Databricks SQL syntax for previous six months in where statement - sql

I'm trying to figure out how to look for data in the last six months in the where statement of a SQL query in Databricks, but I'm having a lot of issues with the syntax.
Right now I have:
Select * from table
where datediff(add_months(date_column, -6), date_column) = 1
The query doesn't throw an error, but returns no results.

I think you're expecting the wrong thing from datediff. Datediff tells you the number of days between two dates. In your case, you're comparing your date_column to your date_column - 6 months. That's always going to be 6 months or ~180 days.
Try this.
AKA, where your date column is greater than the current date minus 6 months.


I need a count of serial numbers (last 6 months) that are under warranty for a failure rate report

My table has the following columns:
I would like to get a monthly in warranty count looking back about 6 months. I know how to get a month by specifying in the where clause. Would like to have a query that generates the last 6 months with out having to specify the month in the where clause.
SELECT count(*)
FROM Supplemental_Warranty
WHERE WarrantyBeginDt <= '6-15-2022' AND WarrantyEndDt >= '6-15-2022'
How could I create a query that looks back 6 months from the current date?
UPDATED to add group by month for 6 months to get count by month.
This should give you 6 months worth of data using system date (subtract 6 months from today) and end date/time is now so you dont have to specify specific dates, just using date add functionality to subtract 6 months from stating date.
SELECT count(*), MONTH(WarrantyBeginDt) AS CountPerMonth
FROM Supplemental_Warranty
--if you have any flags or other logic to identify if it is underwarranty or not
AND IsUnderWarranty = 1
GROUP BY MONTH(WarrantyBeginDt)
NOTE: Not tested but this should do it depending on your SQL technology.

Get All records of previous date from current date in oracle

I want all the data from a table which is more than 6 months available in my table. So for that I wrote the below query but it wasn't giving the exact records.
Select * from changerequests where lastmodifiedon < sysdate - 180;
The issue is I was getting the records for 2nd april, 2020 which is not more than 6 months. Please suggest the query
If you want records that were last modified within the last 6 months, then you want the inequality condition the other way around:
where lastmodifiedon > sysdate - 180
Note that 180 days is not exactly 6 months. You might want to use add_months() for something more accurate:
where lastmodifiedon > add_months(sysdate, -12)

Hive - How do I get last months of data from Hive?

How do I get last 2 months of data from Hive?
Here is my attempt:
select (date_add(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'),
2 - month(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'))
This results in 2015-05-30. The results should be like: if Today is '2015-06-03', then the result of last two months should be like: '2015-04-01'. Notice that I put the first day of the month for the results. What am I doing wrong here? Thanks!
Extra Notes:
In SQL is it pretty easy to get:
select * from date_field >= DATEADD(MONTH, -2, GETDATE());
date_add adds days, not months. The below line evaluates to -4
2 - month(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'yyyy-MM-dd'))
So you are basically subtracting 4 days from '2015-06-03', which is why you get the result '2015-05-30'.
As far as I know, there is no direct way to subtract months in Hive. Solutions you could consider:
Subtract 60 days, but that won't give you accurate results.
Write a custom UDF to return the date 2 months ago.
Calculate the date in a script, and pass it to hive.

Pulling records based on Date in JDBC

How can I return all customers whose last appointment_date was 11 months ago from the date today? Or 12 months ago from the date in a month from today?
The first statement is working where I get the appointment from_date and compare it to the current date and return all the appointments that are happening tomorrow:
WHERE (julianday('now') - julianday(appointment.from_date)) = 1
But for the second statement I cant figure out how to return all customers whose last appointment date was 11 months ago from the current date?
FROM customer
WHERE datediff(month, customer.last_appointment_date, DATEADD(month, getDate())) = 12
datediff() doesn't work because I am using SQLite and it is not a recognised function.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
EDIT: I am running these query's in my code in netbeans i am using the sqllitejdbc driver to run them through prepared statements
I have edited, its because i am running through netbeans, everytime i use datediff(month, customer.last_appointment_date, DATEADD(month, getDate())) = 12 it returns month not a valid column - it doesnt recognise it as a valid date part?
returned: Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: [SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database (no such column: month)
Calculate the date to compare your field with, instead of calculating the difference and comparing to a constant, that way the database can make use of an index to locate records.
Use the date function instead of dateadd (see SQLite equivalent of SQL Server DateAdd function):
FROM customer
WHERE customer.last_appointment_date = date('now', '-11 month')

Trying to Look back 4 whole months in teradata with ADD_MONTHS function in sql statement

I'm trying to go back and retrieve counts for the last 4 full months. This is an example of what I have so far:
SELECT datecolumn, Count(datacolumnA) AS CountOfdatacolumnA, datacolumnB
FROM tableA
WHERE datacolumnB='AA' AND datecolumn >= ADD_MONTHS(CURRENT_DATE, -4)
My results show the last four months plus the current month, October in this case. The problem is that June isn't showing the correct count for the entire month. I'm only getting a partial count for the month.
You need to adjust to the start of the month. You can do this by subtracting the day of the month to get the '0th' of the month and then adding 1 to get the first. (I think dates in teradata are decimals with the int part being number of days since an epoch)
Count(datacolumnA) As CountOfdatacolumnA,
datacolumnB='AA' And
datecolumn >=
add_months(current_date, -4)
- extract(day from add_months(current_date, -4)) + 1