When to create Interface Builder plug-in for custom view? - objective-c

When do you recommend integrating a custom view into Interface Builder with a plug-in? When skimming through Apple's Interface Builder Plug-In Programming Guide I found:
Are your custom objects going to be used by only one application?
Do your custom objects rely on state information found only in your application?
Would it be problematic to encapsulate your custom views in a standalone library or framework?
If you answered yes to any of the preceding questions, your objects may not be good candidates for a plug-in.
That answers some of my questions, but I would still like your thoughts on when it's a good idea. What are the benefits and how big of a time investment is it?

It's perfectly reasonable to push the view and controller classes that your application uses out into a separate framework — embedded in your application wrapper — for which you also produce an Interface Builder plug-in.
Among other reasons, classes that are commonly used in your application can then be configured at their point of use in Interface Builder, rather than in scattered -awakeFromNib implementations. It's also the only way you can have your objects expose bindings that can be set up in Interface Builder.
It's a bit of coding, but for view and controller classes that are used in more than one place, and which require additional set-up before they're actually used, you'll probably save a bunch of time overall. And your experience developing with your own controller and view classes will be like developing with Cocoa's.

I think the Apple guidelines sum it up nicely.
If you're writing a control that will be used in multiple applications and is completely generic, then creating a custom object is a good idea. You'll be able to visualize the look and set properties directly from Interface Builder.
If your control is limited to one application, or is tightly coupled with your data, then moving it into a custom object really won't buy you much.
It's not difficult to create a custom view, there are a lot of easy to follow guides out there.


Implementing .Net DI Compile Time Proxies?

I'm not so much seeking a specific implementation but trying to figure out the proper terms for what I'm trying to do so I can properly research the topic.
I have a bunch of interfaces and those interfaces are implemented by controllers, repositories, services and whatnot. Somewhere in the start up process of the application we're using the Castle.MicroKernel.Registration.Component class to register the classes to use for a particular interface. For instance:
Recently I became interested in creating an audit trail of every class and method call. There's a few hundred of these classes so writing a proxy class for each one by hand isn't very practical. I could use a template to generate the code but I'd rather not blow up our code base with all that.
So I'm curious if there's some kind of on the fly solution. I know nHibernate creates proxy classes at some point which overlay all the entity classes. Can someone give me some guidance on how I might be able to do something similar here?
Something like:
Obviously that won't work because I can only use generics to generalize the types of methods but not the methods themselves. Is there some tricky reflection approach I can use to do this?
You are looking for what Castle Windsor calls interceptors. It's an aspect-oriented way to tackle cross-cutting concerns -- auditing is certainly one of them. See documentation, or an article about the approach:
Aspect oriented programming is an approach that effectively “injects” pieces of code before or after an existing operation. This works by defining an Inteceptor wrapping the logic being invoked then registering it to run whenever a particular set/sub-set of methods are called.
If you want to apply it to many registered services, read more about interceptor selection mechanisms: IModelInterceptorsSelector helps there.
Using PostSharp, things like this can be even done at compile time. This can speed the resulting application, but when used correctly, interceptors are not slow.

iOS architecture and components

For quite a while I've been looking at objective c examples, watching the Stanford lectures, and playing around with some code to get a hang of creating an iOS app.
However there are a few things that I can't find a good answer on:
How do I properly separate my layers? I understand the MVC structure, and I saw some examples of creating Categories for models to implement business logic. Is that the proper way, by enriching models or should I create dedicated classes (e.g. to authenticate users, extract models from json, group orders)?
How smart should views be? Can I make a view that displays a Contact (by assigning the contact property) or should I create separate properties for all of the Contact fields or should the view request it's information via a delegate call?
I'm using a Storyboard in my application. On my screen I want to
have a navigation bar, and let's say a view that displays orders. On
other screens I want to reuse the order-view.
How can I re-use the order-view's ViewController and View in other ViewControllers?
If I have 4 screens with the same look-and-feel, do I have to simply copy them in the Storyboard? This seems like a pain to main, what if I want to change my background? Or add a button to all of the views? When I create a setup-wizard I don't want to define the look-and-feel for every screen separately.
Coming from a C# background I probably have to get into the objective-c mindset :)
Any help on this would be great.
1) ObjC-Categories will easily distort your understanding of the main problem you're facing. ObjC-Categories are completely unnecessary. You could always approach these extensions by subclassing, object composition, additional methods in the actual model, or some customization in the controller or view. So if you need to format data (e.g. which is present in the model) for display in a view -- that task would often land in the controller. As far as the examples you provide: You may opt for models in simple cases -- as well, any of the examples could merit dedicated class, if complex enough or if it would keep you from redundant implementation. Note that these may be accessory classes, which simply produce a model, or they may be composites of multiple concrete of abstract classes. Not everything needs to land squarely in the definition of M-or-V-or-C. You're free to use many design patterns with ObjC. Think of MVC as the patterns Cocoa typically uses -- you will need to know them, and you will need to know how to subclass and extend these types, but these patterns lose dominance as implementations move away from Cocoa's libraries (e.g. as complexity increases).
2) They can be smart. However, under MVC, you want to focus its implementation on the view/presentation aspect. A view which represents a collection of information could in fact perform some tasks which are typically reserved for the controller -- however, you would generally cede that the implementation were a dedicated MONContactView in doing so. If you go that route, you would generally do so for easy reusability or to achieve a simple interface. Displaying information about a Contact could be very complex - In simple scenarios, these tasks are often handled by the controller. Specifically, a MONAwesomeContactView is likely less complex (e.g. in SLOC) than MONAwesomeContactViewController (unless you have some very special drawing or layout to perform). It would be more common to set the controller's contact, and let the controller push the contact data to the views' fields. Again, in the case of a very specialized subclass -- a view could very well hold its own controllers in some cases.
3a) There's nothing wrong with creating multiple instances of a class.
3b) No need to copy. When duplication is smelled, I push the implementation to actual code -- the programs can apply the look and feel you desire, or add or manipulate the subviews as you desire. Of course, they will not be present in Xcode's NIB editor. There are of course alternate approaches, but this replication often makes me move the implementation to compiled code. Achieving a good balance of both is not so difficult (personally, I do most of my views programmatically, rather than using NIBs).
This is a pretty abstract question and it's not clear what oh mean by 'layers'. Yes, you should create your own classes where appropriate, but categories also give you the option of adding functionality to existing classes. If you can be more specific with the question it'll be easier to provide a better answer.
It's a judgement call. If you want to create a view class that knows how to display an instance of your Contact type, that's fine in my book. If that view knows where Contacts are stored in the app, though, that's not so good.
Remember that the things in a storyboard are objects, not classes. You don't want to try to re-use a view from one scene in another scene -- that'd mean sharing a view between scenes, which really won't work. If you want to use the same order-view in several places, that'd be a good candidate for creating a class. On the other hand, you can set up your storyboard so that several different scenes all transition to the same scene. If you want different parts of your app to modally display a scene that displays an order, for example, you can do that.

Is there a simple means of adding an aspect to an existing VB.NET method?

I know there are numerous aspect-oriented frameworks for VB.NET. It's a little heavy to pull an entire framework into play in order to add an aspect to a couple methods. Does VB.NET offer a simple means (via some sort of metaprogramming/reflection) in which to layer an aspect over an existing method in a class/object?
Basically, the goal is intercept a method's incoming message to invoke it and add side effects or to manipulate the request, just as one would normally do in standard AOP.
Are there any plans to integrate aspects directly into the language?
Is polymorphism not an option in this case? I think you'll find that, outside of an AOP framework of some kind, there is no way in VB to change the functionality of an existing class. You can inherit and override base members, or you can use extension methods to add additional functionality to an existing class, but there's no way to alter existing functionality in an existing class.
It is possible to create a new library that mimics another existing library and trick existing code into thinking your new library is the original one, but unless absolutely necessary, this is a bad idea. Chances you just need to rethink your design in a standard OOP way rather than thinking in AOP terms.
How about the decorator (or proxy) pattern? Since it's only a few methods, then you only need one or two decorator classes. If you discover later that it's not just one or two methods, then you can consider bringing in an AOP tool.
Here's an example in C# that should translate pretty easily to VB.NET

Use of 'external object' in interface builder and modularity

This is a question about best-practices.
I have an application that uses a standard iOS tab controller.
One of the things that I'd like to do is split the XIB up into separate files. I can achieve this by specifying the 'child' XIB in the 'NIB Name' section for each tab controller. So far, so good.
In this application, I have an object that is used by virtually all of the UIViewControllers (e.g: provides web service calls). Let's call it MyServices.
In the single XIB solution, I can drag an object onto the Objects list, set the type to be 'MyServices'. I can declare in each ViewController an IBOutlet of type MyServices*, and wire the two together. This works nicely.
However, if I move my view out to a separate XIB, any controllers further down the stack that need access to the MyServices object are out of luck, because the object no longer exists within that XIB to perform wiring with.
What I'd expected to be able to do is to declare an 'external object', and wire to that instead. But I can't see how I 'pass' the MyServices Object in the 'parent' XIB as the 'external' object in the child XIB.
Is this just not supported in IB? What is the best alternative?
I could not specify the XIB name in the controller, and perhaps programatically create it at runtime (presumably with some kind of loadFromNib code declaring a dictionary to provide the external object). This does mean that the controller that does this has to be aware of MyServices, even if it doesn't use it directly.
Alternatively, I could have a 'dataProvider' in each UIViewController, so instead of setting the MyServices directly as an IBOutlet, it could do do [dataProvider getServices]. Again, will have to be wired to something that can do that - which limits where XIBs can be broken up. And it feels a bit needlessly verbose..
What's the best practice here?
It looks like with using External Object, you take the object instantiation back into your own hands and you also have to instantiate the NIBs manually. At least that's what I gathered from the answer to How to use a common target object to handle actions/outlets of multiple views?
Can I use Interface Builder to inject dependencies across multiple nibs? asks very similar question to yours, also without a real solution.
In How do I set up a proxy object in the main application NIB? the author also gives up on the idea of using Interface Builder as a dependency injection tool.
So I would guess that we, the Java immigrants, are banging our heads against invisible walls here. The metaphors we use to shape the code in our heads (and the code qualities we've come to value and associate with quality), do not apply to Objective-C, as is. That might be because we are not familiar with Obj-C idioms. Or it might be, that we are dealing with different evolutionary stages of language and community development (for example see the staggering immaturity of TDD practice in Obj-C). I, personally, have not seen much best practices described in Obj-C world in the 9 months that I am seriously dealing with it.

When Should I Use The Interface Builder?

As I'm learning the iPhone API, the book I'm using has me doing everything possible with the Interface Builder. We (lonely here sometimes) are writing code, too, but I really feel like I'm getting to know the Interface Builder quite well.
I know that the Interface Builder is different from other GUI Builders as it uses serialized objects and doesn't write code. This is supposedly a good thing. So...in day-to-day work, is it the tool of choice, or should I try to get over my dependence on the Interface Builder?
Also: if you suggest that "it depends on what you're doing," what does it depend on? How should I make the decision to use the Interface Builder or not?
Note: The subjective and argumentative version of this question was titled, Interface Builder: Serious Tool or Just For Kids? but I decided against it since I want to avoid getting the question closed.
Interface Builder really is used to make apps. Take a look at any Cocoa-based Mac app — which is most that aren't by Adobe or Microsoft — and you'll see it's full of nibs. It's slightly more common for iPhone apps to be made without Interface Builder (because the original SDK shipped without IB), but it's still a very commonly used tool.
The difference between Interface Builder and most other GUI builders is that Cocoa and Interface Builder were designed with each other in mind. In fact, if you search the Cocoa mailing list archives, you'll find lots of people over the years wondering how it's possible to make a Cocoa app without using Interface Builder. (The answer is always the same: You can do it all in code, but you'd just be wasting your time and making it harder to design a good interface.)
Yes there is small difference. The difference is that IB use little more storage and RAM memory that programmatically generated interface. Here is my simple example. { I am new in OBJ-C }
The source code and binary app here
Interface Builder is a great tool. Use it as much as you can.
When you can't do something using Interface Builder only, then it's time to write code that mix IBOutlets and code, or do it in code only.
Interface builder is great if you plan on using standard UIKit user interface elements. Using Interface Builder to design UIKit-based user interfaces also helps you to conform to the Apple iPhone Human Interface Guidelines.
There are only a handful of cases where you wouldn't want to use Interface Builder, the most obvious one being games that offer their own unique look and feel.
I don't think you need to be concerned about building a "dependence on the Interface Builder". It's a tool, just like any other. Using it isn't a dependence, it's just the way we get things done.
Interface Builder doesn't generate code, it merely creates an object graph of existing classes. If you look at nib file you can see this. Its just a list of rules for what objects to create and what relationships to set between them. There's no code in a nib and there is surprisingly very little code int the various loadFromNib methods.
It is the runtime coupling in Objective-c that makes all this possible. I don't any other language can really pull it off.