Google Reader API Unread Count - api

Does Google Reader have an API and if so, how can I get the count of the number of unread posts for a specific user knowing their username and password?

This URL will give you a count of unread posts per feed. You can then iterate over the feeds and sum up the counts.
Here is a minimalist example in Python...parsing the xml/json and summing the counts is left as an exercise for the reader:
import urllib
import urllib2
username = ''
password = '******'
# Authenticate to obtain SID
auth_url = ''
auth_req_data = urllib.urlencode({'Email': username,
'Passwd': password,
'service': 'reader'})
auth_req = urllib2.Request(auth_url, data=auth_req_data)
auth_resp = urllib2.urlopen(auth_req)
auth_resp_content =
auth_resp_dict = dict(x.split('=') for x in auth_resp_content.split('\n') if x)
auth_token = auth_resp_dict["Auth"]
# Create a cookie in the header using the SID
header = {}
header['Authorization'] = 'GoogleLogin auth=%s' % auth_token
reader_base_url = ''
reader_req_data = urllib.urlencode({'all': 'true',
'output': 'xml'})
reader_url = reader_base_url % (reader_req_data)
reader_req = urllib2.Request(reader_url, None, header)
reader_resp = urllib2.urlopen(reader_req)
reader_resp_content =
print reader_resp_content
And some additional links on the topic:
How do you access an authenticated Google App Engine service from a (non-web) python client?

It is there. Still in Beta though.

Here is an update to this answer
import urllib
import urllib2
username = ''
password = '******'
# Authenticate to obtain Auth
auth_url = ''
#auth_req_data = urllib.urlencode({'Email': username,
# 'Passwd': password})
auth_req_data = urllib.urlencode({'Email': username,
'Passwd': password,
'service': 'reader'})
auth_req = urllib2.Request(auth_url, data=auth_req_data)
auth_resp = urllib2.urlopen(auth_req)
auth_resp_content =
auth_resp_dict = dict(x.split('=') for x in auth_resp_content.split('\n') if x)
# SID = auth_resp_dict["SID"]
AUTH = auth_resp_dict["Auth"]
# Create a cookie in the header using the Auth
header = {}
#header['Cookie'] = 'Name=SID;SID=%s;;Path=/;Expires=160000000000' % SID
header['Authorization'] = 'GoogleLogin auth=%s' % AUTH
reader_base_url = ''
reader_req_data = urllib.urlencode({'all': 'true',
'output': 'xml'})
reader_url = reader_base_url % (reader_req_data)
reader_req = urllib2.Request(reader_url, None, header)
reader_resp = urllib2.urlopen(reader_req)
reader_resp_content =
print reader_resp_content
Google Reader removed SID auth around June, 2010 (I think), using new Auth from ClientLogin is the new way and it's a bit simpler (header is shorter). You will have to add service in data for requesting Auth, I noticed no Auth returned if you don't send the service=reader.
You can read more about the change of authentication method in this thread.

In the API posted in [1], the "token" field should be "T"


Encrypted access token request to google api failed with 400 code

Recently I come up a scenario where I need to encrypt a WEB API request and response using PyCryptodome inside Synapse notebook activity. I am trying to make a call to Google API, but the request should be encrypted and similarly response should be encrypted. After making the call with encrypted data, I am getting below error.
error code: 400, message: Invalid JSON Payload received. Unexpected Token, Status: Invalid argument.
I have written below code:-
import os
import requests
import json
import base64
from Crypto import Random
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
from Crypto.Util.padding import pad,unpad
import secrets
key= os.urandom(16)
iv =
def encrypt_data(key, data):
BS = AES.block_size
pad = lambda s: s + ((BS - len(s) % BS) * chr(BS - len(s) % BS)).encode()
cipher =, AES.MODE_CBC, iv)
encrypted_data = base64.b64encode(cipher.encrypt(pad(data)))
return encrypted_data
url = ""
client_Id = "XXXXX"
client_secret = "YYYYY"
grant_type = "refresh_token"
refresh_token = "ZZZZZZ"
data = {"grant_type":grant_type,
encode_data = json.dumps(data).encode("utf-8")
encrypt_data = encrypt_data(key,encode_data)
response =, data = encrypt_data)
It would be really helpful if someone can give me idea or guide me on how I can achieve this.
Thank You!

How to get a Minecraft session ID?

I'm trying to make a Minecraft client and I cant figure out how to get a session ID to start the game. I've done some googling and cant find anyway to get it bar from this answer to Launch Minecraft from command line - username and password as prefix that doesn't work.
Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
You can manually crash your game by holding down F3 + C. In the crash log will be your session id.
I made a little script that returns the session id.
def GetSessionID(Username, Password):
# Url = f'{Username}&password={Password}&version=13'
Url = ""
# LoginInfo =
# LoginInfoList = LoginInfo.split(':')
# SessionID = LoginInfoList[3]
token = str(uuid.uuid4())
requestData = GetAuthenticationBody(Username, Password, token)
response =, json=requestData)
responseData = response.json()
SessionID = responseData['accessToken']
return SessionID
def GetAuthenticationBody(username, password, token):
body = {
"agent": {
"name": "Minecraft",
"version": 1
"username": username,
"password": password,
"clientToken": token,
"requestUser": True
return body

OAuth2 Grant Type - authorization code (python)

I am try to figure out how to get Oauth 2 working in my python code.
import requests, json
import webbrowser
authorize_url = ""
token_url = ""
state = 'asdasdasdasdasdas'
scope = 'noscope'
callback_uri = "x-argonaut-app://HealthProviderLogin/"
test_api_url = ""
client_id = '6A605kYem9GmG38Vo6TTzh8IFnjWHZWtRn46K1hoxQ'
client_secret = 'POrisHrcdMvUKmaR6Cea0b8jtx-z4ewVWrnaIXASO-H3tB3g5MgPV7Vqty7OP8aEbSGENWRMkeVKZDdG7Pw'
authorization_redirect_url = authorize_url + '?response_type=code&state=' + state + '&client_id=' + client_id + '&scope='+scope+'&redirect_uri=' + callback_uri
authorization_code = input("Code:")
data = {'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'code': authorization_code, 'redirect_uri': callback_uri}
access_token_response =, data=data, verify=True, allow_redirects=True, auth=(client_id, client_secret))
tokens = json.loads(access_token_response.text)
access_token = tokens['access_token']
api_call_headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token}
api_call_response = requests.get(test_api_url, headers=api_call_headers, verify=True)
print (api_call_response.text)
The issue here is I have to manually input the code from the authorization URL. I want to automate it !
Tried this
import requests, json
rom bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import mechanize
authorize_url = ""
token_url = ""
state = 'asdasdasdasdasdas'
scope = 'noscope'
callback_uri = "x-argonaut-app://HealthProviderLogin/"
test_api_url = ""
client_id = '6A605kYem9GmG38Vo6TTzh8IFnjWHZWtRn46K1hoxQ'
client_secret = 'POrisHrcdMvUKmaR6Cea0b8jtx-z4ewVWrnaIXASO-H3tB3g5MgPV7Vqty7OP8aEbSGENWRMkeVKZDdG7Pw'
OAuth_url = authorize_url + '?response_type=code&state=' + state + '&client_id=' + client_id + '&scope='+scope+'&redirect_uri=' + callback_uri
br = mechanize.Browser()
br.form['Username'] = 'my_username'
br.form['Password'] = 'my_password'
r = br.submit()
resp =
ac = = 'Accept')
soup = BeautifulSoup(resp)
auth_code = str(ac)
code_list = auth_code.split("=")
cd_lst = code_list[1].split("&")
authorization_code = str(cd_lst[0])
data = {'grant_type': 'authorization_code', 'code': authorization_code, 'redirect_uri': callback_uri}
access_token_response =, data=data, verify=True, allow_redirects=True, auth=(client_id, client_secret))
tokens = json.loads(access_token_response.text)
access_token = tokens['access_token']
I think I am close but still couldn't get it working.
It is giving bad request (error code:400) as response.
If anyone can help with this would be awesome. Thanks
TL;DR You're getting a 400 BAD_REQUEST because the OAuth_url isn't properly constructed. Try:
The base url for the reference server you gave ( doesn't resolve.
So I'll demonstrate using another reference server.
SMART Configuration:
The OAuth_url you've constructed:
A working OAuth_url with the reference server [^1]:
You'll see two differences between the request you've constructed and reference, one of which is likely causing the 400 BAD_REQUEST:
scope (noscope isn't a valid SMART on FHIR scope [^2], which will cause most servers to error)
aud (you didn't include an aud query param, which is used as a claim in the access_token jwt you'll be issued)
[^1] Constructed using the Inferno test:
[^2] Direct link to supported SMART on FHIR scopes:

How do you authenticate a websocket connection with Knox token authentication on django channels?

I understand you can write custom authentication middleware to use in django channels 2.
This works fine with Django's built-in token authentication but using django-rest-knox tokens is a different story.
Knox stores its tokens in an encrypted form so it is not as easy as simply retrieving the user from the database by looking up the token.
Please help.
Figured it out!
from knox.auth import TokenAuthentication
knoxAuth = TokenAuthentication();
user, auth_token = knoxAuth.authenticate_credentials(tokenString.encode(HTTP_HEADER_ENCODING))
scope['user'] = user
Integrate the above code with:
In order to be able to authenticate a user using token authentication, you must use cookies, The headers you can send using WS are limited, you must also implement your own "TokenAuthMiddleware" to handle the cookie. for channels 2, you also have to handle access to the database correctly, below is how to do that:
from channels.auth import AuthMiddlewareStack
from channels.db import database_sync_to_async
from knox.auth import TokenAuthentication
from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser
from django.db import close_old_connections
from rest_framework.exceptions import AuthenticationFailed
import re
class TokenAuthMiddlewareInstance :
def __init__ (
self ,
scope ,
middleware ,
self.middleware = middleware
self.scope = dict(scope)
self.inner = self.middleware.inner
async def __call__ (
self ,
receive ,
send ,
self.scope['user'] = AnonymousUser()
cookie = dict(self.scope.get('headers',{})).get(b'cookie')
if cookie :
token = re.findall(r'X-Authorization=(\w*)', cookie.decode('ascii'))
if len(token) :
self.scope['user'] = await self._g_user(token)
inner = self.inner(self.scope)
return await inner(receive, send)
def _g_user (
self ,
token ,
try :
token_key = token[0]
user, token = TokenAuthentication().authenticate_credentials(token_key.encode('ascii'))
return user
except AuthenticationFailed as e :
return AnonymousUser()
class TokenAuthMiddleware :
def __init__ (
self ,
inner ,
self.inner = inner
def __call__ (
self ,
scope ,
return TokenAuthMiddlewareInstance(scope, self)
TokenAuthMiddlewareStack = lambda inner: TokenAuthMiddleware(AuthMiddlewareStack(inner))

Twitter REST API: tweet extraction

The following code has been written by me to extract tweets with specific hashtags.
import json
import oauth2
import time
import io
Consumer_Key = ""
Consumer_Secret = ""
access_token = ""
access_token_secret = ""
def oauth_req(url, key, secret, http_method="GET", post_body="", http_headers=None):
consumer = oauth2.Consumer(key="", secret="")
token = oauth2.Token(key=key, secret=secret)
client = oauth2.Client(consumer, token)
content = client.request( url, method=http_method, body=post_body, headers=http_headers )
return content
tweet_url = ''
jsn = oauth_req( tweet_url, access_token, access_token_secret )
print jsn
My hashtags are: IPv4, IPv6, ISP, Internet, Modem. I want my code to see if a tweet has at least one of the hashtags that tweet should be written to my file.
But, unfortunately it is returning the html tags instead.
The output is as follows:
({'content-length': '338352', 'x-xss-protection': '1; mode=block', 'x-content-type-options': 'nosniff',........................
.............................-post-iframe" name="tweet-post-iframe"></iframe>\n <iframe aria-hidden="true" class="dm-post-iframe" name="dm-post-iframe"></iframe>\n\n</div>\n\n </body>\n</html>\n')
Any lead in this regard will be appreciated.
Take a look at your tweet url which is
tweet_url = ''
which is the url of website.
But if you are trying to extract tweets through Twitter API just replace above url with this url :
tweet_url = ''