What is the best free test tracking software? [closed] - testing

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm not talking about bug tracking software (like Bugzilla or Jira). I'm looking for something that:
Stores test specifications in text format
Combines test specs into test coverage scenarios
Keeps track of the progress through testing scenarios
Links test specs with bug reports stored in Bugzilla
Generates progress reports
Is centrally managed on its own (i.e. is not a hack/extension on top of something else)

TestLink is a pretty nice open source test tracking tool with the features you need, and is still under active development. Take a look at http://testlink.org/

I haven't used this (yet), but Testopia seems to meet all your requirements, especially the one about Bugzilla.

I'm biased since I'm the primary author, but I think Cuanto is pretty good. It allows you to track historical results for multiple test projects and you can store your analysis with the test results.

RTH is another open source test management tool

I have personally used Trac (http://trac.edgewall.org/) which combines a simple issue tracker with Wiki functionality. Solved the need I had on my project.

A while back I briefly looked at the free version of QaTraq. Although I left the team I was considering it for before we every got very far with the project, it was the frontrunner of the options I looked at at the time.
It's got quite a nice interface, and what seemed to me to be a very sensible test planning structure. I think one of the big downsides was the the open source version didn't have table support in the WYSIWYG test case editor - Not a showstopper, and could be fixed with a little development effort or by spending some money on the professional version.


Any passbook design tool for designer [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I would like to know if there are any tool to design a layout of passbook.
I didn't find any in xcode. Experienced designer can read and write a simple json but it is much better if there are any tool help to speed up this design process.
The Pass Designer is available at http://create.passkit.com
You can use it for free to easily design and create Passes that appear in the web interface exactly as they appear in Passbook.
And with a Developer Account you can quickly build your own income stream! Details to be announced soon.
You need to understand the Passbook app, as you are limited to what you can change from Apple.
There is a Session Video called
Session 301 - Introducing Passbook, Part 1
you can see it in a web browser as well.
This will explain you the model and what can you change as types, colors, texts.
If you're only trying to find a PhotoShop file to "play around", give Takahashi Alex it's own Passbook GUI PSD a go.
I'm one of the creator of Passdock, that is exactly what you are looking for. It's a web design tool that let you create a Pass without knowing anything of the JSON structure. It's free and you can also use it to delivery the passes to the devices.
I'll be happy to help you if you have any question.
You can make passbook file via http://passsource.com .
In this site, you can test customization of passbook.

Where can I get the old, free version of Anjlab's SQL Profiler? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
Note: Although this question probably does not fit in with SO's usual programming questions, out of StackOverflow, ServerFault, SuperUser and Programmer's Exchange, only SO has any questions that make mention of this software, which is why I decided to post here.
I used to use Anjlab's open source SQL Profiler tool, and found it to be invaluable. Unfortunately, it looks like the software has been converted to a paid version, with the all access to the open source version completely removed. Since this software is mentioned several times in questions here on SO, I was wondering if anyone still has a copy of the old, free, open source version and would be willing to share it?
I've managed to find the following:
SqlExpressProfiler-1.2.1812.13.zip <-- You have to pay to use the performance dashboard.
I'll be testing them out and eliminating the dud ones.
Here is a simple alternative if you need just a monitoring tool for queries:
I hope it won't disappear soon.
I'm currently using it with SQL Server Express 2012 to monitor queries form my NHibernate applications (didn't want to add log4net just for this purpose and show_sql outputs only to console window which I don't have in my WCF service).
Really nice and stable utility. I find it much easier to use than MS SQL Profiler which needs various settings, trace profiles for various server versions and what not. Express Profiler - just launch, hit Run, and all the T-SQL and sp_execute queries are displayed.
It's open source, you can add even more features if you wish. I guess, Clear button would be useful because now you have to Stop and Run again to clear the list.
Here's a link. Use at your own risk.
You could also do a search for SqlExpressProfiler-0.1.1094.67.zip

Which database? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
I'm a java developer, currently starting developing a hospital management system that will server patients, doctors, accountant, .... etc the system is really huge that may have 900,000 records/day, data is really growing so fast, for that i'm confusing in which database to use since i have the following options: (Percona Server(Mysql), Oracle, SQLServer), since the application will run on network with average of 45 online users.
I hope to find a good answers here.
Thanks in advance
If you have been working with MySQL for 6 years then stick with it!
You don't want to add the burden of learning another database as well as having to develop your application.
If you are unsure if MySQL is up to the job then run some tests. Write an app that runs multiple threads inserting 1M rows and see if your servers can handle it.
I'm guessing the brand of the database you choose will be less important than the performance of the platform (machines) it is running on.
There is no good or bad answer to this question. Basically it is as good as the DBA knowns to manage it.
If asking this question it would be wise to group a team of people well known with various systems to find out the best practice. To answer such a case, even more with very sensitive data, it is not just a simple solution which will do the trick. A thorough process of decision making is very important. Not only from a technical but also from a security and business side.
As per as think your database is large you can go with oracle.but the decision also depends on the expertise of people working with you and availability of resources.

Script to create my own online store builder [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
There are good online store building solutions like Shopify, Volution, etc.
I'm looking to build my own small-scale service like that.
Are there any customizable online store building scripts I can install on my own server or companies that offer reselling opportunities?
VirtueMart is another very simple e-commerce app that my clients have used very successfully. It's based on Joomla, but still is an effective and easy tool to deploy.
I'll warn you, there's not a ton of money to be made building e-commerce "services" to resell. There's a million and one people doing it and it takes a LOT of work to get right. Not to mention the heartburn that goes along with payment processors and dealing with fouled transactions, which happens to the best of systems. People don't have a ton of patience when it comes to credit card transactions and I found myself doing tech support at the worst possible times. These are HIGH MAINTENANCE apps if you're not just doing it for yourself...
Magento has a pretty sweet multi-store setup. My company runs a fulfillment house using a single magento install and a store front for each individual client. All our orders are visible under the central dashboard and it's easy enough to create new stores once you get the hang of things.
Check it out here:
Note: Magento has a very steep learning curve, not recommended for beginners.

Free Software or Scripts for Formatting SQL Queries [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
I'm looking for a script or application that tidies up and reformats SQL queries. I've found some good online SQL formatters (see here) , as well as some downloadable commercial applications. I'm cautious about using an online service as I don't want to risk copies of these queries being stored somewhere they might be compromised, if only in a web server's cache (and it is against my employer's policy).
Does anyone know of any open-source applications, scripts, or downloadable freeware that might help me out with this?
It probably bears mentioning that I'm working on a Windows platform at work, but I am open to suggestions for other operating systems.
I have used SQLInform as suggested by Vinko Vrsalovic to excellent effect. Thanks Vinko!
Something that might also be worth watching is SQLTidy, a young project on Google Code which could turn into something great in the long run.
Some things to try out (SQLinForm is free until 2009). It's weird how some niches totally lack good open source tools.
An Emacs macro:
Something else... this freeware tool works for PL/SQL, so maybe there's a use for that in there.
PL/SQL Tidy (Broken Link)
Red Gate SQL Refactor (trial) + a Virtual Machine