How do you use script variables in psql? - sql

In MS SQL Server, I create my scripts to use customizable variables:
DECLARE #somevariable int
SELECT #somevariable = -1
INSERT INTO foo VALUES ( #somevariable )
I'll then change the value of #somevariable at runtime, depending on the value that I want in the particular situation. Since it's at the top of the script it's easy to see and remember.
How do I do the same with the PostgreSQL client psql?

Postgres variables are created through the \set command, for example ...
\set myvariable value
... and can then be substituted, for example, as ...
SELECT * FROM :myvariable.table1;
... or ...
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE :myvariable IS NULL;
edit: As of psql 9.1, variables can be expanded in quotes as in:
\set myvariable value
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE column1 = :'myvariable';
In older versions of the psql client:
... If you want to use the variable as the value in a conditional string query, such as ...
SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE column1 = ':myvariable';
... then you need to include the quotes in the variable itself as the above will not work. Instead define your variable as such ...
\set myvariable 'value'
However, if, like me, you ran into a situation in which you wanted to make a string from an existing variable, I found the trick to be this ...
\set quoted_myvariable '\'' :myvariable '\''
Now you have both a quoted and unquoted variable of the same string! And you can do something like this ....
INSERT INTO :myvariable.table1 SELECT * FROM table2 WHERE column1 = :quoted_myvariable;

One final word on PSQL variables:
They don't expand if you enclose them in single quotes in the SQL statement.
Thus this doesn't work:
SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar = ':myvariable'
To expand to a string literal in a SQL statement, you have to include the quotes in the variable set. However, the variable value already has to be enclosed in quotes, which means that you need a second set of quotes, and the inner set has to be escaped. Thus you need:
\set myvariable '\'somestring\''
SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar = :myvariable
EDIT: starting with PostgreSQL 9.1, you may write instead:
\set myvariable somestring
SELECT * FROM foo WHERE bar = :'myvariable'

You can try to use a WITH clause.
WITH vars AS (SELECT 42 AS answer, 3.14 AS appr_pi)
SELECT t.*, vars.answer, t.radius*vars.appr_pi
FROM table AS t, vars;

Specifically for psql, you can pass psql variables from the command line too; you can pass them with -v. Here's a usage example:
$ psql -v filepath=/path/to/my/directory/ regress
regress=> SELECT :'filepath';
(1 row)
Note that the colon is unquoted, then the variable name its self is quoted. Odd syntax, I know. This only works in psql; it won't work in (say) PgAdmin-III.
This substitution happens during input processing in psql, so you can't (say) define a function that uses :'filepath' and expect the value of :'filepath' to change from session to session. It'll be substituted once, when the function is defined, and then will be a constant after that. It's useful for scripting but not runtime use.

FWIW, the real problem was that I had included a semicolon at the end of my \set command:
\set owner_password 'thepassword';
The semicolon was interpreted as an actual character in the variable:
\echo :owner_password
So when I tried to use it:
...I got this:
That not only failed to set the quotes around the literal, but split the command into 2 parts (the second of which was invalid as it started with "NOINHERIT").
The moral of this story: PostgreSQL "variables" are really macros used in text expansion, not true values. I'm sure that comes in handy, but it's tricky at first.

postgres (since version 9.0) allows anonymous blocks in any of the supported server-side scripting languages
DO '
DECLARE somevariable int = -1;
INSERT INTO foo VALUES ( somevariable );
' ;
As everything is inside a string, external string variables being substituted in will need to be escaped and quoted twice. Using dollar quoting instead will not give full protection against SQL injection.

You need to use one of the procedural languages such as PL/pgSQL not the SQL proc language.
In PL/pgSQL you can use vars right in SQL statements.
For single quotes you can use the quote literal function.

I solved it with a temp table.
CREATE TEMP TABLE temp_session_variables (
"sessionSalt" TEXT
INSERT INTO temp_session_variables ("sessionSalt") VALUES (current_timestamp || RANDOM()::TEXT);
This way, I had a "variable" I could use over multiple queries, that is unique for the session. I needed it to generate unique "usernames" while still not having collisions if importing users with the same user name.

Another approach is to (ab)use the PostgreSQL GUC mechanism to create variables. See this prior answer for details and examples.
You declare the GUC in postgresql.conf, then change its value at runtime with SET commands and get its value with current_setting(...).
I don't recommend this for general use, but it could be useful in narrow cases like the one mentioned in the linked question, where the poster wanted a way to provide the application-level username to triggers and functions.

I've found this question and the answers extremely useful, but also confusing. I had lots of trouble getting quoted variables to work, so here is the way I got it working:
\set deployment_user username -- username
\set deployment_pass '\'string_password\''
ALTER USER :deployment_user WITH PASSWORD :deployment_pass;
This way you can define the variable in one statement. When you use it, single quotes will be embedded into the variable.
NOTE! When I put a comment after the quoted variable it got sucked in as part of the variable when I tried some of the methods in other answers. That was really screwing me up for a while. With this method comments appear to be treated as you'd expect.

I really miss that feature. Only way to achieve something similar is to use functions.
I have used it in two ways:
perl functions that use $_SHARED variable
store your variables in table
Perl version:
CREATE FUNCTION var(name text, val text) RETURNS void AS $$
$_SHARED{$_[0]} = $_[1];
$$ LANGUAGE plperl;
CREATE FUNCTION var(name text) RETURNS text AS $$
return $_SHARED{$_[0]};
$$ LANGUAGE plperl;
Table version:
sess bigint NOT NULL,
key varchar NOT NULL,
val varchar,
CONSTRAINT var_pkey PRIMARY KEY (sess, key)
CREATE FUNCTION var(key varchar, val anyelement) RETURNS void AS $$
DELETE FROM var WHERE sess = pg_backend_pid() AND key = $1;
INSERT INTO var (sess, key, val) VALUES (sessid(), $1, $2::varchar);
$$ LANGUAGE 'sql';
CREATE FUNCTION var(varname varchar) RETURNS varchar AS $$
SELECT val FROM var WHERE sess = pg_backend_pid() AND key = $1;
$$ LANGUAGE 'sql';
plperlu is faster than perl
pg_backend_pid is not best session identification, consider using pid combined with backend_start from pg_stat_activity
this table version is also bad because you have to clear this is up occasionally (and not delete currently working session variables)

Variables in psql suck. If you want to declare an integer, you have to enter the integer, then do a carriage return, then end the statement in a semicolon. Observe:
Let's say I want to declare an integer variable my_var and insert it into a table test:
Example table test:
thedatabase=# \d test;
Table "public.test"
Column | Type | Modifiers
id | integer | not null default nextval('test_id_seq'::regclass)
"test_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Clearly, nothing in this table yet:
thedatabase=# select * from test;
(0 rows)
We declare a variable. Notice how the semicolon is on the next line!
thedatabase=# \set my_var 999
thedatabase=# ;
Now we can insert. We have to use this weird ":''" looking syntax:
thedatabase=# insert into test(id) values (:'my_var');
It worked!
thedatabase=# select * from test;
(1 row)
So... what happens if we don't have the semicolon on the next line? The variable? Have a look:
We declare my_var without the new line.
thedatabase=# \set my_var 999;
Let's select my_var.
thedatabase=# select :'my_var';
(1 row)
WTF is that? It's not an integer, it's a string 999;!
thedatabase=# select 999;
(1 row)

I've posted a new solution for this on another thread.
It uses a table to store variables, and can be updated at any time. A static immutable getter function is dynamically created (by another function), triggered by update to your table. You get nice table storage, plus the blazing fast speeds of an immutable getter.


How do you pass values for a parameter by position when you need to check multiple values?

I created a stored procedure (spBalanceRange) with 2 optional parameters. They've been set to a default value and the sp works fine when I pass only 1 value per parameter by position. However, I have a situation where I'm trying to pass, by position, two strings immediately followed by a wildcard. I want the user to be able to search for Vendor names that start with either 'C%' or 'F%'. Here's the gist of the CREATE PROC statement:
CREATE PROC spBalanceRange
#VendorVar varchar(40) = '%',
#BalanceMin money = 1.0
Here's what I've tried so far, but doesn't work:
EXEC spBalanceRange '(C%|F%)', 200.00;
EXEC spBalanceRange 'C%|F%', 200.00;
Is there a way to check for 2 or more string values with a wildcard when passed by position? Thanks.
EDIT: According to your comments you are looking for the first letter of a vendor's name only.
In this special case I could suggest an easy, not well performing but really simple approach. CHARINDEX returns a number greater than zero, if a character appears within a string. So you just have to pass in all your lookup-first-characters as a simple "chain":
DECLARE #DummyVendors TABLE(VendorName VARCHAR(100));
('Camel Industries')
,('Fritz and Fox')
,('some other');
DECLARE #ListOfFirstLetters VARCHAR(100)='CF';
SELECT VendorName
FROM #DummyVendors AS dv
WHERE CHARINDEX(LEFT(dv.VendorName,1),#ListOfFirstLetters)>0
This was the former answer
Checking against more than one value needs either a dedicated list of compares
WHERE val=#prm1 OR val=#prm2 OR ... (you know the count before)
...or you use the IN-clause
WHERE LEFT(VenoderName,1) IN ('C','F', ...)
...but you cannot pass the IN-list with a parameter like ... IN(#allValues)
You might think about a created TYPE to pass in all your values like a table and use an INNER JOIN as filter: (and a lot of other examples there...)
Or you might think of dynamic SQL:
And last but not least you might think of one of the many split string approaches. This is one of my own answers, section "dynamic IN-statement":
I'm answering my own question, and maybe other solutions exist but here is what had to happen with my stored procedure in order to pass variables by position:
CREATE PROC spBalanceRange
#VendorVar varchar(40) = '%',
#BalanceMin money = 1.0
IF (#VendorVar = '%' AND #BalanceMin IS NULL OR #BalanceMin = '')
PRINT 'BalanceMin cannot be null.';
IF (#VendorVar = % AND #BalanceMin IS NOT NULL)
(sql statement using parameters)
EXEC spBalanceRange '[C,F]%', 200.00;
That's what I know.

Can I treat a subquery with one row and one column as a scalar?

Suppose I have the following SQL (which can be run against the Data Explorer, if you'd like):
INTO #temp
FROM Posts
This produces an error:
"Subqueries are not allowed in this context. Only scalar expressions are allowed."
Now, in this case, I know that #temp is a table of one row and one column, and hence that (SELECT * FROM #temp) will produce only one value. Is there any way to persuade SQL Server to treat it as a scalar?
I am aware that I can save it off to a variable and then PRINT that instead:
DECLARE #count int = (SELECT * FROM #temp)
PRINT #count
But this seems like an extra step that shouldn't be necessary.
No this isn't possible according to the grammar.
The only way of doing it other than assigning to a variable at the same scope would be to wrap the select in a UDF as far
as I can see.
The documentation States
PRINT msg_str | #local_variable | string_expr
msg_str Is a character string or Unicode string constant. For more
information, see Constants (Transact-SQL).
# local_variable Is a variable of any valid character data type.
#local_variable must be
char, nchar, varchar, or nvarchar, or it must be able to be implicitly
converted to those data types.
string_expr Is an expression that
returns a string. Can include concatenated literal values, functions,
and variables. For more information, see Expressions (Transact-SQL).
So assuming that "functions" includes user defined functions and not just built in functions this would work. Otherwise you're out of luck.
And for your specific use case you are certainly out of luck as, even ignoring the ridiculousness of creating a scalar UDF for this, they can't access temp tables anyway.
As far as I can tell, nope. Even a statement as simple as PRINT (SELECT 1) or PRINT (SELECT TOP (1) 1) fails.
My guess is that PRINT simply won't execute SQL of any kind to prevent possible injections. It's PRINT, after all, not EXEC. It's meant to return a string message to the client.
Nope. Print is NOT a query method. It simply prints values. Seems you don't need a temp table for this though.
Declare #Count int
select #Count = COUNT(*)
from Posts
Print #Count
PRINT (Transact-SQL)
Returns a user-defined message to the client.
PRINT msg_str | #local_variable | string_expr
Is a character string or Unicode string constant. For more information, see Constants (Transact-SQL).
Is a variable of any valid character data type. #local_variable must be char, nchar, varchar, or nvarchar, or it must be able to be implicitly converted to those data types.
Is an expression that returns a string. Can include concatenated literal values, functions, and variables. For more information, see Expressions (Transact-SQL).
There isn't any kind of use of query or sub-query for that.
Expressions (Transact-SQL)
{ constant | scalar_function | [ table_name. ] column | variable
| ( expression ) | ( scalar_subquery )
| { unary_operator } expression
| expression { binary_operator } expression
| ranking_windowed_function | aggregate_windowed_function
Per the documentation:
PRINT requires a variable which can be set to a fairly large data stream but it has to be single variable.
Though it appears to be redundant if you are trying to debug using PRINT you must set it to a variable first. I cant think of any other way around it.

SELECT INTO with more than one attribution

This instruction works:
SELECT INTO unsolvedNodes array_agg(DISTINCT idDestination)
FROM road
WHERE idOrigin = ANY(solvedNodes)
AND NOT (idDestination = ANY(solvedNodes));
But I would like to use something this way:
SELECT INTO unsolvedNodes array_agg(DISTINCT idDestination), lengths array_agg(length)
FROM road
WHERE idOrigin = ANY(solvedNodes)
AND NOT (idDestination = ANY(solvedNodes));
How to use only one SELECT INTO instruction to set multiple variables?
In PL/pgSQL you can SELECT INTO as many variables at once as you like directly. You just had the syntax backwards:
SELECT INTO unsolvedNodes, lengths
array_agg(DISTINCT idDestination), array_agg(length)
FROM road
WHERE idOrigin = ANY(solvedNodes)
AND NOT (idDestination = ANY(solvedNodes));
You have the keyword INTO followed by a list of target variables, and you have a corresponding SELECT list. The target of the INTO clause can be (quoting the manual here):
...a record variable, a row variable, or a comma-separated list of
simple variables and record/row fields.
The INTO clause can appear almost anywhere in the SQL command.
Customarily it is written either just before or just after the list of
select_expressions in a SELECT command, or at the end of the command
for other command types. It is recommended that you follow this
convention in case the PL/pgSQL parser becomes stricter in future versions.
This is not to be confused with SELECT INTO in the SQL dialect of Postgres - which should not be used any more. It goes against standard SQL and will eventually be removed, most likely. The manual actively discourages its continued use:
It is best to use CREATE TABLE AS for this purpose in new code.
SELECT name,family INTO cName, cFamily FROM "CommonUsersModel";
SELECT INTO cName, cFamily name,family FROM "CommonUsersModel"
var_two UUID;
var_three UUID;
var_four UUID;
var_five UUID;
Select INTO var_one,var_two,var_three,var_four,var_five
from footable h
where h.fooid = 2;
This is how you can set multiple variables using SELECT INTO
Thanks !

Defining and Using Variables in .sql scripts

I'm trying to define variables in a .sql file so that I can use them in my sql statments. But I'm so confused about how these variables are defined, and I can't find even one good online resource that has explained all this in clear manner. I follow the recommendations in different sources and I keep getting compile errors in 'Oracle SQL Developer'. Here are my 2 problems:
Problem 1: It seems that you can define variables in the following 2 ways. What is the difference between these 2 ways, and can I use both?
define first_name = Joe;
select * from customer where name = '&firstname';
variable first_name CHAR;
exec :first_name:= 'Joe';
select * from customer where name = :firstname;
Problem 2: In the first method (meaning using define command), can I define a variable of type number and if so, how can I do it?
You can define NUMBER variables no problem:
SQL> EXEC :myNum := 123.456;
PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
SQL> print myNum;
Lots of other types are supported as well. Here's the USAGE help text from the VARIABLE command:
Usage: VAR[IABLE] [ <variable> [ NUMBER | CHAR | CHAR (n [CHAR|BYTE]) |
If you type VARIABLE (or just VAR) without anything else, SQL*Plus will list all your variables with their values.
Addendum: contrast the two variable assignment styles in the original question.
When you do this...
define first_name = Joe
select * from customer where name = '&first_name';
... It's more like a #define in C/C++. You can't treat it like a variable; it's just text that gets pasted every time SQL*Plus sees &first_name.
When you do this...
variable first_name CHAR;
exec :first_name:= 'Joe';
select * from customer where name = :first_name;
You're creating a real variable that you can manipulate.
Note that if you use CHAR in the definition (without a size), the first assignment will determine its size and you can't make it longer after that. If you define it as CHAR(50) it'll always be 50 characters long and padded with spaces. That can get confusing so I'd recommend VARCHAR2 in most cases for strings.
- Answer to problem 1:
The first type of variables is called Substitution Variables which only works in SQL*Plus and SQL Developer. So when you supply a substituation vaiable in any SQL statement, SQL*Plus replaces the variable with it's value. It has nothing to do with Oracle server or performance.
The example you gave will be translated to the follwing BEFORE sending it to the Oracle database server:
select * from customer where name = 'Joe';
The second part is called bind variables which is not exclusive to SQL*Plus or SQL Developer as you can use it, for example, in a Java application (or other languages) connecting to Oracle.
Bind variables provide better performance when you run the same statement many times as you always submit the statement as it is (without rewriting). Then the variables get evaluated at the database level. For example, let's say you've changed the value of "first_name" to "Mark":
exec :first_name:= 'Mark';
The same statement with the bind variable is submitted to Oracle database server. The database uses cached area to find that the same statement was run perviously and uses it again. Then the database uses the variables values. This means the database will not need to re-parse and re-calculate the best execution plan for the same statement.
But this is not the case with the first type(Substitution Variables).
- Answer to problem 2:
No you can't, because as I said above, all what SQL*Plus or SQL Developer do is just rewriting the statement replacing the variable name with it's value. It doesn't know anything about it's type. Only text replacement is done here.
You can find more details here:
In Oracle, you can define variables as follows:
my_number NUMBER (20, 0);
first_name VARCHAR2(256);
first_name := 'Joe';
select * from customer where name = first_name;
Is that what you're looking for?

Informix: Select null problem

Using Informix, I've created a tempory table which I am trying to populate from a select statement. After this, I want to do an update, to populate more fields in the tempory table.
So I'm doing something like;
create temp table _results (group_ser int, item_ser int, restype char(4));
insert into _results (group_ser, item_ser)
group_ser, item_ser, null
But you can't select null.
For example;
select first 1 current from systables
works but
select first 1 null from systables
(Don't get me started on why I can't just do a SQL Server like "select current" with no table specified!)
You don't have to write a stored procedure; you simply have to tell IDS what type the NULL is. Assuming you are not using IDS 7.31 (which does not support any cast notation), you can write:
And, if you don't have dual as a table (you probably don't), you can do one of a few things:
CREATE SYNONYM dual FOR sysmaster:"informix".sysdual;
The 'sysdual' table was added relatively recently (IDS 11.10, IIRC), so if you are using an older version, it won't exist. The following works with any version of IDS - it's what I use.
-- #(#)$Id: dual.sql,v 2.1 2004/11/01 18:16:32 jleffler Exp $
-- Create table DUAL - structurally equivalent to Oracle's similarly named table.
-- It contains one row of data.
dummy CHAR(1) DEFAULT 'x' NOT NULL CHECK (dummy = 'x') PRIMARY KEY
Idiomatically, if you are going to SELECT from Systables to get a single row, you should include 'WHERE tabid = 1'; this is the entry for Systables itself, and if it is missing, the fact that your SELECT statement does return any data is the least of your troubles. (I've never seen that as an error, though.)
This page says the reason you can't do that is because "NULL" doesn't have a type. So, the workaround is to create a sproc that simply returns NULL in the type you want.
That sounds like a pretty bad solution to me though. Maybe you could create a variable in your script, set it to null, then select that variable instead? Something like this:
LET dummy = NULL;
SELECT group_ser, item_ser, dummy
FROM sometable
SELECT group_ser, item_ser, replace(null,null) as my_null_column
FROM sometable
or you can use nvl(null,null) to return a null for your select statement.
Is there any reason to go for an actual table? I have been using
select blah from table(set{1})
select blah from table(set{1})
is nice when you are using 10.x database. This statement doesn't touch database. The amount of read/write operations is equal to 0,
when you're using 11.x it will cost you at least 4500 buffer reads because this version of Informix creates this table in memory and executes query against it.
select to_date(null) from table;
This works when I want to get a date with null value
You can use this expression (''+1) on the SELECT list, instead of null keyword. It evaluates to NULL value of type DECIMAL(2,0).
This (''+1.0001) evaluates to DECIMAL(16,4). And so on.
If you want DATE type use DATE(''+1) to get null value of type DATE.
(''+1)||' ' evaluates to an empty string of type VARCHAR(1).
To obtain NULL value of type VARCHAR(1) use this expression:
DATE(''+1)||' '
Works in 9.x and 11.x.