Complex associations in ActiveRecord models - sql

I'm trying to understand how ActiveRecord deals with associations that are more complex than simple has_many, belongs_to, and so on.
As an example, consider an application for recording music gigs. Each Gig has a Band, which has a Genre. Each Gig also has a Venue, which has a Region.
In the rough notation of MS Access (which I'm suddenly beginning to feel quite nostalgic for) these relationships would be presented like this
1 ∞ 1 ∞ ∞ 1 ∞ 1
Genre ---- Band ---- Gig ---- Venue ---- Region
I would like to be able to find out, for example, all the bands who've played in a region, or all the venues that host a certain genre.
Ideally, my models would contain this code
class Genre
has_many :bands
has_many :gigs, :through => bands
has_many :venues, :through => :gigs, :uniq => true
has_many :regions, :through => :venues, :uniq => true
class Band
belongs_to :genre
has_many :gigs
has_many :venues, :through => :gigs, :uniq => true
has_many :regions, :through => :venues, :uniq => true
class Gig
belongs_to :genre, :through => :band
belongs_to :band
belongs_to :venue
belongs_to :region, :through => :venue
and so on for Venue and Region.
However, it seems I have to produce something like this instead
class Genre
has_many :bands
has_many :gigs, :through => bands
has_many :venues, :finder_sql => "SELECT DISTINCT venues.* FROM venues " +
"INNER JOIN gigs ON = gig.venue_id " +
"INNER JOIN bands ON = gig.band_id " +
"WHERE band.genre_id = #{id}"
# something even yuckier for regions
class Band
belongs_to :genre
has_many :gigs
has_many :venues, :through => :gigs, :uniq => true
# some more sql for regions
class Gig
delegate :genre, :to => :band
belongs_to :band
belongs_to :venue
delegate :region, :to => :venue
I have two questions - one general and one particular.
The general:
I would have thought that what I was trying to do would come up fairly often. Is what I have really the best way to do it, or is there something much simpler that I'm overlooking?
The particular:
What I have above doesn't actually quite work! The #{id} in the second genre model actually to return the id of the class. (I think). However, this seems to work here and here
I realise this is a rather epic question, so thank you if you've got this far. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Associations are designed to be readable and writable. A large part of their value is that you can do something like this:
#band.gigs << => #venue)
It sounds, though, like you want something that's read-only. In other words, you want to associate Venues and Genres, but you'd never do:
#venue.genres <<"post-punk")
because it wouldn't make sense. A Venue only has a Genre if a Band with that particular Genre has a Gig there.
Associations don't work for that because they have to be writable. Here's how I'd do readonly associations:
class Genre
has_many :bands
def gigs
Gig.find(:all, :include => 'bands',
:conditions => ["band.genre_id = ?",])
def venues
Venue.find(:all, :include => {:gigs => :band},
:conditions => ["band.genre_id = ?",])

You can add conditions and parameters to your associations.
Recent versions of ActiveRecord give the power of named_scopes, which will work on associated records as well.
From a current project
Folder has_many Pages
Page has_many Comments
# In Page
named_scope :commented,
:include => "comments",
:conditions => [" IS NULL OR IS NOT NULL"],
:order => "comments.created_at DESC, pages.created_at DESC"
Using this we can say:
Which will scope on the associated records, doing a conditional with the supplied parameters.
Plus! named_scopes are composable.
And more scopes:
named_scope :published, :conditions => ["forum_topics.status = ?", "published"]
And chain them together:

For associations like this, you're going to end up writing custom SQL -- there's no real way that you can handle a chain of associations like this without having to do some fairly massive joins, and there really isn't an efficient way for the built-in query generators to handle it with a one-liner.
You can look into the :joins parameter of ActiveRecord as well -- this may do what you want.

Sounds like a job for nested_has_many_through! Great plugin that allows you to do nested has_many :throughs


Unique Association :through

I have a many to many :through relationship between a set of classes like so:
class Company
has_many :shares
has_many :users, :through => :shares, :uniq => true
class User
has_many :shares
has_many :companys, :through => :shares, uniq => true
class Share
belongs_to :company
belongs_to :user
I want to ensure a unique relationship so that a user can only have one share in any one company, which is what I have tried to achieve using the "uniq" argument.
At first I thought this was working, however it seems the behaviour os the "uniq" is to filter on the SELECT of the record, not pre-INSERT so I still get duplicate records in the database, which becomes an issue if I want to start dealing with the :shares association directly, as calling user.shares will return duplicate records if they exist.
Can anyone help with an approach which would force truely uniq relationships? so that if I try adding the second relationships between a user and a company it will reject it and only keep the original?
Have you tried adding this to your Share class?
validates_uniqueness_of :user, scope: :company
Also, in your User class I think it should be:
has_many :companies, through: :shares
I hope that helps.

Searching a has_many :through association including the middle model

First, the topic.
I have three models, which are linked between each other with a has_many :trough association like this:
#User model
has_many :chars_del, :class_name => CharDelegated, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :chars, :through => :chars_del
#CharDelegated model
#has a field owner:integer
belongs_to :char
belongs_to :user
#Char model
#has fields name:string
has_many :chars_del, :class_name => CharDelegated
has_many :users, :through => :chars_del
What I need to do is I need to search from a User Record to find all the Chars that the particular user ownes (:owner field is true) ordered by name. I have been stuck with this for a couple hours now, so I believe that I could have missed a very simple answer... But nothing that I have tried so far did work even a bit.
found something that works:
user.chars.where(:char_delegateds => {:owner => 1}).order('name')
don't know why the :chars_del gave an error, but the full table name did the job.
Andrew, your answer works well too and is a little faster on the database, thans alot.
not work? (Given user is a single User instance.)
Given your new information:
CharDelegated.where(user_id:, owner: true).map(&:char)
should work.
In your specific example you don't need to search through the middle table but if you want to see an example of how to use the joining table and search through it for a more complex scenario you can do it this way.
#char = Char.all(:include => :users, :conditions => ["char_delegated.user_id in (?)", user_id]).order('name')

has_many :through - complicated model

I have a pretty complicated set of models and I'm trying to figure out how to set it all up so that rails will generate chained queries (though I'm not sure it is possible). So my question ends up being: how do I chain these together OR how do I properly paginate this type of function?
First, the high overview.
It is a "social network" and I have users who can be students or teachers. Students and teachers can both follow each other. Both can also do things on the site that result in activity_items. A students can belong to a teacher. Therefore, if a student is following a teacher, they should also see the activity_items of the students under that teacher.
And that is where it gets complicated. I am trying to figure out how to display an activity feed.
Now the models:
model ActivityItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :profile, :polymorphic => :true
attr_accessor :posted_by_user
model Following < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :profile, :polymorphic => true
belongs_to :following, :polymorphic => true
model Student < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :following_relationships, :as => :profile, :class_name => "Following"
has_many :follower_relationships, :as => :following, :class_name => "Following"
# getting the actual student/teacher model for each relationship
def following
def activity_feed
all = following
all.inject([]) do |result,profile|
result | profile.activity_items
model Teacher < ActiveRecord::Base
[same as student, really it is in an Extension]
So the method I'm most concerned about is activity_feed. Without running the large set of queries every time, I'm not sure how to paginate the data. I have a few more methods that go through each activity_item and set posted_by_user to true or false to let me know if it is an activity_item created by someone they are following directly or indirectly (through the teacher).
How can I modify this so that I'm able to either
(A) get a single (or two or three) queries so that I can do a pagination method on it.
(B) how would I properly cache / paginate a large data set like this?

Rails efficient SQL for "Popular" users

I'm building a blog-type website in Rails (3) where "Authors" can follow other authors and in order and in order to find authors with the most followers I wrote this scope:
scope :popular, all.sort { |a, b| a.followers.count <=> b.followers.count }
I know this is really inefficient as it has to perform multiple queries for each author in the database and then compares the result. I'm asking this question to see if there isn't a better way of doing this. The relevant code is as follows:
class Author < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :relationships, :dependent => :destroy, :foreign_key => "follower_id"
has_many :following, :through => :relationships, :source => :followed
has_many :reverse_relationships, :dependent => :destroy, :foreign_key => "followed_id", :class_name => "Relationship"
has_many :followers, :through => :reverse_relationships, :source => :follower
scope :popular, all.sort { |a, b| a.followers.count <=> b.followers.count }
The "followers" are implemented through a separate model:
class Relationship < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :follower, :class_name => "Author"
belongs_to :followed, :class_name => "Author"
And for retrieving popular authors:
#popular_authors = Author.popular[0..9]
I'd love to be able to write something like Author.popular.limit(10) instead, but I understand that in order for this to work, Author.popular has to return an object of the ActiveRecord::Relation class, rather than an array.
As I mentioned, this code does work, but it's horribly inefficient, issuing hundreds of queries just to find the top 10 authors. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
One optimization might be to use eager loading. I suspect you have many queries that say, SELECT * fromAuthorWHEREfollower_id= 7
Eager loading can turn your hundreds of queries into a giant one for you. This might generate a slow query, but often times will faster because the time for the slow query was less than the 5000 fast queries.
I am not a SQL guru, but you might also want to use a GROUP_BY with LIMIT = 10. to get the 10 most popular.
Try something like
Authors.find(:all, :include => Authors, :group_by => " SELECT `count` as (some subquery I don't know to get the number of followers)", :limit => 10)
Scroll down to Eager loading of associations

How to join across polymorphic tables in one query?

I have 2 polymorphic associations through which I need to query.
I have a news_article table which has a polymorphic association to teams, players, etc. Those teams, players, etc have a polymorphic association to photos through phototenic.
I need to find all articles that have at least one picture that is 500px wide.
The Article model I have a has_many :teams (through the polymorphic table)
and in the teams I have a has_many :photos (though another polymorphic table)
I thought that I could use joins like this
Article.find(:last, :joins => {:teams => :photos}, :conditions => "photos.aspect_ratio < 1.55 AND photos.aspect_ratio > 1.30")
but it is not working. Any ideas?
Hope this is your setup...
class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :teams
class Team < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :photos
class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :teams
Can you please use the following query and let us know if it works for you?
Article.find(:last, :include => {:teams => :photos}, :conditions => "photos.aspect_ratio < 1.55 AND photos.aspect_ratio > 1.30")
Hope It helps...
Sourcebits Team
If you are using Rails 3 already:
If you are using Rails 2.3.8:
Article.find(:all, :include => {:teams => :photos}, :conditions => [YOUR CONDITIONS])
Hope It helps...