Sabre BFM V4 response not showing only First Class flights as specified - api

`I am using Sabre BFM V4 to search for flights and I want to display only First Class flights in the response. However, the response is currently showing all flight classes, including Economy and Premium Economy.
Here is an example of the request I am making:
"OTA_AirLowFareSearchRQ": {
"TravelPreferences": {
"CabinPref": [
"Cabin": "F",
"PreferLevel": "Only"
I have confirmed that there are First Class flights available in the database, and I have specified the preferred cabin class and preference level in the request. However, I am still not getting the desired results.
Is there anything I am missing or doing wrong in my request? How can I make sure that only First Class flights are displayed in the response?
In the example request, the user is trying to specify a preference for First Class flights only using the Sabre BFM V4 API. The request sets the "Cabin" parameter to "F" to indicate First Class and the "PreferLevel" parameter to "Only" to indicate that only flights with First Class cabins should be displayed.
The user is expecting the response to only show flights with First Class cabins, but is currently getting a response that includes all flight classes.
The user is seeking assistance to determine what is causing the unexpected result and how to correct it to achieve the desired outcome of only showing First Class flights.`


REST GET mehod: Can return a list of enriched resources?

I have a doubt when I'm designing a REST API.
Consider I have a Resource "Customer" with two elements in my server, like this:
name : "Mary",
description : "An imaginary woman very tall."
name : "John",
description : "Just a guy."
And I want to make an endpoint, that will accept a GET request with a query. The query will provide a parameter with a value that will make an algorithm count how many occurrences for this text are there in all of its parameters.
So if we throw this request:
GET {baseURL}/customers?letters=ry
I should get something like
name : "Mary",
description : "An imaginary woman very tall.",
count : 3
name : "John",
description : "Just a guy.",
count : 0
Count parameter can not be included in the resource scheme as will depend on the value provided in the query, so the response objects have to be enriched.
I'm not getting a list of my resource but a modified resource.
Although it keeps the idempotent condition for GET Method, I see it escapes from the REST architecture concept (even the REST beyond CRUD).
Is it still a valid endpoint in a RESTful API? or should I create something like a new resource called "ratedCustomer"?
REST GET mehod: Can return a list of enriched resources?
TL;DR: yes.
Longer answer...
A successful GET request returns a representation of a single resource, identified by the request-target.
The fact that the information used to create the representation of the resource comes from multiple entities in your domain model, or multiple rows in your database, or from reports produced by other services... these are all implementation details. The HTTP transfer of documents over a network application doesn't care.
That also means that we can have multiple resources that include the same information in their representations. Think "pages in wikipedia" that duplicate each others' information.
Resource identifiers on the web are semantically opaque. All three of these identifiers are understood to be different resources
We human beings looking at these identifiers might expect /A?enriched to be semantically closer to /A than /B, but the machines don't make that assumption.
It's perfectly reasonable for /A?enriched to produce representations using a different schema, or even a different content-type (as far as the HTTP application is concerned, it's perfectly reasonable that /A be an HTML document and /A?enriched be an image).
Because the machines don't care, you've got additional degrees of freedom in how you design both you resources and your resource identifiers, which you can use to enjoy additional benefits, including designing a model that's easy to implement, or easy to document, or easy to interface with, or easy to monitor, or ....
Design is what we do to get more of what we want than we would get by just doing it.

How can I get and use the properties I need from this GraphQL API using Dart?

Before you start reading: I have looked at the GraphQL documentation, but my usecase is so specific and I only need the data once, and therefore I allow myself to ask the community for help on this one to save some time and frustration (not planning to learn GraphQL in the future)
I am a CS student developing an app for Flutter on the side, where I need information about the name and location of every bus stop in a specific county in Norway. Luckily, there's an open GraphQL API for this (API URL: The thing is, I don't know how to query a GraphQL API, and I do not want to spend time learning it as I am only going to fetch the data once and be done with it.
Here's the IDE for the API:
And this is the exact query I want to perform as I want to fetch bus stops located in the county of Trondheim:
stopPlace(stopPlaceType: onstreetBus, countyReference: "Trondheim") {
name {
... on StopPlace {
quays {
geometry {
The problem with this query though, is that I don't get any data when passing "Trondheim" to the countyReference (without countyReference I get the data, but not for Trondheim). I've tried using the official municipal number for the county as well without any luck, and the documentation of the API is rather poor... Maybe this is something I'll have to contact the people responsible for the API to figure out, which shouldn't be a problem.
But now back to the real problem - how can I make this query using the GraphQL package for Dart? Here's the package I'm planning to use: (
I want to create a bus stop object for each bus stop, and I want to put them all in a list. Here is my bus stop model:
class BusStop with ChangeNotifier {
final String id;
final String name;
final LatLng location;
When it comes to authentication, here's what the documentation says:
This API is open under NLOD licence, however, it is required that all consumers identify themselves by using the header ET-Client-Name. Entur will deploy strict rate-limiting policies on API-consumers who do not identify with a header and reserves the right to block unidentified consumers. The structure of ET-Client-Name should be: "company - application"
Header examples: "brakar - journeyplanner" "fosen_utvikling - departureboard" "norway_bussekspress - nwy-app"
Link to API documentation:
Would be great to know how I should go about this as well! I'm grateful for every answers to this, I know I am being lazy here as of learning GraphQL, but for my usecase I thought it would take less time and frustration by asking here!
Getting the query right
First of all you seem to have GraphQL quite figured out. There isn't really much more to it than what you are doing. What queries an API supports depends on the API. The problem you seem to have is more related to the specific API that you are using. I might have figured the right query out for you and if not I will quickly explain what I did and maybe you can improve the query yourself:
stopPlace(stopPlaceType: onstreetBus, municipalityReference: "KVE:TopographicPlace:5001") {
name {
... on StopPlace {
quays {
geometry {
So to get to this I started finding out more about "Trondheim" bei using the topographicPlace query.
topographicPlace(query: "Trondheim") {
name {
parentTopographicPlace {
name {
If you do that you will see that "Trondheim" is not a county according to the API: "topographicPlaceType": "municipality". I have no idea what municipality is but the is a different filter for this type on the query that you provided. Then putting "Trondheim" there didn't yield any results so I tried the ID of Trondheim. This now gives me a bunch of results.
About the GraphQL client that you are using:
This seems to be an "Apollo Client" clone in Dart. Apollo Client is a heavy piece of software that comes with a lot of awesome features when used in a frontend application. You probably just want to make a single GraphQL request from a backend. I would recommend using a simple HTTP client to send a POST request to the GraphQL API and a JSON body (don't forget content type header) with the following properties: query containing the query string from above and variables a JSON object mapping variable names to values (only needed if you decide to add variables to your query.

extending a resource endpoint with extra data?

Is it generally a bad idea to optionally extend a resource endpoint with additional data pertaining to the requested resource?
GET /post/:id/ - retrieve a single post
Example Response
id : 1
title : 'Hello world',
body : 'Testing'
GET /post/:id/?includeMeta=1 - retrive a single post with additional meta data
Example Response
id : 1
title : 'Hello world',
body : 'Testing',
meta : {
url : '',
customMetaKey : 'some value'
It depends on whether these extra values belong to the main resource or not. In your case, if they belong to the resource named "Post" then it's perfectly acceptable. In fact, you can use an approach named "Partial Responses", that was first used by Google. In this case, you have to add a special QueryString attribute named "fields" like the example below.
GET /post/:id/?fields=metadata,field2,field3,association(field1,field2)
In this queryString you can add all fields you want returned in the response, including the associations. Take a look at the article below to learn more about Partial Responses:
In the other hand, if these extra values don't belong to the main resource then I think it doesn't make any sense. If a client wants those values then it has to ask it to the resource that owns it.

Instagram API error

I using Instagram API to get user info
api = InstagramAPI(access_token=access_token)
profile = api.user(user_id="kallaucyahoocojp") # I try to put output data to profile variable here
And I get the below error:
DownloadError: Unable to fetch URL:'1191812153.f78cd79.d2d99595c79d4c23a7994d85ea0d412c', {u'username': u'kallaucyahoocojp', u'bio': u'\u30c4\u30a4\u30c3\u30bf\u30d5\u30a9\u30ed\u30ef\u30fc\u5897\u52a0\u30b5\u30fc\u30d3\u30b9', u'website': u'http://twitter\u30d5\u30a9\u30ed\u30ef\', u'profile_picture': u'', u'full_name': u'Kallauc', u'id': u'1191812153'})
Can anybody help me to fix it?
You need to pass the numeric-based user id, rather than the username. For example, instead of passing kallaucyahoocojp, you might pass 1234 if t
Here's how to get the ID if you don't have it:
Search for the instagram user id using this endpoint. In the python api:
api.user_search(q="kallaucyahoocojp", count=100)
Check the results for an exact string match on each user name while iterating through the results (calling .lower() to be sure to ignore potential case issues).
If you don't find the user in the first page of results, call to the next page using the max id returned.
Get the user id object from the returned from the matching users search result, then call your original function again with the numeric id.
A couple of very important notes:
Notice that I called the search function for users with a count of 100. You can pick any number, but contrary to other SO posts, the first user is not always the user you want in a search. The search can and will match partials, and not always according to an exact match first. How do I know? I have production instagram apps. I will qualify and say that usually the results are in the first 2-3 matches. Decide what is cheaper; repeated API calls that bring you closer to the limit, or 1 large bulk call where you are certain to get all the results.
The python Instagram API last I checked does a terrible job returning paging information. You actually get the paging URL which defeats the purpose of the python API itself to get additional pages. Your options are extract the next id parameter from the URL using urlparse or something similar, or fix the API to return the paging data as an object per the json (I've done both). What happens is the API itself is discarding part of the json and only giving you the URL which normally you don't want/need.
In your example, here's the search response:
"meta": {
"code": 200
"data": [
"username": "kallaucyahoocojp",
"bio": "ツイッタフォロワー増加サービス",
"website": "http://twitterフォロワー.jp",
"profile_picture": "",
"full_name": "Kallauc",
"id": "1191812153"
Revising your call:
api = InstagramAPI(access_token=access_token)
profile = api.user(user_id="1191812153")
I should note that you may not need to call the user call if you did a search because you may simply have all the info you need. It will depend on what you are doing of course, so I am giving you the general method to use the rest of the user api.
For extracting profile info using Instagram API, userid is required.
The endpoint for extracting userID:[username]&access_token=[HERE]
The endpoint for extracting profile info:[userid]/?access_token=[HERE]
Note that before extracting information, check the login permissions for your access token.

Can't understand some basic REST stuff

Suppose my model is:
I have a collection /users/
I want the Users to be retrieved by /users/{id} and not /users/${nickname}, because in some more complex cases, there could be no "logical unique constraint".
So the basic JSON payload I could use is for exemple:
id: 123,
nickname: 'someUserName'
Nothing fancy here.
POST on /users/
As far as I know, an user as an identifier. It is part of the resource representation, so it should be in the payload (?).
Put what if I want to generate the ID myself on the backend, using a DB sequence for exemple?
Then my payload becomes:
nickname: 'someUserName'
Is this appropriate?
What is supposed to be the output of this POST? Nothing? Just a header referencing the resource location, including the ID?
GET on /users/id
When we get the resource, we load its content as JSON:
id: 123,
nickname: 'someUserName'
PUT on /users/id
As far as I know, the payload used on this method is supposed to "override" the resource content. If we wanted partial updates, we would have used PATCH.
But what if I do:
PUT /users/123
id: 456,
nickname: 'someUserName'
Does this mean that we want to update the id of a resource?
Isn't it kind of redundant to use the id in both the URI and the payload?
Actually I don't really know how to handle the id.
I don't know if I am supposed to use the same resource representation in all POST / PUT / DELETE operations.
I don't know if the id should be part of the unique(?) resource representation.
But if the id is not part of the representation, then when I list the users, using GET /users/, if the ids are not returned, then I don't know how the client can get the user ids...
Can someone help me? :)
First of all
It is not REST if you don't use HATEOAS
I hope you understand this, I'll come back to that at the very end.
POST on /users/
It perfectly ok to not use an ID in the POST payload. If an ID is present react with an error message, so developers understand they are doing wrong.
Therefore only the nickname as a payload is perfectly valid if you don't have anything else in your user resource
The output of your server should include three important things:
HEADER: A status code indicating success or failure (usually 201 Created)
HEADER: The location of the newly created resource (just Location: /path/to/resource)
BODY: A representation of the created resource. Give back a complete payload like on a GET!
perfectly valid
your analysis regarding PUT/PATCH matchs the spec, the new resource should be identical to the payload meaning the user wishes to change the id if it differs. if a payload contains values which shouldn't be changed (like the ID) you have two possibilities:
Ignore the ID in the payload
Return an error
In both cases inform the user about what you did and what went wrong. I prefer to send/get a 400 Bad Request. If a privileged user could change the ID but the particular user can't an 403 Forbidden may be more appropriate.
Also make sure to document your APIs behaviour. You may allow the ID to be omitted in your API. Don't forget to treat IDs given in a POST payload in a consistent way!
Overall questions
REST operates over Resources.
/users/ is an example for an collection of resources
/users/{id} is an example for a single resource
You should always use the exact same representation in each and every response. If for some reason it is more appropriate to give only a snippet of the information add metadata (link) pointing to the full resource representation.
The ID is always present except in the first POST request of an user.
POST implies that the future location of the resource is not known and has to be provided by the server.
This also means that GET /users/ should return the IDs for each resource.
As always in APIs return strict and be forgiving in requests. document your behaviour so users can learn.
The true beauty of REST comes to daylight if you implement HATEOAS (Hypermedia As The Engine Of Application State). Part of this means that you should sugar your representations with useful tag/link combinations. This way clients never have to construct an url anymore.
An Example using HAL for your user representation would be:
"_links:" {
"self": { "href": "http://yourrest/users/123" }
"id": "123"
"nickname": "someUserName"
A nice wrapup of using HAL was written by Matthew Weier O'Phinney in his blog when he developed a ZF2 REST Module (first entry is completly zf free, only explaining HAL).
I'm interpreting your descriptions as saying that the id is not part of the resource, it's a unique identifier of the resource. In that case, it should not be part of the payload for any operation.
POST /users with payload {"nickname": "somebody"} would create a new resource with a URL returned in the Location header. That URL would presumably look like /users/123 but from the client's point of view there's no reason to expect that. It could look like /something/else/entirely.
GET /users/123 would (assuming that URL was returned by an earlier POST) return the payload {"nickname": "somebody"}.
PUT /users/123 would (with the same assumption as above) replace the resource with the payload you send with the PUT, say {"nickname": "somebody else"}.
If you want the client to be able to name a resource, then you'd also let PUT /users/123 create a new resource with that URL.
I know of no common RESTful way to rename a resource. I suppose a POST with the old URL as part of the query part or the body would make sense.
Now, suppose I'm wrong and you do want id to be part of the resource itself. Then every payload would include it. But from the client's point of view, there should be no assumption that "id": 123 implies that the URL would be /users/123.
Finally, all of this is from a fairly purist point of view. There is value to thinking of URLs as the only real identifier of a resource, but it's not awful to break that rule and have the client use logic to create the URLs.