PixelCopy returns outdated data on Android 10 - android-pixel-copy

I get screenshots on Android 10 using Pixelcopy.
I faced with a situation that when switching fragments via supportFragmentManager.beginTransaction().replace, an outdated screenshot is regularly returned.
In fact, a new screen has already appeared - PixelCopy was called after onResume's work on the new fragment, but the screenshot shows the image from the previous fragment.
Perhaps this is somehow related to a weak device (2 GB of RAM) Xiaomi Redmi 9a
Has anyone faced with this situation? Is there a way to eliminate this error maybe?


Empty Firemonkey app crashes on startup just on Android 7.1, with error NullPointerException on String.contains(CharSequence)

I created a completely new and empty FMX app, tried it using Delphi 10.3.3 and 10.4.0 (patch 3), and when installed on Android 7.1.2 devices (tried two different ones and the official simulator VM), after the splash screen this error message appears:
'java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'boolean java.lang.String.contains(java.lang.CharSequence)' on a null object reference'
The error message box flickers quickly (endless loop) and gets slower and slower and after a minute the complete device doesn't react anymore and I can only hard reset it.
I found this thread, so I'm not alone. They say it worked until Delphi 10.1.2. There are also many other similar search results.
Is there any solution? On other Android versions it works well.
Or what can I try to get more information about what causes it?
Do you know a good candidate for an app made with Firemonkey that I could download directly and try out on the device?
Now there is a fix available at quality.embarcadero.com!
Just one line has to be added to 'Androidapi.JNIBridge.pas'. I'm not sure if I should copy it here... Will update this answer when it is released.

App crashes on iOS (Phonegap) if multiple images are captured from camera

I am developing Phonegap Application and my application has scenarios where camera is used very frequently.
In my application I have used custom camera plugin (https://www.npmjs.com/package/cordova-camera-custom) to take picture and use it in my application.
Now when I capture images from this camera 30 times by opening camera and capturing again and again the app goes to crash.
The app just crashes so I am not able to identify the root cause of the crash.
I am not an iOS Programmer though I have tried to check the plugin code but I was not able to find the cause.
You can even check the plugin code on your end if needed.
I have also posted this issue to DevExtreme, the framework which I am using to develop hybrid applications at following link:
and they found that issue indeed is related to memory shortage. The error message was with bug_type: 298 and fault cause: vm_pageshortage.
Please help me on this, I am struggling on it since long before.
Any Help is greatly appreciated.

How to upload iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus screenshots using iTMSTransport?

I've tried many times to upload iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus screenshots without success.
I've managed to get it working and without errors. The Terminal logs even show that the screenshots were in fact uploaded, but I couldn't see them for the languages I updated it.
Anyone having the same issue?
Right now you cannot unfortunately. I've contacted apple support, so keep fingers crossed that they'll update the tool soon.

what does middle guard protection failed %d mean?

When I build my app to my actual iPhone the debug area shows this:
[Allocator] Middle guard protection failed %d
[Allocator] Allocator invalid, falling back to malloc
It shows the 2nd line a total of 30 times. I have no idea what it means or how to fix it. It does not show this when I build to the simulator.
I am having issues with getting state preservation to work using storyboards and restoration ID's and I have a feeling this has something to do with a memory issue so it's dumping my memory and therefore I get no app restoration. Basically, when I go back to my app it shows me the last screen I was on for a second and then goes back to the root page.
Anyway, I'd like to fix this malloc stuff so I can at least rule it out the culprit, plus I don't want to have an issue with memory in general...
I've been googling this for a couple of weeks now too and can't find anything!
Looks like it's an issue with the Crashlytics framework. I have the same issue, and commenting this API call:
[Crashlytics startWithAPIKey:API_KEY];
removes that warning.
It does indeed seem to be an issue at Crashlytics. I know from other threads that they raised the "Allocator invalid..." issue in relation to another Middle error (not Middle guard protection failed %d), which later got marked as fixed.
I fixed this by deleting all the crashlytics stuff and using the new fabric/crashlytics framework. Problem solved.
(Interestingly, I had it only on an iPad, my iPhone 5C made no complaints at all.)

Missing icon in Windows 8 store

I've recently uploaded my first Windows 8 Store application (hurray!)
The only problem is that although I have specified a valid Small logo (30x30) in app manifest, it does not appear in the Windows Store. This is the file (I hope it was not converted by TinyPic)
What could be the problem? Perhaps an unsupported PNG variant? I notice that there a quite a few other apps in the Store with a missing icon (urbaneous, Volksvagen Commerial Vehicles Turkey, etc) so they could be facing a similar issue.
Since you specified the file in app manifest it should appear when you install the application. If you had submitted the app while submission then it should have appeared on the marketplace. I do't know about the Windows 8 app procedure but since it should not much different from that of windows 7, this is only what I could comprehend. Please install and check the icons. I also hope that icon will be used when a user minimizes your tile to the smallest size on the start screen.
Did you specify the Store Logo in apppackage?
Go here so you can read more about app images.
This is most likely an error on Microsoft's part. You have to make a post on:
Or wait until MS updates their backend. There is no such thing as an unsupported png, and it can be a number of issues.
This will most likely be fixed before the actual MS Windows 8 release.