowed down considerably.
Whether this impact is problematic will depend on your current system load, size of your tables, and what exactly it is you're indexing. Generally speaking, if you have a decent server, a lowish load, and a table with only a few million rows or less, I wouldn't expect to see a performance hit at all.

How to store 15 x 100 million 32-byte records for sequential access?

Me got 15 x 100 million 32-byte records. Only sequential access and appends needed. The key is a Long. The value is a tuple - (Date, Double, Double). Is there something in this universe which can do this? I am willing to have 15 seperate databases (sql/nosql) or files for each of those 100 million records. I only have a i7 core and 8 GB RAM and 2 TB hard disk.
I have tried PostgreSQL, MySQL, Kyoto Cabinet (with fine tuning) with Protostuff encoding.
SQL DBs (with indices) take forever to do the silliest query.
Kyoto Cabinet's B-Tree can handle upto 15-18 million records beyond which appends take forever.
I am fed up so much that I am thinking of falling back on awk + CSV which I remember used to work for this type of data.
If you scenario means always going through all records in sequence then it may be an overkill to use a database. If you start to need random lookups, replacing/deleting records or checking if a new record is not a duplicate of an older one, a database engine would make more sense.
For the sequential access, a couple of text files or hand-crafted binary files will be easier to handle. You sound like a developer - I would probably go for an own binary format and access it with help of memory-mapped files to improve the sequential read/append speed. No caching, just a sliding window to read the data. I think that it would perform better and even on usual hardware than any DB would; I did such data analysis once. It would also be faster than awking CSV files; however, I am not sure how much and if it satisfied the effort to develop the binary storage, first of all.
As soon as the database becomes interesting, you can have a look at MongoDB and CouchDB. They are used for storing and serving very large amounts of data. (There is a flattering evaluation that compares one of them to traditional DBs.). Databases usually need a reasonable hardware power to perform better; maybe you could check out how those two would do with your data.
--- Ferda
Ferdinand Prantl's answer is very good. Two points:
By your requirements I recommend that you create a very tight binary format. This will be easy to do because your records are fixed size.
If you understand your data well you might be able to compress it. For example, if your key is an increasing log value you don't need to store it entirely. Instead, store the difference to the previous value (which is almost always going to be one). Then, use a standard compression algorithm/library to save on data size big time.
For sequential reads and writes, leveldb will handle your dataset pretty well.
I think that's about 48 gigs of data in one table.
When you get into large databases, you have to look at things a little differently. With an ordinary database (say, tables less than a couple million rows), you can do just about anything as a proof of concept. Even if you're stone ignorant about SQL databases, server tuning, and hardware tuning, the answer you come up with will probably be right. (Although sometimes you might be right for the wrong reason.)
That's not usually the case for large databases.
Unfortunately, you can't just throw 1.5 billion rows straight at an untuned PostgreSQL server, run a couple of queries, and say, "PostgreSQL can't handle this." Most SQL dbms have ways of dealing with lots of data, and most people don't know that much about them.
Here are some of the things that I have to think about when I have to process a lot of data over the long term. (Short-term or one-off processing, it's usually not worth caring a lot about speed. A lot of companies won't invest in more RAM or a dozen high-speed disks--or even a couple of SSDs--for even a long-term solution, let alone a one-time job.)
Server CPU.
Server RAM.
Server disks.
RAID configuration. (RAID 3 might be worth looking at for you.)
Choice of operating system. (64-bit vs 32-bit, BSD v. AT&T derivatives)
Choice of DBMS. (Oracle will usually outperform PostgreSQL, but it costs.)
DBMS tuning. (Shared buffers, sort memory, cache size, etc.)
Choice of index and clustering. (Lots of different kinds nowadays.)
Normalization. (You'd be surprised how often 5NF outperforms lower NFs. Ditto for natural keys.)
Tablespaces. (Maybe putting an index on its own SSD.)
I'm sure there are others, but I haven't had coffee yet.
But the point is that you can't determine whether, say, PostgreSQL can handle a 48 gig table unless you've accounted for the effect of all those optimizations. With large databases, you come to rely on the cumulative effect of small improvements. You have to do a lot of testing before you can defensibly conclude that a given dbms can't handle a 48 gig table.
Now, whether you can implement those optimizations is a different question--most companies won't invest in a new 64-bit server running Oracle and a dozen of the newest "I'm the fastest hard disk" hard drives to solve your problem.
But someone is going to pay either for optimal hardware and software, for dba tuning expertise, or for programmer time and waiting on suboptimal hardware. I've seen problems like this take months to solve. If it's going to take months, money on hardware is probably a wise investment.

Performance Tuning PostgreSQL

Keep in mind that I am a rookie in the world of sql/databases.
I am inserting/updating thousands of objects every second. Those objects are actively being queried for at multiple second intervals.
What are some basic things I should do to performance tune my (postgres) database?
It's a broad topic, so here's lots of stuff for you to read up on.
EXPLAIN and EXPLAIN ANALYZE is extremely useful for understanding what's going on in your db-engine
Make sure relevant columns are indexed
Make sure irrelevant columns are not indexed (insert/update-performance can go down the drain if too many indexes must be updated)
Make sure your postgres.conf is tuned properly
Know what work_mem is, and how it affects your queries (mostly useful for larger queries)
Make sure your database is properly normalized
VACUUM for clearing out old data
ANALYZE for updating statistics (statistics target for amount of statistics)
Persistent connections (you could use a connection manager like pgpool or pgbouncer)
Understand how queries are constructed (joins, sub-selects, cursors)
Caching of data (i.e. memcached) is an option
And when you've exhausted those options: add more memory, faster disk-subsystem etc. Hardware matters, especially on larger datasets.
And of course, read all the other threads on postgres/databases. :)
First and foremost, read the official manual's Performance Tips.
Running EXPLAIN on all your queries and understanding its output will let you know if your queries are as fast as they could be, and if you should be adding indexes.
Once you've done that, I'd suggest reading over the Server Configuration part of the manual. There are many options which can be fine-tuned to further enhance performance. Make sure to understand the options you're setting though, since they could just as easily hinder performance if they're set incorrectly.
Remember that every time you change a query or an option, test and benchmark so that you know the effects of each change.
Actually there are some simple rules which will get you in most cases enough performance:
Indices are the first part. Primary keys are automatically indexed. I recommend to put indices on all foreign keys. Further put indices on all columns which are frequently queried, if there are heavily used queries on a table where more than one column is queried, put an index on those columns together.
Memory settings in your postgresql installation. Set following parameters higher:
shared_buffers, work_mem, maintenance_work_mem, temp_buffers
If it is a dedicated database machine you can easily set the first 3 of these to half the ram (just be carefull under linux with shared buffers, maybe you have to adjust the shmmax parameter), in any other cases it depends on how much ram you would like to give to postgresql.
The absolute minimum I'll recommend is the EXPLAIN ANALYZE command. It will show a breakdown of subqueries, joins, et al., all the time showing the actual amount of time consumed in the operation. It will also alert you to sequential scans and other nasty trouble.
It is the best way to start.
Put fsync = off in your posgresql.conf, if you trust your filesystem, otherwise each postgresql operation will be imediately written to the disk (with fsync system call).
We have this option turned off on many production servers since quite 10 years, and we never had data corruptions.