Run babel plugin during bundling time or after bundling - react-native

I have a babel plugin that currently runs pre-bundling and then we use react.gradle on Android to create the js bundle. What I am looking to do is run the same babel plugin during the bundling or post bundling, on the js bundle itself.
Is there a way to do that? Thanks!


Use babel standalone to compile vue project on browser

I'm working on an online-based IDE-like code sandbox. I found browserFS like a library to store files locally but now I want to compile the Vue project to render it on the browser. How to do it with babel standalone inside the browser itself instead of requesting a server? or are there any other solutions?

Does Hermes hide all the JS code in the JS bundle file?

I heard about Hermes, this tool for react native is supposed to make the app faster by converting the JS code into bytecode (Android).
Now my question is: Does this mean that the in the APK file will contain only bytecode instead of JS code ?
That is correct. One of the features of Hermes is that it reduces TTI by moving JS compilation from runtime to app package build time.
You can verify this by inspecting the contents of your APK.

How can I get rid of Bower and use gulp to manage front-end dependencies

I moved all bower dependencies into package.json. The app is using gulp. Gulp can make a bundle file with all js code, but what about js code from node_modules which actually is used on the UI, like angular etc.
So the question actually is:
can I manage "front-end" libraries (which are now in node_modules) by using gulp. If it so, then how I can do this.

How minify html, css and js in keystone js

How minify html, css and js in keystone js
Which build tool used in keystone js?
Where is the config needs to add for build tool.
You can use your own build tools like you can integrate gulp in keystone and define different task like build, test and dev. Run those task as needed. For begining you should visit this link to know how to configure gulp in your project.

Webpack bundles devDependencies instead of peerDependencies when using yarn link

I'm having some trouble with how yarn link works in conjunction with webpack. I'm developing a components library that I'm using in a different application. For development I want to use yarn link to see my components working in my application.
In my components library I have react in peerDependencies and devDependencies because I need react for running tests for instance.
Now when I bundle my application react is bundled twice because webpack resolves react in my components library to its own node_modules instead of the application I'm using it in. This results in a react error saying that react is available twice.
How can I make sure webpack only bundles react once when using yarn link?