SQL: How to select data from column that does not end in 'EW'? - sql

I have two identical tables on my web site, one table will show data where a certain column has a variable with the last letters are 'EW'. The code I am using for that is SELECT * FROM dry_mix WHERE note NOT LIKE '%EW';.
What I am trying to do now is fill my other table with data that does not end in 'EW'. I have tried the following code SELECT * FROM dry_mix WHERE note NOT LIKE '%EW'; but that is not working. Can anyone show me the correct way for me to write the code?

The correct syntax in most SQL variants would be:
SELECT * FROM dry_mix WHERE NOT(note LIKE '%EW');


T-SQL: Exclude Columns from a SELECT statement based on string

My overall goal is to create new tables by selecting columns in existing tables with certain patterns/tags in their column names. This is in SQL Server.
For example, I have a common need to get all contact information out of a company table, and into its own contact table.
I haven't been able to find a programmatic approach in SQL to express excluding columns from a SELECT statement based on string.
When looking to options like the COL_NAME function, those require an ID arg, which kills that option for me.
Wishing there was something built in that could work like the following:
Any ideas? Open to anything! Thanks!!
One trick could be to firstly using the following code to get the column names you desire:
select * from information_schema.columns
where table_name='tbl' and column_name like 'FLAG%'
Then concatenate them into a comma-delimited string and finally create a dynamic sql query using the created string as the column names.

PostgreSQL: return row where any column value like variable

I am trying to have the user search for a value in a SQL table, and the user is returned with any row that contains that value. At the moment, I can make it work such that the code is:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE lower('foo') in (lower('col1'),lower('col2'),etc)
However, I would like it to be able to search every column and return any row LIKE 'foo'. For instance,
SELECT * FROM table WHERE (lower('col1'), lower('col2'), etc) like lower('%foo%')
But that doesn't work.
Any suggestions?
I believe you need to use multiple WHERE clauses instead of grouping them all into one statement. Try this:
WHERE lower(col1) like lower('%foo%')
OR lower(col2) like lower('%foo%')
OR etc like lower('%foo%')
You can convert the whole row to a string and then use LIKE on the result of that:
select *
from the_table
where lower(the_table::text) like '%foo%';
the_table::text returns all columns of each row as a comma separated list enclosed with parentheses, e.g. (42,Arthur,Dent). So the above is not 100 identical to a LIKE condition applied on each column - but probably does what you want.

Copy data from one table to another without duplicates based on more then one column comparision

I am stuck in the following query. This was working properly on mySQL but it gives error on MSSQL-2005. The main purpose of the query is to copy data from one table to another without duplicates based on multiple columns comparison from both tables.
I can do this to compare one column for duplication, but I can't do when I compare more then one column for duplication.
Here is my query.
INSERT INTO eBayStockTaking (OrderLineItemID,Qty,SKU,SubscriberID,eBayUserID)
SELECT OrderLineItemID,Qty,SKU,SubscriberID,eBayUserID
FROM tempEBayStockTaking WHERE (OrderLineItemID,SubscriberID,eBayUserID)
Not In (SELECT OrderLineItemID,SubscriberID,eBayUserID FROM eBayStockTaking)
Note: I have been through many similar questions but all in vain.
Rather try NOT EXISTS
Something like
INSERT INTO eBayStockTaking (OrderLineItemID,Qty,SKU,SubscriberID,eBayUserID)
SELECT OrderLineItemID,
FROM tempEBayStockTaking t
FROM eBayStockTaking e
WHERE e.OrderLineItemID = t.OrderLineItemID
AND e.SubscriberID = t.SubscriberID
AND e.eBayUserID = t.eBayUserID)
I know MySQL allows Row Subqueries, nut SQL Server does not allow this.

Inserting a new column into SQL

I have these queries:
FROM dbo.GRAUD_ProjectsByCostCategory
select right(CostCategoryId,14) as CostBreak
from dbo.GRAUD_ProjectsByCostCategory
They work well in that they give me the correct data, but I would like to know how to combine the new column CostBreak into the table of results rather than as a separate query result.
An example of the results I get are as below:
Where I want them in the same table
The data is coming from the same table so you should be able to just add that value to your initial query. You do not even have to perform a join to get it:
SELECT name,
right(CostCategoryId,14) as CostBreak
FROM dbo.GRAUD_ProjectsByCostCategory

SQL LIKE query not working

I'm trying to run the following query against an Oracle DB, but the query is returning 0 records:
select * from TABLE
where upper(FIELD) like '%SEE COMMENT%'
I know this field contains many records with 'See Comment" in it. For example, here is one of the records:
if(Robust_Mean>70,.083*(Robust_Mean^.9),"See Comment"))
I am guessing that the quotation marks in the field are messing the query up, but im not sure how to get around it. Any suggestions?
This works for me:
create table testLike (aCol varchar2(500) );
insert into testLike values('=if(and(Robust_Mean>=20,Robust_Mean<=70),.03*(Robust_Mean+29),
if(Robust_Mean>70,.083*(Robust_Mean^.9),"See Comment"))');
WHERE upper(tl.acol) like '%SEE COMMENT%';
can you recreate?
in your query try this:
select * from TABLE
WHERE UPPER(FIELD) = '=if(and(Robust_Mean>=20,Robust_Mean<=70),.03*(Robust_Mean+29),
if(Robust_Mean>70,.083*(Robust_Mean^.9),"See Comment"))';
see if that comes up with any results
Just realized there were two similarly named fields in this table, and I was choosing the wrong one.