How minify html, css and js in keystone js - keystonejs

How minify html, css and js in keystone js
Which build tool used in keystone js?
Where is the config needs to add for build tool.

You can use your own build tools like you can integrate gulp in keystone and define different task like build, test and dev. Run those task as needed. For begining you should visit this link to know how to configure gulp in your project.


Run babel plugin during bundling time or after bundling

I have a babel plugin that currently runs pre-bundling and then we use react.gradle on Android to create the js bundle. What I am looking to do is run the same babel plugin during the bundling or post bundling, on the js bundle itself.
Is there a way to do that? Thanks!

Vue js dev Environment - require rebuild application to see html and css changes

-Hello I am new in Vue, I am building VueJS application in SPA with SFC, I was wondering if there is any way to see html changes without rebuild the application again, changes in all file reflect immediately but changes in html and css required execute npm run dev again.
I use Vue3, js and bootstrap only, I am not using nodejs or typescript.
I need some way to make my changes reflect on html after saving file with out rebuilding the application.

How can I get rid of Bower and use gulp to manage front-end dependencies

I moved all bower dependencies into package.json. The app is using gulp. Gulp can make a bundle file with all js code, but what about js code from node_modules which actually is used on the UI, like angular etc.
So the question actually is:
can I manage "front-end" libraries (which are now in node_modules) by using gulp. If it so, then how I can do this.

nuxt build --spa vs nuxt generate

What is the difference between
nuxt build
nuxt generate
nuxt build --spa
I am trying to compile three different variations:
1. regular nuxt with ssr
2. prerendered spa
3. spa without prerendering
I am struggling to find the appropriate commands for it
As shown in the docs, the above commands correspond to:
nuxt build: Build your application with webpack and minify the JS & CSS (for production).
nuxt generate: Build the application and generate every route as a HTML file (used for static hosting).
The --spa flag doesn't seem to be covered in the docs themselves, however the generator help outlines, without further explanation:
--spa Launch in SPA mode
Given this information, it would seem the following commands should cover your needs, however I haven't tested them myself at the moment:
Regular Nuxt with SSR: nuxt build
Prerendered SPA: nuxt generate
SPA without prerendering: nuxt build --spa
Take all of this with a grain of salt, however, as the Nuxt team is notorious for having out-of-date documentation.

Include VueJS Plugin without Javascript Package Manager

How can I use VueJS plugins if I don't use any Javascript Package Managers (NodeJS, NPM)?
I'm building an app made from a Bootstrap template and Server Side framework in Coldfusion (CFWheels).
I wanted to use some of VueJS's functionality such as two-way data-binding, easier integration of animation using animate.css, etc. I included it via
<script src=""></script>
However, I can't use NPM as the app will be continually be improved and maintained in production.
I wanted to use some VueJS plugin such as VueJS typeahead.
When I include the script, and try the documentation, there are errors in the Javascript like being unable to import, export module, require. I think these are modern Javascript coding style that are not recognized in my setup because I didn't use the NPM and require those polyfills.
Is there a way that I can make those VueJS plugins work? Or if I can just include the polyfills needed and proceed with the plugin documentations so the browser will understand those new JS terms without using NPM or other Javascript Package Manager.