How do I open an expo project - react-native

I changed computer and I no longer have the folder with my expo app, but I saved it on the official site and I have all my projects. how do i change the app?
I can't edit the app anymore


Expo Camera - Development Build "This app is missing NSCameraUsageDescription"

I'm using the command expo run:ios to build my app on the phone using Expo's development build. I am also using the expo-camera component. However, when I navigate to the page with the camera, I get the following error from Expo.
"This app is missing NSCameraUsageDescription, so video services will
fail. Add this entry to your bundle's Info.plist"
What I've tried
I've tried adding "NSCameraUsageDescription" as a key in app.json as a child of "ios" > "infoPlist" > "NSCameraUsageDescription." However, I noticed the Info.plist generated in ios/expo/ still does not contain NSCameraUsageDescription.
I've also tried deleting the ios folder and rebuilding the project, but the problem still exists.

Can't test published Expo project on Expo GO when not developping it

I'm working on a react-native app using expo.
I have no problem to display the application on my Android Phone using the QR CODE provided by Metro Builder.
But I would like my customers to be able to see my project even when i'm not working on it.
I published my application using expo publish and Metro Builder gave me a link that is similar to this : My project is in unlisted visibility, so that anyone with the link can see it.
Yet, i'm not able to open it in my Android Expo application. When I visit the link, it doesn't ask me to open it with Expo, and there's no button to do it. If I try to copy the link to my clipboard, and then click Open from clipboard in Expo Go, it will open the navigator again.
I also tried to generate a QR CODE from the link, but it does the same.
How do you open your project in Expo Go when you're not into development ?
You can just use the QR code which already generated by expo is provided in that project link eg. or with release channel
Take a screenshot of that QR code and send it. Regardless of the project visibility they will be able to install the app by scanning it with their phone.

React Native application deployment

I have already developed a React native application on my mac book, this is myfirst application. I want to deploy it to iPhone so that I can test it. I don't want to put it on appstore yet. I am not sure how to compile the application and get it ready to put it on iPhone. I tried this web site, but not sure which .ipa or file, I need to upload. I can also try using expo, but not sure how to use it. Can anyone give me step by step instruction on how to upload this application on iPhone.
any help will be greatly appreciated.
For iPhone
For react-native-init you will probably need Apple developer account to test your app on your phone
Since you are using react-native-init, You should checkout this article by Facebook
In the second point, it says Register for an Apple developer account if you don't have one yet
For create-react-native-app you need to do following
Download expo client from App store
Scan the QR code expo generate when you run your app using terminal (npm run start in terminal )
Note: Both Laptop and your phone should be on the same network
According to this thread, You can't use expo with react-native-init but alternatively you can create an expo project using create-react-native-app and then copy, paste files from your init project
For Android
For running your App on Android, You can directly generate/build an apk, send it to your device and just open it to see how it works (In Android you don't need a console or developer account to run your app)
Again, Open this link
And click on Android Tab to see how you can generate an Apk

React native code update

I published my first app to AppStore last night.
I just want to know if there is code change in my app,
Should I have to re-build and upload .ipa file to itunes connect again?
(Currently, I do not use CodePush and I build app with exp)
Expo comes with a built in CodePush equivalent.
Whenever you publish to expo (using exp publish, the XDE etc), expo builds new JS bundles and uploads them to their servers.
Users who downloaded the app from the stores will get those updates - while iOS users will get them as soon as they open the app, Android users will get them in the second time (iOS is does this syncly while Android asyncly).
Note that this does not apply to changes in the app config (app.json), including sdk upgrades or any other configuration changes.
Yes, you will need to rebuild the release version of your app and upload to the App Store as a new version.

React-native open apps

I have written a few apps with react-native and I would like to have a "Main" app to link to all those apps.
How can I open those apps from the "Main" app?
PS: All my apps are not and will not be uploaded to either app store or play store so app id or play id are not a solution
You can add url in info.plist files and create URL for specific app. You can use Linking class of react-native to open the page.
there is demo for android and ios Read this documentation
For Android you can use this link:
Android deep link