SQL Model Structure - Person and Attributes tables - sql

I’m developing an SQL database and want to separate out a few attributes of a Person table. These attributes will likely be updated or added to using CRUD operations themselves.
I’m having a hard time with something that might be simple and so I’m looking for some advice.
My Person model has basic stuff like name, email, phone etc. but also
Sexual orientation
Voice type
Person type
Experience level
And others like this these that would be best expressed an a select drop-down list in a form.
Currently I have fields in the Person table like
Where this field is a relation to the ID field of those tables.
This is a
One Gender to Many Persons relationship
Wondering if this is a coherent way to structure the data. I’d like to keep these options in the database instead of a simple text array on the client for the form
The things that’s been hard for me is the amount of FK fields in the Person table. It’s seems off. I have like 10 of them for these select option sets.
Looking for some advice here. Thanks!!

Is it necessary to keep identity value of all those attributes in Person Table.
Like why do we need to have gender id in person where simply we can insert/update value from gender table at run time. It's not like in future someone is going to come and ask you to update couple of hundreds/thousand rows on basis of gender id , similar pattern can be seen for religion id , person type etc.
So in my opinion for values which are kind of universally unique such as gender, Religion, Sexual orientation you can keep value in person rather than foreign key relation.
if it can't be follow . so having 10 Foreign key in a table not a bad thing because here as per looking your requirement base tables have few rows, 10 foreign key will not be problematic even your table grow up to 100 GB .


How to structure SQL tables with one (non-composite) candidate key and all non-primary attributes?

I'm not very familiar with relational databases but here is my question.
I have some raw data that's collected as a result of a customer survey. For each customer who participated, there is only one record and that's uniquely identifiable by the CustomerId attribute. All other attributes I believe fall under the non-prime key description as no other attribute depends on another, apart from the non-composite candidate key. Also, all columns are atomic, as in, none can be split into multiple columns.
For example, the columns are like CustomerId(non-sequential), Race, Weight, Height, Salary, EducationLevel, JobFunction, NumberOfCars, NumberOfChildren, MaritalStatus, GeneralHealth, MentalHealth and I have 100+ columns like this in total.
So, as far as I understand we can't talk about any form of normalization for this kind of dataset, am I correct?
However, given the excessive number of columns, if I wanted to split this monolithic table into tables with fewer columns, ie based on some categorisation of columns like demographics, health, employment etc, is there a specific name for such a structure/approach in the literature? All the tables are still going to be using the CustomerId as their primary key.
Yes, this is part of an assignment and as part of a task, it's required to fit this dataset into a relational DB, not a document DB which I don't think would gain anything in this case anyway.
So, there is no direct question as such as I worded above but creating a table with 100+ columns doesn't feel right to me. Therefore, what I am trying to understand is how the theory approaches such blobs. Some concept names or potential ideas for further investigation would be appreciated as I even don't know how to look this up.
In relational databases using all information in a table is not a good usage.
As you mentioned groping some columns in other tables and join all tables with master table is well. In this usage you can also manage one to many, many to one and many to many relationships. Such as customers could have more than one address or phone numbers.
An other usage is making a table like customer_properities and use columns like property_type and property_value and store data by rows.
But the first usage is more effective and most common usage
customer_id property_type properity_value
1 num_of_child 3
1 age 22
1 marial_status Single

Numeric IDs vs. String IDs

I'm using a very stripped down example here so please ask if you need more context.
I'm in the process of restructuring/normalising a database where the ID fields in the majority of the tables have primary key fields which are auto-incremented numerical ID's (1,2,3 etc.) and I'm thinking I need to change the ID field from a numerical value to a string value generated from data in the row.
My reasoning for this is as follows:
I have 5 tables; Staff, Members, Volunteers, Interns and Students; all of these have numeric ID's.
I have another table called BuildingAttendance which logs when people visited the premises and for what reason which has the following relevant fields:
ID Type Premises Attended
To differentiate between staff and members. I use the type field, using MEM for member and STA for staff, etc. So as an example:
ID Type Premises Attended
1 MEM Building A 27/6/15
1 STA Building A 27/6/15
2 STU Building B 27/6/15
I'm thinking it might be a better design design to use an ID similar to the following:
ID Premises Attended
MEM1 Building A 27/6/15
STA1 Building A 27/6/15
STU2 Building B 27/6/15
What would be the best way to deal with this? I know that if my primary key is a string my query performance may take a hit, but is this easier than having 2 columns?
tl;dr - How should I deal a table that references records from other tables with the same ID system?
Auto-incremented numeric ids have several advantages over strings:
They are easier to implement. In order to generate the strings (as you want them), you would need to implement a trigger or computed column.
They occupy a fixed amount of storage (probably 4 bytes), so they are more efficient in the data record and in indexes.
They allow members to change between types, without affecting the key.
The problem that you are facing is that you have subtypes of a supertype. This information should be stored with the person, not in the attendance record (unless a person could change their type with each visit). There are several ways to approach this in SQL, none as clean as simple class inheritance in a programming language.
One technique is to put all the data in a single table called something like Persons. This would have a unique id, a type, and all the columns from your five tables. The problem is when the columns from your subtables are very different.
In that case, have a table called persons with a unique primary key and the common columns. Then have separate tables for each one and use the PersonId as the primary key for these tables.
The advantage to this approach is that you can have a foreign key reference to Persons for something like BuildingAttendance. And, you can also have foreign key references to each of the subtypes, for other tables where appropriate.
Gordon Linoff already provided an answer that points out the type/supertype issue. I refer to this a class/subclass, but that's just a difference in terminology.
There are two tags in this area that collect questions that relate to class/subclass. Here they are:
If you will look over the info tab for each of these tags, you'll see a brief outline. Plus the answers to the questions will help you with your case.
By creating a single table called Person, with an autonumber ID, you provide a handy way of referencing a person, regardless of that person's type. By making the staff, member, volunteer, student, and intern tables use a copy of this ID as their own ID you will facilitate whatever joins you need to perform.
The decision about whether to include type in attendance depends on whether you want to retrieve the data with the person's current type, or with the type the person had at the time of the attendance.

Database design....storing relationship in one table, and the data in another table?

I'm looking at this company's database design, and would like to know the purpose of their design, ie store relationship in one table and the data in another, why do this?
They have this,
Id (PK)
EmployeeId (PK)
First Name
Last Name
Rather than this...
Id (PK)
First Name
Last Name
...OR this...(employee can belong to many departments)
Id (PK)
First Name
Last Name
That's a link table, or join table, or cross table.. lots of different names.
How would you assign an employee to two different departments with your design? You can't. You can only assign them to one.
With their design, they can assign the same ID to multiple departments by creating multiple records with the employee ID and different department ID's.
You need to be more specific about what you're asking. Your first question seemed to be asking what the purpose of mapping table was. Then you changed it, then you changed it again.. none of which makes much sense.
It seems now that you are asking what the better design is, which is a totally different question than what you originally asked. Please state specifically what question you want answered so we don't have to guess.
Upon re-reading, if this is the actual design, then no.. It does not support multiple department id's. Such a design makes little sense, except for one situation. If the original design did not include a department, this would allow them to add a department ID without modifying the original EMPLOYEE_DATA table.
They may not have wanted to update legacy code to support the Employee id, so they added it this way.
Purpose of design is determined by business rules.
Business rules dictate entity (logical model perspective) / table (physical model perspective) design. No design is "bad" if it is built according to the requirements that were determined based on business rules. Those rules can however change over time -- foreseeing such changes and building to accommodate/future-proof the data model can really save time, effort and ultimately money.
The first and third example are the same -- the third example has an extraneous column (EMPLOYEE_DEPARTMENT.id). ORMs don't like composite keys, so a single column is used in place of.
The second example is fine if:
employees will never work for more than one department
there's no need for historical department tracking
The first/third example is more realistic for the majority of real-world situations, and can be easily customized to provide more value without major impact (re-writing entire table structure). It uses what is most commonly referred to as a many-to-many relationship to allow many employees to relate to many departments.
If an employee can be in more than one department, then you would need a mapping table but I'd do it like the following:
Id (PK)
First Name
Last Name
Id (PK)
EmployeeId_fk (PK)
DepartmentId_fk (PK)
This would allow for multiple positions in multiple departments.
You would do this if an employee can be a member of multiple departments. With the latter table, each employee can only belong to one department.
The only remotely good reason for doing this is to implement an extension model where the master table identifying unique customers does not include all the data for customers that is not always necessary. Instead, you create one core table with the core employee data and and extension table with all the supplementary fields. I've seen people take this approach to avoid creating large tables with many columns that are rarely needed. However, in my experience it's typically premature optimization, and I wouldn't recommend it.
In contrast to many responses, the model included does not support multiple departments per employee - it is not a many to many mapping approach.

Adding new fields vs creating separate table

I am working on a project where there are several types of users (students and teachers). Currently to store the user's information, two tables are used. The users table stores the information that all users have in common. The teachers table stores information that only teachers have with a foreign key relating it to the users table.
users table
34 other fields
teachers table
17 other fields
In the rest of the database, there are no references to teachers.id. All other tables who need to relate to a user use users.id. Since a user will only have one corresponding entry in the teachers table, should I just move the fields from the teachers table into the users table and leave them blank for users who aren't teachers?
51 other fields
Is this too many fields for one table? Will this impede performance?
I think this design is fine, assuming that most of the time you only need the user data, and that you know when you need to show the teacher-specific fields.
In addition, you get only teachers just by doing a JOIN, which might come in handy.
Tomorrow you might have another kind of user who is not a teacher, and you'll be glad of the separation.
Edited to add: yes, this is an inheritance pattern, but since he didn't say what language he was using I didn't want to muddy the waters...
In the rest of the database, there are no references to teachers.id. All other tables who need to relate to a user
use users.id.
I would expect relating to the teacher_id for classes/sections...
Since a user will only have one corresponding entry in the teachers table, should I just move the fields from the teachers table into the users table and leave them blank for users who aren't teachers?
Are you modelling a system for a high school, or post-secondary? Reason I ask is because in post-secondary, a user can be both a teacher and a student... in numerous subjects.
I would think it fine provided neither you or anyone else succumbs to the temptation to reuse 'empty' columns for other purposes.
By this I mean, there will in your new table be columns that are only populated for teachers. Someone may decide that there is another value they need to store for non-teachers, and use one of the teacher's columns to hold it, because after all it'll never be needed for this non-teacher, and that way we don't need to change the table, and pretty soon your code fills up with things testing row types to find what each column holds.
I've seen this done on several systems (for instance, when loaning a library book, if the loan is a long loan the due date holds the date the book is expected back. but if it's a short loan the due date holds the time it's expected back, and woe betide anyone who doesn't somehow know that).
It's not too many fields for one table (although without any details it does seem kind of suspicious). And worrying about performance at this stage is premature.
You're probably dealing with very few rows and a very small amount of data. You concerns should be 1) getting the job done 2) designing it correctly 3) performance, in that order.
It's really not that big of a deal (at this stage/scale).
I would not stuff all fields in one table. Student to teacher ratio is high, so for 100 teachers there may be 10000 students with NULLs in those 17 fields.
Usually, a model would look close to this:
I your case, there are no specific fields for students, so you can omit the Student table, so the model would look like this
Note that for inheritance modeling, the Teacher table has UserID, same as the User table; contrast that to your example which has an Id for the Teacher table and then a separate user_id.
it won't really hurt the performance, but the other programmers might hurt you if you won't redisign it :) (55 fielded tables ??)

Two tables or one table?

a quick question in regards to table design..
Let's say I am designing a loan application database.
As it is right now, I will have 2 tables..
Applicant (ApplicantID, FirstName , LastName, SSN, Email... )
Co-Applicant(CoApplicantID, FirstName, LastName , SSN, Email.., ApplicantID)
Should I consider having just one table because all the fields are the same.. ??
Person( PersonID, FirstName, LastName , SSN, Email...,ParentID (This determines if it is a co-applicant))
What are the pros and cons of these two approaches ?
I suggest the following data model:
PERSON table
PERSON_ID, pk, fk
Person( PersonID, FirstName, LastName , SSN, Email...,ParentID (This determines if it is a co-applicant))
That works if a person will only ever exist in your system as either an applicant or a co-applicant. A person could be a co-applicant to numerous loans and/or an applicant themselves - you don't want to be re-entering their details every time.
This is the benefit of how & why things are normalized. Based on the business rules & inherent reality of usage, the tables are setup so stop redundant data being stored. This is for the following reasons:
Redundant data is a waste of space & resources to support & maintain
The action of duplicating the data means it can also be different in subtle ways - capitalizations, spaces, etc that can all lead to complications to isolate real data
Data incorrectly stored due to oversight when creating the data model
Foresight & Flexibility. Currently there isn't any option other than applicant or co-applicant for an APPLICANT_TYPE_CODE value - it could be a stored without using another table & foreign key. But this setup allows support to add different applicant codes in the future, as needed - without any harm to the data model.
There's no performance benefit when you risk bad data. What you would make, will be eaten by the hacks you have to perform to get things to work.
If the Domain Model determines that both people are applicants and that are related, then they belong in the same table with a self-referential foriegn key.
You may want to read up on database normalization.
I think you should have two tables, but not those two. Have a table "loans" which has foreign keys to an applicants table, or just have records in applicants reference the same table.
The advantages:
- Makes searching easier: If you only have a phone number or a name, you can still search, in a single table and find the corresponding person regardless of he/she being a co-applicant or a main-applicant. Otherwise you'd need to use a UNION construct. (Yet, when you know that you search for a particular type of applicant, you add a filter on the type and you only get such applicants.
- Generally easier to maintain. Say tomorrow you need to add the tweeter id of the applicant ;-), only one place to change.
- Also allows inputing persons with say an "open/undefined" type, and assign then as applicant or otherwise, at a later date.
- Allows to introduce new types of applicants (say a co-latteral warrantor... whatever)...
The disadvantages:
with really huge (multi-million person records), there could be a slight performance gain with a two table approach (depending on index and various other things
SQL queries can be bit more complicated, for example with two separate joins to the the person table, one for the applicant the other for the co-applicant . (Nothing intractable but a bit more complexity.
On the whole, the proper design is in most likelihood the one with a single table. Only possible exception is if over time the info kept for one type of applicant was starting to diverge significantly from the other type(s) of applicant. (And even then we can deal with this situation in different ways, including the introduction of a related table for these extra fields, as it may make more sense; Yes, a two table system again, but one where the extra fields may fit "naturally" together in term of their semantics, usage etc...)
Both of your variants have one disadvantage: any person can be an applicant and co-applicant twice and more. So you should use table Person( PersonID, FirstName, LastName , SSN, Email... ) and table Co-Applicants (PersonID as Applicant, PersonID as CoApplicant)
How about since each Applicant can have a Co-Applicant -- just go with one table in total. So you'd have Applicants, which has an optional foreign key field 'coapplicant' (or similar).
If the fields between applicant and co-applicant are identical, then I would suggest that you put them in the same table and use an "applicant type" field to indicate main or co- applicant. IF there's some information special about the co-applicant (such as relationship to main applicant, extra phone numbers, other stuff) you might want to normalize to a separate table and refer from there back to the co-applicant (by (co-)applicant ID) in the applicant table.
Keep Two table>
1ST User type code ID
In this table u can keep user type ie applicat And Co applicant
2nd table User--> here u can keep all the field with similar coloums with user type code as foregin key.
By this you can easily distingush between two user.
I know - I'm too late on this.... The Loan Application is your primary entity. You will have one or more applicants for the loan. Drop the idea of Person - you're creating something that you can't control. I've been there, done that and got the T-Shirt.