open IE without toolbar or address bar from Windows VB Application -

Shell ("explorer.exe")
is how I'm currently opening my products ad page after successful install. However I think it would look much nicer if I could do it more like Avira does, or even a popup where there are no address bar links etc. Doing this via an inbrowser link is easy enough
<a href=""
onClick="'','windows','width=650,height=350,toolbar=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,location=no,directories=no,status=no'); return false")">Link text</a>
But how would I go about adding this functionality in VB?

If you want it to look professional, you need to use an actual browser component. VB.NET comes with one. If you are using an older version of VB, you'd need to go third party. If you want to stay with a shell open, you would have to individually target the browser command-line and pass arguments to indicate that it should not have toolbars etc.

Speaking as a user, I find castrated popup windows annoying and unproductive.
So my answer is: "don't".


Can you make a keyboard shortcut to select a button on a website?

This question is mostly just out of curiosity at what's possible. I'm interested to know any ideas at all.
If I'm on a website, is it possible to make a keyboard shortcut for clicking a button on that site? For example, if I'm on, is it possible to write a script somewhere on my own system that will detect that I'm on and make it so that if I press ctrl-g while that site is in focus, it will click Google Search?
If you know for sure that this isn't possible and have an explanation for why, I'd be interested to know that too.
Yes, it's possible.
I'll briefly describe how to do it in C# and Chrome, but it's not language-dependent and could be used in Edge or IE either.
Get the currently focused window by calling GetForegroundWindow API.
Get the process id by calling the GetWindowThreadProcessId API.
Get the process name by process id.
Proceed if it's Chrome.
Get access to UI Automation COM interface.
You will need to consume the COM interface in your language, but in C# it's quite easy: you'll need to add a reference to COM -> UIAutomationClient to your project. This will generate a wrapper for you, so the COM interface will be accessible in the code in a usual OO-style.
In Chrome, the Accessibility options must be enabled first to get access to UIA.
It could be done manually by navigating to chrome://accessibility/, but it's possible to do it programmatically as well.
Use UI Automation to detect the active URL.
You will need to find the Address bar in the UI tree using UIA by its Name or ClassName or another unique identifier.
You could first retrieve the UI Automation element for the Chrome window and then use the FindAll method to find the Address bar in the subtree to get its Value property which should contain the current URL.
Inspect tool will help you to investigate the Chrome UIA element tree and element properties (like Name or ClassName).
Do the same steps to find the Google Search button in the UI tree using UIA.
Call GetClickablePoint method to get its clickable point.
Click on the button programmatically using Win API.
To do this on a global shortcut, you could place a keyboard hook by calling SetWindowsHookEx API. Or use a library.
Here is another way.
That's it, easier than it looks.

How to generate Domino dialogboxes on traditional (non-xpages) webforms

I want to have a popup/dialogbox with an "OK" button on it that will close the dialogbox...after someone performs a task on a Domino webform. I know I used overlays in xpages before, but the current application I am maintaining was built with traditional Domino forms (lots of pass-thru HTML) and my initial attempt to build an overlay effect did not work.
I have tried using javascript code of:
var window =, windowName, [windowFeatures]);
...but this has not been successful. No errors in debug, yet my url page does not pop up. I am hoping someone might be able to provide a snippet of what you use so I can see where I am going wrong.
The url parameter I am passing is correct, as I used an alert to show me what was going in there, but I am doing something basic wrong.
If I can answer any questions for you I can do that as well.
Thank you
The only way I know to display a dialog box in a classic Domino web application is to do just like you would on any HTML-based webpage. Either you create your own popup functionality, or you use one of the many plugins available.
When I work with classic Domino web applications, I have often added Bootstrap to it, to make things look a bit better. Then I can use either the native Bootstrap dialog boxes, or a plug-in called Bootbox.js. But there are many other ones.

AutoIt select item from menubar

i want to build some automation code that will select some item from a menubar of minimized (or non-active) window.
I have tried to do it with ControlSend function by sending some keys like alt and directions, but it's not working...
See my example:
I want to select the item "Select All", for this i wrote this code:
The code above works good, but i want that it will work when the window is not active, so i wrote this line:
ControlSend("", "", "Term Class1", "{ALTDOWN}{ALTUP}{RIGHT}{ENTER}{DOWN}{DOWN}{ENTER}")
This is not working for me, do you have some idea how can i implement it?
I too was trying to work with minimized windows but have since switched from windows so i wont be able to test things out for you. I have been told (and from experience) that you cant use control send (or the mouse click alternative which is called "control click") on applications that do not come stock with windows (applications that dont come with the computer, to put it simply).
However i came upon this ( which seems to be a 3rd party add in that lets you do just that, i tried using it but could not make it fit my needs. Perhaps you can, I would try to get it working for you but again, i dumped windows. The above link is the best candidate i have found, and by far the most promising after i searched and tested for about a month a while back, Good Luck.
EDIT: As always, i do not promise anything from the above link, you use it at your own risk.

How can I send clicks or keys from a VB6 app to an Excel dialog box?

My employer has purchased a third-party tool, OfficeConverter from Conveter Technology that automates the conversion / repair of Office 2003-formatted files to Office 2007 format. This tool also highly automates the translation / change in macro / VBA code requirements between Office 2003 and 2007 formats.
My problem is that during this conversion the tool is opening the targeted Office product, say Excel and is then opening the target user file (ie. Report.xls) and is then examining any VBA / macro code for change requirements. The problem is that IF the Excel file code is dependent upon some external tool like an .OCX file and if that tool doesn't exist on the PC that I'm performing this action on, Excel will pop up a message that the Object has not been found, stopping the entire conversion process (thousands of files in a row) until someone comes along and MANUALLY clicks the appropriate button to close the dialogue box.
I figured that creating a small watching application in VB6 (hey, I'm old and my skills are too) could sit on the same PC and watch for these dialogue boxes and, depending on the specific message, click the appropriate button via the SendMessage API call.
The problem is that I haven't been able to get SendMessage to actually PUSH the button for me, I've tried sending it the Return key value (vbKeyReturn) or even the Space key (vbKeySpace) but the action never results in the dialogue box closing like it should. I can get the focus to tab between whichever buttons on the dialogue box are enabled, but that is about it.
I've attempted to use SendKeys, but that is far less reliable and strongly discouraged in the current documentation that I've come across.
Any suggestions? :)
If you have the hWnd for the button, and the machine is unattended, you can easily use MouseEvent to move the cursor over the button and click it. This sample includes a drop-in ready module that'll do the dirty work for you given just the window handle:
Otherwise, the most straightforward way is probably to just send WM_LBUTTONDOWN and WM_LBUTTONUP sequentially.
EDIT: If you "just want to get it done" take Jim's advice and try Gary Chanson's Window Demon tool.
Take a look at this utility "Window Demon" by Gary Chanson
Karl: how quickly we forget our pals!
I would suggest taking a look at AutoIt.
It is perfect for this task, look for a window with a particular text on it and click a button.
Runs in the system tray as a standalone application.

How can I navigate to different webpages in the same MSIE window in VB.NET

I have code that opens a new window but I want to be able to edit the same one.
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("iexplore.exe", "")
I'm not sure exactly but a good pointer to start off might be to get the handle of the window you're interested in:
And then separately investigate what interop messages you can send to IE to change the URL in tab X
In order of increasing difficulty and increased control/power:
Send input text to your IE process. Alt-D to focus on the navigation bar, then the URL, then ENTER.
Use MSAA to find the navigation bar and send it text, as above.
Use MSAA to get IHTMLDocument access to the browser, and then programmatically drive the browser with that, and the related interfaces.
I don't know your exact scenario, but if you can host your own instance of MSHTML, or a WebBrowser control, it will make it a lot easier to get the interfaces and do the manipulations mentioned in #3 above; doing that stuff cross-process is fraught with peril.
I just did a web search and turned up a WatiN tool that apparently wraps a lot of this work; perhaps it would be useful for you.
If you are using 2008 there is a feature where you could create a second form and then add a Webbrowser control
the page could then be called by
The page could then be changed with the
Webbrowser1.Url = New Uri("")
Use the following code:
That is: do not invoke iexplore.exe directly – just let the system figure out which default browser to open.
This may yield two behaviours:
Either it opens a new tab in an existing Internet Explorer window,
or it creates a new window.
The important point is that this depends on a preference that can be controlled within the Internet Explorer application. If a new window opens, then this is the setting chosen by the user – do not try to override it: overriding the user’s preferences is considered bad manners.
If the users don’t want a new window opened, they can simply change that in their Internet Explorer preferences.