Easy acceptance testing with specification - testing

I look for a tool/framework to make automatic acceptance-testing. The interface to create new tests should be so easy, that a non-programmer (customer, boss) will be able to add specifications for which will be tested automatically.
It should be some way to execute the tests from command-line, to include a run of the tests in automatic builds.
I prefer Java and Open-Source, but my question isn't restricted in that way.
What do you can recommend and please explain why your tool/framework is the best in the world.

http://fitnesse.org/ appears to meet all of the qualifications you want. It is one I have used with success.

I think that several of the options are very good and you should test them to see which fits your team :
Cucumber (Ruby)
Robot framework (Python/Java)
Behave for Java
SpecFlow (.net)

Another framework you may want to look at is Robot Framework. To see how test cases look like, take a look at the Quick Start Guide.

I've found a framework named Concordion that may fulfill my needs.

What you ask for appears to be for a very well-defined system with a very specific sets of inputs and a high degree of automation built-into the system or developed for your system.
Commercial applications such as HP Quick Test Pro isn't non-technical enough and requires an additional framework such as one from Sonnet, which is a step in the right direction, but neither is open source or java-based.
Even with a framework in place, it's quite a bit of work to make this work in an automated way. I'd like you to consider the time needed to develop the framework vs the time to manually run these tests and verify that you are using your time well.

How about Cucumber:
Feature: Acceptance testing framework
Scenario: an example speaks volumes
Given a text example
When it is read
Then the simplicity will be appreciated
You would need a developer to discuss with the boss what each of those lines really means and implement the step definition to drive it:
Given /^a text example$/ do
file.open("example.txt", "w") { |file| file.write "text example" }
When /^it is read$/ do
Then /^the simplicity will be appreciated$/ do
SystemUnderTest.simplicity.should be_appreciated


Automatic testing of web applications with Selenium

is there any tool out there that i can used to set-up run automatically and i was goggling and i found selenium test runner? there are so many tools out there its hard to figured out which is best
I'm using C# and using MSTest as a test framework and I'm looking forward to see if I can get a way from testing in MSTEST
any help?
This is very subjective question. Every requirement will have its own correct answer. Anyhow I will try to address few requirements and will be updating as I learn more.
If you are automating web app browser tests (sans flash player and silverlight) I would say that selenium is the way to go. There are ways to automate flash and silverlight too, but that is answer for another question.
Selenium is anyways an automation too and your choice will rather is of which test framework to select. So here are few options:
1. Integrating with CI tools:
If you want to organize your tests as segregated atomic units and want them to be integrated to some CI server (e.g. TeamCity). I will recommend using NUnit to run your selenium tests.
2. Behavioral Tests
It is a new trend in the software development and how we test our products. Using behavioral (i.e. business specification) like language. In my experience it is also a very good format to write up acceptance tests. You can use selenium with something like Nbehave or SpecFlow
3. Centralize Test management and Execution
Now this might not fit for everyone but I have found FitNesse (and its c# binding) to be very useful in maintaining and executing selenium test cases.
Please note this answer may not be right and is certainly not complete given the scope of the question. I have nevertheless tried provide few pointers.

End to end testing framework recommendations

I am in a new project that is looking to include an end to end testing framework.
We want something flexible, I've used Fitnesse before and I think we need something similar to it.
We are also using Hudson CI and are looking for something that would integrate easily with it.
Is there a clear winner?
UPDATED: The system has many components, some of them are web services running on tomcat, there are a couple of NoSQL databases too, but no UI testing is required for the moment.
Please add a comment if further clarification on the project details is needed.
The robot framework is a good keyword driven testing framework that we use for end to end integration testing.
There is a plugin for jenkins (a fork of hudson) that is very useful. It reportedly works with hudson as well.
Great to read you have decided start using Robot Framework. Its Hudson plugin already has recently got much better (trend charts, available from Hudson directly, ...) and moved to new place:
Can you be more specific, when you say, you want to have an end-to-end testing framework? What kind of application are you developing (standalone, web based, web service, ...)? What language do you program in?
I would also look for previous knowledge in your team or around your team (e.g. other teams). It might be sufficient, to use TestNG or JUnit (I have seen an old paper on UI testing using JUnit). Almost all test frameworks should be fine for Hudson, as long as they can be started in a headless/scripted mode and if they provide the results in a format that Hudson understands (in the worst case HTML is sufficent, though Hudson will only be able to display the pages). So if you have IBM Monitoring tools available, you might want to look at Rational Functional Tester or Rational Performance Tester.
FitNesse is a good tool for functional testing. The business contacts can create the test cases by themselfs (developers have to provide some connector code), which will create more visibility and removes some work from the test engineers. Drawback is, that you can't really do UI testing. If you need a open source plattform for UI, have a look at seam. Even though I like the OSS philosophi, you might need longer ramp up time (higher costs) and possibly more maintainace time for OSS (not true for all OSS). In any case, check how easy it is to get support for your framework. You might even consider paid support for your framework (regardless if open or closed source). Also don't forget, even though you can fix OSS source yourself, you might not have the expertise or time for fixing bugs or adding features.
So give us more info and we can give you better advices.
My experience with jBehave is very good. Recommend.
It's based on BDD - Behavior Driven Development.

Automatic testing of web pages (and generating from use cases by DSL)

My goal is:
Our customers could generate new web-tests.
Our continuous integration server makes a test-environment deployment; it should execute the tests against it
The test could also be run against some other environment.
(Final acceptance tests should be made by the customer, to test fonts etc, but this would be a great pre-acceptance check for our test-environment. Customers could focus on other things than now.)
Usually some property (like text field id) has changed or something and the tests will break in a few weeks. It seems that recorded tests broke often, so it's better to easily record a new one than trying to maintenance and modify an old test.
Now, I found a whole new approach. Maybe recording is not the right way.
How about, if our customers could make use cases in a human readable own language which the machine would understand and compile to web-recording (with Domain Specific Language, DSL).
This is not sci-fi, it has been already made, so read on. :-)
I have tried to use these automatic web testing frameworks:
Visual Studio web test (Customers can't execute)
Selenium (Works only with Firefox, our customers have IE)
WatiN (.NET version of Watir, recorder seems to be a bit buggy)
HP Quick Test Pro (Not easy enough to make new tests)
None of these have provided actually what I need... but Selenium is the closest one.
Our customers speak Finnish, so in the beginning of a software project, in specification phase, user writes a use case like:
Avaa "OmaLomake"
Syötä "Tuomas" kohtaan "nimi"
Paina "Seuraava"
Open "MyForm"
Insert "Tuomas" into field "name"
Press "Next"
Now... This is a human-readable use case, but also it can be compiled to automatic web acceptance test. Open, Insert, into field and Press are keywords, others are values.
What kind of DSL tool would be good for this?
Microsoft is making a new DSL-making-tool in their Oslo-project called MGrammar. It means that you can make a custom language to make it easy for non-technical people to work with machines. (The same basic idea that was (and failed) with Cobol and Visual Basic.)
I found that someone has already made this kind of DSL with MGrammar, but it is for Watin, not Selenium:
So the continuous integration server process will be:
Fetch a new version from source control (as usual).
Build, run unit tests and analyze the code (as usual).
Make an installation package and tag version in version control (as usual).
Compile use cases to web tests
Run web tests
Accept/Reject the software :-)
Running a web-test in the continuous integration server usually means a lot of configuration work. So, before I try this, I'm curious, what do you think?
Have you used same kind of setup, and what are your experiences? (What exact environment?)
How about DSL, will it have enough power for use cases or will it be another endless development task? Will the customers ever generate the tests?
First of all, Selenium does work with IE and other browsers as well as Firefox; cross browser support is one of its strengths. Here's the list of supported browsers.
However, if you want a human language-based DSL for writing your tests, take a look at Cucumber - the syntax is almost exactly like your example above. Cucumber already has Finnish language support - see the examples at this link.
Fitnesse and Selenium Integration tools such as Selenesse(http://github.com/marisaseal/selenesse) or Fitnium(http://www.magneticreason.com/tools/fitnium/fitnium.html) can also serve your purpose. However, you need to find answer for who will put the element locators in the test cases written by customers. If customers put the locators using the recorders, it may not be possible to maintain. If customers write the steps and a automation tester/developer can put those locators using regex, custom location strategy, this approach may work.
The TestPlan software uses a specialize language for writing tests. It is highly domain specific and works very well in web environments. It supports the Selenium backend so you gain that compatibility, plus it can run without a browser, for even faster tests. I have used it on some fairly large web projects in the type of setup you are looking for.
Your example script might look like this:
GotoURL /SomePage
Click MyForm
SubmitForm with
%Params:name% Tuomos
%Submit% value:Next
That's it. It nicely describes what the user wants to do and is a functioning test. You can combine scripts into units and have custom function as well. So if you really wanted you could write the Finish equivalents to the names.

Does anyone know of a tool that will auto-generate Unit Test stubs?

I am writing a winforms application and eventually I would like to write unit test for this application from the DAL, and Biz Objects layers etc.
Does someone know of a FREE tool that can recieve the path to an assembly and then output unit test stubs with matching signatures for the assembly.
Any configurable options like "public interfaces only", "test framework choice", "language choice" would be a plus.
I at least would need this tool to emit vb.net against nunit.
Last I heard, the recommended method of unit testing was to write them as you develop the functionality in a test first style. Auto-generating unit test stubs, in my mind, would just result in a whole bunch of unimplemented unit tests which add no value and will most likely have very awful generic names that don't describe the behavior being tested.
On the other hand, maybe I'm just misunderstanding your question...
Take a look at Pex from Microsoft Research.
MS Unit test build into VS2008 can create stubs (using Reflection) in your behalf.
I found it very useful in most cases.
There is a tool called Pex that not only makes the stubs, but also fills in tests for you. There's also a video online.
edit: Mark Seemann beat me to it! Hopefully the links are still useful.

What is a good regression testing framework for software applications?

Am looking for a regression test framework where I can add tests to.. Tests could be any sort of binaries that poke an application..
This really depends on what you're trying to do, but one of the features of the new Test::Harness (disclaimer: I'm the original author and still a core developer) is that if your tests output TAP (the Test Anything Protocol), you can use Test::Harness to run test suites written in multiple languages. As a result, you don't have to worry about getting "locked in" to a particular language because that's all your testing software supports. In one of my talks on the subject, I even give an example of a test suite written in Perl, C, Ruby, and HTML (yes, HTML -- you'd have to see it).
Just thought I would tell you guys what I ended up using..
QMtest ::=> http://mentorembedded.github.io/qmtest/
I found QMTest to full fill my needs. Its extensible framework, allows you to write very flexible test classes. Then, these test classes could be instantiated to large test suites to do regression testing.
QMTest is also very forward thinking, it allows for weak test dependencies and the creation of test resources. After a while of using QMTest, I started writing better quality tests. However, like any other piece of complex software, it requires some time to learn and understand the concepts, the API is documented and the User Manual give a good introduction. With sometime in your hand, I think QMTest is well worth it.
You did not indicate what language you are working in, but the xUnit family is available for a lot of different languages.
It also depends heavily what kind of application you're working on. For a commandline app, for example, its probably easy enough to just create a shell script that calls it with a whole bunch of different options and compares its result to a previously known stable version, warning you if any of the output differs so that you can check whether the change is intentional or not.
If you want something more fancy, of course, you'll probably want some sort of dedicated testing framework.
I assume you are regression-testing a web application?
There are some tools in this kb article from Microsoft
And if I remember correctly, certain editions of Visual Studio also offer its own flavor of regression testing tools as well.
But if you just want a unit testing framework, the xUnit family does it pretty well.
Here's JUnit and NUnit.