AnyLogic release agents from queue within another proess block - process

In my process, I want that the agents waiting in the queue to be released, when the agent before has completed its process.
Is there a simple way to activate the longest in the queue waiting agent, when a agent has entered the moveTo4 block?
The agents may not move until they are released.

Easiest way is to put a Hold block between the queue and moveTo2 blocks.
Set it up so it is initially unblocked and it is blocked "Manual (use block(), unblock() methods)".
In the moveTo4 block's "on at exit" code block, call myHoldBlock.unblock(). This will open the "flood gates" and all agents from queue will spill downstream (if possible).
You may want to also call myHoldBlock.block() when an agent enters moveTo4, you will want to experiment a bit. Check the help on the Hold block, it is really powerful.


need some kind of job scheduler or delayed message queue in a java world

I'm needing to execute a process in the future, let's say 20min, based on some event happening, but I may need to cancel that scheduled process depending on different factors. Or , i may need to restart the timer on the job, depending on another event....etc. You get the idea. All different permutations of this. Does anyone know of a good technology for this need? Maybe quartz(does quartz suck? does it do all these things?), maybe activemq, maybe some other job scheduling technology?
ActiveMQ's scheduler is a good fit for this. The pattern can go something like:
Kick off a process (get some identifier)
Send a message to the ActiveMQ scheduler to fire in x time period
Message Consumer receives the timer message, pulls the identifier to check on the status
If process is done.. continue and finish up
If process needs more wait time, send another timer message to ActiveMQ
Everything is asynchronous, and code required is very minimal. The big advantage of using ActiveMQ is you can have multiple consumers listening for the scheduled message to provide for high availability.

when I quit my application, how to ensure ongoing threads are not interrupted at a bad moment?

I'm new to threading, so there are a few things I'm trying to grasp correctly.
I have a windows form application that uses threading to keep my UI responsive while some server shenanigans are going on.
My question is: when I quit my application, what happens to ongoing threads? Will they run to completion or will the abruptly be interrupted?
If they are interrupted, what can I do to make sure they at least don't get interrupted in such a way that would corrupt data on my server (force them to run to a safe place in the code where I know it's ok to interrupt the execution)
You will want to keep a reference of said threads, and call .Abort() on them when you want to terminate. Then you put your thread's code in a try/catch block and handle ThreadAbortException's. This will let you clean up what you are doing and terminate the thread cleanly at your own pace. In the main thread, after you called .Abort(), you just wait until the thread is no longer running (by polling the .IsAlive property of the Thread object) and close your application afterwards.
A thread needs a process to run in. The process won't be able to terminate if you don't terminate all the non-background threads you have started. Threads marked as background thread will be aborted.
So, the behavior is entirely up to your implementation. If you want to close the application, you could wait for all threads to terminate by themself, you could set an event to ask them to terminate and wait or you could just kill the threads.
The UI thread will terminate by itself because it runs a messageloop that stops when requested by the operating system, also see wikipedia and this answer.

Wait until all background jobs have terminated, C

I know how waitpid(-1...) allows me to wait until all children have finished, such as waitpid(-1, &status). But how can I wait until all background processes are finished? Someone suggested that I can use the same waitpid (in a loop?) to achieve this but I don't see how.
To be clear, I'm implementing a shell, and need to add a new built-in command wait, which waits until all background jobs have terminated before returning to the prompt.
I read somewhere else on SO that "You will also want to call waitpid() with the WNOHANG option regularly - say, immediately before you display the shell prompt. This will allow you to detect when the background process has exited or stopped " But again, child != background. So even that I don't believe.
I ended up just doing while(wait(NULL) > 0); and that's it, it worked. But what I'm still confused about is don't I WANT to make a distinction between foreground and background because the wait I'm implementing only waits for the background processes, and all children are equal in the eye of wait() or waitpid().
So again, the children I'm waiting for by using wait() or waitpid() aren't necessarily background processes. Am I wrong?
Since you ask in the context of implementing a shell, and evidently your shell supports enough job control to have a concept of background processes, it is reasonable to suppose that your implementation will have a table in which it tracks background jobs. That table can and should track the PID of the process associated with each job.
Having those PIDs in hand, you can waitpid() for specific background jobs until there are no more in the table, or you can waitpid(-1) to collect
any and every job, in a loop, until there are no more background jobs in the table.
If you want to implement background process (and job control) and catch their termination (at least) you must set a signal handler for SIGCHLD, and call wait(-1) inside it. This will let your shell receive asynchronous notifications of background processes termination. You may have a look at Catching SIGCHLD for example and discussion about this.

priority control with semaphore

Suppose I have a semaphore to control access to a dispatch_queue_t.
I wait for the semaphore (dispatch_semaphore_wait) before scheduling a block on the dispatch queue.
dispatch_async(queue){ //do work ; dispatch_semaphore_signal(semaphore); }
Suppose I have work waiting in several separate locations. Some "work" have higher priority than the other "work".
Is there a way to control which of the "work" will be scheduled next?
Additional information: using a serial queue without a semaphore is not an option for me because the "work" consist of its own queue with several blocks. All of the work queue has to run, or none of it. No work queues can run simultaneously. I have all of this working fine, except for the priority control.
Edit: (in response to Jeremy, moved from comments)
Ok, suppose you have a device/file/whatever like a printer. A print job consists of multiple function calls/blocks (print header, then print figure, then print text,...) grouped together in a transaction. Put these blocks on a serial queue. One queue per transaction.
However you can have multiple print jobs/transactions. Blocks from different print jobs/transactions can not be mixed. So how do you ensure that a transaction queue runs all of its jobs and that a transaction queue is not started before another queue has finished? (I am not printing, just using this as an example).
Semaphores are used to regulate the use of finite resources.
Concurrency Programming Guide
The next step I am trying to figure out is how to run one transaction before another.
You are misusing the API here. You should not be using semaphores to control what gets scheduled to dispatch queues.
If you want to serialize execution of blocks on the queue, then use a serial queue rather than a concurrent queue.
If different blocks that you are enqueuing have different priority, then you should express that different priority using the QOS mechanisms added in OS X 10.10 and iOS 8.0. If you need to run on older systems, then you can use the different priority global concurrent queues for appropriate work. Beyond that, there isn't much control on older systems.
Furthermore, semaphores inherently work against priority inheritance since there is no way for the system to determine who will signal the semaphore and thus you can easily end up in a situation where a higher priority thread will be blocked for a long time waiting for a lower priority thread to signal the semaphore. This is called priority inversion.

How to figure out if mule flow message processing is in progress

I have a requirement where I need to make sure only one message is being processed at a time by a mule flow.Flow is triggered by a quartz scheduler which reads one file from FTP server every time
My proposed solution is to keep a global variable "FLOW_STATUS" which will be set to "RUNNING" when a message is received and would be reset to "STOPPED" once the processing of message is done.
Any messages fed to the flow will check for this variable and abort if "FLOW_STATUS" is "RUNNING".
This setup seems to be working , but I was wondering if there is a better way to do it.
Is there any best practices around this or any inbuilt mule helper functions to achieve the same instead of relying on global variables
It seems like a more simple solution would be to set the maxActiveThreads for the flow to 1. In Mule, each message processed gets it's own thread. So setting the maxActiveThreads to 1 would effectively make your flow singled threaded. Other pending requests will wait in the receiver threads. You will need to make sure your receiver thread pool is large enough to accommodate all of the potential waiting threads. That may mean throttling back your quartz scheduler to allow time process the files so the receiver thread pool doesn't fill up. For more information on the thread pools and how to tune performance, here is a good link: