Where do I find information about Blog APIs and how to use them? [closed] - api

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I'm thinking of creating a small offline blog editor for personal use and I don't know how do the APIs work. Where can I find this information?
I'm particularly looking for the most common providers: Blogger, Wordpress, MovableType, Live Spaces (not sure if this has an API) etc.

See the following links:
Live Spaces

The Blogger API link you provided says:
This documentation is provided for
historical interest only. The Blogger
1.0 API is no longer supported and must not be used for new client
development. Please use our GData API
So the correct one probably is: http://code.google.com/apis/blogger/
Also, if more APIs are answered in this question, would you be kind enough to edit your answer to include them. Since I'm gonna vote it as the correct one.
Thank you.

MovableType API : http://www.sixapart.com/developers/xmlrpc/movable_type_api/
MetaWeblog API : http://www.xmlrpc.com/metaWeblogApi


Documenting a Spring HATEOAS API [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Are there any plugins out there (similar to Swagger) which provide the ability to document HATEOAS APIs?
The Swagger interface is quite good but it doesn't have level 3 REST support.
I use spring-restdocs in combination with the HAL-browser.
You don't necessarily need HAL for restdocs though, although it is recommended.
Restdocs will generate code samples and link & field descriptors in the asciidoc format. You can then link to these asciidocs from inside the HAL-browser.
To see the result in action (although this is hardcoded), check this out: foxycart. Click on the little doc links next to the rels.
After further investigation I discovered HAL-browser (https://github.com/mikekelly/hal-browser) which is quite good. Although, your API must return content-type of HAL for it.
You don't need to configure anything on the server for this tool. Just open it in a browser and point to your API.

Where can I find a detailed documentation for the Instapaper API? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have already read the Instapaper API page, but it only explains how to:
Authenticate a user.
Add an article to read later.
What I would like is information to programmatically:
Retrieve a list of the articles in the "Read Later" list.
Archive, favourite, put in a folder, delete a given article from the list.
Create and delete folders.
I don't think there's a public API available yet, that would give you the functionality you're requesting.
According to this interview with Marco Arment, the creator of Instapaper, he plans to extend his API in the future:
"[...] I do intend to make a fully
featured API available soon that would
enable third-party developers to make
Instapaper clients if they wish.”
In the meanwhile, Marco Arment has made the full Instapaper API available. The only restriction is, that the API can only used by paid-subscriber accounts (currently 1$/month).

Twitter clone with API similar to Twitter? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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As we all know, Twitter consistently has problems keeping their service up and running.
There are literally dozens of Twitter clones out there. Does anybody know of a Twitter clone with an API that is as similar as possible to Twitter's API as possible?
Thank you.
identi.ca is twitter clone based in the opensource status.net solution with a twitter-compatible API: http://status.net/wiki/API
Take a look at identi.ca:
Now that microblogging has been around for a while, there are some other options than http://status.net (previously http://laconi.ca).
There are probably more, but this is the first I'd seen - try googling for "microblogging twitter clones" if you haven't yet.

Limewire API: does it exist? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Does anyone know if there is something like a Limewire API? I need to be able to make Limewire download files programmatically.
EDIT: It seems Limiwire doesn't have an API. Is there any other Gnutella P2P cliente that does?
I suppose focusing a little more upon your requirement, you've got the Gnutella downloader service/class/package API thing.
It allows you to query and download direct to the network.
Then extending that idea - you have jTella, API source for Gnutella network.
Unfortunately, there is not. Also, unfortunate: the source code is terribly difficult to read/modify. If, however, you're up to the challenge, then you can simply write your own application on top of limewire-core, which is seperate form the GUI.
Not sure about a true api - but I found this by googling your title:
Seems to be built in Java. Entire set of packages seem to be there too.

Posting Documentation onto a Joomla Site [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I would like to create some documentation and post it onto my Joomla website. This documentation would be something along the lines of the MSDN documentation: i.e. each page would follow a basic template.
Intuitively I feel I have two ways of achieving this:
1) Creating each page of documentation as a separate article, and then linking them up.
2) Creating some kind of template and filling the information from a database.
The second option being preferable in the long run. Unforunately I have no idea how to achieve what I'm looking for. I hoped that there would be a component out there that woud help me, but Googling for 'Joomla Documentation' just brings up the documentation for Joomla itself.
Has anyone out there put documentation on their site, and how did they achieve it?
You're probably best off using one of the content construction kits (CCKs) available for Joomla: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/news-production/content-construction These allow you to define preset fields for each article.