Checklist for testing a new site - testing

What are the most common things to test in a new site?
For instance to prevent exploits by bots, malicious users, massive load, etc.?
And just as importantly, what tools and approaches should you use?
(some stress test tools are really expensive/had to use, do you write your own? etc)
Common exploits that should be checked for.
Edit: the reason for this question is partially from being in SO beta, however please refrain from SO beta discussion, SO beta got me thinking about my own site and good thing too. This is meant to be a checklist for things that I, you, or someone else hasn't thought of before.

Try and break your own site before someone else does. Your web site is basically a publicly accessible API that allows access to a database and other backend systems. Test the URLs as if they were any other API. I like to start by cataloging all URLs that have some sort of permenant affect on the state of the system - this is easy if you are doing Ruby on Rails development or trying to follow a RESTful design pattern. For each of those URLs, try running a GET, POST, PUT or DELETE HTTP methods with different parameters so that you can ensure that you're only giving access to what you want to give access to.
This of course is in addition to obvious: Functional testing, Load Testing, SQL Injection, XSS etc.

Turn off javascript and make sure your site can still be navigated.
Even if you want to ignore the small but significant number of people who have it disabled, this will impact search engines as well.

YSlow can give you a quick analysis of different metrics.

What do friendly bots see (eg: Google); check using Google Webmaster Tools;

Regarding tools for running functional tests of a web pages, I've found that Selenium IDE to be useful.
The Firefox (version 2 only compatible at the moment) plug in lets your capture almost all web events, and save them and replay them in the same browser.
In conjunction with another Firefox"> Firebug
you can create some very powerful tests.
If you want to set up Selenium Remote Control
you can then convert the Selenium IDE tests into nUnit tests, which you can run automatically.
I use cruise control and run these web tests as part of a daily build.
The nice thing about using Selenium remote control is that it can run the same functional tests on multiple browsers and operating systems, something that you can't do with the IDE.
Although the web tests will take ages to run, there is an version of Selenium called Selenium Grid that lets you use any old hardware you have spare to run the tests in parallel as part of a computing grid. Not tried this myself, but it sounds interesting.
All of the above is open source and free which helped me convince management to use if :-)

For checking the cross browser and cross platform look of your site, is maybe the best free tool that can safe a lot of time and costs.

There's seperate stages for this one.
Firstly there's the technical testing, where you check all technical functionality:
SQL injections
Cross-site Scripting (XSS)
load times
stress levels
Then there's the phase where you have someone completely computer-illiterate sit down and ask them to find something. Not only does it show you where there's flaws in your navigational logic (I find that developers look upon things way differently than 'other people') but they're also guaranteed to find some way to break your site.


What testing advice will you give a beginner for testing websites

I'm just starting out working on test scripts.I'm going to get a web application created in .net for testing. I have no idea what kind of testing is needed for such kind of applications.
My suggestion is that you should have a healthy mix of automated and manual testing.
Unit Testing
Use NUnit to test your classes, functions and interaction between them.
Automated Functional Testing
If it's possible you should automate a lot of the functional testing. Some frame works have functional testing built into them. Otherwise you have to use a tool for it. If you are developing web sites/applications you might want to look at Selenium.
Continuous Integration
Use CI to make sure all your automated tests run every time someone in your team makes a commit to the project.
As much as I love automated testing it is, IMHO, not a substitute for manual testing. The main reason being that an automated can only do what it is told and only verify what it has been informed to view as pass/fail. A human can use it's intelligence to find faults and raise questions that appear while testing something else.
Exploratory Testing
ET is a very low cost and effective way to find defects in a project. It take advantage of the intelligence of a human being and a teaches the testers/developers more about the project than any other testing technique i know of. Doing an ET session aimed at every feature deployed in the test environment is not only an effective way to find problems fast, but also a good way to learn and fun!
There are a lot of small things that you may need to check (assuming you're doing manual testing):
Check for the exact location/alignment of items
Check whether all hyperlinks are working as expected
Check by clicking a button (submitting the form) multiple time
Check for security aspects (google for xss or cross site scripting)
Check for fonts etc. (if they're different from standards)
Hope this helps.
A web application should go through below test's
1) Functionality Testing
2) Usability testing
3) Interface testing
4) Compatibility testing
5) Performance testing
6) Security testing
for complete guide
Read this Article

What should I check before I release a web application?

I am nearly finished a web application. I need to test it and find the security issues before it release. Is there any methods / guideline to do this kind of testing? Or is there any tools to help me check my application is ready to go online? Thank you.  
I would say:
check that there are no warnings or errors even in strict mode (error report).
In case you store any sensitive data (as passwords, credit cards, etc.) be sure they are encrypted with non-standard algorithms. Use SSL and try to be somehow paranoid with it.
Set your database with specific accesses by action and hosts, and do not use root account.
Perform exhaustive testing (use unit test when possible). Involve as many people you can.
Test it under the main browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, IE) and if have time in others.
Validate all your HTML/CSS against standards (W3C). (recommendable)
Depends on the platform you are using, there are profilers which can help you identify bottlenecks in your code. (can be done in later stages).
Tune settings for your web server / script language.
Be sure it is search-engine friendly.
Pray once is online :)
This is not a complete list as it depends in:
which language/platform/web server you are using.
what kind of application you developed (social, financial, management, etc.)
who will use that application (the entirely world, an specific company, your family or just you).
are you going to sell it? then you must have at least most of the previous points.
is your application using very sensitive information (as credit cards)? if so, you should pay for some professional (company?) to check your code, settings and methods.
This is just my opinion, take it as it is. I would also like to hear what other people suggests.
Good Luck
As well as what's already been suggested, depending on what type of application it is, you can use a vulnerability scanner to scan your application for any vulnerabilities that could lead to hackers gaining entry.
There are quite a few good scanners out there, but note when using them that the results may or may not be 100%. It's hard to say.
For a list of scanners, commercial and free, see:
For more information on scanners:
Good luck.
Here you can find a practical checklist to use before launching a website
And here is a list of all the stuff you forgot to test

Are web automation tools right for developing custom load/stress testing tools?

Tools such as WebAii can be used to visit a website, and with a simple loop, in succession.
If I code a lot of hits to a site in succession and/or with the ability for custom patterns, is this the same functionality as a load/stress testing tool?
Essentially, yes. But to get a true test this would most definitely need multithreading or, preferably, be run on numerous clients against the site to reflect concurrent usage. This would make information gathering difficult (WCAT is very good for this but has a bit of steep learning curve).
I had considered writing something myself when I needed to do some stress testing as neither WCAT nor WAST really fit the bill. Had I looked into WebAii I would have considered it.
I wouldnt say that this is load testing unless you have a number of instances running. When load testing web applications and you are using real web browsers it is seen as a good rule of thumb to have 1 browser per CPU/core.
There are services that you can use to generate realistic load for not much money.
We frequently use web automation tools combined with virtual machines to load test. Each virtual machine uses web drivers following a script, and the scripts are written so that they gate and wait for eachother at certain checkpoints and make sure all machines and their browsers have caught up before continuing. That way key things (like clicking a link that kicks off intense calculation) are done simultaneously by all virtual machines.

How to manage test cases using Confluence?

We would like to use Confluence for writing and managing our test cases. Confluence Testplan plugin seems close to what I'm looking for, but it's a bit too simple and limited.
How are you using Confluence to manage your test cases?
We both do and don't use Confluence for managing our test cases.
We Don't
In my project we use, and love, Confluence. But only for knowledge documentation and spreading. I'm sorry but I can't see how Confluence would be a good idea of writing and managing our test cases.
We Do
We use excel/calc spreadsheets to write an manage manual test cases. We write them on a very high level. E.g. "Log in and upload a jpeg image." We expect all tester to have high domain knowledge and know how to log in and upload images.
Then we upload the spreadsheets to Confluence a special page. Every time the tests are run, before every release/sprint demo, we check those out. We enter in the results (sometimes add new tests) and check the spreadsheet back in again with comments.
It works fine, is fast, flexible, low overhead and it's ready to send to management or the customer anytime.
IMHO, honestly spreadsheets beats most test managing tools.
Assuming that you are using Jira for Agile management, it is best practice to associate test cases with Jira tickets. Confluence does a nice job of allowing users to link user stories within the wiki. For instance you can create a 'sub task' against a user story. Typically I write automated tests for all the user stories I test. So I can associate a git commit with a particular QA sub-task so it makes sense linking a ticket. You might want to look at the Confluence api, I link my automated test results into confluence which prints out my test cases.
On the topic of using spreasheets.. Its a terrible practice. Test Cases should be accessible by anyone and I don't mean on shared drive somewhere. Product, management and anyone in engineering should be able to visit a page and look at the test cases, coverage & results.
If the question is about functional testing or BDD, did you check GreenPepper? See the documentation.
We're not using Confluence for test cases right now, but we are for use cases. I wrote up some examples about how we manage use cases here. The general idea could probably be applied to test cases also.

BDD GUI Automation

I've started a new role in my life. I was a front end web developer, but I've now been moved to testing web software, or more so, automating the testing of the software. I believe I am to pursue a BDD (Behavior Driven Development) methodology. I am fairly lost as to what to use, and how to piece it together.
The code that is being used/written is in Java to write a web interface for the application to test. I have documentation of the tests to run, but I've been curious how to go about automating it.
I've been directed to Cucumber as one of the "languages" to help with the automation. I have done some research and come across a web site for a synopsis of BDD Tools/Frame works,
8 Best Behavior Driven Development (BDD) Tools and Testing Frameworks. This helped a little but then I got a little confused of how to implement it. It seems that Selenium is a common denominator in a lot of the BDD frameworks for testing a GUI, but it still doesn't seem to help describe what to do.
I then came across the term Functional Testing tool, and I think that confused me even more. Do they all test a GUI?
I think the one that looked like it was all one package was SmartBear TestComplete, and then there is, what seems to be, another similar application by SmartBear called, SmartBear TestLeft, but I think I saw that they still used Cucumber for BDDing it. There a few others that looked like they might work as well, but I guess the other question is what's the cheapest route?
I guess the biggest problem I have is how to make these tests more dynamic, as the UI/browser dimensions can easily change from system to system, and how do I go about writing automation that can handle this, and tie into a BDD methodology?
Does anyone have any suggestions here? Does anybody out there do this?
Thanks in advance.
BDD Architecture
BDD automation typically consists of a few layers:
The natural language steps
The wiring that ties the steps to their definition
The step definitions, which usually access page objects
Page objects, which provide all the capabilities of a page or widget
Automation over the actual code being exercised, often through the GUI.
The wiring between natural language steps and the step definitions is normally done by the BDD tool (Cucumber).
The automation is normally done using the automation tool (Selenium). Sometimes people do skip the GUI, perhaps targeting an API or the MVC layer instead. It depends how complex the functionality in your web page is. If in doubt, give Selenium a try. I've written automation frameworks for desktop apps; the principle's the same regardless.
Keeping it maintainable
To make the steps easy to maintain and change, keep the steps at a fairly high level. This is frequently referred to as "declarative" as opposed to "imperative". For instance, this is too detailed:
When Fred provides his receipt
And his receipt is scanned
And the cashier clicks "Refund to original card"
And the card is inserted...
Think about what the user is trying to achieve:
When Fred gets a refund to his original card
Generally a scenario will have a few Givens or Thens, but typically only one When (unless you have something like users interacting or time passing, where both events are needed to illustrate the behaviour).
Your page objects in this scenario might well be a "RefundPageObject" or perhaps, if that's too large, a "RefundToCardPageObject". This pattern allows multiple scenario steps to access the same capabilities without duplication, which means that if the way the capabilities are exercised changes, you only need to change them in one place.
Different page objects could also be used for different systems.
Getting started
If you're attacking this for the first time, start by getting an empty scenario that just runs and passes without doing anything (make the steps empty). When you've done this, you'll have successfully wired up Cucumber.
Write the production code that would make the scenario run. (This is the other way round from the way you'd normally do it; normally you'd write the scenario code first. I've found this is a good way to get started though.)
When you can run your scenario manually, add the automation directly to the steps (you've only got one scenario at this point). Use your favourite assertion package (JUnit) to get the outcome you're after. You'll probably need to change your code so that you can automate over it easily, by e.g.: giving relevant test ids to elements in your webpage.
Once you've got one scenario running, try to write any subsequent scenarios first; this helps you think about your design and the testability of what you're about to do. When you start adding more scenarios, start extracting that automation out into page objects too.
Once you've got a few scenarios, have a think about how you might want to address different systems. Avoid using lots of "if" statements if you can; those are hard to maintain. Injecting different implementations of page objects is probably better (the frameworks may well support this by now; I haven't used them in a while).
Keep refactoring as you add more scenarios. If the steps are too big, split them up. If the page objects are too big, divide them into widgets. I like to organize my scenarios by user / stakeholder capabilities (normally related to the "when" but sometimes to the "then") then by different contexts.
So to summarize:
Write an empty scenario
Write the code to make that pass manually
Wire up the scenario using your automation tool; it should now run!
Write another scenario, this time writing the automation before the production code
Refactor the automation, moving it out of the steps into page objects
Keep refactoring as you add more scenarios.
Now you've got a fully wired BDD framework, and you're in a good place to keep going while making it maintainable.
A final hint
Think of this as living documentation, rather than tests. BDD scenarios hardly ever pick up bugs in good teams; anything they catch is usually a code design issue, so address it at that level. It helps people work out what the code does and doesn't do yet, and why it's valuable.
The most important part of BDD is having the conversations about how the code works. If you're automating tests for code that already exists, see if you can find someone to talk to about the complicated bits, at least, and verify your understanding with them. This will also help you to use the right language in the scenarios.
See my post on using BDD with legacy systems for more. There are lots of hints for beginners on that blog too.
Since you feel lost as to where to start, I will hint you about some blogs I have written that talks a bit about your problem.
Some categories that may help you:
This, rather long and old post, might give you hints as well:
Notice that versions are dated, but hopefully it can give some ideas as what too look for.
I am not an expert on the test automation but I am currently working on this part. So let me share some idea and hope it will help you at the current stage.
We have used selenium+cucumber+intellij for testing web application. We have used testcomplete+cucumber+intellij for testing java desktop application.
As to the test of web application, we have provided a test mode in our web application, which allows us to get some useful details of the product and the environment; and also allows us to easily trigger events through clicking the button and inputting text into the test panel under test mode.
I hope these are helpful for you.