Transactions Firing when tab loses focus - vuejs2

Using the Sentry Javascript SDK in a Vue web application, I am trying to log a user interaction.
The transaction should begin when the page being monitored is loaded and end when the user presses a Continue button.
I am calling Sentry.startTransaction when the page is loaded and .finish() on the created transaction object after user presses the continue button.
This works great in all scenarios except if the user switches tabs while this interaction is being monitored. If the user switches tabs after page loads but before pressing the continue button, Sentry immediately sends the transaction in a network request to be logged. The code calling .finish() is not executed, it appears to be a native Sentry behavior to auto-close all transactions when the tab loses focus.
If the user returns to the page and completes the interaction by pressing the button, the code calling .finish() is executed but Sentry does not make a network request to log the interaction.
Is this behavior a setting with Sentry?
I have searched for Sentry documentation explaining this "tab loses focus" behavior but have found nothing. I would expect that custom defined transactions using Sentry can be monitored whether or not the tab is in focus.


How do i reset Safari 12 beforeunload events after pressing "Leave Page" without refreshing?

I have a webpage with a form on it, and a beforeunload event.
When the page first loads, if the form is changed, a confirmation message appears on both Safari and Chrome.
In Chrome - if i press "leave page" and then return to the page, future changes keep invoking the conformation upon attempt to leave the page.
In Safari - if i press "leave page" and then return to the page, future changes to the form don't invoke the message when leaving the page, and the target page is loaded without problems.
If i refresh the page, the confirmation "resets".
I develop using Oracle Apex 5.1, but according to different forums this happens regardless of the platform:
Can you help me find a workaround?
Can i "Reset" safari without refreshing the page?

What event is triggered whenever the app is dragged back into the current window?

I'm struggling with the activation lifecycle for my app. I just want to save the state for the current page whenever the app is hidden or whenever the user navigates to a different page. Conversely, I want to restore the state whenever the user launches my app or navigates back to that page.
In the following case, I detect that the app was made hidden so I store the page's state, but I never get notified that the app was reactivated so I can restore the state:
(on surface)
1. launch app
2. press start
3. drag app from left edge of screen and drop it back into focus
I was hoping the Resuming event would do it, but no. Which event should I use?
For the whole app, check Window.Activated, for individual pages you can use Page.OnNavigatedFrom / Page.OnNavigatedTo.

Dismiss dialog coming from outside my application

In my application I perform an operation which causes an internal Android app to pop up AlertDialog over my application.
Is it possible to somehow dismiss this Dialog programmatically? Unfortunately I can't find the access to this Dialog object.
I've tried overriding onCreateDialog() method in my Activity, but as my Activity is not an originator of Dialog window, this method is not being called when it pops up.
I was also thinking about getting list of all objects that appear on the screen, but I assume there's no such method?
To my understanding you are doing something that is requiring some user interaction, like bluetooth pairing, in which case this Dialog is brought up by the system... possibly (System Dialog) which is not controlled by you. To solve this...
One thing you can try is:
Intent closeDialog = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS);
public static final String ACTION_CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS
Added in API level 1 Broadcast Action: This is broadcast when a user
action should request a temporary system dialog to dismiss. Some
examples of temporary system dialogs are the notification window-shade
and the recent tasks dialog.
Constant Value: "android.intent.action.CLOSE_SYSTEM_DIALOGS"

Slow Response After Clicking Button in VB.NET

I have created a windows form on a Windows Mobile 6.5 application. This screen has a username and password field and a login menu button. After clicking the button, it takes my click event for the login button 6 or 7 seconds to reach the first line of code (an alert). It takes that long to reach the breakpoint as well.
I've tried:
changing the menu button to a login button
using AddHandler in my formLoad event
...and have still not gotten a fast response. What else could be slowing this down?
This delay seemed to happen the first time any button was clicked on the application. The only way I could get this delay to not occur was to force a dummy button click of the login button on load of the application. The delay causes the application to load a little bit longer, but at least that delay won't occur when the user clicks the button.

Application hangs on clicking "Choose" button in IKPictureTaker view

I am facing a strange hang issue with IKPictureTaker and on clicking a "Choose" button. I am doing below operation using IKPictureTaker.
When a user wants to change a profile picture, upon clicking "Change Image" button, I display a IKPictureTaker view along with "Choose" button by setting IKPictureTakerAllowsFileChoosingKey to YES.
First time on clicking the "Choose" button, open panel will be displayed allowing user to select an image of his choice.
Next, on clicking the "Set" button, internally I am calling a profile picture upload function of a server in a separate thread and everything works great.
Next if the user tries to do the operation 1) and 2) again application hangs on clicking the "Choose" button.
After investigation I found that this issue is something to do with the background upload operation I am doing with the server.Because if I comment the upload part of code everything looks good.
I don't see any issues with the upload operation performed in the separate thread and it gives up it s runloop once it is done with its upload operation and all UI related operations again taken care in the main thread.
Application hangs only if I click on the "Choose" button. If I select the recent pictures or take a new photo using the camera everything works great.
Is there anyone who faced the same issue? Is it something to do with the NSOpenPanel displayed when we click on the "Choose" button?