Which API I should use if want to login from own website to play xbox XSAPI or REST? - api

I'm working on website where I want create tournaments and user will login and participate.
I want to track all the participated users data to announce the winner.
I'm confused which API will be helpful to develop such website kindly guide or provide any blog post
thanks you.


LinkedIn: Find Profile by VanityName - Approved developer

My team and I are looking to add to our app several features of the Linkedin API that are currently restricted. In order of importance to us:
Find Profile by VanityName
Video UGC Post
We already quite understand that Webhooks and Video UGC Post are REALLY restricted. What about the first one?
In general, how can we get in contact with the right people to get such approvals? Nowhere it is mentioned that we cannot apply, just that it is restricted.
We are very happy to work with Linkedin requirements, whatever they are.
Thibault Drevon,
CTO of bobcaat.
To be able to find profile by VanityName with LinkedIn API you need to become a LinkedIn Partner.
First you need to create an application https://www.linkedin.com/developer/apps
Once you've created an "application" you can then apply to become a LinkedIn partner. To apply go to https://developer.linkedin.com/partner-programs/apply
LinkedIn's Business Development team will review all applications and will endeavour to respond to you within 15 days.

creating instagram posts (video and photos) on behalf of users server side Scheduled

I wanted to create video or picture posts on behalf of an authenticated user (i have their access token after they logged in to my using instagram credentials) on a future time.
For example, user creates a video post tonight, and schedules it to be posted tomorrow at 7AM.
Is this possible?
I know there are companies out there like hootsuite that claim to allow to schedule posts for social media account but i've never used them and i want to create cloud service, so an SDK or API is what I'm looking for.
Their developer portal is very vague so i wanted to ask the community for some direction.
Facebook (owns instagram) has documentation on how to share feed post from your app to instagram, but it still requires the instagram app to open and for the user to tap/click the submit button.
any insights in the right direction is appreciated.

Connecting Dialogflow with Api

Can anyone provide any guidance or have any idea on how to connect Dialogflow with a music streaming API such as Apple Music, Spotify, etc to create playlists with my Agent? I've found some research in these locations to confirm that they do offer this service to developers but I honestly don't know where to begin.
I have visited the developer site for Both AppleMusic and Spotify but it isn't clear on how I implement their code with Dialogflow
My main goal is to have a user be able to tell the Agent "I'm in a good mood" and the agent will respond "That's great! I made you a playlist for your day: (Insert Playlist)".
If you wish to integrate Dialogflow with any service using custom behavior or logic you can do that using fulfillment. With fullfilments you can trigger code on a server that you create which interacts with the service of your choice (in your case Apple Music and Spotify).
In this server you can code whatever you want your bot to do when you user talks to your bot. So when they say "I'm in a good mood", the server will add a playlist to their account and once this is completed you tell Dialogflow what to return to the user. The only thing you have to do is make sure that the server returns a response that Dialogflow can understand.

do I have to handle both google+ API and google play game service to use google play game service?

I'm new to Android and trying to use google play game service for my app.
I found out from Google Developers page that there is a sign in guide in google play game service, but heard that i need to sign in with google+ account to use play game services.
So, my question is "do I need google+ account and also have to develop google+ API on my app to use google play game service?
Sorry my question is pretty messy, though I need help!
Thank you.
Play Games services features that use authenticated calls, such as posting high scores or joining a real-time multiplayer match, use Google+ sign-in. You will need to implement sign-in in your app; check out the docs at:
You can have your game activity extend BaseGameActivity from the sample code and it will do a lots of the work for you.
Usually people refer to the "Google+ API" as the APIs for retrieving social information, like a getting a list of Google+ posts or sharing interactive posts on Google+. The sign-in is the same (it's obviously also using Google+ sign-in), but to use the Google+ API, you would also need to request additional scopes. See:

How to get the social networking profile information through Email Id?

I am working on iphone application.I wanted to get the social networking (facebook,twitter, etc) profile details by giving email id as query. Is there any method to get the profile ?
For Facebook you can try this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/5247066/580173
For twitter this this not possible. You can use oAuth to authenticate the user and get the profile.
For LinkedIn I believe it's also not possible. LinkedIn doesn't communicate the emailaddress anywhere in their API.
See this forum post: https://developer.linkedin.com/thread/1131
I'm assuming that you're wanting to just add the social profile links to a user's profile inside your app...correct? (If you want to actually allow your users to post to their various social media accounts, your best bet is to go ahead and let users sign into each individual account via OAuth.)
If you're looking to get public social info via email address, your free options for a simple solution are pretty limited. Each different social network has its own method, so you'd need to build out a different process to query each social network you want to support. Without more info on which networks you want to support, there are any number of different answers to this question - so I'll just say your best bet is to check out the developer docs of whichever social networks you want to use.
If you're looking for a paid solution, you might try FullContact (full disclosure - I work for them). The Person API pretty much does exactly what you're looking for - pulling all public social media profiles associated with a particular email ID. API docs are here.
However, it is a paid solution, which may not be what you're after.