Checkmarx Plugin Integration issue with Eclipse and IntelliJ - eclipse-plugin

I have integrated Checkmarx plugin in Eclipse through zip file. But while I am putting server information in Windows ->"CxViewer Preferences" ->Authentication -> Server URL and click on Test button than i am getting "Server is not responding" error. Can somebody help me out to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.
I was trying it with Eclipse and IntelliJ.


IntelliJ menu bar not responding

None of the top menu actions is responding (from 'File' to 'Help').
I am using IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3 (Ultimate Edition), build #IU-183.4284.148 on macOS Mojave version 10.14 via the jetbrains toolbox. I tried restarting the computer and intellij, nothing helps.
I also tried to find the intellij log files stored somewhere, but I can't find it, even with the help of jetbrains documentation here.
I am running out of ideas.
Has anyone encountered the same issue ?

Console in Intellij is not showing any problem when application is crashing

everyone :)
I am trying to remember how to work on Intellij Community Edition 2018.1 (I used Eclipse for while now) and I cannot find where the errors might been shown in the console. I am trying to create a new application and when I try to access one of the link, I receive in browser a 404 not found error, but in Intellij console I have no error.
Is it there a configuration for that?
Thank you.

JBoss Forge IDEA Plugin - No Spring Boot Option?

I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 2016.2 with the JBoss Forge IDEA Plugin.
I saw a video of using it, at 3:17 you can see the menu with Spring Boot included. When they select "Project:New", it shows the "Project Type" drop down menu, including a "Spring Boot" option. I don't see that option in my menu. Here is a video of the behavior on my machine -
I do have the Spring Boot plugin v1.0 installed as well, and it works from the IntelliJ new project menu. Any ideas on getting this option?
I 've had the some problem but with eclipse.
I've installed the fabric8 forge plugin
addon-install --coordinate io.fabric8.forge:camel,2.3.80
addon-install --coordinate io.fabric8.forge:camel-commands,2.3.80
addon-install --coordinate io.fabric8.forge:devops,2.3.80
addon-install --coordinate io.fabric8.forge:kubernetes,2.3.80
and now works
I'm doing this now and it looks like it's been renamed to "microservice"

debugging project without eclipse debugger

I am using maven project in eclipse mars . My Project is not building in the eclipse so i am compiling my project through dos mode. I not being able to debug the somebody please help me to solve issue
You can debug a tomcat server even if you don't run it inside Eclipse, using remote debug.
Please take a look at Remote debugging Tomcat with Eclipse or this blog for Intellij / this one for Eclipse
The idea is to start your tomcat server in debug mode then connecting your debugger to the "remote" (even if on your local PC) JVM (The JVM of the server).

How to access the Fabric (Twitter) plugin in Intellij 13?

I have just installed the Fabric (Twitter) plugin in IntelliJ IDEA 13, following the steps found here.
I installed the plugin, restarted IntelliJ and the next step suggested by the guide is this:
However, I couldn't find that button anywhere, not even in the menus on the top. The plugin shows up as installed in Settings -> Plugins.
How can I access the Fabric plugin after installation in IntelliJ IDEA?
Please enable View -> Toolbar and you can see.