Did I use trigger properly? [closed] - sql

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a program in C#. I have no question about the C# code but there is something that bothers me. I have been using a trigger in some big transactions in my system. Is it really advisable or good practice to use a trigger in transaction? I have been researching and found that I should use triggers only in audit trails. But I have no problems when using triggers. I'm asking this question because I really want to know your opinion so that in the future if it's not advisable then I can avoid using the trigger in a transaction.

Major drawbacks of using triggers are:
1- Making the whole process slow in large number of transactions
2- Lack/difficulty of control especially for checking the result of the action done by trigger
3- Making your system more difficult to maintain
4- Injection of problems regarding concurrency


Why would a Scripting language be made 'purposefully Turing non-complete'? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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So, I was reading about Bitcoin Script on their official documentation and found this line: "Script is simple, stack-based, and processed from left to right. It is purposefully not Turing-complete, with no loops." I tried to reason hard but couldn't understand why would someone make a language "purposefully non Turing-complete". What is the reason for this? What happens if a language become Turing Complete?
And extending further, whether "with no loops" has anything to do with the script being non-Turing Complete?
possible reasons:
security: if there is no loops program will always terminate. user can't hang up the interpreter. if, in addition there is a limit on size of the script you can have pretty restrictive time constraints. another example of a language without loops is google queries. if google allowed loops in , users would be able to kill their servers
simplicity: no loops make language much easier to read and write by non-programmers
no need: if there is no business need for it then why bother?
The main reason is because Bitcoin scripts are executed by all miners when processing/validating transactions, and we don't want them to get stuck in an infinite loop.
Another reason is that according to this message from Mike Hearn, Bitcoin script was an afterthought of Satoshi to try to incorporate a few types of transactions he had had in mind. This might explain the fact that it is not so well designed and and has little expressiveness.
Ethereum has a different approach by allowing arbitrary loops but making the user pay for execution steps.

What are Circular Triggers in SQL Server? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I'm a noob.
I was wondering if someone could give me an overview of what Circular Triggers are.
When I search for it, I see people talking about them and trying to avoid them, but I would like to see an example of a circular trigger actually happening.
Like I said, I'm a noob and I apologize. This is into is needed for something I'm doing with work. Thanks!
A circular trigger is a trigger that triggers itself, causing an endless loop.
Nested AFTER Triggers in SQL Server
Nested AFTER Triggers in SQL Server are AFTER triggers nested to each
other or a trigger on table1 could affect table2 and a trigger on
table2 could affect table1 recursively. This circular execution will
go till it reaches its maximum depth of 32 then it will stop.

How to debug in sql(Oracle) [closed]

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Questions concerning problems with code you've written must describe the specific problem — and include valid code to reproduce it — in the question itself. See SSCCE.org for guidance.
Closed 9 years ago.
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I am writing a long SQL query and I'm getting incorrect output fields. How do I debug this query?
There is no right answer to this question. I think deep down you know that.
When I have something complicated break it down to uncomplicated pieces. Once you are comfortable with these pieces then one by one start to put this complicated thing back together again. The main point is keep breaking complicated things into more and more simple things. I am not embarrassed to say I have broken things down to select sysdate from dual and then start to build back up!
Good Luck.

Which documentation package more actively maintained: NaturalDocs or RoboDoc? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am documenting a small itcl project. Due to shortcomings in itcl support in doxygen, and the fact that Ruff! does not support itcl, I am left with NaturalDocs and RoboDoc as the leading candidates. However, I don't want to pick an unsupported system, and was wondering which is going to be there in the long term?
What will be there in the long term? Who knows! It depends on how much people use it, really, as with all open source code systems. It should be noted that both the tools you refer to are really slow developing at this point: they do what they do and need little significant change to keep on doing it.
As far as I can see, ROBODoc requires that you do pretty much all the annotation work yourself, whereas NaturalDocs will derive a bit more for you. Not very much though; in particular, you will have to write plenty of annotations on things whichever route you use. (I've no particular experience with either though; I tend to prefer to maintain documentation in a separate file with something like doctools but that's a very different approach. I've also done nasty custom things in the past; you really don't want to use them.)

Is a captcha enough to enforce multiple failed login attempts? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Before I go crazy and try to script a way to lock folks out of their accounts on multiple failed attempts, is a captcha ideal? I've seen several sites that do this, but wasn't sure how effective it would be. Granted, if a human is indeed trying to "hack" into someone else's account, I would think blocking access for a few minnutes would be much better than having them input some random obscure characters.
CAPTCHAs are a common solution. They're rarely ideal.
One suggestion: Offer x chances (say 3) at which point you lock the account and then require some sort of email validation to unlock.
Otherwise, I think giving 1 or 2 freebie chances is fine and then switching over to a CAPTCHA'd login is acceptable.
If you aren't having spambot problems, CAPTCHA's are rarely a good solution. They are just annoying. I agree with DA's email verification idea.