Features and Use Case Diagrams Vs Requirements and Use Cases - oop

According to "Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design", Complex projects involves first finding a feature list -> drawing use case diagrams -> breaking into smaller modules before implementing object oriented design (requirements gathering -> use cases -> OO -> design patterns etc.)
I want to understand, what is the criteria for the size of project when feature lists and use case diagrams should be implemented before finding requirements and writing use cases?
I am particularly interested in how can this knowledge be applied to my real wold problems
Example, I am working on a UI that send instrument commands to the server and displays the response back from the server. I know from customer feedback that the UI should have the following things:
It should be able to let the user select an instrument from available list and send any custom command and display the result
It should be able to let the user select an instrument and a command from available list and display the result (create commands using drag and drops from given lists)
It should be able to have capability of creating macros
Is this UI project small enough to not have steps for gathering features and drawing use case diagrams? Do we go straight to categorizing the asks as requirements and start gathering requirements and writing use cases?
How would one go about breaking down project of this nature to deduce it to its appropriate class diagrams?
I have tried considering the above mentioned asks as features and then tried creating requirements, mainly on the different states that one could have during the life cycle of the UI application but I am still not sure and unable to comprehend the teachings of the books on this project.

I haven't read the book, so I'm not sure what the author(s) of the book really wanted to emphasize here. But I assume that you misinterpreted it.
Without knowing the requirements there is no feature list. If you don't know what is needed then you can't say anything about the system's capabilities.
Gathering requirements is an iterative process. First you gather the high-level requirements in order to be able to start building a mental model about the system. This can help you to start think about the supported features. By sharing your mental model and the exposed feature set of the system with the stakeholder, it initiates the next iteration.
Here you can start talking about actors, user journeys, use cases, etc. These are mainly focusing on the happy paths. As you have more and more iterations you will reach a point where you can start talking about edge and corner cases: What suboptimal cases can we foreseen? What can we do (prevention, detection, mitigation)? How does it affect the system/actors/journeys?...
The better you understand the needs and circumstances, the better the design and implementation of the system could be.
Will we always have high-level and low-level (edge cases and detailed use cases) requirements i.e. we will first need to make use case diagrams and then write individual detailed use cases?
There are a lot of factors which can influence this. Just to name a few:
Is it a system, submodule, or component design?
Is it a green or a brownfield project?
Is the stakeholder experienced enough to know which information matters and which doesn't from the IT project perspecitive?
Does the architect / system designer have previous experience with the same domain?
Does wireframe or mockup exist at project kick-off?
Should the project satisfy special security, legal or governmental regulations?
In short, yes there can be circumstances where you don't need several iterations, but based on my experiences that's quite rare.


How to get non-programmers to understand domain model

When working on a complicated project, many people will involved in the developemnt, over a long time span. Therefore comes the problem of how to get everyone involved to understand the domain model.
When a project is first developed following DDD, it's probably well discussed among all people, and is designed carefully. At this stage it's relatively easy for everyone to understand and agree on the underlying domain model.
However as the project iterated over a longer period, different groups of people may be involved and few people could still hold the full picture. Even if the code is very well maintained, it's hard for non-programmers, including domain expert/ product managers/ testers, to grasp the business rules embeded in the code.
The only way out I could think of, is to keep the documents/umls/graphs well maintained for each changes, and always reflect the underlying model. However I think this is a huge challenge for any non-trival project. And it's very hard to decide how much details need to be included in the document.
Is there any best practice which I could learn from, such that the domain model could be well understood by people, and is also easy to evolve with the product?
Use Behaviour Driven Development (BDD).
BDD is like TDD. But BDD always focuses on testing domain behaviour, and tests are defined using the domain's Ubiquitous Language. All stories/features/scenarios can be written in a structured, human readable form (like this)
And because the tests are tightly coupled to your code, they have to stay in sync (assuming that your team is disciplined in keeping tests up-to-date).
In my experience, this offers the most economical solution for exposing up-to-date domain rules in a moderately readable format.
The most important strategy that comes from the DDD are the Bounded contexts. This corresponds to the (sub)domains in the business. Ideally they should map one to one. So, the first step that should be done is to clearly identify the (sub)domains; this is also the hardest.
Instead of keeping a lot of diagrams with a lot of details that are hard to keep up to date with the project, one should draw a context map.
After this you have already split the problem in pieces that are more manageable. Seeing a context map one could understand the big picture in a manner of minutes.
For each (sub)domain you can keep a list of main business rules. The Task management software (i.e. Jira) could be the single source of truth for these.

OOP - Can a part of the application you are designing also be an actor?

I am studying Object Oriented Design and am using usecases with actors and scenario''s to plan out the application i am trying to build. No specific language yet, just the theory at the moment.
I have come to the point where i have identified and written out the use cases for the users, administrator, owner, etc and also the external systems like the feed generator.
but i have come to realise that my application actually consists of multiple smaller apps. like a data gathering application and a analysis application.
Can/should i use the data gathering and analysis app as an actor in the overall application too?
I can write specific use cases for them, with scenarios etc.
Typically, no.
Actor is an entity that sits outside of the system and produces some action. It gets to the system boundaries, but then all interactions between system components are modeled not as usecases, but as i.e. dynamic diagrams or sequence diagrams.
For the record, I think this approach is flawed and doesn't really help you in building applications. I personally prefer thinking about components and their interactions directly, without forcing the idea of architecture to fit a particular modeling scheme.

Automatisation&Piping of diverse tasks

I am looking for recommendations for a very generic automation/task execution tool. The scope is somewhat between a script, a build system like make and orchestration tools like Ansible or Puppet. The best I can do is describe my rather vague 'requirements' and hope for clues how others have solved these problems. Sorry for the long description, I guess I don't really know what exactly I want he solution to do. I profit from programming answers on SO all the time but I am not entirely sure if my open ended question is acceptable here.
We work as data analysts/system validators in a corporate setting. We perform a range of diverse tasks and interact with lots of ever changing systems. Each little step we do is arguably mundane/easy, but the bigger picture only forms if lots of iterations with slightly different inputs or combinations are repeated. It is a bit like looking for a needle in a hay stack, but the concrete problem is slightly different every time. This makes it hard to use a normal script or automation tool, which require more structure to work. But doing things semi-manual without a big team does not allow us to cover all the analysis/cases we want/need.
To give an applied example: a typical tasks could involve setting up a big calculation in a vendor system, extracting their ASCII output from a web server and parsing it. Then we would suck raw input data from a set of configuration files and data bases. This is piped into some of our home grown replication tools/models living in C++. Then both the system's results and our replication is scanned for interesting outliers (e.g. regression tested) and only this subset is uploaded for human analysts to investigate, nicely presented in an Excel sheet.
We can do all these things easily by hand for a once-off or maybe using ad-hoc tools/scripts. We just can't do it repeatedly for ever so slightly different settings. We seem to need a library for 'common tasks' that are just specialized by some few inputs (e.g. task it to download a time series and scan for outliers - parameters would be db access/login and maybe parameters defining what an outlier is in that context). And then I need to chain these tasks together to make complex tasks repeatable and simple to build up from atomic steps.
I have not found anything really do something like this. There seems to be specialist scripting or tools for each niche available, but not something combining all the different tasks I need to perform.
I have been so far toying on and off with a minimalist sqlite database which controls a set of python 'scripts'/wrappers. These scripts take input parameters from the data base, and they are chained/piped based on the database. The scripts write their results back to the database, mostly as plain text and floats/ints. This kind of db interface is very error prone and complicated for humans; the idea is to have (template) scripts writing (concrete/parametrised) scripts to the db for execution, like rolling itself out before executing. Not sure if this is a smart idea, but the db is driving the scripts, without much interacting among these building block script; rather than having the conventional bunch of scripts calling each other and dumping some data into db as an after thought. So far we have lots of separate wrappers (scripts) to talk to all the systems and do the work, what is really missing is something tying it all together an controlling it.
I am interested (obviously) more in data/flow transparency, repeatability and chaining mini-programs together to bigger units, rather than speed or scaling to larger data sets. All the heavier lifting is either done in the systems we interact with, or it is delegated to C++ called from these python scripts. This is not a production system with more stability and fixed goals but rather a flexible analysis/investigation helper.
I really hope someone here has previously run into exactly that problem severely limiting our productivity, and we can just piggy back off your solution or ideas.
I would suggest that you consider staf (Software Test Automation Framework). It's open source, distributed, and cross-platform. It will run just about any task on just about any platform. It has a variety of plugin "Services" available for specific purposes, or you can create your own custom Service. You can also extend the functionality through scripting (jython) It's also well documented and reasonably well supported through user forums by IBM.

BPMS or just plain programming?

What do you prefer (from your developer's point of view) when it comes to implement a business process?
A Business Process Management System (BPMS) or just your favorite IDE with the needed tools and frameworks (a reporting tool for example)?
What is from your point of view the greatest Benefit of a BPMS compared to an IDE with your personal tools and frameworks?
OK. Maybe I should be more specific... I got to know one specific BPMS which should make it easy to implement a business process by configuring rules. But for me as a developer it is hard to work with the system. I would like to work with text files which I can refactor and I would like to be able to choose the right technology or framework for the job I have to do. Instead the system forces me to configure.
There are rules where I can use java, but even then I have to stick to the systems editor without intellisense etc.
So this leads me to the answer of my own question - I would like to use the tools I am used to instead of having to learn how to work with a BPMS (at least the one I know) because it limits me more than it helps. The BPMS I know is a framework from which it is hard to escape! At this time, I would prefer a framework like Grail over any BPMS I know.
So maybe the more specific question is: do you feel the same or are there BPMSes which support you in beeing a developer and think like a developer or do most of them force you to do your job a different way?
In my experience the development environments provided by BPMS systems are third rate, unproductive, and practically force you to write hard to maintain, poorly designed code (due to their limitations). Almost all the "features" (UI, integrations, etc) provided by the BPMS system I'm familiar with (the one sold by that company named for its database) were not worth the money we paid.
If you're forced to use BPMS, as a developer, my advice would be to build as much of your application in a conventional development environment, such as Java or .Net, build as little as possible in the BPMS environment itself, and integrate the two. The only things that should go in the BPMS is the minimum to make the business process work.
Not sure what exactly you ask, but the choice BPM vs. plain programming will depend on the requirements. A "business process" is a relatively vague term in software engineering.
Here are a few criterion to evaluate your needs:
complexity of the rules - Are the decisions/rules embodied in your process simple, complicated, configurable, hard-coded?
volatility of the process - How frequently does your process change? Who should be able to make the change?
integration need - Is your process realized using multiple heterogenous services, or is all implemented in the same language?
synchronous/asynchrounous - Is your process "long-running" with the need to handle asynchronous actions?
human tasks - Does your process involves human interaction, with task being assigned/routed to people according to their roles/responsibilities?
monitoring of the process - What is the level of control you want on the existing process instances being executed? Do you need to audit the actions, etc. ?
error handling - Depending on the previous points, how do you plan to deal with errors, or retry of faulty process execution?
Depending on the answer to these questions, you may realize that your process is closer to a simple state chart with a few actions and decisions that can be executed in a sequence, or you may realize that you need something more elaborated, and that you don't want to re-implement all that yourself.
Between plain programming and a full-fledge BPM solution (e.g. Oracle BPM suite which contains BPEL, rule engine, etc.), there are intermediate solutions such as jBPM or Windows Workflow Foundation and probably a lot of others. These intermediate solution are frequently good trade-off.
I have worked with Biztalk in the past and more recently with JBPM. My opinion is biased against BPMs for the following reasons:
Steep learning curve : To make a process work, I have to understand how the system and the editor works. It is hard enough for a developer to understand the system, let alone a business user. The drag and drop and visual representation is a great demo tool. It certainly impresses managers (who ultimately pay for it), but a developer's productivity just drops.
Non developers changing the workflow : I haven't seen one BPM solution do it flawlessly. Though it doesn't look like code, right click on the box and you do have to put some code, otherwise it is not going to work. So you definitely need a developer to do it. The best part is that it is neither developer friendly nor business user friendly, just demo user friendly.
Testablity and refactoring : It is virtually impossible to test drive a BPMS. You do have 'unit test frameworks' advertised, but most of them are hacks and hard to use. Recently I tried the JBPM one; I ended up writing a lot of glue code and fake workflow handlers to make it work. The deal breaker for me though is refactoring. If the business radically changes it's mind about how a business process should look, then good luck re-arranging the boxes, because just re-arranging them won't work, all the variables bound to the boxes also need to be re-arranged. I would prefer the power of the IDE and tests to refactor my business process.
If your application has workflow, then you could try a workflow library (with or without persistent state). It will still manage your workflows without all the bloat that comes with a BPM. If a business user needs to understand the code, then let the business prepare good process flowcharts and translate them into good domain driven code. Use cucumber style acceptance tests to make bring the developers and business together. A BPM is just something that tries to do too many things and ends up doing all those things badly.
BPMS-- a lot of common business case, use case are already implemented. So you just have to know how to use it. For common workflow, you don't even need to write a single line of code, though mostly you would have to write some scripts to cover things that are not yet implemented.
Plain programming-- just use the IDE to hack out the code. The positive side: more control. The negative? A lot of times are spent on rewriting boilerplate code. And you have to maintain them.
So in a nutshell, I would prefer a Business Process Management System. One that I would recommend is ProcessMaker. It features an intuitive process designer that allows you to design workflow with drag and drop. And you can always write trigger to extend the process functionalities. It's open source as well.

Where can I find UML diagrams (instead of reinventing the wheel)?

I am currently trying to draw a set of UML diagrams to represent products, offers, orders, deliveries and payments. These diagrams have probably been invented by a million developers before me.
Are there any efforts to standardize the modeling of such common things? Or even the modeling of specific domains (for example car-manufacturing).
Do you know if there is some sort of repository containing UML diagrams (class diagrams, sequence diagrams, state diagrams...)?
There is a movement for documenting (as opposed to standardizing) models for certain domains. These are called analysis patterns and is a term Martin Fowler came up with. He actually wrote a book called Analysis patterns. Also, he has a dedicated section on his website where he presents some of these patterns accompanied by UML diagrams.
Maybe you'll find some inspiration that will help you in modeling your domain. I've stressed the word inspiration as I think different businesses have different requirements although they operate the same domain so the solutions you might read about may not be appropriate for your problem.
There are many tools out there that do both - but they're generally not free!
Microsoft Visio does both and is extensible. For UML artefacts they come with auto generators into VB/Java template code - but you can modify them to auto-generate any code. There are many users of Visio that have created models from which to use as templates.
Artisan Enterprize is by far the most powerful UML tool (but it's not cheap).
Some would argue that Rational Rose or RUP is the better tool
But for Car-Manufacturing and other similar real world modelling, by far the best tool is Mathworks Simulink (not because it's one of the most expensive). It is by far the best tool beccause you can animate the model - you can prove the model working before generating the slik code (in whatever grammar/language/other Models you care to push it)!
You can obtain a student license for around £180; with the 'real thing' pushing £4000 (for car-related artefacts). The full product with all the trimmings is about £15k. Simulink is also extensible with a C like language though there is a .Net addin and APIs to use a plethora of other langhuages. And, just like Visio there is a world-wide forum creating saleable, shareware & freeware real world model templates. Many world-wide Auto-Manufacturers are already using Simulink.
I think that MiniQuark question is really good and will sooner or later be provided by vendors such as Omondo, Rational IBM etc... Users doesn't just need tools, they need models out of the box and just add their business rules inside an existing well defined architecture. Why to develop from scratch a new architecture if the job has already be done ? In Java we use plenty of frameworks, existing methods etc...so why not to go one level higher and reuse architecture ? It is today impossible to guess how a project will evole and new demands are coming every day. We therefore need a stable architecture which has been tested previously and is extensible. I have seen so many projects starting with a nice architecture then realizing in the middle of the project that this is not what is the best and then changing their architecture. Renaming classes, splitting classes, creating packages etc...after the first iteration it is getting a real mess. Could you imagine what we found after 10 iterations !! a total mess !!
This mess would had been avoided if using a predefined model which has been tested previously because the missing class, or package etc..would have already been created and only a class rename would be sufficient for architecture purposes. Adding business rules methods will end the codding stage before deployment test.
I think there is a confusion between patterns and the initial question which is related to UML model re usability.
There is no today any reusable model out of the box which has been developped. This is really strange but the job has never been done or never been shared.
Omondo has tried to launch an initiative without real success. I have heard that they are working on hundred of out of box models which will be open source and given for free to the community. I hope this will be done because this is really important for me and would save me a lot of time at the beginning of a project.