Message passing between objects - How to refer to the target object? - oop

The most basic task in an object oriented environment is executing a method on an object. To do this, you have to have a reference to the object on which you are invoking the method. Is the proper way to establish this reference to pass the object as a parameter to the constructor (or initializer method) of the calling object?
If object foo calls into object bar, is it correct to say (in pseudo-code):
bar = new barClass()
foo = new fooClass(bar)
What happens if you need to pass messages back and forth? Do you need a method for registering the target object?
foo = new fooClass()
bar = new barClass()
Is there a pattern that addresses this?

Dependency injection frameworks like Spring and Guice provide a solution to cyclical dependencies in Java by using proxies which can resolve the receiver of a message the first time it is required. This isn't a generally applicable OO pattern, however.

Generally dependency injection is the way to go. If you're just talking about two objects communicating then pass an instance of one in as a paramter to the other, as in your first example. Passing in the constructor ensure the reference is always valid. Otherwise you'd have to test to ensure register had been called. Also you'd need to make sure calling register more than once wouldn't have adverse effects.
What if you want a controlling object, to which other objects register for events. It would then be suitable to use a Register method ( which may add to a delegate).
See Observer Pattern

Well, depending on the level of messaging, you could implement a messaging service. Objects listen for messages, or register as a MessageListener on some MessageProvider.
You end up with cyclical dependencies if two objects have references to each other, which I would consider bad in most cases.

One of your object types could be a factory for the other. When Foo poops out a new Bar, the connection has already been made:
foo = new Foo();
bar = Foo.Poop();
function Foo::Poop()
bar = new Bar(this);
return bar;

I think that it highly depends on what the exact relation is between the two objects.


Singleton use within objects or passed as reference

I program in PHP but this is a general Object orientation question.
What do we feel about calling singleton classes from within an object vs calling one outside and passing the variable in?
Option one:
$instance = Singleton::getInstance();
$obj = new ClassName();
Option two:
class ClassName
public function __construct(){
$instance = Singleton::getInstance();
Is this just a "per-use" decision (i.e. singleton implementing interface, etc) or are there rules?
I can see passing objects VS singletons but one about singleton instances vs calling? Think typical code with lots of classes and many uses for the singleton instance... Are there any rules for this?
Either is fine, but when others will look at your code it might be less obvious they're dealing with a singleton in your option #1, especially if the code grows big. IMHO it's perfectly valid to keep a reference of your singleton in the body of a function when you need to call it a few times in a row, but I wouldn't keep it as member variable.
Keeping a member variable also implies your objects will be bigger for no apparent reason.

specific questions about scope and property reference in actionscript 3

I've been battling with AS3 for a little while now, and I'm working on a simple application using only actionscript and the FlashDevelop/flex-compiler combo. I've hit a bit of a wall in my fledgling OOP understanding, and I'm wondering whether someone might be able to point me in the right direction. I have genuinely read several books, and spent many hours reading online tutorials etc, but something's just not clicking!
What's baffling me is this: When something is declared 'public', according to what I read, it is therefore available anywhere in the application (and should therfore be used with care!) However, when I try to use public properties and methods in my program, they most definitely are not available anywhere other than from the class/object that instantiated them.
This leads me to conclude that even if objects (of different class) are instantiated from the same (say 'main') class, they are not able to communicate with each other at all, even through public members.
If so, then fair enough, but I've honestly not seen this explained properly anywhere. More to the point, how do different objects communicate with other then? and what does Public actually mean then, if it only works through a direct composition hierarchy? If one has to write applications based only on communication from composer class to it's own objects (and presumably use events for, er, everything else?) - isn't this incredibly restrictive?
I'm sure this is basic OOP stuff, so my apologies in advance!
Any quick tips or links would be massively appreciated.
There are different topics you are covering in your question. Let me clarify:
What does the modifier public mean?
How can instances of the same class communicate to each other?
In OOP you organize your code with objects. An object needs to be instantiated to provide its functionality. The place where you instantiate the object can be considered as the "context". In Flash the context might be the first frame, in a pure AS3 movie, it might be the main class, in Flex it could be the main mxml file. In fact, the context is always an object, too. Class modifier of your object public class MyClass tells your context whether it is allowed to instantiate the object or not. If set to internal, the context must live in the same directory as the class of the object. Otherwise it is not allowed to create a new object of the class. Private or protected are not valid class modifiers. Public class ... means that any context may create an object of that class. Next: Not only instantiation is controlled by these modifiers but also the visibility of a type. If set to internal, you cannot use an expression like var obj : InternalType in a context that does not live in the same directory as Internal type.
What about methods and properties? Even if your context is allowed to access a type, certain properties and methods might be restricted internal/protected/private var/method and you perhaps are not able to invoke them.
Why we're having such restrictions? Answer is simple: Differnent developers may develop different parts of the same software. These parts should communicate only over defined interfaces. These interfaces should be as small as possible. The developer therefore declares as much code as possible to be hidden from outside and only the necessary types and properties publicly available.
Don't mix up with modifiers and global properties. The modifier only tells you if a context is allowed to see a type or method. The global variable is available throughout the code. So even if a class is declared to be public, instances of that class do not know each other by default. You can let them know by:
storing the instances in global variables
providing setter such as set obj1(obj1 : OBJ1) : void where each object needs to store the reference in an instance variable
passing the object as method arguments: doSomething(obj1 : OBJ1)
Hope this helps you to more understand OOP. I am happy to answer your follow up questions.
#Jens answer (disclaimer: I skimmed) appears to be completely correct.
However, I'm not sure it answers your question very directly, so I'll add a bit here.
A public property is a property of that class instance that is available for other objects to use(function: call, variable: access, etc). However, to use them you must have a reference (like a very basic pointer, if that helps?) to that object instance. The object that instantiates (creates, new ...) that object can take that reference by assigning it to a variable of that class type.
// Reference is now stored in 's'
public ExampleClass s = new ExampleClass();
If you'd like to, you do have the option of making a static property, which is available just by knowing the class name. That property will be shared by all instances of that class, and any external class can refer to it (assuming it's public static) by referring to the class name.
A public property is referred to by the reference you stored.
//public property access
A static property is referred to by the class name.
//static property access
Once you've created the instance, and stored the reference, to an object, you can pass it around as you'd like. The below object of type OtherExampleClass would receive the reference to 's' in its constructor, and would have to store it in a local variable of its own to keep the reference.
public OtherExampleClass s2 = new OtherExampleClass(s);

Whats the correct way of creating objects?

For example, i see myself doing things like this latley, when i create an object, if it has a logical path of tasks then
public Class Link
public Link(String value)
public void callMethodA(String data)
Here you can see, as soon as you instantiate the object, yours tasks get completed automatically.
The other way i can see of doing it is by creating an object, that doesnt link via the constructor, then calling methods individually.
Which was is right and why?
Either way we can implement.
Recommended way is to do tasks like initialization stuffs within the constructor and rest of the things can be implemented by way of calling the method with its reference object.
for such scenario one should go for Factory pattern
for example:
Constructor should do ALL that requires to make an object complete. That is, if without calling method callMethodA , if the object is incomplete then callMethodA must be called from constructor itself. If the callMethodA is optional API then the user of class Link can call the method when he wants.
I prefer second method. Constructor's job is to initialize the class members. Any modification to change the state of the object needs to be done seperately by member functions.
As long as the objects that are created do not have nothing in common the current way of creating them is fine. Factory Method or Abstract Factory pattern makes sense when there's similarity between created objects. They'll help you isolate the parts that are always the same and moving parts that define differences between objects.
It depends on business logic involved. Both ways are practical. If you want to simply initiate instance specific data, then better to do it in constructor method itself which is more logical and simple. It will save calling other methods explicitly unnecessarily. If instanciating your data is based on certain buisiness condition, then it is good to have main functionality in separate method and then conditionally call it from constructor. This is easy to manage in such scenario.
A constructor is meant to bring the object in the correct initial state. So use it for that purpose. As a general rule of thumb, only use a constructor to set properties. Basic calculations are also ok.
I would not recommend calling very time consuming methods, or methods that are likely to throw exceptions (like calling a webservice or access a file).
When you need to do very special things to bring the object in its initial state, make the constructor private and use a static method to create the object.

"Fluent interfaces" that maintain order in the invokation chain

Is there an elegant/convinient way (without creating many "empty" classes or at least they should be not annoying) to have fluent interfcaes that maintain order on compilation level.
Fluent interfaces:
with an idea to permit this compilation
var fluentConfig = new ConfigurationFluent().SetColor("blue")
and decline this
var fluentConfig = new ConfigurationFluent().SetLength(2)
Each step in the chain needs to return an interface or class that only includes the methods that are valid to use after the current step. In other words, if SetColor must come first, ConfigurationFluent should only have a SetColor method. SetColor would then return an object that only has a SetHeight method, and so forth.
In reality, the return values could all be the same instance of ConfigurationFluent but cast to different interfaces explicitly implemented by that class.
I've got a set of three ways of doing this in C++ using essentially a compile time FSM to validate the actions. You can find the code on github.
The short answer is no, there is no elegant or convenient way to enforce an order of constructing a class that properly impelemnts the "Fluent Interface" as you've linked.
The longer answer starts with playing devil's advocate. If I had dependent properties (i.e. properties that required other properties to be set first), then I could implement them something like this:
method SetLength(int millimeters)
if color is null throw new ValidationException
length = millimeters
return this
(NOTE: the above does not map to any real language, it is just psuedocode)
So now I have exceptions to worry about. If I don't obey the rules, the fluent object will throw an exception. Now let's say I have a declaration like yours:
var config = new Fluent().SetLength(2).SetHeight(1).SetDepth(3).SetColor("blue");
When I catch the ValidationException because length depends on the color being set first, how am I as the user supposed to know what the correct order is? Even if I had each SetX method on a different line, the stacktrace will just give me the line where the config variable was declared in most languages. Furthermore, how am I supposed to keep the rules of this object straight in my head compared to other objects? It is a cocophony of conflicting ideals.
Such precedence checks violate the spirit of the "Fluent Interface" approach. That approach was designed for conveniently configure complex objects. You take the convenience out when you attempt to enforce order.
To properly and elegantly implement the fluent interface there are a couple of guidelines that are best observed to make consumers of your class thank you:
Provide meaningful default values: minimizes need to change values, and minimizes chances of creating an invalid object.
Do not perform configuration validation until explicitly asked to do so. That event can be when we use the configuration to create a new fully configured object, or when the consumer explicitly calls a Validate() method.
In any exceptions thrown, make sure the error message is clear and points out any inconsistencies.
maybe the compiler could check that methods are called in the same order as they are defined.
this could be a new feature for compilers.
Or maybe by means of annotations, something like:
class ConfigurationFluent {
#Called-before SetHeight
SetColor(..) {}
#Called-After SetColor
SetHeight(..) {}
#Called-After SetHeight
SetLength(..){ }
#Called-After SetLength
SetDepth(..) {}
You can implement a state machine of valid sequence of operations and on each method call the state machine and verify if the sequence of operation is allowed or throw an exception if not.
I will not suggest this approach for Configurations though, it can get very messy and not readable

Create each COM-instance in it's own exe-container

Is there possible to create a COM-instance in it's own, dedicated, host-process?
I guess some background is needed.
We have an end-user client which has it's central logical components inside an singleton-COM object. (Not propper singleton, but it uses global variables internally, so it would fail.) So that there should be only one instance per exe-file. Convenient while making the client.
However, I should now make a "client-simulator" to test the server-side. I therefore which to make 20 instances of the client-component.
If I could make each instance instanciate in its own exe-host, then the singleton-issue would be handled.
I have been struggling with this problem for a few days. I finally found a solution that works. My COM object is written using ATL, so my code snippet will be geared toward that, but the technical solution should be clear. It all hinges on how the class objects are registered. The REGCLS_SINGLEUSE flag is the key. I now have separate processes for each object instance.
In the ATL module, override the RegisterClassObjects() function as follows:
HRESULT RegisterClassObjects(DWORD dwClsContext, DWORD dwFlags) throw()
After an application is connected to a class object with
CoGetClassObject, the class object is removed from public view so that
no other applications can connect to it. This value is commonly used
for single document interface (SDI) applications. Specifying this
value does not affect the responsibility of the object application to
call CoRevokeClassObject; it must always call CoRevokeClassObject when
it is finished with an object class.
My theory is that because the registration was removed from public view, it causes a new process to be created for the subsequent instantiations.
This other question mentioned a description of how to use DLLHost as a surrogate process:
I've never tried this myself, and I don't know off-hand if you can specify flags for the factories (which control if surrogates can be reused for multiple objects), but maybe you can tweak that via DCOMCNFG or OLEVIEW.
My COM days are long gone, but as far as I remember, there's no built-in way to do that.
It might be easier to rewrite your code so it supports multiple instances than to go the one-process-per-instance route with COM, but here's what you could do:
Use thread-local storage for your global variables and write another CoClass, where each instance owns its own thread through which accesses to the class with the global variables are marshaled. This would at least allow you to avoid the performance impact of DCOM.
Write your own out-of-process exe server (similar to windows' DllHost.exe) to host your COM instances. This requires IPC (Inter-Process Communication), so you either have to code something yourself that marshals calls to the external process or use DCOM (presuming your COM object implements IDispatch)