How to use qt to generate genicam xml attribute tree? - qt5

I'm going to use qt5 to develop the controller of the genicam camera. Is there any way to parse the xml attribute and automatically generate the attribute tree interface? Or is there an open source implementation?
Do I really need to traverse the properties one by one and then create the interface?


How to use "org.eclipse.ui.internalTweaklets"

No usage information of this extension point is found in Google
Although it is internal, I still want to know how to use it
This extension point is a way for internal Eclipse code to define classes to make small changes (tweaks) to various operations.
The format of the extension point is:
name="Cocoa Title Path Updater">
On my Eclipse on macOS this the only use of this extension point.
definition is the name of an existing abstract class in Eclipse. Only classes which support tweaklets can be specified, this is not a general mechanism to change anything.
implementation is a class extending the abstract class that is being provided by the plug-in.
id and name don't appear to be used.
The particular extension point I have shown is only used on macOS and is used to set the call the NSWindow.representedFile API when the main window title is set.

Custom XAML Applications (non-WPF and non-WWF)

This question is likely a particular XAML application. XAML is a custom markup to instantiate objects and, as such, define custom applications. Note that, it serves to both declare WPF user interfaces and WWF workflows. It would also help to specify, e.g., a custom source-code change detection solution. To avoid getting in deeper in unnecessary details. I need to design a custom XAML-based model that, like the one for WPF and the one for WWF do, allows me to declare a custom application on top of XAML, without having to create a WPF or WWF project. Is this sort of third-part XAML-like provider possible to build?
OriginalType={Type syntax:LiteralSyntax}
ModifiedType={Type syntax:LiteralSyntax}
Propagation.Matched={Binding MatchedPropagationCommand}>
Let us see it this way. Is there a way to get a stand-alone XAML file that works as follows?
a) There will be a project item, e.g., named "Stand-alone XAML".
b) I create a new "Stand-alone XAML" item named, e.g., "Solution.sccd", and I add it to a console application, class library, or many other projects. This because it will be a sort of smart .config.
c) I can set up a root instance in "Solution.sccd" (likely containing a lot of nested instances) - this is natural for XAML.
d) When declaring instances in "Solution.sccd", I can use features like attached properties, binding, and many other smart features or markup extensions that can be used with WPF or WWF, but this will not be a WPF or WWF project.
e) I can instantiate the declared root instance, e.g., with simple code line like "var rootObject = XAMLInstanceCreator.Create(Solution.sccd)", and use that object.
Does this make sense now?
Regards, Guillermo.

How to insert a 2D attribute in a class diagram using Modelio tool?

I need to insert a 2D attribute and show it as a parameter of a function in my class diagram using Modelio tool.
In pure UML, you have to create a type intergerArray which will represent interger[0..n] then your parameter will be an array of this integerArray.
If you target a specific code implementation Java, C++ or C# Modelio, as any other tool generating code from Model, has a specific way to specify it.
You can ask it here

RFT build proxy on custom GUI (SWT) component

I have an SWT project, where are several custom GUI elements, and i try to find a way, to build some kind of proxy on top of them, like the default ones built on top of Labels, Texts, etc. Is there a way to do this? It would be really convenient, to create a custom GuiTestObject subclass, and use it (make RFT use it?) to identify these custom GUI elements, like KTable for example, because now these controls are handled by the best class known by RFT, like Composite or ScrolledComposite, so it's impossible to expose the custom properties of these classes for testing, and the best way to test these elements is by image comparison.
If this is not possible, then is there a way, to somehow get a reference to the actual ui component from a GuiTestObject? I tried in debug mode, but it looks like, that the reference is intentionally hidden somehow. Is there a way, to bypass this, and somehow access the reference? (I couldn't see the actual ui element neither using the debugger, nor using reflection).
Any help is greatly appreciated!
The TestObject that you have available in the script should represent the actual object in the AUT.
As you said the methods exposed to the script would be limited to what is provided by the TestObject however RFT has API called "invoke" that you can use to invoke some method directly on the control.
You should find more info on invoke here: Using Invoke in RFT
Second , you should be able to extend an Existing proxy using the Proxy SDK of RFT where you can add custom behavior for the proxies
You can get more info aobut proxy SDK here:
Proxy SDK in RFT

How can a custom markup extension for a graph of custom types loaded through XAML obtain a reference to the root object

I am attempting to write a MarkupExtension to support the process of instantiating custom types via XAML. My custom types are POCOs and not descendants of DependencyObject. There seems to be no straightforward XAML mechanism for MarkupExtensions to obtain references to objects in the graph that is being loaded. I note that the WPF machinery provides some of these capabilities but the relevant properties are all internal.
Any ideas?
I wrote a class that I use to bind to ViewModel commands, and it contains some code to retrieve the root of the XAML. It uses reflection on private WPF members, so it's not exactly clean, but it works... You can find it here
BTW, it doesn't work with WPF 4 because the private implementation has changed... If you're interested I can post an updated version that takes these changes into account