Whatsapp cloud api Webhook configuration - api

screenshot of the error along url and token
Error on getting web-hook on Whatsapp cloud api
facebook is not clearly stating the issue with the url and token so i'm confused on what to do right


Unable to get access_token from Twitter api using oauth2.0

I ma trying to get access token from twitter Api to send Direct message but I am keep on getting Something Went wrong message.
I am using correct Client_id and Client_Secret from developer tool.
I am trying on Postman and also using console app but no success
Can someone please help me.
I am excepting to get access token from Twitter API

Sending Emails Securely - https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/

Created a google project in Google Developer Console to have the necessary API credentials.
Configured OAuth2.0 API credentials in OAuth consent screen.
To get the Refresh token and Access token from https://developers.google.com/oauthplayground/
I got Authorization Error - 403 Access Denied when I tried to Authorize API
Authorization Error
Error 403: access_denied
The developer hasn’t given you access to this app. It’s currently being tested and it hasn’t been verified by Google. If you think you should have access, contact the developer (dummyemail#gmail.com).
Learn more
Any suggestions would be great.
Follow the following steps: -
Go to console screen
Select +Add Users
Enter your email in it.
Save it and you are good to go.

This API project is not authorized to use this API when I reload the url

I am trying to use google places api with https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/nearbysearch/json?location=33.8670522,151.1957362&radius=500&key=. I have activated geocoding and geolocation api. When I first open the url, the data is visible but when i reload it I get an error : "This API project is not authorized to use this API."

Why can't I connect to my bot framework using the end point API

Hello I'm currently trying to set up the bot framework from Microsoft, so I can call this from my REST API.
I created the bot framework using the portal from Microsoft and integrated LUIS into it. This part is not the problem, but when I try to call the end API I get 401 unauthorized with the message "BotAuthenticator failed to authenticate incoming request!". I tried this in Postman and CURL and both give the same response.
I've been searching on the web and saw that you need to pass a bearer token in the header. For this I used the login services from Microsoft and successfully got a token from it.
Even with this token in the header I keep getting the same response. I also tried using the bot emulator from Microsoft with the same Microsoft ID and Password, but here it seems to work.
Am I forgetting something important or do I have to change some settings in order to make this work outside the bot emulator?
You usually talk to your bot through one of the available channels and not directly to the bot implementation. If you want to talk to your bot through a REST API, you would need to use the Direct Line API. Did you enable the Direct Line Channel? Please have a look at the samples here - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/bot-service/rest-api/bot-framework-rest-direct-line-3-0-concepts

Receiving 404 while using register3 API.

I am using live account for Yodlee.
How do I proceed to create user using credential I received from Yodlee team and REST api url?
I have used this url.
{MY LIVE REST API URL}/v1.0/jsonsdk/UserRegistration/register3.
But it showing 404 page not found.
I want tutorial to be used to proceed live Yodlee account.
I have tried test drive and felt comfortable with the flow.
If you are using https://rest.developer.yodlee.com/services/srest/restserver/v1.0/ URL then you won't be able to use this API. As this is developer's environment and Yodlee do provides 5 pre-registered users which you can get under Developer Info page(Available once you'll login to www.developer.yodlee.com and click on MyProfile link).
Else if this is not a case and if you have access to Yodlee Customer Care tool then we request to raise a Service Request with the problem description which you are facing.