I have issue converting parameter string to date.
I have list of data as:
Jul 28 2017 Call
Jan 8 2018 SMS
Apr 24 2018 Call
Jul 2 2018 E-Mail
Jul 13 2018 Call
Oct 1 2018 Call
Nov 27 2018 E-Mail
Dec 31 2018 Call
Jan 1 2019 SMS
Apr 1 2019 SMS
Jun 4 2019 SMS
I want them to be presented as eg. 06/04/2019 if possible
I tried LSet(Format(Parameters!DateInfo.Label,"MM/dd/yyyy"),12) in expression, but when I run the report it is showing me just like this MM/dd/YYYY.
For your parameter, you probably should be using a dataset for the dates with the Value set to use a date field and the Label using the string representation of the date (CONVERT(CHAR(10), THEDATE, 110) AS DATE_LABEL).
I'm guessing the user isn't typing the parameter values in which means that there's already a dataset for the dates. Add another column to the dataset with the date as a date field to use as the Value while using the text as the Label.
If you cannot fix that and still need to convert the text field into a date, you could use the CDATE function which will convert text into a date field.
=Format(CDATE(LEFT(Parameters!DateInfo.Label, 12)),"MM/dd/yyyy")
I have a column which states month and year YYYY MM. I've separated those into two columns (Year and Month). The problem is, the year is the calendar year whereas ideally I need the fiscal year I use (Apr 01 to Mar 31 - This will never change).
Other solutions I've seen are based on date format, whereas my original column is string.
I need a statement that returns the fiscal year for my new year column instead of the calendar year.
My current statement is:
Select Month,
parsename(replace(Month,' ','.'),1) as MonthM,
parsename(replace(Month,' ','.'),2) as Year
FROM TblTrade
Which works to separate the columns.
So expected results would be for example:
Feb 15 becomes Feb and 2015.
Apr 15 becomes Apr and 2016.
Please advise.
Sql server:
declare #date datetime = getdate();
(YEAR(DATEADD(Month,-((DATEPART(Month,#date)+5) %12),#date))) AS Financial_Year
Assuming April is month 1
Try this
select case
when to_char(to_date(column_name,'yyyy mm'),'mm') between 01 and 03
then to_char(trunc(to_date(column_name,'yyyy mm')),'yyyy')-1
else to_number(to_char(trunc(to_date(column_name,'yyyy mm')),'yyyy')) end
from table_name
I'm using oracle db
This will work when column is string and has valid data i.e date in format like yyyy mm
Since you've read those other articles (you should really mention what research you've done in your question) and you're still having problems, I've had a play for you.
If I understand correctly, you have a varchar with YYYY MM eg
2015 01
2015 02
2015 03
2015 04
etc And you want
Jan 2014
Feb 2014
Mar 2014
Apr 2015
Here goes...
Setup some test data
WITH Dates AS (
WHERE Date > '20140101'
CONVERT(VARCHAR(4), YEAR(Date)) + ' ' +RIGHT(CONVERT(VARCHAR(6), Date, 112), 2) YearMonth
INTO #Test
FROM Dates
2013 12
2014 01
2014 02
2014 03
2014 04
2014 05
Find Fiscal Year
,LEFT(DATENAME(MONTH , DateAdd( month , CONVERT(INT,RIGHT(YEARMONTH, 2)) , -1 )), 3) MonthName
Year Month MonthName FiscalYear
---- ----- --------- -----------
2013 12 Dec 2013
2014 01 Jan 2013
2014 02 Feb 2013
2014 03 Mar 2013
2014 04 Apr 2014
2014 05 May 2014
2014 06 Jun 2014
You could put the year/month parsing in a sub query just to make the code cleaner and some of the nasty formatting could be replaced with FORMAT since you're on 2012.
Hope this is what you're after and helps.
Since you included the Tableau tag, I'll describe the Tableau approach -- which is a little different than the other answers since you tend to specify what you want to Tableau, and let its driver generate the necessary SQL for your database.
First, it will work best if you have a single field that has datatype DATE instead of separate fields for month and year.
You can then roll up dates to the nearest year, month, day etc (actually truncating to the beginning of the period) or extract specific parts of dates year, month, day etc as needed for grouping/display.
The added benefit of working with a true DATE datatype is that you can tell Tableau the beginning of your fiscal year for each data source, and it will sort dates appropriately. Just right click on a data source and set the date properties. You can also set the start of the week and the date format.
I'm trying to retrieve the previous year's end value of a measure.
I know this code gets the value of the previous year, but at the same point in time during that year (so Mar 2012 looks to Mar 2011).
([Measures].[MeasureName], ParallelPeriod([Time].[Calendar].[Year]))
I'd like any date in 2012 to look at the last value in 2011 (Dec 2011). So if we're looking at the Year level of 2012 or any Month level, it all points to Dec 2011.
where are you trying to do this? On a MDX query? Or on a KPI?
Like you can access the value of Dec 2011 like this for example:
ParallelPeriod([Time].[Calendar].[Year], 1, [Time].[Calendar].[Year].[December 2012])
Combine the time functions:
ClosingPeriod([Time].[Calendar].[Month], Ancestor(ParallelPeriod([Time].[Calendar].[Year], 1), [Time].[Calendar].[Year]) )
I am trying to sort a list of records that have been created using a screen scraping script. The script adds the following style of date and time (timestamp) to each record:
13 Jan 14:49
The script runs every 15 minutes, but if I set the sort order to 'time DESC' it doesn't really make sense because it lists the records as follows:
13 Jan 14:49
13 Jan 12:32
13 Jan 09:45
08 Feb 01:10
07 Feb 23:31
07 Feb 06:53
06 Feb 23:15
As you can see, it's listing the first figure correctly (the day of the month in number form) but it's putting February after January. To add to the confusion it's putting the latest date in February at the top of the February section.
Is there a better way of sorting these so they are in a more understandable order?
If you are storing the values in a database, simply use the column type datetime when creating the field. The database will treat the field as time and will sort the values chronologically.
Otherwise, if you are storing the values elsewhere, for example in a flat file, convert the formatted time to unix time. Unix time is an integer, thus you can sort it easier.
Time.parse("13 Jan 09:45").to_i
# => 1326444300
Time.parse("08 Feb 01:10").to_i
# => 1328659800
You can always convert a unix time to a Time instance.
# => "2012-02-08 01:10:00 +0100"
Have a column of dates which i need to compare to a specific time of the year, which establishes what calculation needs to be applyed then depending on the outcome apply conditional formating to highlight an adjcent cell, but need to remove the YY element as the contents spans multiple years.
if the date in A1 is between 1st Jan & 14th Mar use -8
if the date in A1 is between 15th Mar & 15th Oct use -17
if the date in A1 is between 16th Oct & 31st Dec use -8
Then deduct the above value from B1 to give a target
for each row (from 3 onwards)
if the target is < the value in n then change background orange in f
and repeat.
Any help would be greatly welcome, thank you.
Is this Excel? If so, then it has all kinds of conditional formatting stuff built right into the application; no programming needed.