Kotlin data binding implementation for getting icons from API - kotlin

As I am newbie to databinding in kotlin using Glide dependency.
Please mention the step by step procedure for implementing the functionality.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!


How is Quarkus Reactive supposed to work with Panache for Kotlin?

I'm trying out Quarkus Reactive + Kotlin, and I seem to have som issues figuring out how the data access part is supposed to work in this case.
Quarkus offers:
There is no quarkus-hibernate-reactive-panache-kotlin. It seems I have to choose between Kotlin or reactive functionality. Am I misreading this? And if not, how do people usually solve this problem? Do they select the Panache-Kotlin variant and wrap all repository calls in withContext(Dispatchers.Default) + async? This doesn't feel like an ideal solution. Is there better ways?
Or do people chose the reactive non-kotlin variant, and somehow make that work? Although I have no idea what that would look like.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Quarkus will provide the quarkus-hibernate-reactive-panache-kotlin module starting with Quarkus 2.14.
See this for more details

Ktor: "io.ktor.util.pipeline.ContextDsl" in ktor 2.0

This annotation is documented here but not marked deprecated, however in the migration guide there's no mention of why it was removed, and what should be used instead.
I am totally new to Ktor, and I am supposed to port a 1.6 project to 2 while learning Ktor from scratch. Some leads in this direction will be much appreciated. Thanks
Multiple DSL markers were unified so you can use the KtorDsl annotation instead.

How do I customize SDCAlertView when using it in an Objective-C class

I am using SDCAlertview in a project, that is being developed in Objective-C, and I would like to be able to set the visual style but I am unable to do so.
The only file that I am able to import into any other obj-c class is SDCAlertView-Swift.h and that does not give me any options to set the visual style.
I have seen code samples, in swift, that are able to do this.
Can someone help me out here?
Thank You.
There was a problem with exposing this API to Objective-C. That's fixed in https://github.com/sberrevoets/SDCAlertView/commit/3f26a7851e1022e5aa65328ce9f36c63cdcb371a. This is not in master yet, but I plan on releasing an update in the next week or so.

how to use kCICategoryDistortionEffect and kCICategoryGeometryAdjustment in iOS?

I wants to add "Face-wrap" effect in my iOS app. After lots of searching i came to know that there is CoreImage Framework in iOS which provides some constants as kCICategoryDistortionEffect and kCICategoryGeometryAdjustment. I hope that both will help me in achieving my aim. But, now i am enable to find any example of how to use them. Can you please help me?
Thanks, in advance.

Sample code to get Siphon application in iphone sdk?

Does anyone have the link for the sorce code of Siphon application to use SIP(VoIP) in my application.
Anyone's help will be much appreciated.
Thanks to all,
here has some steps to follow .