If i made two different components for mobile and desktop in Vue. Should i dynamically import or not? - vuejs2

So, my use-case is something like this. I need you'll advise on this.
We have a component that looks different on mobile vs desktop (completely different).
I'm mounting the component on the basis of window.screen.width < 600px ? <MobileComponent/>: <DesktopComponent/>.
Should I use lazy import or just rely on window.screen.width?
I don't want my client to download unnecessary components.


Does 'individual component importing' practice of a UI framework makes Vue js app perform better?

In case of using UI frameworks (like Bootstrap-Vue, ElementUI or Vuetify, etc.) in our Vuejs application, it's possible to import entire UI framework components & stylesheets from node_modeules in the App.vue(or in the application entry point), or importing a particular ui component in particular Vue file/Component as needed.
The demonstration of these two approches looks like:
For scenerio 1
in App.vue
import BootstrapVue from 'bootstrap-vue'
For scenerio 2
in any particular .vue file
import {BContainer} from 'bootstrap-vue'
So,In case of the first option, does it make the application slower or less performing as all components from UI framework is loading for each route change? Also, its's loading some components that are not needed.
On the other hand, it's quite inconvenient to import each ui component in every .vue file.
So what is the best practice for small or large scale web applications?
Does the practice is same for other JS frameworks/Libraries link React or Angular?
Thanks in advance.
Scenario 1 – register all components globally
All components from the library will be available to use everywhere.
If you change or update the library and some of the component names have changed, you won't get any errors at build time.
Scenario 2 – pick-and-choose specific components locally
Gets annoying to have to import each component when you want to use it.
Only components that are actually used (imported) will be included in the bundle (if using webpack or something similar). Results in a smaller bundle size.
It is clearer to look at the template and know where each component comes from. If you have lots of globally-defined components then there is no clear link between a component and where it came from.
If you change or update the library and some of the component names have changed, you will get build errors due to missing modules.
So,In case of the first option, does it make the application slower or less performing as all components from UI framework is loading for each route change? Also, its's loading some components that are not needed.
It does make a difference when you are importing the entire package globally. Also it won't reload the package for every route change as you have the import inside App.vue. It will be done once when your app is loaded for the first time.
I found this article very helpful on how to optimize loading 3rd party components into vue app.
On the other hand, it's quite inconvenient to import each ui component in every .vue file.
End of the day it all comes to how much of tradeoff your development team is willing to make between optimizing the app and adding multiple lines of import code into individual components.

Nuxt - global components according to layout

I'm developing Nuxt universal application, where I have two layouts one for control panel and one for frond-end UI.
And the thing I need is to register global components, but I need them to be only global for specific layout, couse I dont want to download unnecesary scripts on my front-end app in its bundle.
Is there some way to do that?
According to docs global component's are registered on Vue prototype and will be accessible from any component within created Vue instance. That means, that as long you use single instance, all global registrations (components, filter, mixins, etc) will be shared.
So, the answer is that there is no easy way to do that, specially when Nuxt.js takes care of essential part of webpack configuration and route splitting.
Registering component's locally should be done, in order to optimize performance.
Another recommendation you might want to look at, is that even you optimize loading of components, application will still load all declared store modules, plugins, external libraries, etc. And the most important, from my experience, once automatic deployment has been setup for that application and some changes have to be deployed to control panel - whole site will have to go down for maintenance.
I would consider a good practice to separate front-end and control panel to their own apps, which keeps responsibility separated and is the only way to deliver best optimization to front-end part of application.
Control panel is usually available on a subdomain, but can be configured on the web server as a subfolder, e.g. domain.com/control-panel.
Two step can solve your problem:
make a global_component.js file into plugins directory
then add below code,
import Vue from 'vue'
import your_component from '../your component directory/your_component.vue'
Vue.component('your-component', your_component)
add this js file into Nuxt.config.js plugins block
plugins: ['#/plugins/global_component.js '],
now you can use your component into any template like below
<section class="container">

Approach for "bookmark" layout

I am not pretty sure if in web development this kind of thing is called as a 'bookmark' layout. I'll explain on below screen.
I would like to achieve something like this and missing a knowledge of how to do that. Could someone point me where should I anchore ? I could not find anything in web / probably looking with using bad phrases.
This component would be part of the application, after we push to the router path it's going to display this kind of layout. Basically I could achieve this buy keep pushing a different route for each page, but what if those pages belongs to "one model comoponent" I wouldn't like to reload them all of the time while switching them, just once after we entry to each. It would work like a tab bar in mobile apps (iOS).
In many UI contexts (e.g. browsers, macOS applications, etc.) and in Web Development, what you refer to as "bookmark layout" is simply called tabs (like the iOS tab bar that you also mention).
I wouldn't like to reload them all of the time while switching them
Vue offers you the built-in component <keep-alive> for such use case:
When wrapped around a dynamic component, <keep-alive> caches the inactive component instances without destroying them.
See the Vue guide: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/components-dynamic-async.html#keep-alive-with-Dynamic-Components
When switching between these components though, you’ll sometimes want to maintain their state or avoid re-rendering for performance reasons. […]
To solve this problem, we can wrap our dynamic component with a <keep-alive> element

How to use shopify polaris css components?

I want to use Polaris css components for my shopify app. I have go through their document https://polaris.shopify.com/components/get-started#navigation. As mentioned there I have include their css and html code for a component but some components are not working functionally like Date picker I have put html code on my page but I am not able to change month, select date etc.
I think I have to load js for get that working but I didn't found any js link in their document.
Can you please help me out?
If you are using the CSS-only version, we do not provide any JS. The CSS version is meant for someone who does not want to use React and is willing to write the scripts required for any interactive components. If you are using the React components, you will not find everything; as you've identified, this is not exactly like Bootstrap or similar frameworks. This is a more selective set of components that encompass patterns that have been established for Shopify's own applications. We will probably add more components in the future, though; if there's something you feel is obviously missing, please feel free to leave an issue.

React native and redux global environment variables

I am trying to find the best way to store environment variables such as API and CDN servers DNS.
I saw my other answers, most recommended on one of the following:
Store in global - Don't like it. Hate throwing stuff to global, much rather using proper scopes. Also, seems a bit of an anti-pattern, but if you disagree I'de love to hear your arguments.
Keep the environment data in a separate file, and load current environment from that file - won't work for me as those are dynamic variables that might change (switching to another environment, CDN changes etc.)
Pass it via props - I don't like the idea of passing the config down 7 components whenever I need the CDN to show an image.
Ideally, I would like to have an option to import a lib in different places in the app. Basically something like this:
# when app starts, somewhere in the master container
import envConfig from './envConfig'
# load config from API
API.loadconfig().than((data) => envConfig.setConfig(data))
Then, in other files
import envConfig from './envConfig'
const cdn = envConfig.cdn;
Does that make any sense? is there a better way to achieve the same goal?
How can I make an import module to have a state?
In my project, I had to pass down some global variables so that I can access them anywhere in my app. Here's how I achieved that-
Wrap your application inside a global component like App.
Render children inside that App like this-
{React.cloneElement(this.props.children, { ...this.props.globalState })}
If you're using Navigator in your app, you can pass global variables through the Navigator. Please refer to this file to see how to exactly implement that. It's 4 months old code, please forgive me for that.
Good luck!