Play mp3 to a user instead of common dial tones - voximplant

I am making a calling application on Voximplant.
I want to play mp3 to a user instead of common dial tones?


HTML5 video toggle audio tracks

Given a video file with multiple audio tracks, I'm looking for a way to toggle the played audio stream during playback to save space and add multiple different translations to the same video file. I read about the video.audioTracks property, however, according to this page it's only available in IE11+ and Safari browsers as of now. From what I've of about so far it might be possible to store the video without any audio tracks whatsoever and play the audiotracks separately (which would most likely lead to asynchronous playback). Are there any better ways of achieving this behaviour?

Capture screen and audio with objective-c

I'm using an AVCaptureSession to create a screen recording (OSX), but i'd also like to add the computer audio to it (not the microphone, but anything that's playing through the speakers) i'm not really sure how to do that so the first thing i tried was adding an audio device like so:
AVCaptureDevice *audioDevice = [AVCaptureDevice defaultDeviceWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeAudio];
After adding this device the audio was recorded, but it sounded like it was captured through the microphone. Is it possible to actually capture the computer's output sound this way? like quicktime does.
Here's an open source framework that supposedly makes it as easy to capture speaker output as it is a screenshot.
The home page for WavTap does mention that it requires kernel extension signing privileges to run under MacOS 10.10 & newer, and that requires signing into your Apple Developer Account and submitting this form. More information can be found here.

How to play sound from resources using windows media player?

I am making a game, so at one point I need to play two sounds at once, so I played the first one using the "My.Computer.Audio.Play()" Method to load from resources.
As for the second, I used Windows Media Player to load the second sound In A SPECIFIC FOLDER, now I know it is possible to extract files to a folder and program it to play from there to avoid trouble, but I don't want them to be extracted.
So I'm trying to get the file path from resources and put it in WMP's URL, but couldn't get any result after searching the internet.
Am I missing something?
And if you know any better alternative, make sure it can:
1- Replay sound (coding with timer is ok),
2- Change Sound Position
You can use the MediaPlayer class in code or MediaElement in XAML for playing audio files in a WPF application. Check out the article WPF Media Player In VB.NET for code samples.

Mac API to get current media playing

On the mac you can use their native 'f-keys' to do things like change volume, brightness, and even pause or play music or video.
I was wondering if there was someway to access to 'now playing' media (music or video) through an API or something?
I know it's possible to get currently playing tracks from iTunes using things like ITLibMediaItem or even from other apps by using Applescript to ask the application what it's header is. But how would you figure out which application is the 'currently playing' one and then get the play pause functionality?
Does Apple have an API for this?

Playing DRM songs

I have an audio tag like this:
<audio id="myAudio" msaudiocategory="BackgroundCapableMedia"></audio>
to which I set the src property to
URL.createObjectURL(file, { oneTimeOnly: true });
and then call;
This works well for my personal mp3's, but songs downloaded through the Xbox Music Pass, which I assume are under DRM, simply do not play. There's no audio and the 'timeupdate' event never fires. I don't see any exception or message in the Output window.
I tried playing those same songs with VLC, and I get no audio while the progress bar advances normally.
Is it possible to play those songs outside of the official apps?
Edit: and if it isn't, can we detect if a music file is DRM'ed so as to prevent its usage in our apps?
These are DRM'd files, so they need the DRM keys, etc etc.
Since those are private to the application, it's not possible to play that DRM'd content outside of those applications.