Is it possible to make a recursive SQL query? - sql

I have a table similar to this:
CREATE TABLE example (
id integer primary key,
name char(200),
parentid integer,
value integer);
I can use the parentid field to arrange data into a tree structure.
Now here's the bit I can't work out. Given a parentid, is it possible to write an SQL statement to add up all the value fields under that parentid and recurse down the branch of the tree ?
UPDATE: I'm using posgreSQL so the fancy MS-SQL features are not available to me. In any case, I'd like this to be treated as a generic SQL question.
BTW, I'm very impressed to have 6 answers within 15 minutes of asking the question! Go stack overflow!

Here is an example script using common table expression:
with recursive sumthis(id, val) as (
select id, value
from example
where id = :selectedid
union all
select, C.value
from sumthis P
inner join example C on = C.parentid
select sum(val) from sumthis
The script above creates a 'virtual' table called sumthis that has columns id and val. It is defined as the result of two selects merged with union all.
First select gets the root (where id = :selectedid).
Second select follows the children of the previous results iteratively until there is nothing to return.
The end result can then be processed like a normal table. In this case the val column is summed.

Since version 8.4, PostgreSQL has recursive query support for common table expressions using the SQL standard WITH syntax.

If you want a portable solution that will work on any ANSI SQL-92 RDBMS, you will need to add a new column to your table.
Joe Celko is the original author of the Nested Sets approach to storing hierarchies in SQL. You can Google "nested sets" hierarchy to understand more about the background.
Or you can just rename parentid to leftid and add a rightid.
Here is my attempt to summarize Nested Sets, which will fall woefully short because I'm no Joe Celko: SQL is a set-based language, and the adjacency model (storing parent ID) is NOT a set-based representation of a hierarchy. Therefore there is no pure set-based method to query an adjacency schema.
However, most of the major platforms have introduced extensions in recent years to deal with this precise problem. So if someone replies with a Postgres-specific solution, use that by all means.

There are a few ways to do what you need in PostgreSQL.
If you can install modules, look at the tablefunc contrib. It has a connectby() function that handles traversing trees.
Also check out the ltree contrib, which you could adapt your table to use:
Or you can traverse the tree yourself with a PL/PGSQL function.
Something like this:
create or replace function example_subtree (integer)
returns setof example as
'declare results record;
child record;
select into results * from example where parent_id = $1;
if found then
return next results;
for child in select id from example
where parent_id = $1
for temp in select * from example_subtree(
return next temp;
end loop;
end loop;
end if;
return null;
end;' language 'plpgsql';
select sum(value) as value_sum
from example_subtree(1234);

A standard way to make a recursive query in SQL are recursive CTE. PostgreSQL supports them since 8.4.
In earlier versions, you can write a recursive set-returning function:
CREATE FUNCTION fn_hierarchy (parent INT)
SELECT example
FROM example
WHERE id = $1
SELECT fn_hierarchy(id)
FROM example
WHERE parentid = $1
FROM fn_hierarchy(1)
See this article:
Hierarchical queries in PostgreSQL

If your using SQL Server 2005, there is a really cool way to do this using Common Table Expressions.
It takes all of the gruntwork out of creating a temporary table, and basicly allows you to do it all with just a WITH and a UNION.
Here is a good tutorial:,289483,sid8_gci1278207,00.html

use a common table expression.
May want to indicate this is SQL Server 2005 or above only. Dale Ragan
here's an article on recursion by SqlTeam without common table expressions.

The following code compiles and it's tested OK.
create or replace function subtree (bigint)
returns setof example as $$
results record;
entry record;
recs record;
select into results * from example where parent = $1;
if found then
for entry in select child from example where parent = $1 and child parent loop
for recs in select * from subtree(entry.child) loop
return next recs;
end loop;
end loop;
end if;
return next results;
$$ language 'plpgsql';
The condition "child <> parent" is needed in my case because nodes point to themselves.
Have fun :)

Oracle has "START WITH" and "CONNECT BY"
lpad(' ',2*(level-1)) || to_char(child) s
start with parent is null
connect by prior child = parent;

Just as a brief aside although the question has been answered very well, it should be noted that if we treat this as a:
generic SQL question
then the SQL implementation is fairly straight-forward, as SQL'99 allows linear recursion in the specification (although I believe no RDBMSs implement the standard fully) through the WITH RECURSIVE statement. So from a theoretical perspective we can do this right now.

None of the examples worked OK for me so I've fixed it like this:
results record;
entry record;
recs record;
for results in select * from project where pid = $1 loop
return next results;
for recs in select * from project_subtree( loop
return next recs;
end loop;
end loop;

is this SQL Server? Couldn't you write a TSQL stored procedure that loops through and unions the results together?
I am also interested if there is a SQL-only way of doing this though. From the bits I remember from my geographic databases class, there should be.

I think it is easier in SQL 2008 with HierarchyID

If you need to store arbitrary graphs, not just hierarchies, you could push Postgres to the side and try a graph database such as AllegroGraph:
Everything in the graph database is stored as a triple (source node, edge, target node) and it gives you first class support for manipulating the graph structure and querying it using a SQL like language.
It doesn't integrate well with something like Hibernate or Django ORM but if you are serious about graph structures (not just hierarchies like the Nested Set model gives you) check it out.
I also believe Oracle has finally added a support for real Graphs in their latest products, but I'm amazed it's taken so long, lots of problems could benefit from this model.


Conditionally delete item inside an Array Field PostgreSQL

I'm building a kind of dictionary app and I have a table for storing words like below:
id | surface_form | examples
1 | sounds | {"It sounds as though you really do believe that",
| | "A different bell begins to sound midnight"}
Where surface_form is of type CHARACTER VARYING and examples is an array field of CHARACTER VARYING
Since the examples are generated automatically from another API, it might not contain the exact "surface_form". Now I want to keep in examples only sentences that contain the exact surface_form. For instance, in the given example, only the first sentence is kept as it contain sounds, the second should be omitted as it only contain sound.
The problem is I got stuck in how to write a query and/or plSQL stored procedure to update the examples column so that it only has the desired sentences.
This query skips unwanted array elements:
select id, array_agg(example) new_examples
from a_table, unnest(examples) example
where surface_form = any(string_to_array(example, ' '))
group by id;
id | new_examples
1 | {"It sounds as though you really do believe that"}
(1 row)
Use it in update:
with corrected as (
select id, array_agg(example) new_examples
from a_table, unnest(examples) example
where surface_form = any(string_to_array(example, ' '))
group by id
update a_table
set examples = new_examples
from corrected
where examples <> new_examples
and =;
Test it in rextester.
Maybe you have to change the table design. This is what PostgreSQL's documentation says about the use of arrays:
Arrays are not sets; searching for specific array elements can be a sign of database misdesign. Consider using a separate table with a row for each item that would be an array element. This will be easier to search, and is likely to scale better for a large number of elements.
The most compact solution (but not necessarily the fastest) is to write a function that you pass a regular expression and an array and which then returns a new array that only contains the items matching the regex.
create function get_matching(p_values text[], p_pattern text)
returns text[]
l_result text[] := '{}'; -- make sure it's not null
l_element text;
foreach l_element in array p_values loop
-- adjust this condition to whatever you want
if l_element ~ p_pattern then
l_result := l_result || l_element;
end if;
end loop;
return l_result;
language plpgsql;
The if condition is only an example. You need to adjust that to whatever you exactly store in the surface_form column. Maybe you need to test on word boundaries for the regex or a simple instr() would do - your question is unclear about that.
Cleaning up the table then becomes as simple as:
update the_table
set examples = get_matching(examples, surface_form);
But the whole approach seems flawed to me. It would be a lot more efficient if you stored the examples in a properly normalized data model.
In SQL, you have to remember two things.
Tuple elements are immutable but rows are mutable via updates.
SQL is declarative, not procedural
So you cannot "conditionally" "delete" a value from an array. You have to think about the question differently. You have to create a new array following a specification. That specification can conditionally include values (using case statements). Then you can overwrite the tuple with the new array.
Looks like one way could to update the array with array elements that are valid by doing a select using like or some regular expression.
If you want to hold elements from array that have "surface_form" in it you have to use that entries with substring(....,...) is not null
First you unnest the array, hold only items that match, and then array_agg the stored items
Here is a little query you can run to test without any table.
(SELECT array_agg(examples_matching)
FROM unnest(surfaces.examples) AS examples_matching
WHERE substring(examples_matching, surfaces.surface_form) IS NOT NULL)
1 AS id,
'example' :: TEXT AS surface_form,
ARRAY ['example form', 'test test','second example form'] :: TEXT [] AS examples
) surfaces;
You can select data in temp table using
Then update temp table using update query on row number
Merge value using
This merge value you can update in original table
For Example
Suppose you create temp table
Temp (id int, element character varying)
Then update Temp table and nest it.
Finally update original table
Here is the query you can directly try to execute in editor
id bigint,
element character varying)WITH (OIDS);
TRUNCATE TABLE temp_element;
insert into temp_element select row_number() over (order by p),p from (
select unnest(ARRAY['It sounds as though you really do believe that',
'A different bell begins to sound midnight']) as P)t;
update temp_element set element = 'It sounds as though you really'
where element = 'It sounds as though you really do believe that';
--update table
select array_agg(r) from ( select element from temp_element)r

Execute Subqueries of a View

I have a rather large view constructed using the "WITH" statement. I've build the view's logic using small, understandable sub queries which are built on top of each other.
The result is a clearly structured SQL which (I believe ) is good to follow even if you're not the creator.
My problem comes with debugging in the future. If at some stage a collegue wants to understand how the result of the view is computed, it's a good approach to to execute some of the sub queries.
The usual approach would be to copy the view's SQL to an SQL-editor (e.g. SQL-Developer) and to replace the main statement with the subquery you're interested in.
all_orders AS (
SELECT order, price ... FROM ...
all_customers AS (
first_order_date ...
new_customers AS (
FROM all_customers
WHERE first_order_date > ...
-- main SQL
SELECT ... FROM all_orders a
INNER JOIN new_customers ON (...)
If I have the feeling that something is wrong with "new_customers" I would comment out the main SQL and replace it with:
-- main SQL
-- SELECT ... FROM all_orders a
-- INNER JOIN new_customers ON (...)
SELECT * FROM new_customers;
If I see that new_customers contains wrong data and I want to check if at least it's source "all_customers" is correct, I replace my main SQL again with
-- main SQL
-- SELECT ... FROM all_orders a
-- INNER JOIN new_customers ON (...)
SELECT * FROM all_customers;
That works really well but as soon as the SQL is inside a view I only have access to the result of the main SQL as the normal output of the view.
However, for simple debugging (meaning without going to the SQL editor, looking up the views definition and coping the SQL to the SQL editor) it would be really helpful to have some kind of database function where I could say:
SELECT * FROM RUN_SUBQUERY('my_view_name', 'new_customers');
My question: Is there such a database function or some similar approach which would allow me to quickly execute sub queries of a database view without splitting the logic up into sub views?
See below for my experience with sub views.
Split the big view in separate smaller views:
I tried this. The execution speed of the SQL dropped by factor 10. Since this is way too slow I'm also looking at some possible optimization here - however, I've seen it running really well when it was all in one statement/ view so it's hard to justify the extra effort here. Again, I only need the sub query results for debugging.
Keep the big view and additionally split it into smaller views which are just used for debugging:
This might be a way to go but we all know that having logic defined in two places is never a good idea (DRY).
You could use a function that returns a table of records.
In this function you can according to the input parameters construct your sql differently and return the result with a cursor.
So for example:
select * from table(cast(run_subquery('my_view_name','new_customers' as a_table_of_records_type));
and this calls the function run_subquery:
return a_table_of_records_type is
query_string varchar2(4000);
if VNAME = '...' then
query_string := query_string || '....';
end if;
if VNAME = '...' then
query_string := query_string || '....';
end if;
-- Execute string through refcursor and put the output in a_table_of_records_type
return a_table_of_records_type;

Selecting chained records from a table [duplicate]

I have a table similar to this:
CREATE TABLE example (
id integer primary key,
name char(200),
parentid integer,
value integer);
I can use the parentid field to arrange data into a tree structure.
Now here's the bit I can't work out. Given a parentid, is it possible to write an SQL statement to add up all the value fields under that parentid and recurse down the branch of the tree ?
UPDATE: I'm using posgreSQL so the fancy MS-SQL features are not available to me. In any case, I'd like this to be treated as a generic SQL question.
BTW, I'm very impressed to have 6 answers within 15 minutes of asking the question! Go stack overflow!
Here is an example script using common table expression:
with recursive sumthis(id, val) as (
select id, value
from example
where id = :selectedid
union all
select, C.value
from sumthis P
inner join example C on = C.parentid
select sum(val) from sumthis
The script above creates a 'virtual' table called sumthis that has columns id and val. It is defined as the result of two selects merged with union all.
First select gets the root (where id = :selectedid).
Second select follows the children of the previous results iteratively until there is nothing to return.
The end result can then be processed like a normal table. In this case the val column is summed.
Since version 8.4, PostgreSQL has recursive query support for common table expressions using the SQL standard WITH syntax.
If you want a portable solution that will work on any ANSI SQL-92 RDBMS, you will need to add a new column to your table.
Joe Celko is the original author of the Nested Sets approach to storing hierarchies in SQL. You can Google "nested sets" hierarchy to understand more about the background.
Or you can just rename parentid to leftid and add a rightid.
Here is my attempt to summarize Nested Sets, which will fall woefully short because I'm no Joe Celko: SQL is a set-based language, and the adjacency model (storing parent ID) is NOT a set-based representation of a hierarchy. Therefore there is no pure set-based method to query an adjacency schema.
However, most of the major platforms have introduced extensions in recent years to deal with this precise problem. So if someone replies with a Postgres-specific solution, use that by all means.
There are a few ways to do what you need in PostgreSQL.
If you can install modules, look at the tablefunc contrib. It has a connectby() function that handles traversing trees.
Also check out the ltree contrib, which you could adapt your table to use:
Or you can traverse the tree yourself with a PL/PGSQL function.
Something like this:
create or replace function example_subtree (integer)
returns setof example as
'declare results record;
child record;
select into results * from example where parent_id = $1;
if found then
return next results;
for child in select id from example
where parent_id = $1
for temp in select * from example_subtree(
return next temp;
end loop;
end loop;
end if;
return null;
end;' language 'plpgsql';
select sum(value) as value_sum
from example_subtree(1234);
A standard way to make a recursive query in SQL are recursive CTE. PostgreSQL supports them since 8.4.
In earlier versions, you can write a recursive set-returning function:
CREATE FUNCTION fn_hierarchy (parent INT)
SELECT example
FROM example
WHERE id = $1
SELECT fn_hierarchy(id)
FROM example
WHERE parentid = $1
FROM fn_hierarchy(1)
See this article:
Hierarchical queries in PostgreSQL
If your using SQL Server 2005, there is a really cool way to do this using Common Table Expressions.
It takes all of the gruntwork out of creating a temporary table, and basicly allows you to do it all with just a WITH and a UNION.
Here is a good tutorial:,289483,sid8_gci1278207,00.html
use a common table expression.
May want to indicate this is SQL Server 2005 or above only. Dale Ragan
here's an article on recursion by SqlTeam without common table expressions.
The following code compiles and it's tested OK.
create or replace function subtree (bigint)
returns setof example as $$
results record;
entry record;
recs record;
select into results * from example where parent = $1;
if found then
for entry in select child from example where parent = $1 and child parent loop
for recs in select * from subtree(entry.child) loop
return next recs;
end loop;
end loop;
end if;
return next results;
$$ language 'plpgsql';
The condition "child <> parent" is needed in my case because nodes point to themselves.
Have fun :)
Oracle has "START WITH" and "CONNECT BY"
lpad(' ',2*(level-1)) || to_char(child) s
start with parent is null
connect by prior child = parent;
Just as a brief aside although the question has been answered very well, it should be noted that if we treat this as a:
generic SQL question
then the SQL implementation is fairly straight-forward, as SQL'99 allows linear recursion in the specification (although I believe no RDBMSs implement the standard fully) through the WITH RECURSIVE statement. So from a theoretical perspective we can do this right now.
None of the examples worked OK for me so I've fixed it like this:
results record;
entry record;
recs record;
for results in select * from project where pid = $1 loop
return next results;
for recs in select * from project_subtree( loop
return next recs;
end loop;
end loop;
is this SQL Server? Couldn't you write a TSQL stored procedure that loops through and unions the results together?
I am also interested if there is a SQL-only way of doing this though. From the bits I remember from my geographic databases class, there should be.
I think it is easier in SQL 2008 with HierarchyID
If you need to store arbitrary graphs, not just hierarchies, you could push Postgres to the side and try a graph database such as AllegroGraph:
Everything in the graph database is stored as a triple (source node, edge, target node) and it gives you first class support for manipulating the graph structure and querying it using a SQL like language.
It doesn't integrate well with something like Hibernate or Django ORM but if you are serious about graph structures (not just hierarchies like the Nested Set model gives you) check it out.
I also believe Oracle has finally added a support for real Graphs in their latest products, but I'm amazed it's taken so long, lots of problems could benefit from this model.

How to reuse a large query without repeating it?

If I have two queries, which I will call horrible_query_1 and ugly_query_2, and I want to perform the following two minus operations on them:
(horrible_query_1) minus (ugly_query_2)
(ugly_query_2) minus (horrible_query_1)
Or maybe I have a terribly_large_and_useful_query, and the result set it produces I want to use as part of several future queries.
How can I avoid copying and pasting the same queries in multiple places? How can I "not repeat myself," and follow DRY principles. Is this possible in SQL?
I'm using Oracle SQL. Portable SQL solutions are preferable, but if I have to use an Oracle specific feature (including PL/SQL) that's OK.
create view horrible_query_1_VIEW as
select .. ...
from .. .. ..
create view ugly_query_2_VIEW as
select .. ...
from .. .. ..
(horrible_query_1_VIEW) minus (ugly_query_2_VIEW)
(ugly_query_2_VIEW) minus (horrible_query_1_VIEW)
Or, maybe, with a with clause:
with horrible_query_1 as (
select .. .. ..
from .. .. ..
) ,
ugly_query_2 as (
select .. .. ..
.. .. ..
(select * from horrible_query_1 minus select * from ugly_query_2 ) union all
(select * from ugly_query_2 minus select * from horrible_query_1)
If you want to reuse the SQL text of the queries, then defining views is the best way, as described earlier.
If you want to reuse the result of the queries, then you should consider global temporary tables. These temporary tables store data for the duration of session or transaction (whichever you choose). These are really useful in case you need to reuse calculated data many times over, especially if your queries are indeed "ugly" and "horrible" (meaning long running). See Temporary tables for more information.
If you need to keep the data longer than a session, you can consider materialized views.
Since you're using Oracle, I'd create Pipelined TABLE functions.
The function takes parameters and returns an object (which you have to create)
and then you SELECT * or even specific columns from it using the TABLE() function and can use it with a WHERE clause or with JOINs. If you want a unit of reuse (a function) you're not restricted to just returning values (i.e a scalar function) you can write a function that returns rows or recordsets.
something like this:
FUNCTION RETURN_MY_ROWS(Param1 IN type...ParamX IN Type)
local_curs cursor_alias; --you need a cursor alias if this function is in a Package
out_rec ROW_RECORD_OF_CUSTOM_OBJECT:=ROW_RECORD_OF_CUSTOM_OBJECT(NULL, NULL,NULL) --one NULL for each field in the record sub-object
OPEN local_curs FOR
--the SELECT query that you're trying to encapsulate goes here
-- and it can be very detailed/complex and even have WITH () etc..
SELECT * FROM baseTable WHERE col1 = x;
-- now that you have captured the SELECT into a Cursor
-- here you put a LOOP to take what's in the cursor and put it in the
-- child object (that holds the individual records)
FETCH local_curs --opening the ref-cursor
INTO out_rec.COL1,
PIPE ROW(out_rec); --piping out the Object
CLOSE local_curs; -- always do this
RETURN; -- we're now done
after you've done that, you can use it like so
you can INSERT SELECT or even CREATE TABLE out of it , you can have it in joins.
two more things to mention:
--ROW_RECORD_OF_CUSTOM_OBJECT is something along these lines
col1 type;
col2 type;
colx type;
and PARENT_OBJECT is a table of the other object (with the field definitions) we just made
so this function needs two OBJECTs to support it, but one is a record, the other is a table of that record (you have to create the record first).
In a nutshell, the function is easy to write, you need a child object (with fields), and a parent object that will house that child object that is of type TABLE of the child object, and you open the original base-table fetching SQL into a SYS_REFCURSOR (which you may need to alias) if you're in a package and you read from that cursor from a loop into the individual records.
The function returns a type of PARENT_OBJECT but inside it packs the records sub-object with values from the cursor.
I hope this works for you (there may be permissioning issues with your DBA if you want to create OBJECTs and Table functions)*/
If you operate with values, you could write functions.
Here you find infos on how to do it. It basically works like writing a function in any language. You can define parameters and return values.
Which gives you the cool possibility to write code just once. Here is how you do it:
Have you tried using RESULT_CACHE hint in your queries? Also, you could
and see if it helps.

Getting list of table comments in PostgreSQL

Postgresql allows adding comments to objects such as tables. For example I've added a comment to table "mytable" by using this SQL command:
COMMENT ON TABLE mytable IS 'This is my table.';
My question is:
If I want to use a SQL-command to get all tables along with their respective comment - how would I do this? What would be the appropriate query for this?
Thanks in advance!
All comments are stored in pg_description
To get the comments on a table, you need to join it to pg_class
As an alternative you can also use the function obj_description() to retrieve this information:
SELECT obj_description(oid)
FROM pg_class
WHERE relkind = 'r'
In psql you can simply use the \d+ command to show all tables including their comments. Or use the \dd command to show all comments in the system
The main problem with "show comments" is to remember the name of specific fucntions, catalog names, etc. to retrieve the comment... Or its pages on the Guide. At this answer we solve in 2 ways: by a summary of the ordinary way (the pg-way) to show comments; and by offering shortcut functions, to reduce the "remember problem".
The pg-way
The simplest, on psql, is to use \dt+ to show table comments and \d+ to show column comments. Some for function comments?
To get on SQL, and for people that remember all parameters, the pg-way is to use the obj_description() function (Guide) in conjunction with adequate reg-type:
Function: select obj_description('mySchema.myFunction'::regproc, 'pg_proc')
Table or View: ("... and most everything else that has columns or is otherwise similar to a table",guide) select obj_description('mySchema.myClass'::regclass, 'pg_class')
other generic: select obj_description('mySchema.myObject'::regName, pg_regName), where regName is 1 in 10 of datatype-oid references Guide, and pg_regName is the same replacing prefix reg by prefix pg_.
other specific: similar select obj_description('schema.myObject'::regName, catalog_name), where catalog_name is to be more specific about a (1 in 95) key-word at catalogs Guide. It can reduce some "namespace pollution". For example pg_proc for functions, pg_aggregate for aggregate functions.
to get comment for a shared database object, analog but using the function shobj_description() (same page Guide).
Column: select col_description('mySchema.myObject'::regClass, column_number), where column_number is the column's ordinal position (at the CREATE TABLE). No column-name... See col_description(table,column_name) complement bellow.
IMPORTANT: the use of same reg-type and _catalog_name_ (e. g. ::regclass and pg_class) seems redundant and sometimes obj_description('obj'::regObj) works fine, with only reg-type! ...But, as the Guide say:
it is deprecated since there is no guarantee that OIDs are unique across different system catalogs; therefore, the wrong comment might be returned.
Shortcut functions to get comments
if you are finding it difficult to remember all the type-casts and parameters, the best is to adopt a new and simplest function to retrieve comments.
CREATE FUNCTION rel_description(
p_relname text, p_schemaname text DEFAULT NULL
) RETURNS text AS $f$
SELECT obj_description((CASE
WHEN strpos($1, '.')>0 THEN $1
WHEN $2 IS NULL THEN 'public.'||$1
ELSE $2||'.'||$1
END)::regclass, 'pg_class');
-- SELECT rel_description('mytable');
-- SELECT rel_description('public.mytable');
-- SELECT rel_description('otherschema.mytable');
-- SELECT rel_description('mytable', 'otherschema');
-- PS: rel_description('public.mytable', 'otherschema') is a syntax error,
-- but not generates exception: returns the same as ('public.mytable')
We need also something less ugly to show column comments. There are no kind of pg_get_serial_sequence() function to get ordinal position of a column from its name. The native col_description('mySchema.myObject'::regClass, column_number) needs a complement:
CREATE FUNCTION col_description(
p_relname text, -- table name or schema.table
p_colname text, -- table's column name
p_database text DEFAULT NULL -- NULL for current
) RETURNS text AS $f$
SELECT CASE WHEN array_length(x,1)=1 THEN array['public',x[1]] ELSE x END
FROM regexp_split_to_array(p_relname,'\.') t(x)
SELECT col_description(p_relname::regClass, ordinal_position)
FROM r, information_schema.columns i
WHERE i.table_catalog = CASE
WHEN $3 IS NULL THEN current_database() ELSE $3
END and i.table_schema = r.x[1]
and i.table_name = r.x[2]
and i.column_name = p_colname
-- SELECT col_description('tableName','colName');
-- SELECT col_description('schemaName.tableName','colName','databaseName);
As recommended by this answer: "If you want to know which queries does psql run when you do \dt+ or \d+ customers, just launche it with psql -E".
It is possible to express multiline comment, using any multiline string (with E\n or $$...$$)... But you can't apply trim() or use another dynamic aspect. Must use dynamic SQL on COMMENT clause for it.
No comments to see? PostgreSQL programmers not use COMMENT clause because it is ugly to use: there are no syntax to add comment on CREATE TABLE or on CREATE FUNCTION; and there are no good IDE to automatize it.
The modern interface show comments on the Web!
You can use pg_catalog.obj_description function and information_schema.tables schema view:
SELECT t.table_name, pg_catalog.obj_description(pgc.oid, 'pg_class')
FROM information_schema.tables t
INNER JOIN pg_catalog.pg_class pgc
ON t.table_name = pgc.relname
WHERE t.table_type='BASE TABLE'
AND t.table_schema='public';
If you still have tables with mixed case names you can use the following to get a complete list of all tables in a database with their comment, as well as catalog, schema, table type, etc. (tested in PostGIS - pgAdmin 4):
select *,
from information_schema.tables where table_schema <> 'pg_catalog'