Is there a way to parser a SQL query to pull out the column names and table names? - sql

I have 150+ SQL queries in separate text files that I need to analyze (just the actual SQL code, not the data results) in order to identify all column names and table names used. Preferably with the number of times each column and table makes an appearance. Writing a brand new SQL parsing program is trickier than is seems, with nested SELECT statements and the like.
There has to be a program, or code out there that does this (or something close to this), but I have not found it.

I actually ended up using a tool called
SQL Pretty Printer. You can purchase a desktop version, but I just used the free online application. Just copy the query into the text box, set the Output to "List DB Object" and click the Format SQL button.
It work great using around 150 different (and complex) SQL queries.

How about using the Execution Plan report in MS SQLServer? You can save this to an xml file which can then be parsed.

You may want to looking to something like this:
which uses JavaCC to parse and return the query string as an object graph. I've never used it, so I can't vouch for its quality.

If you're application needs to do it, and has access to a database that has the tables etc, you could run something like:
Using ADO.NET. This would give you a DataTable instance for which you could query the columns and their attributes.

Please go with antlr... Write a grammar n follow the steps..which is given in antlr site..eventually you will get AST(abstract syntax tree). For the given query... we can traverse through this and bring all table ,column which is present in the query..

In DB2 you can append your query with something such as the following, but 1 is the minimum you can specify; it will throw an error if you try to specify 0:


Efficiently access long text from a column in a SQL Server database

Newbie question: I'm using SQL Server on a remote server where I cannot use UDFs of any type. I am using a database where one column is a text column containing several paragraphs of text per entry. As I test my code, I would like to have a way to efficiently access these columns a few at a time.
Currently, the only way I can find to do this is using eg:
SELECT TOP 25 ReportText
FROM MyDb.Table1
...which, of course, gives the output in the Results window, as a single string of characters that I have to keep dragging the column width wider and wider and wider in order to try to see.
What am I missing? I don't need it to look pretty, I just need to be able to see it efficiently....
As #JohnSpecko pointed out in a comment, results to text is exactly what I needed. It is turned on by hitting (ctrl+t) before running your query. Thanks!

SELECT query using LIKE property in Microsoft Access returns no results when it should

I'm sure I'm making some kind of rookie error here, but I have no idea what the problem is. I am trying to run a simple query on one table in a microsoft access database using the LIKE property to find records that have a certain text string in a particular field. More specifically, the table, called Catreqs, has a few fields, bib_num, MARC_336, MARC_337, and MARC_338. The MARC_336 field has a text string in it and I want a query that selects all the records for which that text string includes the characters "txt".
Here's my query:
SELECT [Catreqs].record_num, [Catreqs].MARC_336
FROM [Catreqs]
WHERE [Catreqs].MARC_336 Like '%txt%';
I should note that I created this query in MS Access design view and this is the query that was generated when I switched to SQL view. I am a little familiar with SQL and even less familiar with Access so this is actually my preferred way of dealing with it.
I've also tried using Like '*txt*' but that didn't return any results either. For reference, here is the entire text string these characters are in:
text txt rdacontent
Any suggestions thoughts on why this fails and how I can fix it?
In Access, for a string you must use the * character.
Check if [Catreqs] has rows where MARC_336 contains "txt".
This is the official documentation of Access:

How to execute a sql query in jscript/jscript.NET

First at all sorry for my English, this is not my native language. So.
I want to execute a SQL query in a script to get some data. I don't know if it's possible and if so, how to make it. To summarize :
The script add a button in M3 Smart Office (a ERP). I already done that.
When i select a row in a M3 function (like an article, or a client) i want to take and send his ID (and some other data) to a website.
They're is a lot of function in M3. In each function, they're are some field who contains a data. One of them contain the ID of the object (An article, a client,...). What i want to do, is to get this ID. The problem is that the field who contains the ID doesn't have the same name in all the function. So, i have two solutions :
Do a lot of if/elseif. Like "if it's such function, take such field". But if I (or somebody else) want to add a combination function/field later i (or somebody else ;) )need to do that in the script. It's not practical.
Create a sql table wich contain all the combination function/field. Then is the script, i do a sql query and i get all the data that the script need.
So here the situation. Maybe you have ideas to do that otherwise (without sql) and i take it !
Please see this in depth tutorial from the 4guysfromrolla site:
Server-Side JScript Objects

Get last few query results in SQL

I frequently do a static analysis of SQL databases, during which I have the luxury of nobody being able to change the data except me.
However, I have not found a way to 'tell' this to SQL in order to prevent running the same query multiple times.
Here is what I would like to do, first I start with a complicated query that has a very small output.
Then I run a simple query from the same window (Mostly using SQL server studio if that is relevant)
Now I suddenly realize that I forgot to save the results from my first complicated (slow) query.
As I know the underlying data did not change (or even if it did) I would like to look one step back and simply get the result. However at the moment I don't know any trick to do this and I have to run the entire query again.
So the question summary is: How can I (automatically store/)get the results from recently executed queries.
I am particulary interested in simple select queries, and would be happy to allocate say 100MB memory for automated result storage. Would prefer a solution that works in SQL server studio with T-SQL, but other SQL solutions are also welcome.
EDIT: I am not looking for a way to manually prevent this from happening. In the cases where I can anticipate the problem it will not happen.
This can't be done in Microsoft SQL Server. SQL Server does not cache results, instead it caches data pages that were accessed by your query. This should make your query go a lot faster the second time around so it won't be as painful to re-run it.
In other databases, such as Oracle and MySQL, they do have a query caching mechanism that will allow you to retrieve the results directly the second time around.
I run into this frequently, I often just throw the results of longer-running queries into a temp table:
INTO #results1
FROM #results1
If the query is very long-running I might use a 'real' table. It's a good way to save on re-run time.
Downside is that it adds to your query.
You can also send query results to a file in SSMS, info on formatting the output is here: SSMS Results to File
The easiest way to do this is to run each query in its own SSMS window, the results will stay there until you close it, or run out of memory - besides that, I am not sure there is a way to accomplish what you want.
Once you close the SSMS window, I don't believe there is a way to get back 'cached' results.
This isn't a technical answer to your question. Having written queries and looking at results for many years, I am in the habit of saving the results in Excel, regardless of the database/query tool I'm using.
The format in Excel is rather methodical:
Each worksheet has the date. (Called something like "1 Jul".)
Each spreadsheet contains one month. (Typically with the month name like "work-201307".)
In the "B" column I copy and paste the query.
Underneath, in the "C" column, I copy and paste the results.
The next query starts a few lines after, one after the other.
I put the queries in the "B" column, so I can go to the "A" column and use to get to the first row. I put the results in the "C" column, so I can go to the "B" column and use to move between queries.
I mostly do this so I can go back and see the work I did many months ago. For instance, someone sends an email from February and says "do this again". I can go back to the February spreadsheet, go to the day it was created, and see what I was doing at that time.
In your question, though, I realize that I now instinctively solve this problem, because the "right click on the grid, copy with column headers, alt-tab to excel, alt-V" is a behavior that I comes quite naturally.
I was going to suggest you to run each query into a script with a counter (stored in a table) increased each time the query is executed (i.e. i++) and storing each query in a Temp Table called "tmpTable" + i, but it sounds very complicated to manage. Am I right?
Then I googled and I've found this Tool Pack: I didn't try it but you could take a look:
Hope it helps.
EDIT: added the folliwing link. There's the option to output as XML file and they mention SQL Server Integration Services as a possible solution too.
SECOND EDIT: There's this DBMS-Independent tool too, it sounds interesting:
i am not sure this is what you want. Anyway check my answer
In sql server management studio you can open multiple tabs for executing queries. Open new tab for each query, then the result of executed queries will be available under that tab.
After executing one query in a tab dont use that tab for new query, open new tab for that job.
Have you considered using some kind of offline SQL client such as Excel? Specifically, Excel will retrieve the results into the spread sheet (using the Data ribbon/menus) where they are stored pretty much permanently as results. It will prompt you to refresh when necessary or you can do it on demand.
Your question as to whether it can be done in T/SQL or other databases depends on the database and results cache and even then they are options that the query processor can use not guarantees to the individual query.

How can I make MS Access Query Parameters Optional?

I have a query that I would like to filter in different ways at different times. The way I have done this right now by placing parameters in the criteria field of the relevant query fields, however there are many cases in which I do not want to filter on a given field but only on the other fields. Is there any way in which a wildcard of some sort can be passed to the criteria parameter so that I can bypass the filtering for that particular call of the query?
If you construct your query like so:
PARAMETERS ParamA Text ( 255 );
SELECT, t.topic_id
FROM SomeTable t
WHERE Like IIf(IsNull([ParamA]),"*",[ParamA])
All records will be selected if the parameter is not filled in.
Note the * wildcard with the LIKE keyword will only have the desired effect in ANSI-89 Query Mode.
Many people mistakenly assume the wildcard character in Access/Jet is always *. Not so. Jet has two wildcards: % in ANSI-92 Query Mode and * in ANSI-89 Query Mode.
ADO is always ANSI-92 and DAO is always ANSI-89 but the Access interface can be either.
When using the LIKE keyword in a database object (i.e. something that will be persisted in the mdb file), you should to think to yourself: what would happen if someone used this database using a Query Mode other than the one I usually use myself? Say you wanted to restrict a text field to numeric characters only and you'd written your Validation Rule like this:
NOT LIKE "*[!0-9]*"
If someone unwittingly (or otherwise) connected to your .mdb via ADO then the validation rule above would allow them to add data with non-numeric characters and your data integrity would be shot. Not good.
Better IMO to always code for both ANSI Query Modes. Perhaps this is best achieved by explicitly coding for both Modes e.g.
NOT LIKE "*[!0-9]*" AND NOT LIKE "%[!0-9]%"
But with more involved Jet SQL DML/DDL, this can become very hard to achieve concisely. That is why I recommend using the ALIKE keyword, which uses the ANSI-92 Query Mode wildcard character regardless of Query Mode e.g.
NOT ALIKE "%[!0-9]%"
Note ALIKE is undocumented (and I assume this is why my original post got marked down). I've tested this in Jet 3.51 (Access97), Jet 4.0 (Access2000 to 2003) and ACE (Access2007) and it works fine. I've previously posted this in the newsgroups and had the approval of Access MVPs. Normally I would steer clear of undocumented features myself but make an exception in this case because Jet has been deprecated for nearly a decade and the Access team who keep it alive don't seem interested in making deep changes to the engines (or bug fixes!), which has the effect of making the Jet engine a very stable product.
For more details on Jet's ANSI Query modes, see About ANSI SQL query mode.
Back to my previous exampe in your previous question. Your parameterized query is a string looking like that:
qr = "Select Tbl_Country.* From Tbl_Country WHERE id_Country = [fid_country]"
depending on the nature of fid_Country (number, text, guid, date, etc), you'll have to replace it with a joker value and specific delimitation characters:
qr = replace(qr,"[fid_country]","""*""")
In order to fully allow wild cards, your original query could also be:
qr = "Select Tbl_Country.* From Tbl_Country _
WHERE id_Country LIKE [fid_country]"
You can then get wild card values for fid_Country such as
qr = replace(qr,"[fid_country]","G*")
Once you're done with that, you can use the string to open a recordset
set rs = currentDb.openRecordset(qr)
I don't think you can. How are you running the query?
I'd say if you need a query that has that many open variables, put it in a vba module or class, and call it, letting it build the string every time.
I'm not sure this helps, because I suspect you want to do this with a saved query rather than in VBA; however, the easiest thing you can do is build up a query line by line in VBA, and then creating a recordset from it.
A quite hackish way would be to re-write the saved query on the fly and then access that; however, if you have multiple people using the same DB you might run into conflicts, and you'll confuse the next developer down the line.
You could also programatically pass default value to the query (as discussed in you r previous question)
Well, you can return non-null values by passing * as the parameter for fields you don't wish to use in the current filter. In Access 2003 (and possibly earlier and later versions), if you are using like [paramName] as your criterion for a numeric, Text, Date, or Boolean field, an asterisk will display all records (that match the other criteria you specify). If you want to return null values as well, then you can use like [paramName] or Is Null as the criterion so that it returns all records. (This works best if you are building the query in code. If you are using an existing query, and you don't want to return null values when you do have a value for filtering, this won't work.)
If you're filtering a Memo field, you'll have to try another approach.