Question about a SQL question (for reference on Monday) [closed] - sql

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On Monday I have big SQL exam for a job. (Have zero idea what they'll give me but as their system is still early DB rebuild it'll probably ask Q's about referencing disparate tables/info.)
My Q is: Come Monday, if I get some proc statements I can't figure out/make sense of is THIS a good please to come ask a question about a SQL statement? (It will be time critical I suspect.) OR, is there another "quick question about a proc stmt" website that would be better?
(FYI: Most of the role is finance-centric and my central wheelhouse, but I will get a SQL exam and would like to hedge my bet - to get back employed PLEASE!)


Which all reasons can cause index to go into unusable state in oracle [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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We are using oracle DB. In the "ALL_INDEXES" table for some of the indexes the status value is showing as "UNUSABLE". This we have observed when we move tables from compressed to uncompressed or vice versa. But we have not perform moving of the tables and still it showing for some of the indexes unusable. Can someone explain which all reasons are there.
We are not creating lists on SO, but let's say the question is "What may caused the index go unusable?". The idea is that anything that touches the table(partition) segment with a "bulk" ddl operation, invalidates the index.
For example, if you truncate a partition or drop it, the global index will be set unusable.
(Edit: Here we can count also sqlldr-ing with direct path as discussed here)
Another reason would be that someone set it unusable;

Differences between SAS and SQL [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Can anyone articulate what the key differences are between SAS and SQL? I haven't worked much with SAS but went on a weeks training course, and basically it seemed like the equivalent but more convoluted and was able to do graphs.
Would appreciate some key bullet differences between them.
Standard SQL is a language to query, manipulate and define data in any(!) database. It is like the "latin language" of DB systems. Everyone knows it in order to perform standard tasks. SAS is like an extension to that with many functions.
I found a good document:

Did I use trigger properly? [closed]

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Questions asking for code must demonstrate a minimal understanding of the problem being solved. Include attempted solutions, why they didn't work, and the expected results. See also: Stack Overflow question checklist
Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a program in C#. I have no question about the C# code but there is something that bothers me. I have been using a trigger in some big transactions in my system. Is it really advisable or good practice to use a trigger in transaction? I have been researching and found that I should use triggers only in audit trails. But I have no problems when using triggers. I'm asking this question because I really want to know your opinion so that in the future if it's not advisable then I can avoid using the trigger in a transaction.
Major drawbacks of using triggers are:
1- Making the whole process slow in large number of transactions
2- Lack/difficulty of control especially for checking the result of the action done by trigger
3- Making your system more difficult to maintain
4- Injection of problems regarding concurrency

How to debug in sql(Oracle) [closed]

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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I am writing a long SQL query and I'm getting incorrect output fields. How do I debug this query?
There is no right answer to this question. I think deep down you know that.
When I have something complicated break it down to uncomplicated pieces. Once you are comfortable with these pieces then one by one start to put this complicated thing back together again. The main point is keep breaking complicated things into more and more simple things. I am not embarrassed to say I have broken things down to select sysdate from dual and then start to build back up!
Good Luck.

How much knowledge of spread sheets i need to know for data warehousing [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am learning stuff so that i can enter data warehousing field.
I was reading the book on DW and it says knowledge of spreadsheets will be good for DW.
I have some time left before applying for jobs.
Should i start learning microsoft excel in advanced for DW
I know only basic spreadsheets not advanced
Do get into the Datawarehousing field, it is fundamental for you to be "datamart" litterate.
First start here :
Then, dare taking a look there : : it will give you an awesome step back and you'll be able to reply to questions like a pro, who has seen datamarts in real-life ecosystems.
And last, but not least, get as familiar as you can with the Map Reduce theory. Among others, take a jump here :
Keep us posted about your job interviews.