VisualVM doesn't export percents in snapshots - visualvm

When I click on Save icon and then on "Export Forward Calls" after CPU sampling in VisualVM to export it to a CSV file, the percents aren't exported. Is it a bug of VisualVM?
Here is the excerpt from an exported CSV file:
org.springframework.aop.framework.CglibAopProxy$DynamicAdvisedInterceptor.intercept ()","657,197 ms (-0%)","635,884 ms (-0%)","4"
And here is the screenshot of the corresponding area in VisualVM window:
As can be seen the CSV contains 2 times -0%, but the VisualVM window contains 70% and 99.8%


Dymola converting output files to sdf - doesn't work for large files?

After simulation is finished Dymola runs dsres2sdf.exe to convert the results to sdf-format (if that option is enabled in the simulation setup output tab).
Usually this runs smoothly but sometimes it generates a sdf file that is very small (800 Byte) and empty.
Starting the dsres2sdf.exe manually from command line generates the same empty file.
I suspect that happens if the *.mat-File is very large (>1 GB)
Anybody has any clue how to get a proper sdf-File?
The SDF Editor and the SDF libraries for Python and MATLAB can read Dymola result files (*.mat) transparently (as if they were SDFs) and allow you to save them as *.sdf.
For example with Python:
import sdf
# load the Dymola result file
data = sdf.load('DoublePendulum.mat')
# re-save as SDF'DoublePendulum.sdf', data)

How to load a CSV file from the Mayavi GUI?

I know how to read the CSV into numpy and do it from a Python script, and that is good enough for my use case.
But since it has a GUI with data loading functionality, I was expecting it would just work for such an universal data format.
So I tried to go on the menu:
Load data
Open file
but when I select a simple CSV file:
i=0; while [ "$i" -lt 10 ]; do echo "$i,$((2*i)),$((4*i))"; i=$((i+1)); done > main.csv
which contains:
an error popup shows on the GUI:
No suitable reader found for file /home/ciro/main.csv
Google led me to this interesting file in the source tree: but that just looks like an example of how to do it from a script.
Tested in Mayavi 4.6.2.
From the documentation
One needs to have some data or the other loaded before a Module or Filter may be used. Mayavi supports several data file formats most notably VTK data file formats. Alternatively, mlab can be used to load data from numpy arrays. For advanced information on data structures, refer to the Data representation in Mayavi section.
I've tested importing using the GUI on a Asus Laptop Intel CoreTM i7-4510U CPU # 2.00 GHz with 8 GBs de RAM, using Windows 10, both in and out of a Python virtualenv and always got the same problem:
It all points to CSV files not being directly supported, so had to find another workaround.
My favorite was to use a virtual environment and install on it mayavi, jupyterlab, PyQt5 and Pandas.
Then, using PowerShell, start a Jupyter notebook (jupyter notebook) > Upload > Select the .csv. This imported a 1,25 GBs (153543233 rows x 3 columns) .csv in around 20s, which then became available for usage.

assimp issue exporting model textures

I'm trying to export via assimp command line tool two models: one from .fbx (2013) and one from .lwo both to .obj file format.
However I'm not able to extract the textures from the original files.
The command that I perform is:
assimp export OUTPUT_FILE.obj -cts, -gsn, -jiv, -icl, -lbw, -rrm, -slm, -tri, -guv, -sbpt, -fd, -fiv, -fi, -vds -om
The model are:
previously converted to the .fbx 2013 file format via FbxConverterUI
At the moment we do not export the embedded textures as far as I know. We opened an issue to get this fixed.

How can I create an output as csv file in HP Exstream?

Hi I am new to HP Exstream. Trying to create an output in csv instead of pdf.
In the document could not find any indication. Please help
HP Exstream is used to generate output in AFP, PDF, HTML, PCL, etc. It doesnt support generating CSV as a output/output queue.
But, under "Data file" of an "Application" a report file can be generated. This report file can be delimited file. You can add any delimiter you want.

Make Summary Report Jmeter output in CSV what it shows in table

The Filename given to store the results of Jmeter Summary report should (as I understand) store the same info I see on the screen . But instead it stores a short response of the HTTP request sent like this :
<httpSample t="72" lt="66" ts="1305479685437" s="true" lb="login" rc="200" rm="OK" tn="Virtual users 1-1" dt="text" by="12978">
I defined the Filename as a .csv file
Any idea how to turn it into a replica of the screen Summary report ( sample, average, Min, Max,Std.Dev etc) ?
To make a summary report of the JMeter output you need to do the following:
Make sure that in the file the 'Results file configuration' is not in comment and all the fields you want to use are marked as true as shown below.
# Results file configuration
# This section helps determine how result data will be saved.
# The commented out values are the defaults.
# legitimate values: xml, csv, db. Only xml and csv are currently supported.
# true when field should be saved; false otherwise
# assertion_results_failure_message only affects CSV output
# legitimate values: none, first, all
Then configure the Summary Report by clicking on Configure button.
It's possible, if you want to turn it into a replica of the screen Summary report ( sample, average, Min, Max,Std.Dev etc) just click the Save Table Data button and then save it as .csv format.
You will get .csv file like this :
Jp#gc has command-line tool for exporting jmeter reports to csv. Feed saved jtl file to it and use Aggregate report mode.
See. JMeterPluginsCMD Command Line Tool docs for help