Landscape and Portrait mode - webcam

Can someone help me? Is there any way for me to be detected as a mobile, using the desktop browser on a website using the developer tool? I want to use my webcam in portrait mode, but when it's detected as desktop I can't adjust it to portrait mode, it's stuck in landscape mode. Any tips? However on a mobile I can get both portrait and landscape mode
I tried to do some tweaks in the google chrome developer tool but to no avail, well honestly I'm not a programmer but I managed to get some things, I can make the size smaller from landscape mode but I can't rotate it to portrait mode.


Background image when recording video in safari

I have a video recording with the ability to choose a background (for example, blurry or upload your own picture). It doesn't work in safari (but works in chrome and other browsers) and I get this error. Can you tell me how to solve this? Project on the vue
error image in console-safari

Android Things - Front facing camera on IMX7d

I am currently developing an Android Things application on an IMX7d developer board and need to figure out how to get the default camera, which is configured as BACK, to be a FRONT facing one, with correct orientation. This application will make heavy use of the camera, for example with face recognition.
I've noticed with other android phones you can edit /etc/nvcamera.conf to do this, but the Android things OS image I have doesn't seem to have that file. Is there some other way to do this?

Sencha Touch work flow

I have started working in Sencha Touch 2.1.1. I would like to know the following:
What is the best work flow for a Sencha Touch app during development? Testing in Chrome may not give the actual mobile view. How can I test my app on Windows during development?
xtype 'label' is not getting resized when I change the browser size.
After changing the code each time I come to Chrome and refresh, but it takes a few seconds to load the app. Is there any quicker way?
Host you app using WAMP or some we server and open it on you mobile
device is you are using same WiFi.
please attach screen shots
Its not an Egyptian magic, it will take few seconds pal...

Flexslider WP plugin on blackberry playbook

I'm using Flexslider for an image gallery on a mobile website, we're targeting basically every tablet under the moon and the galleries prev/next buttons fail on the blackberry playbook, also image swiping doesn't work (but I've given up on that). swiping and prev/next work on ipads and androids tablets so I know it's working properly, just not on the playbook. If anyone has any ideas why this is happening only on the playbook and/or a fix to it I'd be a super happy person :)

How to keep html5 video from allowing display to sleep on OSX

I have a webpage with html5 video displaying an HLS video in Safari on OSX. When I click the full screen button the video plays in full screen, but the screen dims according to my OSX display settings after 1 minute of being idle, no keyboard or mouse interaction.
This does not happen if I play an mp4 video file from the local disk directly using Quicktime in full screen. In this case Quicktime is doing something to tell OSX not to listen to the idle-timeout.
My question is how can I make the html5 video page keep the screen from idle-dimming while playing the video in full screen on OSX (or any platform, if possible)?
The issue has been fixed in safari 5.1.4. Release notes are available here.
Fix an issue that could cause the screen to dim while watching HTML5 video